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2 75«f The East Surrey Regiment.
Second LiHuiEifANis. ^"^ iiedt.
: Arthur Kennedy Rawlina 21 Dec. 89
2 Norman Francis Hackct Pam 1 29 .Tan. 90
T Walter Herbert Paterson [ j Mar. 90
1 Stephen Henry Edmund Nicholas | 8 Oct. 90
2 Arthur Henry Seton Hart I 8 Oct. 90
1 William Pitt Haydon 2g Oct. 90
2 James FitzWalter Arcedeckre-Buller... 29601. 90
PuymasteTt.—i Henry C.' 7 May 81; Ens. 22 Sept. 65 ; Lt. 3 Apr. 70 ; Capt. 11 Feb. 80 : ffon. Major,
2 ' [7 May 86.
Quarter Maiters.—i Alfred Keeble,^^ 10 June 82; Son. Lieut.
2 Henry M'Dermott, 6 Aug. 90 ; Hon. Lieut.
Fiicingg White.—Agents, Messrs. Cox and Co.
lit Battalion emharked for India, 22 Dec. 18B4. 2nd Battalion returned from Egypt, 6 Sep^ 1885.
' Sir Edward Lugard served as a Major of Brigade throughout the campaign of 1S42 in Affghanistan under
General Pollock, and was present in the actions of Mazeena, Tezeen, and JugduUuck, the occupation of Cabool,
and the diBTerent engagements leading to it (Medal). He served throughout the campaign on the Sutlej ;—
as Deputy Assistant Adjutant General to Sir Harry Smith at the battles of Moodkee (wounded), Ferozes'haJi
(wounded), and Sobraon;—as Adjutant General of the whole Force commanded by Sir Harry at the affair of
Buddiwal, and the battle of Aliwal; and he officiated as Adjutant General of Her Majesty's Forces in India, from
the battle of Sobraon to the end of the campaign, when lie was appointed Assistant Adjutant General to Hct
Majesty's Forces in India (Medal and three Clatns). He again ofBciated as Adjutant General throughout the
Punjaub campaign in 1R48-49 ; and was present at the passage of the Chenab, and battles of Chillianwallah ami
Goojerat (Medal with two Clasps). Served asChief of the Staff on the Persian expedition in 1857 (Medal with Clasp,
and nominated a i'C-B.). Was promoted to ther.ank of Major General "for his services in the command ofu
Division at the capture of Lucknow, and subsequently in the command of the Azimghur Field Force" (Medal with
« Colonel Hornby served with the 70th Regiment in the New Zealand war of 1864-65 (Medal). Served with
the 70th Regiment in the Afghan war in 1878-79 (Medal). Served in the expedition to the Soudan in 1SS5 with the
2nd Battalion of the East Surrey Regiment, and was present at the engagement at Hasheen, at the attack on tha
convoy on the 26th March, .and in the subsequentadvancetoTemai (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lt.Colonel,
Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
" Colonel Hart accompanied Sir Garnet Wolseley to the Gold Coast in September 1S73 on special service.
Trained the Sierra Leone Company of Russell's Regiment and commanded it throughout the Ashantiwar of
■■873-74, taking part in the repulse of the Ashanti army at Abrakrampa during the 5th and 6th November
3873, the attack and capture of Adubiassie, battle of Amoafnl, attack and capture of Becquah, advanced guard
engagement of Jarbinbah (slightly v/oiinded), battle of Ordahsu and capture of Coomassie. Attached to the
Quarter Master General's Department, surveyed Cape Coast, accompanied the scouting party north of thu
Prah and made the surveys of the road and scenes of action from the Prah to Coomassie (twice mentioned
in despatches, Jledal with Clasp). Went on special service to South Africa in November 1878, and serveti
throughout the Zulu war of 1879; first, as Staff Officer of the 2nd Regiment of Natal Native Contingent (two
battalions), taking part with Pearson's Column in the engagement of Inyezane; then, as Staff Officer oa
the Ekowe relieving column, being present at the action of Gingindhlovu ; afterwards as Brigade Major of ths
2nd Brigade ist Division; and, finally, as Principal Staff Officer of Clarke's Column (several times mentioned in
despatches, Bievet of Major, Medal with Clasp). Went to South Africa on special service in January 1881, and
served under Sir Evelyn Wood in the Boer war as Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quarter Master General. Went
to Egypt on special service in July 1882 and served throughout the Eg.vptian war as Deputy Assistant Adjutanl
and Quarter Master General in the Intelligence Department, being present at the reconnaissance in force from
Alexandria 5th August, the engagements of El Magfar, Tel-el-Mahuta, and Kassasin gth Sept. (slightly wounded;,
and in the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of tha
Osmanieh, and Khedive's Star).
