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2ncl (Queen's Own) Bengal Native Infantry (Lt. Inf.-late 31 N.I.-Broon-Jca-
Paltuii—liaised i-;g&).—Lidked iclth 1st and yd Uc(jimcals.—E(<jimcatal Centre, Allahabad.
The Royal Cvpher witliiu the Garter.
"Dklhi"—"LiswiHRiE"—"DEiG"—"BiiuBTPOB]i"—"Khklat"—" Afghanistan "—"Mahabajporb"—
" Punjab "—"Chillianwallau "—" Goojebat "—" Central India "—" Afghanistan, 1879-80."
Head Quarters at Dinapore. Unifurm, Ked. Facings, Blue.
Sonorarv Colonel —Field Marshal Albert Edward, Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall,
Rank, Names, and Cobps.
Ll ColonelJ.A.D.Gordon,Gen.List,Inf.
Major B. Channer, BSO. Staff Corps ..
Captain C. H. Morris, Staff Corps
20 Junes?
13 Feb. 87
Commandant, 20 Sept. 87.—Furlough.
2nd in Command and Wing Commander, 20 Sept. 87.—Assistant
Adjutant General, Hyderabad Contini^ent.
9 Aug. 85'2ndin Command and Wing Comdr., 10 June 90.—With 7 N. I.
Captiin A. E. Wh stler, Staff Corps '30 Jan. Bgl Wing Commander, 31 May 89
Lieut. H. L. Dodgson, Stall Corps..
Lieut. C. Hamilton, Staff Corps
Lieut. F. A. Smith, Staff Corp3
Lieut. D. M. Bjwer, Staff Carps
Lieut. F. P. S. Dunsford, Staff Corps...
Lt. A. O. de V. Chichester, Staff Corps
Surgeon Major A. B. Seaman
I July 811 Wing Officer and Adjutant, i Sept. 85.—Offg. Wing Comdr.
!j Aug. 83VVing Officer and .Quarter Master, i July 86.—Fuilough.
Wing Officer.
7 Feb 85 Wing Officer, s Sent. 88.
!5 Nov. 85 Wing Officer, i Sept. 90.—Furlough.
[I Deo. 88 Wing Officer, 4 June 90.
I Apr. 88 Offlciatmg Wing Officer.
In medical charge, 9 June 74.
3rd. Bengal Native Infantry (late ^2nd N.I.—Guttrie-ha-Fidtun.—
liaised ill I'jg'i).—Li liked u-ith 1st and 2nd ll'^gimnnts.—Regimental Centre, Allahabad.
**Bhubtpobe "—"Afghanistan, 1879-80."
Head Quarters at Fort William. Uniform, Bed. Facings, Black.
Colonel.G. J. Skinner, BSO. Staff C.
Captam F. B. W. Richardson, Staff C.
Captain W. P. Anderson, Staff Corps
Lieut. P. B. Warren, Stalf Corps
Lieut. F. P. Webber, Statf Corps
Lient. H. T. Pritchard, K. O. Scot. Bord. 25 Aug. 85 Win,
Lieut. H. L. Stanton, Staff Corps 9 Mar. 88;Win,
16 Sept.!
Commandant, 12 Dec. 83.
2nd in Command and Wicg Commander.
II May 89 Wing Commander, 10 Jan. 50.—Officiating 2nd in Command,
jfi Aug. 90 Wing Officer,24 Oct. 83. [and Adjt.
14 May 84, Wing Offlcerand Quarter Master, 30 JulySfi.—Offg. Wing Comdr.
6 May 85 Wing Officer, 14 May 89.
Officer, 10 Jan. 90.
Officer, 10 Jan. 90
lOfficiating Wing Officer.
Officiating Wing Officer.
In medical charge, n Aug. 87.
-Officiating Quarter Master.
Surgeon S. Hassan
4th {Prince Albert Victor s) Bengal Native Infantry {late 33n? N.I.—HilUard-ha-
I'nHan.—Eaiscd 1798).—Linked -with §th and 6lh llii/iiiicnts.—Regimental Centre, Benares.
"Laswaekib "—"Bhubtpobe"—-" Cabul, 1842"—"Febozeshuhub"—" SoBBAON "—"Afghanistan, 1879-80."
Head Quarters at Jhansi. Uniform, Ited. Facings, Black.
Honorary Colom-l.-'iiiaior H.P.Il. Albert V. C&.Buke of Clarence and Avond'ale, KG. KP. 10 Hussars, 2s Juno 93.
Colonel H. E. Eliot, Gen. List, Inf.- | 4 Jan. 90,Commandant, 5 Nov. 86.—And Commanding at Jhansi.
Lt.Colonel W. Hailes, Staff Corps j i July 87^2nd in Com. and Wing Commander, 5 Nov. 86.—With 6 N. I.
Captain C. F. G. Young, Staff Corps ... i May 89'Officiating 2nd in Command.—From 6 Native Infantry.
Captain C. H. Des V^oeux, Staff Corps...!io Jan. 84:Wing Commander,io Dec. 89.—Kmployedunder the Queensland
I Government, with rank of Major.
10 Sept. 871 Wing Commander, 10 Dec. 89.—2nd in Com. t Burma Infantry.
I July 81 Wing Officer and Adjutant, 23 Oct. 84.
Captain C. W. Harris, Staff Corps
Lieut. J. S. Melville, Staff Corps ..
