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( ei.)
Commana& and S aff.
Commands and Staff—contd.
Oolonels iui-adeia' As i.-tant AdJuiant-QeneralB.)
Cooper, Col. H., Cit/.O., i-eo. pay, f/.s.c. ..
Niuu^Uo.i, C 1. J. S , O.B., C.^.a., u.S.O liSeul.U
[t^raded as Assiaiani A 'jut ni-Oene^als.)
Grove, Hun. Bi-ig.-Geu. E. A. W. S., O.iJ.,
i-el. pay, p.s.c... .. .. 120ct.l4
Lee, Bt.-ilaj. (.temp. Col.) A. H., Ess. ol
Oil -
iOraded as A ^r^i-tani Adjutant and Quarter-
Ma ter-Generats.)
Godtr..y. Hon. Brig. (jen. J. W., C.V.O.,
C. ., A.IKC. let. pay,/'.s.c. .. .. 5*iig.l4
Wood, Co H. St.L. .0.6'. ^.,ret. pay.p.s.c. SAug.U
i^Qrad d as Dejjutu Assistant AdiUt
Leo 11, Ma^. A. G., K.A. .. .. .. SAug.H
Hadow, ' J t. K. rt ., re . pay, IiSea.o Off.) 155e|)t.l4
Crai Temp. .vja;. A. T. .. .. .. 2lOet.ll
Hood, Maj. G A. A., Visct.j ret. pay (JRes.
o/Oj.)p.s.c. li .. .. .. 220ct.l4
Grad'd as deputy Assistant Qua tfr-Mastr-Gnirals.
BucKland-COL-kell, iVinp. Cap . A. S. .. 9Sept.l4
Peters, .»iaj. J. A . P., i es. ol OH. .. 12Sept..l4
{Graded as Brigade-Major.)
Kirwan, Maj. B. K., K.A.,sr. .. .. 230ct.l4
(Oradfd a^ Stuff Cap'iitis.^
Cooke, Temp. Capt. A. St. .i.,I>..S.O. .. SAug.U
Wade, Maj. H. A. L. H., 3 Wessex Brii.'.
K.F.A., M ,j. fiet. pay («es. of VU.)
p.s.c. e, Li] ,. 12.Allg.l4
Baird, -aj. J. L., C.M.G., Soo. Horse Yeo. 12Au .i4
Jooelyn, col. J.K..1., ret. pay,p.s.c.,p.o.e., 7St pt.l4
Miileswoith, Col. A. L., ret. pa\ .. .. 7
Wriglit, Lt. Col. E. I;., u. .1. Ind. Army .. 24Scpi.l4
Primruse, Lt. i?on. N. J. A., Bucks. Veo. 2t;8ept..4
( .raded as Sf.aff Lieut nanis.)
Cornwall, Cipt. J. H. M., K. A. tli] .. 6Aug.l4
Bell, Lt. G. U.. 6. Lan. K. .. .. 6Aug. 4
Harrison, Temp. Lt, A. C. G. .. .. 5Aug.l4
Nienolson, Temp. Lt. K. >J. .. ., 6Aug.l4
Buchanan, apt. C. G., 35 Silchs, p." o. .. 9Aug.l4
Ba on, Capt. F. T., ret. p y Uie . of off.) i7Sept.l4
Mctn-ei-Joues, Lt. H. M., lj.t A. Mo.or
Ees. . .. 178ept.l4
Tempietown, Temp. Lt. H. B. M. D. C,
I <■•..• .. .. .. .. 17Sept.l4
Bower, Capt. E. T.''., ret. pay .. .. lnSept.l4
Trev r. Temp. li.M. .. .. ..188 pt.l4
Browne, . t.-Col. L. J., ret. Ind. S. C. .. lB8ept.i4
Filz Henry, Maj. C. B., roi. pay{ii s.o/0#.) 208ept.l4
B..rton, Col. F. C, ret. Ind. Army .. 218ept.l4
Barker, Bt. Col. .I. C, ret. pa>, .s.o. .. 21t<ept.l4
Hobday, Col. J. R.. ei. ind. Army .. 218ept,14
Tampli , i.t.-Coi. H. T., ret. B. Atr. Def.
Furecs.. .. .. .. .. 2lScpt.l4
Bar es. Ma . E., ret. I d. Army .. .. 2iSe])t.l4
Brightsmith, T mp. Capl. S. ,. .. 2lSept.l4-
Boucher, T> mi). I. W. E. .. .. slSept 4
Weir, Bt. Col. H. G., ret. pay .. .. 228ept.l4
Massy, Col. H. S., <\' ., re . Ind. Army .. 23ttept 14
Bttri'ington-Kennett, Hun. Lt.-Col. B. H.
B.,ret. l.asn.a'-A ms) .. .. 22Sept.l4
Birch, Maj. A. W., ret. pay ., .. 2.^Sept.l4
Orms y Go e, Temp. iipt. V. .. .. 25Sepr.l4
Lysaght, Co . A. N., ret. pay .. .. 288ept.l4
Itichar ison, Hon. Lt.-Coi. [TTov.M
A mil) J. M., late North'd Art. .. 26Sept. 4
Caltliorpe, T i- p. ■ apt. S. F., Lo d .. 2(iS pi.l4
Gr enlleld. Temp. I.t. H. S. B. .. .. i7t»ept.I4
Jopp, Lt.-Col. 8. J. M., ret. pay .. .. 2rSept.l4
Burnai.y, Hon. Lt.-Col. E. B. .. .. 2p8ept.l4
Brownlow, Bt. oi. C. B., ret. Ind. Army 3 So, t.i4
Cameron, Temp Lt. J. C. s. ,. .. »-*Seiit.i4
Barnet, Bt. Col. H. H., ret. pay .. 20ct.l4
Alttxandar, Bt. Col. A. de v., D.S.O., r«t.
pny 30et.l4
(Grade* as S'aff Lieutenints)—contd.
