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ll'a/' Services of Lleidenaid Culoneh Iletlred hij SnJe, Sj'c. "^66
Bulganac and lI'Kenzie's Farm, the battles of Alma, Balaklava (horse shot), and [nkerman, and siege of Sebat -
topol (Medal witli four Clasps, Brevet Major, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
-5" Lt. Colonel J, K. Sharp served in the'2nd liattalionof the Roj-als in Canada during the rebellion in 1838. Landed
with the Battahon iu tlie Crimea on the 22nd Ajn-il, 1855, •i'^'^ was at the siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with
Clasp, 5th Class of the Mediidie, and Turkish Mcdai).
=™ Lt.Colonel W. A. Shortt served with the 57th Regiment in the Crimea from 15th Nov. 1854, inclndinf-
the siege and fall of Sebastopol, attack of the Redan on the i8th June with the storming Column; was also at the
bombardment and capture of Kinbourn (Medal with Clasp, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Served
iu the latter part of the Now Zealand war in 1S61. Also in that of 1863-64. and w;n present at the action o(
Katikara (mentioned in despatch, and Brevet of ilajor), and commanded at Sentry Hill. Tarauaki, when the-
redoubt was attacked on the 30th April 1864, by 3ooMaories, who were repulsed with lieavy loss (mentioneil in de¬
spatch). Served also a-i D.A. Quarter Master General in New Zealand from ist Jan. to sotti Nov. 1866, and
thanked in general orders (Medal).
*" Lt.Colonel C. M. B. Siroe served with the 33rd Regiment in the Eastern camp-iign in 1854, and was severely
wounded while cai-iving the colours at the battle of Alma (Medal with Ciasp, and Tnrkisii Medal).
^™ Lt.Colonel T. 11. Smith served with the iSth Ro.yal Irish in the Burmese war of 1852-53, was present at ho
capture of Martaban, at the operations before Rangoon on the 12th 13th and 14th April, at the capture of the Great
Dagon Pagoda (with the storminu partv) and capture of Prome. Also served with it force detached for the jjurpose
of clearing the right bank of the trrawaddy oftlie enemj-, from November 1852 to March 1853, and was employed as
Staff Officer a considerable portion of the period (Medal with Clasp for Pegu). AVas on board the troop-ship Peme-
rerance in command of six Companies of the 2nd West India. Regiment when that vessel was totally wrecked off the-
island of Maio on the 21st Oct. i860. Present, at tlie destruction of Rovana, and commanded the combined naval and
military forces at the attack and destruction of the Fctisli town of Robagga on 7tli Jan. 1862.
2°* Lt.Colonel Somerville served with the 6th Regiment during the Kaffir war of 1846-47 (Medal); and with the-
68th in the Eastern campaign of 1854-55. incbiding the battles of Alma, Balaklava, and lukerman, and siege of
Seliastopol (Medal with four Clasps, 5th (Jlass of the Med idie, and Tui-kish Medal).
^"' Lt.Colonel N. S'eeveiis served witli the 88t,b Regt. throughout the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including tho
battles of Alma and lukonnan, siege and fall of Sebastopol (contused wound in the Trenches 28th Ju!,v), and attack
on the Redan on the i8th June and Stli Sept. : and wa* employed as Assistant Engineer in the Trenches, rightattack,
at the commencement of the siege (Meilal with three Clasps, Brevet of Major, Knight of the Legion of Honor, 5th
Class of the Medjidie. and Turkish Medal).
'"'Lt.Colonel H.H. Stevenson .served with the 7gthIIighlanders throughout the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including
tho battles of Alma and Balaklava, siege and fall of Sebastopol, assaults of the i8th June and 8th September, expe-
d.tiou to Kertch and Yenikale (Meilal with three Clasps, Sardinian and Turkish Medals, and 5th Class of the Med-
ii lie). Served in the Indian campaign of 1838 59, including the siege and capture of Lucknow; servo<I as a Brigade
.Major from Feb. 1858 to the close of the campaign (frequently mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, MedaJ
with Clasp).
™* Lt. Colonel E. A.T. Steward served with the 21st Fu.^iliers throughout the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including
the battles of Alma, Balaklava, and Inkermnn, siege and fall of Sebastopol, attack of the Redan on the 18th June,
and the expedition to Kinbourn (Medal with four tJlasps, Brevet of Major, and Turkish Modal).
'■'J Lt.CoIonol D. Stewart served in the Indian rampaign iu 1858, and was present with the 13th Light Infantry
at the battle of Azimghur on 6t.h April, and specially thanked ; acted as Orderly Officer to Brigadier General Jones-
in the action at Shahjchaniiove on 14th May ; was present at the action of Jlohunpore on 25th May. Commanded
two Squadrons of Irregular Cavalry at the siege nnd capture of the Fort of Cowrie in August, and at the action of
Beejapore on 6th September—wounded by sabre-cut on left hand, and mentioned in desp.atches (Medal with Clasp,
and Brevet of Major).
