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433 11th {Prince oj ^Vahss Own) Bengal Cavalry {Lancers—late ist Sikh Cavalnj).
Plume of the Prince of Wales. "Luckxow" (Capture)—" H i.-s.x! Fokts"—"Pekin."
Head Quarters at Nowshera. (Khyber Line Force.) Utuform, Blue. Facings, F.ed. Lace, Gold.
Rank, Names, and Coups.
Sonorarxf Colonel—Fiam Marshal H.R.H. Albert Edward, Prince of Wales and Dake of Cornwall,
Major R. E. Boyle, Staff Corps iioDec. 74 Commandant, 12 June 73.
Major A. H. Prinscp, late 4 Cavalry 18 Apr. 74 2nd in Com. and Sijuadron Commander, 12 June 75.
Captain W. I. Bax, Gen. List, Infantry ,27 Nov. 6g Squadi-on Commander, 12 .lune 75.
Captain W. W. H. Scott, Geu. List, Inf. 26 Mar. 70 Siiuadron Commander, 28 Mar. 76.—Brigade Major, MeeanMeer.
j Squadron Commander.
. 18 Dec. 79|Squadron Officer and Adjutant, 12 .Tune 75.—Offg Squad. Comdr.
, 24 July 72 Squadron Officer, 28 March 76.—OfFsf. Squadron Commander.
Lieut. H. T. G. Burne. StaffCorps ! 9 Aug. 73;Squadron Officer, 26 April 76.—Prob Miliiary Accounts Dept.
Lieut. S. B. Boatson, Staff Corps j 9 Aug. 73 Officiating Squadron Officer and Adjutant.
Lieut. V. M. Stoekley, 40 Foot 5 Oct. 74lOfficiating Squadron Officer.
Surgeon Major R. Power ' 2 Oct. •77:In medical charge, 27 Feb. 77.
Captain E. E. Money, Stafif Corps ,
Lieut. H. H. R. Heath, Staff Corps
12th Bengal Cavalry (late 2nd Slhh Cavalry).
** Ar.vssixiA."
Head Quarters at Jhelum. (Cabul Field Force.) Uniform, Blue. Facings, Bine. lace. Gold.
•FCColonol H. H. Gough, CB. Staff Corpsi i Oct.
Lt.Colonel H. A. M'Nair, late 29 N.I. ... i Apr.
Major J. H. Green, Staff Corps i July
Major A. P. Broome, Gen. List, Inf. Ii2 Oct.
MajorM. J. Moore, Gen. List, Cavalry...'20 Oct.
Lieut. J. B. Lynch, Staff Corps ^22 Oct.
Lieut. W. B. Wilson, StaffCorps '28 Oct.
Lieut. W. W. Lean, StaffCorps '11 Sept.72'OfficiatiE.
Lieut. G. U. Browne, 40 Foot 21 Sept.74]Officiatin:
Surgeon Major F. G. Constant, MD.
Surgeon C. W. Calthrop
77'Comdt., 20 Sept. 67.—Com. a Brigade of the Koomm Force.
7712nd in Command and Squadron Commander, 10 Apr. 79.—Sick
79'Squadrou Commander, 10 Apr. 75. [Furlough.
79'Squadron Commander, 10 Apr. 79.
jOlficiating Squadron Commander.
79'Squadron Officer, 16 Aug. 72.—Sick Furlough.
7o:Squadron Officer, 27 May 72.
7i|Squadron Officer and Officiating Adjutant.
Sciuadron Officer.
Squadron Officer.
iln medical charge, 8 Ajiril 70.—Furlough,
'officiating in medical charge.
13th Bengal Cavalry (Lancers—late 4th Silch Cavalnj).
Head Quarters at Kawul Pindee. (Cabul Field Force.) Uniform, Dark Blue. Facings, Scarlet. Lace, Silcer.
LtColonel R. C. Low, late 4 Cavalry ...1 8 Feb. 78 Commandant, 9 Oct. 71. [Furlough.
Major AV. H.Macnaghten, late 5 Cav '29 Dec. 742nd in Command and Squadron Commander, 9 Oct. 71.—Sick
Major C. R. Peunington, Staff Corps ' 4 Oct. 77 Squadron Commander, 9 Oct. 71. - Offg. 2nd in Command.
Major H. E. Ryves, Stalif Corps '11 June 79 Squadron Commander, 22 Mar. 65.
Bt.Major D. H. Thompson, Staff Corps I22 Nov. 79 Squadron Officer, 18 Dec. 77. —Offg. Squadron Commander.
"■ - — " '■ 28 Oct. 71 Squadron Officer and Adjutant, 18 Dec. 77.
Squadron Officer.
27 Mar. 72 Squadron Officer, 8 May 79.
Officiating Squadron Officer.