Lieut. K. P. Burne, Staff Corps i July 81
Lieut. A. Prossev, Staff Corps 28 Jan. 82
Lieut. J. H. Oswald, Staff Corps 7 Feb. 85
Lieut. G. F. Djbbie, Staff Corps 28 Feb. "
Lieut. G. A. Hawkins, Staff Corps 19 Maj' 86
Lieut. F. W. Daniell, Bedford Regt 11 Feb. '
Lieut. F. W. Pirrie, Lincoln Regt. ...... 8 May 89
andLt.P.J.D.Henslowo. E. Surrey Regt..22 Aug. "
Surgeon B. K. Basu, MB j
Win j Officer and Quarter Master, 23 Oct. 84.-Offg. Wing Comdr.
Wing Officer, 19 Aug. 86.—Dep. Assist. Com. Gen. Dinapore.
Wing Officer, 18 July 87.
Wing Officer, 27 Feb. 89.—With 2 Punjab Infantry.
Wing Officer, 18 July 87.—Prob. Commissariat Dept.
Officiating Wing Officer.
Officiating Wing Officer.
Officiating Wing Officer.
In medical charge, 29 May 90.
5th Bengal Native Infantry {Lt.Inf.-late42 N.I.-Jansin-Jcec-Fidtim.-Eaised iSo;i)
—Linked luitJi ^fh and 6th Regiments.—Regimental Centre, Benares.
"Abbacan "—"Afghanistan "—" Candahab "—"Ghuznee "—" Cabul, 1842 "—" Moodkee"—" F^aozFsnuiiuK"
—" Sobbaon"—"Afghanistan, 1879-80."
Head Quarters at Lucknow. Uniform, Red. Facings, Yellow.
Colonel J. May, Bengal Infantry ' 9 Aug. 83 Commandant, 25 March 87.'
Major B. C. Graves, Staff Coi-jis -jo Jan. 86J2nd in Command and AVing Commander, 10 Dec. 89.
Captain H. Read, Staff Corps [ 8 Jan. 851 Wing Commander, 15 Aug. 88.—Furlough.
Captain J. Lampen, Staff Corps '13 Aug. 90 Wing Officer , t July 82.
Captain A. I). C. Pond, Staff Corps j i Nov. 90'Wing Officer, 27 Feb. 85.—Burmah Military Police.
Lieut. W. A. Cuppage, Staff Corps ' i July SilWing Officer and Quarter Master, 8 May 85.—Furlorgh.
Lieut. P. W. D. Brockman, Staff Corps 25 .July 82iWiiig Officer, 23 Aug. 88.—Sick Furlough.
Lieut. J. N. Jephson, Manchester Regt.' 7 Feb. 851 Wing Officer, 14 May 89.
Lieut. A. T. Walling, Staff Corps '30 Jan. 86 Wing OtBcer, 6 June 89.
Lieut. E. V. Martin, Dublin Fusiliers... 31 July 89 Officiating Wing Officer.
Lieut. H. L. Anderson, York Lt. Inf. ...!26 Mar. 90 Officiating Wing Officer.
Surgeon U. N. Mukcrji, IID i 'in medical charge, 14 July 88.
6th Bengal Native Infantry {Lt. Inf. Za^e'43 N.I.-Kyne-Jce-daheena Paltun—
Raised 1803).—Linked icith 4th and ^th Regiments.—Regimental Centre, Bt-nares.
"Naqpobb"—"Afghanistan "—"Cand ah ab"—"Ghuznee"—"Cabul, 1842"—" Mahaeajpobk"—"Sobeaon"—
" Ali Mcs.iid"—" Afghanistan, 1878-79."
Head Quarters at Cawnpore. Unifurm, Bed. Facings, While.
Colonel A. G. Ilandcock, Staff Corps ... 2 Mar. 85 Commandant, 10 June 88.—furlough.
Lt.Colonel W. Hailes, Staff Corps
Major W. J. A. Birch, Staff Corps
Major C.H. Westmorland, Staff Corps...
I July 87 Otliciating Commandant.—From 4 Native Infantry.
I Dec. 85'2nd in Commnndand Wing Commander, 10 June 88.
23 Aug. 8g Wing Commander, 10 Juno 33.
Major L. M. Boileau, Staff Corps 22 July 88 WingOtHcer, 30 Jan. 79.—Station Staff Officer, Bnrrackpore.
Captain C. F. G. Young, Staff Corps i May 8g Wing Officer, i July 82.—With 4 Native Infantry.
Captain R. M. Maxwell, Staff Corps ... 13 Aag.90 Wing Officer, 9 Oct. 82.—Comdt. Luckimpore Police Bn.
Lieut. H. J. Roche, Staff Corps 6 Feb. 84. Wing Officer and Adjutant. 29 Sept. 86.—Furlough.
Lieut. N. T. Parker, Staff Corps 25 Nov. 85 Wing Officer and Quarter Master, 4 Aug. 87.
Lieut. A. J. Jamieson, Staff Corps 10 Nov. 86. Wing Officer. 18 May 89.
2nd Lt. R. M. P. Swift, Dublin Fus l2j Aug. 83 Officiating Wing Officer.
Surgson N. P. Sinha |In medical charge, 6 July 89.—O.Tg. Civil,'urrcodpore.
Surgeon C. B. L. Gilbert I 'officiating in medical charge.

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