"" Lt.Colonel Stisted served tho Punjaiib campaign of 1848-49 with the 3rd Light Dragoons, and was present at tho
a tfair of Ramnuggur, the passage of the Clienab at Wuzeerabad on the ist Dec. 1848 with the Force under Sir Joseph
Thackvvell, action of Sad,)olapore, battles of Chillianwallah (wounded, and charger wounded) andGoojei-at (Medal
with two Clasps). Served-with the 12th Lancers in tho Crimea from 9th May 1855, including the siege and fall of
Sobastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served with the 7th Hussars in the Indian campaign from Feb.
1858 to ilaroh 1859 and was present at the alfiiir of Meangunge, siege and capture of Lucknow, affair of Barree,
action of Nawabgnnge, occupation of Fyzaliad, jiassage of the Goomteo at Sultanjiore, throughout the Byswarra
campaign including tho affairs of Doudjiore, Pandoo Nuddee, Paleeghat, H.yderghur, and pursuit of Beidii Madho's
Force to; also the Trans-Gogra campaign, including the affair neiir Cliui-da and pursuit, taking tho
Fort of Meajeedia, attack on Bankee and pursuit to the Rp.ptee, advance into Nepaul and affair H,t Sittaghat (iwico
mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Modal with Clasp). Commanded a wing of the 7ih Hussare comprising
part of the Doaba Field Force employed against native tribes on the North-West Frontier of India in December
1S63 and .lanuary 1864, .and was present at the action of Shiibkudder (Medal).
^''' Lt.Colonel F. S. Stoney served in India in 1858, and iras jjresent at the attack on a fort occupied by rebels oq
Bevt Island.
-■"^ Lt.Colonel P. C. Story served in the Aby.ssinian ca.mpaign in 1868 with the Transport Corps (Medal).
^'* Lt.Colonel Stracej' served with tho Scots Fusilier Guards in the Eastern campaign in 1854, including the battle
of Alma and siege of Sebastopol (Medal with two Clasps, and Turkish Medal).
^'*' Lt.Colonel Swaffield served with the 31st Regt. in th?: Crimeafr:m 22nd May 1855, and war- present nt the siege
and fall of Sebastopol, and attacks on the Redan on the iJth June an 1 8th Sept. (Modal with (Jlasp, sth Class of tho
Jledjidie, and Turkish Meilal). Served throughout the caispaign in tie north of China in i860, ineluding the action
of Sinho and storming of Tangku (Medal).
"'■' Lt.Colonel G. C. Synge served as a. Brigade M-ijorat tho siege aid assault of Delhi and capture of the citj- from
i4tli Aug. 1857 (Brevet of Major, Medal with Cla.sp).
^-' Lt.Colonel Thellusson served with the 72nd Highlanders in the Crimea, from 13th June 1855, including the ex¬
pedition to Kertch, siege and fall of Sebastoiiol, and attack of the i8th June (Medal with Clasji, Kniglit of the Legion
of Hou'.^r, Turkish Medal, and 5th Class of the Medjidie). (Commanded the Regiment at the siege and capture of
Kotah on 30th March 1858 and was present with the leading Column of assault; subsequently throughout the opera¬
tions in Central India .and piii\suit of the rebel forces under Tantia Topee and Rao Sahib in 1858-59 (mentioned in
despatches. Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp).
^'' Lt.Colonel Thomas served in the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol
(Medal with Clasp, Sardinian and Turkish Medals, and 5th Class of the Medjidic).
^-' Lt.Colonel J. W. Thom])son served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 as D.A.Q.M.G. to tho ziid Division,
including the battle of the Alma (severe contusion from the splinter of .a slieli), repulse of the Russian attack by the
L-nd Division on the 26th October, battle of Iiikcrman (for which he received Brevet rank of IMajor, and where he
jiad his horse wounded), siege and fall of Sebastopol, and attack of the Redan on Sth Sept. (Medal with thi-ee Clasps,
5th Clas of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
■^ ® L .Colonel Tipping served with the Grenadier Guards the Eastern ca,m]iaign of 1854, including the battles of
Alma, Balakl.ava, and Inkerman (severely wounded), and siege of Sebastopol (Medal with four Clasps, Knight of
the Legion of Honor, 5th (Mass of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
^■" Colonel Tottenham served with the Scots Fusilier Guards in the Crimean campaign fi-om 17th Jan. 1855, in¬
cluding tlie siege and fall of Sclxastopol (Medal with one Clasp, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish ^fodal).
•*-*^ Lti.Colonel Tremayne served with the 13th Hussars throughout the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the-
reconnaissance on the Danube under Lord Cardigan, affairs of Bulganak and M'Kenzie's Farm, iiattles of Alma,
Balakl.ava (horse shot), and Tchemaya, and siege of Sebastopol; also present with the Light Brigade at Eupatoria
(Medal with three Clasps, Brevet of Major, Knight of the Legion of Honor, 5th Class of tho Medjidie, and
Turkish Medal).
335 Lt.Colonel J. R. Tnrnbull served as Aide de Camp to Sir H. Barnard, to Major General Reed, and to Sir A.
Wilson, during the siege assault and captare of Delhi; iu the action of Budlekeserai, and all the minor engage¬
ments (thanked li.y Governor General in Council, Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
'^' Lt.Colonel Unwin sen'ed with the 6th Regiment iu the Kaffir war of 1852-53 (Medal). Also in the Indian cam-

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