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Reserve of Officers.
Wheble, Jaa. St. Lawrence, ™'with gratuity from R. Artillery..
Webbe, George Allen, with gratuity from 15 Hussars
Wilson, Robert C. 1).=^" with gratuity from King's R. Rifles. ...
CookBon, Freville,^!' with gratuity from Argyll and Suther-1
land Highlanders (91 Foot) i
Pole, George H. T. Van Notten, with gratuity from 18 Hussars
Baker, Henry Edward, with gratuity from Welsh Fusiliers
Greville, Hon. A. H. Fulke, with gratuity from King's R. Rif..
Dalbiao, Philip Hugh, with gratuity from Derbyshire Regt... .
Studdy, Ernest Holdsworth, with gratuity from Argyll and)
Sutherland Highlanders (93 Foot) f
M'Pherson, Chas. Alf Howard, with gratuity from W. I. Regt.
Douglas, Geo. Sholto, with gratuity from Scottish Rifles
Todd-Thornton, James Henry B.,with gratuity from Derby Regt
Greer, Joseph Henry, with gratuity from^Highland Lt. Infantry
Heygate, \Vm. Howley Beaumont, Capt. R. Art. on retired pay
Daunt, Arthur Hildesley,^'^ with gratuitj- from i W. I. Regt.
Heron-Maxwell, \Vm. Henry Stopford,^'* with gratuity from >
Royal Fusiliers ; Haddington Ariillery S. Div. R. Artillery )
Kirkpatrick, Wm. J. J. dipt. Munster Fus. on ret. pay...'
Broadwood, Francis,''^ with gratuity from Soukh Stafford )
Regiment; -^ Battalion South Stnjjford Regiment )
De la Rue, Thomas, with gratuity from Lancaster Regt
Oliver-Bellasis, Richard John Erskine,*'^ with gratuity from )
20 Hussars )
Corbett, Francis,''" with gratuity Irom York Light Infantry...
Amedroz, Louis Bdm., with gratuity from York Lt. Infantry...
Pasley-Dirom, Henry, with gratuity from Suffolk Regt. ."....
Marsham, Fred. Savill, with gratuity from King's R. Rifles...
Baird.Wm. Rbt. Cornwallis,"" with gratuity from W.York Rgt.
Wood, Thomas,'!' ^ith gratuity from Grenadier Guards
Ellis, George Richard, with gratuity from Bsse.t Regiment ...
E3Te, Edward Maurice, with gratuity from Warwick Regt. ...
Morrice, John George Selby, Ca}>t. E. Lane. Regt. on ret. pay
Dumaresq, Arthur Hemery,'20 with gratuity from Duke of >
Cornwall's Light Infantry )
Young, Keith Henry St. George,'^' with gratuity from Duke \
of Cornwall's Light Infantry j
Fanshawe, Henry Leighton,'^^ -with gratuity from West)
Kent Regiment )
WiUiams-Freeman, Geo. Chas. Peere, '^^ with gratuity from 1
Sussex Regiment )
Hilliard, Arthur Courtney, with gratuity from Durham Lt. Inf
Gray, Walter Gordon, with gratuity from York. & Lane. Regt.
Kays, Reg. Ker,'^* with gratuity from Northumberland Fas....
Fox, John Henry, Capt. Royal Engineers, on retired pay
Foster, James,"" with gratuity from Grenadier Guards
Nichols, George Thomas, with gratuity from R. Engineers
Garston, Edgar John, with gratuity from R. Artillery
Tuthill, Chris. D. Villiers,'*' with gratuity from 14 Hussars ...
Pryce, Prjxe Meyrick, with gratuity from 3 Dragoon Guards
Eden, John Montagu Rodney,'*' with gratuity from Duke of)
Cornwall's Light Infantry j
Lyons, Fredk. Wm.^^s^. ^ith gratuity from S. Stafford Regt....
Bredin, John F. Wyndham, with gratuity from i W. I. Regt.
Baker, Henry Bdmeades, with gratuity from Lancaster Regt.
Pinckney, Geoffry Fras., Capt. West Surrey Regt., on ret. pay
Middlemass, Wm. Hume, with gratuity from Argyll and)
Sutherland Highlanders }
Godsal, Wm. Chas."" with gi-atuity from Royal Engineers
Maitiand, Alex. Fuller,'^' with gratuity from W. Surrey Regt.
Blacker, Frederick Henry, with gratuity from 4 Hussars
Middleton, Alfd. Harold, resigned from Argyll and Suther-)
land Highlanders )
Levett, Wm. Swinnerton Byrd, with gratuity from Innis. Fus.
King, Henry, with gratuity from Warwick Regiment
Hunt, Phineas William, with gratuity from Welsh Regiment.
Wilson, Belford Randolph,'^^ with gratuity from 19 Hussars...
Baiiws, Edward Henry,'^t Capt. W. Kent Regt. on retired pay
Cholmondeley, Reginald Harry, with gratuity irom Innis- j
killing Fusiliers j
Koel, Gerard Thomas, with gratuity from Durham Light luf.