Qoldney, Maj. ►. 1 . N.,ret. Ben.-. C. .. 30ct.l4
Palmes, aj. G. r. .S.O. ret. pay .. 30ct.M
» urand. Col. A. G. A.. C.B. C.I.E., ret.
Ind. S. C, p.s.e. ( en -ai-A' -''S) .. 50ct.l4
Perns, Lt.-Col. W. B., u.s.l. Ind. Army .. 70ct.l4
Heygate, Bt. Lt.-Coi. K. H. o. D.S.U.,
rei. pay .. .. .. .. SOct.U
Brownl w, Maj. H. B., ret. pay (ifes. of
OJ.) lOOct.14
Murray, Temp. Capt. J. T. .. .. 150ct.l4
Manset-Jo es, Lt. H M., la e A. Motor
Res. .. .. .. .. .. 150ct.l4
Lelh r.dgH, Capt. SrW. P.O.. Bf., rei.... 160ct.l4
Kenny, lit. Col G. B.., r-l. lud. Army .. 2 Oct 14
o'8ullivan, ol H. u. W.,-ei. p y .. 240ci.l4
Stre te 1, Lt.-Col. A. D., ret. ind. S.C. .. 240el.ll
.-iikiiison, L .- Oi. G. C, re J. Indian
Army .... ,. 240ct.l4
Weiieai y, Hon. Lt.-CoI. R. f., late Med-
wav iiiv. Sul). Min ng R.E. iM.l») .. 240ct.l4
Bowden, Temp. api. H. J, A. .. .. 240c ,44
J raes. Temp. LI. E. ^. .. .. .. 240it.l4
Newton-King, M j. A. C, ret. pay .. 260ci-14
Meiii, Bt. Coi. J. E , lei. Ind Army .. 310ci.ll
1 owry, Lt.-C..l H. W.,re . IiiO. Army .. Sloci.14
Hunt, r. Ho I I apt. J., ' ommy. ret. Iiid.
Army Dept, .. .. .. 310ot.i4
P.ic.irn, T-mp. Lt. A. H. .. aiOct 14
Ashrry, L .-Co..J. 8., rei. Ind. Army .. 2N..V.14
»..wi kill. Col. F. 8., ..S.,re'. Ind. .\'"my 4Xov.l4
P esgrave. Col. K. E. J., C.B.. D.S.^.,
u.s.l. li.d. Aimv .. .. .. .. 4?sov.l4
Eyre Lt.-Coi. G. 8., ret. Ind. S.C. 4S'Ov.l4
Alln,Ll.-Col . M., re'. Ind. S.C. .. 4>Jov.l4
I) .vies, Li.-i.ol. J., ret. Ind. Aimy .. 4.\'ov.l4
Plowden, l.l.-Col. >V. K. C.,ie.. Ind. Army 9Xov.l4
Jacks.m, Temp. t. W. L. 8. .. .. llXov.l4
.1 hnstone. Temp. Capt. H. S. .. .. 12.\'ov.l4
Tatham, Maj. O. F., ret. pay .. 2uXov.l4
Deputy Judge Auvocat- -General {graded
flf Briyadie^-Geueral).
MelLir, Maj. J. G. S. Eos. oiuiT. .. s.\ug.Il
Spe ia' Appointment.
Elliot, Lt.-Gen. S.r E. L.. K.C.B., v.S.O.,
ret. Incl. Army
Major-Qeneral, Roial Artill-ry.
Lindsay, Maj.-Gen.W. V. L.,C.B.,u.ii.O.,y. 6Aug.l4
Brigadi^r-Oi^l'-ra'. -^ R'jyal AriiUery.
Home, Niaj.-G-n. H. S., ' .iS. .. S.-^ug.ll
Wing, Mai.- .en. .D.\'., .B. .. .. 5Aug.l4
yffi Ph pps-Hotuby, Coi. ( eynp.Brig.-Qen.)
Heaulam, Col. (temp. Brig.-Qen.) J. E. W.,
C.B., i\S.O., u...
Paget, Col. {tern . Big.-Gen.) W. L. H.,
.B. M.t .0. ..
Milne, Col. (««.« . Brig.-Oen.) G. P., C.B.,
II.^.u., fJ.^.C. [t]
Perceval, Coi. {lemp. Brig.-jen.) E. M.,
D.S.O., p.s.c. .. .. .. .. .^)Aug.l4
?l^on,Cl.(lemp.Brig.-aeii.)A.lI. .. 6Aug.l4
Jai'ks n. Col {ten.p. at ig. oen ) H K.,
u ■ O .. .. .. .. .. 38ept.l4
Henshaw, Col. (t'mp. Bri .-Gen. )C. G., ret.
Viis l.Rri'.o O, .),g. .. .. . 12Sept.l4, Col. («cmp B ig Gm)E. A... l.iS-pt 14
Mai-M.iho Coi. Ue'iip. h ig Gen ) J. J. .. 2lSepi.l4
HolliUi.i, Col {t'ri.p. Brig. Ge. ) A. E. A.,
Itl.Vd. l>..0,q.s.,y .. .. 308ept.l
Hussev, Col. (fe»ttp. £rifir.-(?eH.) A. H. .'iuci.i
lielly, Col. {temp. bng.-Oeii.) K. M. B. F.,
C.B.,D.S.O.,g —
Bidduipti,Col. {temp. Brtg.-am.)G. W., g. -

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