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Chaplains' Department.
Chaftlain Otneral lo the Forcex {ranlcinff as Major General).— Hee. John Cox Kdghill, 3IA., DD., Chap'ain Toicer of
London^ Hon. Chaplain to the Queen, and Hon. Chaplain to the Duke oj Cambridge, 8 Feb. 85, War Office.
CuAPLAiNS TO THB FoECES OF THE FiEST Class, ranking ag ColoneU.
Hes. William Ponsford i Ma3' 80
Sev. J. A. Welsh Collins,! BA. 16 Mar. Si
Jlei}. Fred.L. Gascoigue (E.C.) 11 Aug. 84
Set). W. H. Bullock'5 15 June 85
Jiei). Robert Brindle" (B.C.) 15 JuneSj
liev. Franc Sadleir, MA J14 Mar. 87 Dover
Sen. Edward B. B. Kltson, MA. 22 June 88 .\.l(lersIiot
Rev. C. A. Solbe,» liA I 1 Dec. 90 R. M. Asylum
Beu. Alfred J. Towneud, U^. ...! i Deo. go Gibraltar
Chaplains to the Forces (snd Class), ranking as Lt.Cohnelt.
Sea. Chas. Adeane Rosser, MA.'12 Apr. B6|Malta
Sev. Joseph H. Sutton Moxly... 11 Mar. 87VVoolwich
Mev. RobertStewartPatterson'^ 14 Anr. 87 PembrokeDk.
iJei-. James BellordiM^-C.).... ' "' '
Sea. Geo. Kirkwoodi* (Fresh)
ifei'. Thomas Foran'j (B.C.) .
18 Nov. 87'Bermuda
124 Oct. SgiColchester
iRfu. Joseph Corbett's(R.a) ...| i Apr.
Meo. James Milne Millar^' / 23 Sept.
(Fresh.) ( 10 May
Heo. Riddall Morrison 16 June
Sev. Charles Gregson, Jf 4 6 Jan.
JSeo. David Nickerson, M".i 10 Jan.
Jiev. Edward John Hardy, BA. 13 Sept.
Jfey.Tho.PattersonMullins,i?J. 16 Jan.
Men. William Le Grave (ii.C.) 18 Jan.
Sec. John Hackett.^fiJ^ 2 Mar.
TO the Foecbs
gij j London
87 {Plymouth
88 London
88 Chatham
Jieu. Alfred Malim,. 3X^ : i Dec. 8t|3hoebur3-nesS
K«y.Eras.HarpurGoodwiu.U^. 15 May gc;
ir!«ii.ReginaldF. Collins'* (B.C.) 15 June gc:Malta
Mev. John Mactaggart''' 15 June 90! Aldershot
Eev. Fred. J. Bateman i5 0ct. go Oiirragh
Bee. Walter Hebdon Milner ... 27 Nov. 90 Cyprus
\\ Beo. JohnKingLethbridge,3/.4.; 3 Dec. 90 Egypt
(3ED Class), ranking as Majors.
Meo. H. H. Seattle, LLB
Bey. Henry Arthur Darnell
liev. Timothy Twomey (B.C.)...
Meo. Henry kelly» (B.C.)
Bell. Albert Springett Norfolk...
llec. Fras. Aubrey Darnell,iM"4.
Bet;. George Smith^i
Ben. O. A. W. 0'Neill,22 BA. ...
Beo. Douglas Soames
13 Mar. 88
3 July 83
13 July 83
II Jan. 89
18 Feb. 8g
9 Aug. 89
10 Feb. 90
10 Aug. 90
28 Nov. 90
Chaplains to the Foeces (41
iReD. Rob. Edmund Kavanaugh
Jiev. Emman. Maria Morgan^^...
liev. Charles Josiah Horl
Seo. Thos. Felton Falkner, MA.
Eev. P. F. Raymond, MA
Sev. Edward H. P. Jciiner, BA.
Eev. Charles Freeman Reilly ...
2iev. Ronald Fisher M'Leod
Eev. John Graham Keenan
Eev. Charles Walter Keatinge^'
Ben. Wm. Sidney Randall, BA.
Eev. S. P. H. Statham,^ BA. ...
Bey.W.Bernard Lyon Ale.x.ander
Bev.J. Scaudreth Edwardes ...
Bey. Fred. George Wright
Bee. CharlesHeur}'Murphy,3//l.
Eev. William Berkeley Dowding
Bey. Wm.Foster Ray Buckle, BA
Eev. Edward Ryan
Bev. Frederic Bethune Nor-)
man Norman Leo, MA f
22 Oct.
31 July
I Sept.
