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Territorial Force Associations—continual.
QLAMORQ AlS—contd.
Abraham, Rt. Hon. W.. M.P.
Boyd-Uarvey. J., Eig., J.P.
Clark. G. L.. Etq.. D.L. J.P
Dalziel, Mag. W. G.. late 2 Glam.
Davis.'P. L.,E»q.,J.P.
Dannias, Lt.-Ool. C, S., Eag. and
Ely. Staff Corps.
Seoretary „
Roval ArtiUtni.
Glam. R.H.A.
1 Welsh (How.) Briir.
1 & 2 Glam. Batts.
1 Welsh Ammn. Col.
Co-opted Members.
Griffiths. T., Jt««.
Lewis. Henry. Esq., J.P.
Lewis. Col. B..,D.L., late R. 1
Devon Impi. Yeo.
Lewis. Herbert, Eaq,
Lipscomb, G., Esq.
Moore-Gwyn, J. E.,
D.L„ Esq.
Tyler. Maj.-Gen. T B.. C.S.I..D.L..
J.F., ret. pay Col. Comdt. K.A. LttJ
(Chairman). „ „ ,
Vaughan. Lt.Col. J. E., D.L.,
3 Bn. R. Sc. FuB.
WiUiams. J., Esq., M.P.
WilUams.R., *»«.../.P.
Wilkle, Oapt. C. J., ret. pay {Ret. of Of.), 6. Si. Andrews Crescent, Cardiff.
(Regd. tel. address. " Temeri, Cardiff.)
0nlta administered by the Association.
Royal Artillery.—coutd.
2 Welsh Bris. R.F.A.
3 ft 4 Glam. Batts.
a Welsh Ammn. Ool.
Glam. R.G.A
Royal Enginem't.
Glam. Fort.
Welsh Div. Sig Oo.
5. 6 4 7 Bns. Welsh R.
Army Semiee Corps.
8. Wales Brig. Co.
S Wales Mtd. Brig.
T. » 8. Col.
Koyal Army Medical Corps
2 Welsh Fd. Amb.
3 Welsh Fd. Amb.
3 W Gen. Hosp.
Glasgow, City of.
Mackenzie Ool, R. C, C.B.
The J^ord l^rovosfc (Lord Lieutenant),
D.L., VD, Unaltd. List(T.F.)
Reid. H., Esq., D.L.
Beatson. Ool. Sir(i.T.,K.C.B., D.L., U.D.. to, late
Asst. Dlr. A. Med. Serv. (T.F.)
Chalmers, Col. H. D. D., vd. late 6 Bn. High. L.I.
Clark. Col. W., D.L., td 1 En. Hi«h LI.
Cochrane. Lt.-Col. .1. P., vb, 6 Bn. High. L.I.
Oonnal. Lt.Col. K. H. M.. Lanark 1CJ.O.R. Glasgow) Yeo
Douglas, Lt.-Col. R. J., td, 6 Bn. Sco. Rif.
Fleming, Col. W. G., VD. 8 Bn. High. L.I.
Galbraith, Lt.-Col. J. H.. td, V Bn. High. L,I.
Gourlsy, Maj. ,T.. td, Sco. Cable Sig. Co., Sco.Comd.
Sig. Cos. fi.E. (.\rmy Troops).
Grant, Col. A.B.,Jf.K.t)., D.L , ■.», 4 Low. (Hi,w.)Brig.
R.F.A.. Col. lots 1 Lanark H.#.A (Vols.i
lirant, Lt -Col. P.. td, 3 Low. Brlsr. R.F.A.
Hannan, Lt.-Col. H. M,, ,Tun.,3 Bn. Sco. Kif.
M.B., Asft. Dir.
I ^!\te, Col. ^.Vf,i Brig. Comdr. Sco. Rif. Brig.)
Hendrv. OoL P. W.. vDlifrio.Comdr., nigk. L.I. Brw.
Hone.Lt.-Col. J. A., T.F Res.
Laidlaw. Ool.D.. jun.. vd, T.P. Res.
Ma<;Kintosh. ('il. D. J., M.V.O..
oi Medical Servlcfs, Low. Div,
Moitat, Lt.-Col. A.D., M.D., TD, 2 Low. Fd. Amb.,
R.A.M.C. (T.F.)
Morrison, Col. F. L.. vd, 6 Bn. High. L.I.
Park, Col. J. 8.. if. V.O.. vd, laU) 8co. Oomd. TeL 0«.
R. E. (Army Troops).
Shaughnessy. Lt.-Col. J., 7 Bn. Sco. Ri*.
Sheppard. Lt.-Col. H C .4 Low. Brig. R FA., Maj.R. A.
Smith. Col. F. J. VD, i(i(e 8 Bn. Sco. Rif. „ „„
atirUng-Maxwell. CoL Hir J.M., Bt., D.L., 7 Bn.8co.Ri*.
Alexander, H.,
Anderson, K., jj,sq.
Battersby, J., Esq.
Dunlop.T., Esq.. D.L.
Berrie, T.. htq.
Campbell. M. P., Esq.. D.L.
Carson, (i., Esq.
Gllchrist, J., Esq.,D.L.
UcArj, T.. Esq., D.L.
McDermid, J., Esq.
Corporation of \
Representative Members.
hs City of Glaggow
Kinff, .T. C . Ef^u.
Mathieson. J. H., Stq.
Willook, J., Esq.
GO'Cpted Members.
Maefarlane, .T., Esq.
Macfarlane, W.. Esq., D.L
Mackenzie. Col. R C, C.B.,D.L., vn,
Unattd. LlstiT.F.) (Cnairman).
Macouat, R. B., Esq., D.L.
Reid, H., Esq., D.L. ( Vice-chairman)
Vnivertity of (Hasgov.
Medley, D. J., Esq., U.A.
Roxburgh. CoL J. A., vii.late 8 Bn.
Sco. RIf.
Stewart. J. G.. Esq.
Webber, W .. Esq.
Young, V. B. L., Esq.
Lanark (Q. 0. R. Glas¬
Anderson, Oapt. T. A. H., 9 Bn. High L.I.. 201. Wen tteorgs Strett, eiataow.
(Regd. tel. address. - Deeut." Olataon.)
Units administered by the Association.
Royal Artillery. Royal Engirieert. InfarUry.
3 Low. Brig. R F.A.
1.24 8 0. ©(Glasgow
3 Low. Ammn. Col.
4 Low. (How.) Brig.
4 4 6 0. of eiaagow
4 Lov, Ammn. Ool.
1 High. Fd. Co.
Sco. Wireless Sig. Oo.
Sco. Cable Sig. Co.
Sco. Air Line Big. Co.
e, 7 4 8 Bns. Sco. Rif.
t, e. 74»Bns High.
Army Sen-ice Corps.
Low. Div. 1st (H.-(J.)
Low. DiT. 4th (High.
Royal Army Medica
Low. Mtd. Brig. Fd.
14 2 Low. Fd. Amb.
3 SCO. Gen. Hosp.
4 8co. Gen. Hosp

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