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General Officers Betired on Full or Retired Pay or on a Pension.—War Services. 643
"* Major General H. J. Haydock served with the 90th Light Infantry in the Crimea from the loth August 1855, includ¬
ing the siege and fall of Sebastopol, and was with the storming party at the assault of the Redan on the 8fcli Sept.—
wounded{Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Also served during the Indian campaign of 1857-58, and was pre¬
sent with Havelock's Column at the actions of Mungawar and Alumbagh, relief and subsequent defence of Liicknow,
defence of the AUimbagh under Outram, siego and fall of Lucknow (Xledal with two Clasps, and a year's service).
^* Major General H.'B. Hayward served with the 45th Regiment in the Abyssinian campaign in 1868, and was
present at the storming and capture of Magdala (Medal).
'"* Major General A. H. Heath served the Piinjaub campaign, of 1848-49, including the battles of Sadoolapore,
Chillianwallah and Goojerat (Medal with two Clasps;. Siege of Delhi in 1857 (mentioned in despatch with
" especial approbation and thanks for zeal, abilitj', and coolness in situations of great danger," Medal with Clasp).
^^ Major General C. Herbert assumed commandf of Attook on the isc September 1848, and defended it against the
rebel force under Sirdar Chuttui Sing, from loth Nov. 1848 to 2nd Jan. 1849 (Brevet of Major, and Medal).
3'' Major General B. B. Herrick served with the Baltic Expeditions in 1854 and 1855 (Medal).
^'^ Major General J. J. Heywood served with the ist Royals in the Crimean campaign from the ist June 1855,
including the siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served as Commandant of
H.M. Hospital Ship Victor Emanuel off the Gold Coast during the Ashanti war in 1874 (Medal).
^* Major General Eustace Hill served in the Indian mutiny campaign in 1858-59, and was present at the actions
of Nawabgunge, Bara Banki, and Selimpore, and at the capture of Fort Amothee (Medal).
^■'^ Major General J. T. Hill commanded the flank companies of the 14th Bombay N. I. during the operations in
Okamundel and Kattywar in 1859-60, including the siege of Dwarka, and storming of the heights and fort of
Ubhpoora, as Staff Officer Kattywar Field Force under Major Honner on i8th December 1859.
^^ Major General G. T. Hilliard served in Goomsoor in 1846 and 1847; also with the Saugor Field Division, and
commanded the field detachment at the surprise of the enemy's camp at Tolakanjaram on the 4th December 1858
(Medal with Clasp).
*"" Major General John Hills served with the Persian E.xpoditionarv Force in 1857, and was present at the
capture of Mohumra (Medal with Clasp). Served with the Abyssinian Expeditionary Force as Field Engineer at
Koomeylee, the large watering post at the foot of the mountains, constructing wells and other works there ; also
served as Field Engineer at Senaf^ (mentioned in despatches, Medal). Served in the Afghan war i.i 1879-80, and
took part in the def'enos of Candahar (mentioned in despatchen, CB., and Medal).
^^ Major General S. J. Hire served throughout the Punjaub campaign of 184S-49 as Aide de Carnp to Lord Gough,
including the action of Ramnuggur, passage of the Chenab, and battles of Chillianwallah and Goojerat (mentioned
in despatches. Medal with two Clasps, and Brevet of Major).
"'^^ Major General C. J. Hodgson served in the Sutlcj campaign, and was present at the battle of Sobraon (Medal).
^'^ Major General H. N. Hodgson served with the expeditionary force under Brigadier General Chamberlain in
the Meranzai valley near Kohat, and present at the affair of Dors'une Mund.
*" Major General J. W. Hoggan served in the Indian mutiny campaign in 1857-5B, and was present at the
actions of Bhagonala, Nugeena, BareiUy, and Mohunporo—severely wounded (Medal). Served in the Afghan
war of 187S-80, and was present in the engagements at Saif-oo-deen and Ahmed Khej'l (mentioned in despatches) ;
accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar, and was present at the battle of Caudahar (men¬
tioned in despatches. Medal with two Clasps, and Bronze Decoration).
^'5 Major General'T. W. Holland served in the Sutlej campaign in 1846, including the battle of Sobraon (Medal).
"Was at Delhi on nth Ma.y 1857 at the outbreak of the mutiny, and served as Aide de Camp to Major General Penny
from July to Dec.; accompanied eeaton's Column from Delhi to Futteghur; served with Lord Cl.yde's Force at the
capture of Lucknow ; accompanied Lugard's Force in relief of Azimghur and in pursuit of Koer Sing to Arrah;
served with the Azimghur Field Force from March to June 1858 in the operations against the rebels in the Jugdes-
pore jungles ; and with the Shahabad Field Force from Oct. 1858 to March 1859 in operations against rebels (twice
mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp). Served with the Bhootan Field Force of 1865-66 in Assam (Medal
with Clasp).