15 Sept.
4 Jan.
23 Mar.
18 June
29 July
21 June
27 Jan.
26 Aug.
23 Aug.
I Sept.
14 Aug.
7 Apr.
8 Apr.
2S Oct.
16 Apr.
I May
81 Aldershot
I Woolwich
19 Jan. 84
Mai ta
Halifax, N.S.
H Class), ranking as Captains.
Eev. Arthur Augustus Lynn")
Gedge.iJ^ j
Bey. James Robertson
Bey. John Morrow Simnis
Beo. Robert Armitage, BA
Eev. Joseph Barnaby Charles')
Murphy, af4 )
Beo. Sydney AVilliam Went- \
worth WUkin }
Eev. Willoughby Chas. Haines
Beo. Lewis Joseph Matthews ...
Bey.Willoughby ChaseParr,Ar.J.
Eev. WiUiamHowardLeeds,U4.
Bey. Alf.Wm.BrownWatson.B/l,
Eev. Geo.Hubert Andrews, MA
Eev. Edward Parkt Smith, MA
Beo. Thomas Hy. Foulkes, MJ
Bev. Ernest F. Newman, MA...
1 May 85 Winchester
8 Apr. 84|Dubliu
29 Mar. 87|Curragh
Oct. 86:London
22 Feb. 87 Portsmouth
1 Oct.
3 Nov.
16 Oct.
10 Oct.
I Sept,
4 Sept,
1 Nov.
9 Jan.
I Mar.
I Jan.
87 Aldershot
88 Dover
87 Aldershot
Sgj Devonport
War Services.
"^ Mr. J. A. W. Collins served with the field force in the Waikato during the New Zealand wnr in 1864-65, and was
present at the investment and capture of Orakau (thanked in brigade orders). Also served with the field force
under Major General Chute in the Wanganui-Taranaki campaign in 1866, including the Bush march to Taranaki, and
was present at the assault and capture of Otapawa and Waikowkou Pahs, and the destruction of Kelemarai and
other places (mentioned in despatches, and Medal).
« Mr. W. H. Bullock served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 as Senior Chaplain to the force (mentioned in
despatches, promoted Chaplain ist Class, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
' Mr. R. Brindle served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Soudan
Expedition under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884, and was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai (men¬
tioned in despatches, promoted Chaplain of the 2nd Class, two Clasps, and 4th Class of the Osmanieh). Also
served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 as Senior Chaplain with the force (mentioned in despatches, promoted
Chaplain of the ist Class, Clasp). Was present in the engagement at Giiiiss, on the Upper Nile, on the 3cth Decem¬
ber, 1885 (mentioned m despatches).
3 Mr. Solbe served in the Egjiitian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
ii* Mr. Patterson was in Turkey in the Imperial Ottoman service during the war in the East. Served as a Lieu¬
tenant in the Canadian Volunteer Rifles at the time of the Trent affair, and also in the first Fenian raid. Accom¬
panied, as Chaplain, the Red River expeditionary force of 1870 under Sir Garnet Wolseley to Fort Garry. Pro¬
ceeded to the Gold Co.ast in September 1873, and served there until the capture of Coomassic (Modal).
! '3 jir. Bollord served in the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the engagement at Uluudi (.Medal with Clasp).
Servedin the Boer war in i83i. Served throughout the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle o(
Tel-el-Kebir—slightly wounded (promoted Chaplain 3rd Class, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
'* Mr. Kirkwood served in the Ashantiwar in 1873 (Medal). Servedin the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal with Clasp)
!^ Mr. Foran served in the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal). Served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Modal with
Cl.Tsp, and Khedive's Star).
'•' Mr. R. V. Collins served in the Egyptian war of 1882 with tlie ist Battalion of the Royal Irish Fiisiliors, and was
prose It at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Servedin the Soudan campaign in
1884-85, took part in the defonce of Suakin, and was jiresent in the engagements at Hasheen and the Tofro;4
reroba and at the destruction of Temai (mentioned in despatches, promoted Cha])lain of the 3rd Class, two Clasps).
" Mr. Mactaggart serve 1 in the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was pre-
Bent at the battle of Tel-el-K3bir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star); also served with the Soudan Expedi¬
tion under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884,and was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai (two Clasiis)
Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85, and was present at the action of Kirbekan (mentioned iu do-^patehes,
promoted Chaplain of the 3rd Class, two Clasps). [For remainder of Notes, see preceding page.
B B 2

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