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Territorial Force Associations—conJtn««rf.
Edinburgh, City of.
The Lord Provost (Lord Lieutenant).
Blair, Lt.-Col. A. S., 9 Bn. R. Scots,
ularK, Lit.-Uoi. a., C.B., U.L., T. F. Res.
Oraneton, Ool. Sir R., K.O.Y.O., C.B., vd, laU
Lothian Brig.
Fayrer, Lt.-Col. Sir ,T., Bt.. M.D., F.R.C.S. Edin., 2
Sco. Gen. Hosp. K.A.M.C, (T.F.), Lt.-Col. ret. pay
(Res. nf Off.)
Findlay, Lt.-Ool. J. L., vD, 1 Low. Brig. E.F.A.
Hope, Lt.-Col. J. A., YD, Low. Div. T.* S. Ool., A.8.0.
McCrae, Col. Sir G., Knt., vd, D.L., 8 Bn. R. Scots.
Macdonaia, Col. Rt. Hon. Sir J. H. A.. K.C.B., VD,
6 Bn. R. Scots. (King's Body (id. for Scotland)
■ O'Connor, Lt.-Col. H., vd. Forth R.O.A.
Ogilvie. Mai. A., Tn. C. of Ertin. Port. E. B.
I Bo88, Lt.-Col. A. A.: M.B.. S Low. Fd. Amb.,K.A.M.C.
I (T.F.)
Waldie, Maj. J. P., td, Low. (C. of Edin.) K.G.A.
• Wauchope, Maj. B. A., D.a.O.. Loth, and Bord.
Horse Yeo.
Wilson, Lt.-Col. J. T. E., 5 Bn. R. Scots.
Young, Col. A., VD, 4 Bn. R. Scots.
Representative Memliers.
CounctZ of the (Hty of Edinburgh.
Chesaer. J.W.. Esq., J.l\ 1 Macfarlaue Cameron, R., JP«9.
Mactarlane, W. W., Itq. MacLeod, J. L., £89.
Univentity of Sdinburffh.
Beare, T. H., Xiq., B.A., B. Sc.
Grant, Sirh. J., Bt.. B.A., LL.D,
Blaikie. W. B., Esq., J.P.
Blyth. Lt. Col. B. H., M.Inst.C.E.,
Eng. & Ely. Staff Corps.
Clark, Col. R., TD. late .^i Bn. R. Scots.
Co-opted Members.
Dickson, Lt.-Col. D., vp, lateThe \ Small, ,T. H., Ssg.
Queen's Rif. Vol. Brig. R. Scots. Smithies, F., Esq.
«ib8on, J., Esq.. J.P.
Rawson, H., Esq. I
Loth, and Bord. Horse
(H.-Q. and2Sqdn8.)
Etheridge, Lt.-Ool. 0. de O., D.S.O., ret. pay {Ret. of Off.). City Chambert, Sdinhurgh.
(Regd. tel. address, " Temforce." EdiTiimroh.)
XJnits administered by the Association.
Royal ArtHlerv,
1 Low. Brig. R.F.A.
1 ft 2 0. of Edin. Battl.
1 Low Ammn. CoL
Forth R.G.A. (4 Co«.)
Low. B.U.A. (1 Heavy Batt.
and Ammn, OoL)
Royal Snijineer$.
0. of Edin. Fort.
4, 5, 6 ft 9 Bns. R. Scota.
Army Service Corps.
Low. Div. 2nd Co.
Low. Mtd. Brig. T.ft S.Ool.
Royal Army Medical Corps
3 Low Fd. Amb
8 Sco. Gen. Hosp.
Richmond and Gordon, Col. O. H., Dute of. K.S., 9.C. V.O.. C.B.. 3 Bn. B. Sags. B., A.B.O. iKina'$ Body Od. for
Scotland) (Lord Lieutenant.)
Chairman. Vice-chairman.
MacLeod, Ool. N., late 3 Bn. Oam'n Highrs. I Johnston, Col. 0. J., vd, 0 Bn. Sea Highrs.
Black, Maj. Vf. R., td, 9 Bn. Sea. Highrs.
Johnston, MaJ. C. E., late Sco. Horse Yeo.
Johnston, Col. 0. J., vd, 6 Bu. Sea. Highrs. (Vice-
Mackeniie, Lt.-Col. 0. G., vd, 8 Bn. Sea. Highrs.
Military Members.
Shiach, Maj. D. A., 6 Bn. Sea. Highis.
Smith. Capt. J. G., 8 Bn. Sea. Highrs.
Stewart, Lt.-Ool. H., vd, late 3 V.B. Sea. Highrs.
Urquhart, Ool. R., Jf. V.O., VD, late 3 V.B. Sea. Highrs.
Representative Memtwrs.
County Council.
Camming, J. F., Ktq., late Oapt. 3 V.B. Sea. Highrs. I MacLeod, Ool. N., late 3 Bn. Oam'n Hlghn.(Chatmian).
Cunningham, D. J., Esq.
Grant Peterkin, Capt. {Army) M. J., D.L., late
'i Bn. Cam'n Highrs.
Hunter, J., B»q.
Co-opted Members.
The Lord Provost of Elgin.
The Provost of Forres.
Macdonald, A. F., Esq.. Drill HaU, EUHn.
(Regd. tel. address, '
Territory," Elgin.)
2 Sco. Horse (1 Sqdn.)
XTnlts administered by the Association.
I Infantry.
I 6 Bn. Sea. Highrs.

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