Greenwood, Chas. Staniforth,'^* with gratuity from 10 Hus....
Pym, Edw. Alf Innes, with gratuity from Worcester Regt
Whiting, Henry Harvey, with gratuity from Welsh Fus
Rant, Wm. John,'^ with gratuity from 13 Lancers (Ridingi
Master, 28 Apr. 75) )
Ross, John,'^" Cajjf. Border Regiment, on retired pay
Learmouth, John Henry, resigned from 12 Lancers
Freeman, Reginald Charles, with gratuity from 3 Hussars; )
Major I Volunteer Battalion Yorkshire Regiment J
Wright, Maurice, with gratuit.y from 19 Hussars .'
Miles, Arch. Edw."' with gratuity from King's Royal Rifles j )
Wilts Yeomanry Cavalry.. )
Sankey, Matthew H. P. Riall, Capt. R. Bng. on retired pay ..
Campbell, J. Alex. Livingstone, with gratuit.y from R. Art. ..
Childe, Charles Baldwin,'" with gratuity from R. Horse)
Guards; Shropshire Yeomanry Cavalry }
Monck, Son. Henry Power Chas. Stanley,'" with gratuity )
from Coldstream Guards J
Tonge, Fras. Henry, with gratuity from Wiltshire Regt
Elrington-Bitset, Maurice, '*°t Capt. R. Bug. on retired pay..
Gnnston, Bernard Hamilton, resigned from 5 Dr. Guards
Neary, Stephen,'" Cupt. Essex Regt. on retired pay
I Aug. 77
30 Jan. 78
16 Feb. 78
30 Jan. 78
25 Aug. 77
24 Sept. 78
17 Apr. 80
29 Apr. 73
28 Feb. 74
29 Oct. 72
26 Feb. 73
21 Dec. 74
[3 June 74
9 Aug. 74
[I Feb. 75
[o Jan. 72
22 Sept.76
[2 Feb. 77
[7 Jan. 77
[3 June 75
[I Feb. 74
:2 Nov. 73
3 Aug. 74
2 Dec. 74
!6 Feb. 76
[3 June 74
2 Dec. 74
2 Dec. 74
28 Sept.78
21 Sept. 74
15 Jan. 73
17 Aug. 78
28 Oct. 71
28 Oct. 76
ID Sept. 75
3 Feb. 74
19 June 74
4 Dec. 74
II Feb. 75
II Feb. 76
20 Nov. 75
II Feb. 77
11 Sept. 76
15 Dec. 71
28 Oct. 71
6 Jan. 72
19 Aug. 75
28 Dec. 74
4 Dec. 74
27 June 75
17 May 79
27 June 75
2 Dec. 74
12 Nov. 73
8 Feb. 74
2 May 72
23 Nov. 73
28 Oct. 76
iS Apr. 75
6 Sept. 76
19 Apr. 77
29 Jan. 79
10 Jan. 74
20 Nov. 75
11 Sept. 76
14 June 78
12 Feb. 77
25 June 78
2 Dec. 74
24 Jan. 80
21 July 80
10 Feb. 8
28 Feb. 74
2gNov. 76
11 Feb. 76
29 Apr. 7 ^
2 Feb. 76
28 Feb. 75
30 Sept.82
I Oct. 82
21 Oct. 82
21 Oct. 82
31 Oct. 82
4 Deo. 82
4 Jan. 83
19 Jan. 83
7 Feb. 83
28 Feb. 83
14 Mar. 83
20 Mar. 83
3 Apr. 83
14 Apr. 83
23 May 83
24 May 83
24 May 83
29 May 8j
30 May 83
I June 83
13 June 83
21 June 83
10 July 83
14 July 83
25 July 83
1 Aug. 83
I Aug. 83
9 Aug. 83
13 Aug. 83
I Oct. 83
I Oct. 83
11 Oct. 83
28 Oct. 71 31 Jan.
20 Nov. 76 11 Feb. 85
12 Feb. 74 12 Feb. 85
II Oct. 79 I July 81 [i6 Mar. 85
4 Dec. 78 22 Dec. 80! 19 Mar. 85
9 Nov.
15 Nov.
5 Dec.
r2 Dec.
15 Dec.
29 Dec.
6 Jan.
9 Jan.
16 Jan.
18 Jan.
26 Jan. 84
26 Jan. 84
29 Jan. 84
2 Feb.84
10 Mar. 84
23 Apr. 84
2 May 84
20 May 84
!i May 84
28 May 84
31 May 84
4 June 84
6 June 84
11 June 84
II June 84
26 July 8
_. July 8
27 Aug. 8
27 Aug. 8
26 Sept.S
4 Oct. £
4 Oct. f
25 Oct.
4 Nov.
II Nov.
I Jan.
8 Jan.
10 Jan.
18 Jan.
1 Oct. QO
14 Aug. (9

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