398 Major General G. E. Holmes served throughout the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the first and
second siege operations before Mooltan, surrender of the fortress, action of Soroojkhoond, surrender of Cheniote,
and battle of Goojerat (Medal with two Clasps).
397 Hajor General P. L. Holmes served with the field force against Gulburgah in 1848. Also during the campaign
in Bengal from 30th September 1857 to 29th December 1859 (Medal).
^■'^ Major GeneralJ. E. Hope served in the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, and was present at the battle of Inker-
man, siege and fall of Sebastopol (wounded), in the Trenches with the siege train throughout the siege, including
the bombardments of 17th October, 9th April, 6th and 17th June, 17th August, and Sth September (Medal with two
Clasps, Brevet of Major, Knight of the Legion of Honour, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
♦"" Major General F. Horsle.y was employed in the suppression of the mutiny in Bengal during 1857-58.
■"" Major General H. Hosea,son served as Brigade Major Hyderabad Contingent and Berar Field Force under
Brigadier W. Hill commanding Hyderabad Contingent from November i858to 15th January 1859 to prevent Tantia
'Topee's Force moving on Berar; was present at the skirmish between the rebels under Rissaldar Bahim Ali-Khan
Gwalior, and the Berar Field Force under Brigadier W. Hill in the Taptee Valley on 8th December 1858; present at
Chichumbah 15th January 1859, had horse shot under him in recalling skirmishers before the a':f ault took place,
and was severely wounded in the right shoulder when with the 3rd Infantry Hyderabad Contingent in the attack
on the rebels posted in the village afterwards (Medal).
*''' Major General D. E. Hoste served in the Eastern campaign of 1854, and up to February 1855, including the
battles of Alma, Ealaklava, and Inkernian, the siege of Sebastopol, and repulse of the sortie on the 26th October
1854 (Brevet of Major, Medal with four (JIasps, VB., stb Class of the Medjidie, and Medal).
*"* Major General C. J. Hughes served with the Jowaki Afreedee Expedition in 1877 (Medal with Clasp). Served
in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and was present at the engagement at Futtehabad (mentioned in despatches. Medal).
*'5 Major General J. W. Hughes was on board the Transport " Sarah Sands " with the Head Quarters of the 54th
Regiment on passage to India, when that vessel was partially destroyed by fire at sea on the nth Nov. 1857, and
he was specially mentioned in the General Order from the Horse Guards, dated 27th Feb. 1858, for his conduct on
that occasion and afterwards promoted Brevet Major. Served during the Indian mutiny, including Lord Clyde's
campaign in Oude in 1858-59 (Medal).
■"'' Major General R. G. Hughes served in the 80th Rogt. with the army in Burmah in 1852-53; was present at the
capture and occupation of Prome, and at the night attack of the enemy on the camp at Prome, Sth Dec. 1852. Com¬
manded the expedition sent into the Poungdey district in Feb. and March 1853; succeeded in capturing arms and
ammunition, and in bringing to Prome a large quantity of grain (Medal for Pegu).
■i™ Major General R. J. Hughes served in the Eastern campaign in 1855-56 with the Turkish Contingent at the
occupation of Kertoh (4th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Served in the Afghan war of 1878-80 in
command of a Brigade of the Candahar Column ami the Ghuznoe Field Force, took part in the advance to Cabul
under Sir Donald Stewart, and was present in tbe engagements at Shahjui, Ahmed Kheyl, and Urzoo near Ghuznee
(mentioned in despatches, and received the thanks of the Governor General in Council,' CB., Medal with Clasp).
■'<''' Major General J. R. Hume served with the 55th Regiment the Eastern campaign of 1854, and (rom the 24th
Jan. to the 22nd Sept. 1855, including the battles of Alma and Inkerman, siege and fall of Sevastopol, repulse of
the sortie of 26th October, assaults of the Redan on the 18th June, and 8th Sept.—severely wounded, and mentioned
in despatches (Medal with throe Clasps, Knight of the Logion of Honour, and Turkish Medal). Served also on the
Bhootan Expedition, including recapture of Dewangiri in 1865 (Medal wi'h Clasp).
*'" Major General R. W. B. Hunt served with the R.M. Battalion in the operations against and surrender of the
forts of Bomarsund in Aug. 1854 (Medal). Served in the Black Sea from the latter part of 1855 to the declaration of
peace in 1856 in command ofa Detachmjnt in a Floating Battery. Was attached as Colonel in Chief of the Militia
and Volunteers to the Field Force emplo.ved in St. 'rnomas-in-the-Eist, Jamaica, during the negro rebellion of
1865 (mentioned in despatches, and received the thanks of the Privy and Legislative Councils, and of the Speaker
and House of Assembly). Was detached from Jamaica in 1867 by the Governor in Chief to British Honduras on
the Staff of the Lt. Governor of that colony for the organization of the Militia with the rank of Colonel Cotnmanda.nt
in that Force during the disturbance on the frontiers with the hostile Indians of Yucatan and Guatamala (men¬
tioned in despatches, and Brevet of Major).

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