In medical charge, 2S Sept. 76.
Lieut. G. W. Deane, StaffCorps
Lieut. F. S. Gwatkin, Staff Corps
Surgeon G. Watson, ilD
14th Bengal Cavalry (Lancers—h
Head Quarters with Khyber Line Fores,
Lt.Colonel T. G.Ross, Staff Corps UoMar. 76
Major R. C. W. Mitford, StaffCorps
Capt. R. Eardley-Wilmot,Gen. List, Inf.
Captain C. S. Morrison, Gcxn. List, Inf.
Captain J. P. C. Neville, Staff Corps ...
Lieut. P. R. Bairnsfather, StaffCorps...
Lieut. L. S. Peyton, Staff' Corps
Surgeon Major P. W. Sutherland .
Surgeon W. A. Mawson
25 July 75
29 Oct. 69
26 Mar. 70
II Dee. 78
2 Nov. 72
13 June 74
ite Murray's Jut Horse.—Raised 30 June 1858.)
Uniform, Dark Blue. Facings, Scarlet. Zace, Gold.
Officiating Commandant.
2nd in Command anil Squadron Commantler, iS April 78.
Squadron Commander, 18 April 78.
Squadron Commander, iS April 78.
Squadron Officer, 19 Oct. 75.
Squadron Officer, 19 Oct. 75.—Offg. Adjutant.
Squadron OfUcer, 18 April 78.—Sick Furlough.
[Officiating Squadron Officer.
In medical charge, 4 Nov. 76.—Furlough,
'officiating in medical charge.
15th Bengal Cavalry (late Cureton's 2foolianee Cavalry.—Raised 14 Jan
Head Quarters with Vitakrl Force, One troop at Dera Ghazi Khan.
Uniform, Itijle Green. Facings, Scarlet. La:c, Gold.
Lt.ColonelG. A.Prendergast,StaffCorpsj2o Mar. 76(Commandant, ii July 67.-Commanding ,it Vitekri
LtColouel W. Musgrave, Staff'Corps
II June 78 j 2nd in Command and Squadron Commander, 11 July 67.—
4 Sept. 741 Squadron Commander, 28 Aug. 75. [Dcra Ghazi Khan,
4 Feb. 78; Squadron Commander, 28 Aug. 75.
_ _ _ 3 Jan. 77!Squadron Otlicer, i Dec. 77.
Captain U. O.W. Apperle.y,Gen. List luf. I25 Aug. dglSquadronOfficer, 28 Aug. 75.-Sick Fvirlough.
Captain P. R. Ditnuis, Staff Corps 10 July 79;S(iuadrou Officer, 1 Dec. 77.—Otf'g. Adj.—fetation Staff Officer.
Lieut. F. P. L. White, 72 Foot '24 July 7; Officiating Squadron Officer.
Burgeon H. P. Yeld I iln medical charge, 27 Apr. 76.
Major E. D. H. Vibart, Staff Corps
Major R. Atkins, StaffCorps
Captain S. D. TurnbuU, Staff Cqrps.^
16th Bengal Cavalry (late Rohilcnnd Horse).
Head Quarters at Allahabad. Uniform, Green. Facings, Fed. Lace, Gold.
Major J.Upperton, StaffCorps ,10 June 74 Commandant, 17 Oct. 76. ^ ^ ^ ,^ ^ r^a- ,^ 7,
Major R. M. Clifford, Staff'Corps 25 June 78 2nd in Command and Squad. Comdr., 17 Oct 76.—Offg. Comclt.
Major G. C. Ross, Staff" Corps I29 Apr. 75 Squadron Commander, 17 Oct. 76. t„ j
Major A W R Becher, Gen. List, Cav....;2o Dec. 7^ Squadron Com. 17 Oct. 76.—station Staff Officer, Jullunder.
Lieut St J F. MichcU, Staff Corps !28 0ct. 7i:Squadron Officer and Adjutant, 17 Oct. 76.—Sick Furlough.
Captain C. A. Carthew, StaffCorps ,16 Apr. 73 Squad. Officer, 23 Jan. 69.-D.A.Q.M. Gen., Khyber Lme Force.
Lieut. T. U. Eyre, Staff Corps '30 Dec. 71 Squadron Officer, 2 Jan. 79.—Sick Furlough.
1 Officiating Squadron Officer.
Lieut T S M. Woolley, 7 Foot 13 June 74JOfficiating Squadron Officer.
Lieut. W. G. Pollard, R. Art ;.'i4 Aug. 76,Officiating Squadron Officer and Adjutant..
Lieut.' G. P. Willes, 34 Foot 24 June 77|Officiating Squadron Officer.
Surgeon P. A. Weir, MB I 'in medical charge, 22 Sept. 79.

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