'' Colonel Maturin served with the 70th Regimentin the Afghan warin 1S78-79 (Medal). Served in the expedi¬
tion to the Soudan in 1885 with the 2nd Battalion of the East Surrey Regiment, and was present in the cngagemenl
at Hasheen, at the attack on the convoy on the 26th March, and in'the subsequent advance to Temai (mentionedin
despatches, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Glasp, and Khedive's Star).
1' Major Roupell served in the Afghan war in 1879 (Medal). Served in the Mahsood Wuzeerce Expedition in
1881 as Assistant Adjutant General (mentioned in despatches).
'* Major Freeman served in the exi^edition to the Soudan in 1885 with the 2nd Battalion of the East Surrey Regi¬
ment, and was present in the engagement at Hasheen, at the attack on the convoy on the 26th March, and in the
subsecjuent advance to Temai (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
1' Major Burnaby served with the 70th Regiment in the Afghan war in 1878-79 (Medal). Served in the expedition
to the Soudan in 1885 with the 2nd Battalion of the East Surrey Regiment, and was present in the engagement aS
Ha^heen, at the attack on the convoy on the 26thMarch, and in the subsequent advance to Temai (Medal with Clasp,
and Khedive's Star).
" Major Harris served with the 70th Regiment in the Afghan war in 187S-79 with the Thull Chotiali Field
Force under Major General Biddulph (Medal). Also served in the Mahsood Wuzeeree Expedition in 1881 as Super¬
intendent of Army Signalling to Brigadier General Gordon's Column (mentioned in despatches).
" Captain Frodsham served in the expedition to the Soudan in 1885 as Acting Adjutant to the 2nd Battalion of
the East Surrey Regiment, and was present in the engagement at Hasheen, at the attack on the convoy on the 26tb
March, and in the subsequent advance to Temai (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
'" Captain Pearse served with the 70th Regiment in the Afghan war in 1878-79 under Brigadier General Biddulph,
including the occupation of Candahar (Medal).
" Captain Couj)cr served in the Afghan war i.i 1878-79 with the 70th Regiment (Medal). Served in the expcditionr
to the Soudan in 1885 with the 2nd Battalion of the East Surrey Regiment, and was present in the engagement at
Hasheen, at the attack on the convoy on the 26th March, and in the subsequent advance to Temai (Medal witU
Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
^ Captain Ringwood served with the 70th Regiment in the Afghan war in 1878-79, first with the Candahar Column ,
and afterwards with the Thull Chotiali Field Force under Major General Biddulph (Medal).
'^ Captain R. L. C. Birch served in the Afghan war in 1878-79 with the 70th Regiment (Medal).
'* Captain H. L. Smith served with the 70th Regiment in the Afghan war in 1878-79 (Medal). Served in the ex¬
pedition to the Soudan in 1885 with the 2nd Battalion of the East Surrey Regiment, and was present in the en-
pavement at Hasheen, at the attack on the convoy on the 26th March, arid in the subseqaent advance to Temai
^Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
'^ Captain Silver served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the ist Battalion of the Black Watch, took
part in the operations of the River Column under Major General Earle, and was present in the action of Kirbe-
kan (Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
*' Captain Wynyard served with the 70th Regiment in the Afghan war in 1878-79 (Medal).
M Captains Duusterville, White and Ellis, and Lieut. Lynden-Bell served in the expedition to the Soudan in 1885
vrith the 2nd Battalion of the East Surrey Regiment, and were present in the engagement at Hasheen, at the attack
on the convoy on the 26th March, and in the subsequent advance to Temai (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
"> Captain Bayliss served with the expedition to the Soudan in 1885 as Signalling Officer to the 2nd Battalion of the
East Surrey Regiment, and was present in the engagement at Hasheen, at the attack on the convoy on the 26th
March, and in the subsequent advance to Temai; was Orderly Officer to Colonel Ralston when in command of th*
and Brigade (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
[For remainder ofNottt, tee end of Eati Lancashire Segi»«Ht, p. i74«.

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