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227 War Services of the Officers of the Eoi/al Eixjineers.
(Medal with Clasp, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Modal). Was attached to the Turco-Russian Boundary
Commissions in Bessarabia and Asia in 1856-57. „ ^ i, , „ „p ii,„ „;nn-o
^6 Colonel C. G. Gordon served in the Trenches before Sebastopol from Dec 185+ to the clo,e "fthe siege
(wounded on 6th June 1855). Accompanied the Column under Sir John Campbell at the attack of the Redan on the
i8th June; accompanied the Company of Sappers attached to the expedition to Kinbourn and P^ffent at the sur¬
render of that fort. Was employed in the demolition of the Docks of Sebastopol; an(l subsequently emplojed on
the Turco-Russian Boundary Commissions in Bessarabia and Asia m 1856-57 P':,^,'''Y''^/^'^|il'; ^^^"n i,, th^
Legion of Honor, and Turkish Medal). Served in the Chinese war of 1S60 (Medal with Clasp for Pekm); and m the
operations against the rebels undertaken by the British Forces m .862, including the captures of the cities of
Kahding, Singpo, Cholin, and Najow (Brevet of Major). Commanded m 1S63 and 64 a native ImP" lalist Force m
thirty-th -ee engagements with the rebels (Brevet of Lt.Colonel, and CS., and the highest Chinese rank and honors^.
"Colonel Edwards served in the Crimea from 14th Sept. 1855, and was employed m the demolition ot the Docks
of Sebastopol (Medal, and Turkish Medal). Served in India in 1857-59, and commanded a C?mpanj of the Koyal
Engineers throughout the campaign in Central India under Sir Hugh Rose ; present at the «i<^S« a^f^^'°™™= °|
ChSndairee (commanded the ladder party at the assault, mentioned m despatches), siege and '''O'^ining of Jhansi
(directed the only two successful columns of assault), actions of the Betwah and Koouch (men lone In despatches)^
ap«^„= i,„tv„.„ ('oinpo fr„Tr, t.l.R ,=th to the 2i8t Mav. action of Goolowlee on 22nd May, xn which he supported
by overpowering
numoers (spe'cial'ly mentioned in Sir Hugh Rose's despatch for "prompt resolution in cimrgiiiH most successMl^^^
the very superior force of the rebels, routing them with loss, and pursuing ''^"'^ *>" 0"^ f ,™?^,,d;r,ro imn
Calpee, action before and capture of Gwalior. Served as <-:'f"''•™l'V^^^"7'"?'^^'^''^.'^,"'™?^^''J?p„tva^ TndS
in Bundlekund in August September and October 1858, and also with Colonel Meade s ^^"l>™n n ^enti^l I^^'^
in February March aSd April 1859, clearing the jungles and m the pursuit and capture of Tantia Topee (Medal
"^\*^'So^uefDon;e1l.fs'^rcl-throughout the Eastern campaign of '^54-55, including the battle^ in the
Crimea, siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasps, Knight of the Legion of Honor, and 'Turkish Medal).
=» Lt.Colo.iel Scott served at the siege of Sebastopol in June 1855 (Medal with Clasi., ^nd 1 urkish Medal).
«» Lt.Colonel Dumaresq served at the siege and fall of Sebastopol from July 1855; did duty m the Trenches
of the rtght attack (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). •j.i„„, q;f;„T,
" Colonel Scratchley served at the siege and fall of Sebastopol f™"'Aug. 1855, a^nd accompanied the expe^^^^^^^^^^
to Kinbourn (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served the campaigns in Oude of '857-58, having oined General
Windham's Force at Cawnpore in Nov. 1857, and was present at the siege and Cjxptnre of f^^^^l^no^" (^f f'^^^ ""^ 9'*"?^^
«3 Lt.Colonel Maquay served as Captain with the Engineers' Force of the Turkish Contngentm the Crimea in
1855-56 (Turkish Medal). Served in the Indian campaign of 1857-59, was severely wounded at Rowa, and present
at three other engagements (mentioned in several desjiatches. Medal with Clasp).
6^ Colonel W.BGosset served as Assistant Field Engineer with the Central India Fie I Force ^^^^
Rose in 1858; was Directing Engineer with the storming party at the assault of the hill Fort of fhaiidairee present at
the siege ind storming of Jhansi, commanded the 21st Company Royal Engineers d^^^g 'be ^ct'O" °f Koom^^
present at the actions of Goolowlee, Calpee, and Gwalior, and the capture of the two latter places (several times
"eTS' SalcoCt'r^ed t^thTJi'e\"rd l^Lpany throughout the Indian -f iY'^v'^lmttlon^fn'Test^trsl-
pore, relief of Lucknow, battle of Cawnpore, affair of Seraighat, capture of Lucknow (mentioned m despatches),
capture of Rooya, AUygunge, and Bareilly (Medal with Uvo Clasps). n„nrtprs in command of Bombay
" Lt. Colonel MacDonnell served throughout the Abyssinian campaign ^^'tl^^Head Quarters in command m^^^^
Sappers and Miners, and was present at the action of Arogee and capture ot Mag lala (mentioned m despatches as
having "rendered valuable and important services," Brevet of Major, and Medal) nrpsent at the
M Major Hon. W. Le Poer Trench served with the expeditionary force i" Chniam 1857-58 ; was present at the
operauins prior to, and commanded a ladder party at the capture of Can on; also commanded a ladder party at
the assault and capture at Namtow (mentioned in despatches, Medal with ^'afP); , „„„„„;„„ „f .g.g in
« Major C. E. Webber served with the 21st Company Royal Engineers throi ghout the campaign ol 1858 in
Boats during'thTnavIlaetfon^^^^ of the ladder party when the assault was made over the mud.
^'?o'ii^l'-^;'lS:tlr'se?vtd ^f ^^^^^ Central India Field Force throughout the cam-
pa gn,Tnd'afte™nxrriirtteGwlliorDivis^^^ iiiKlor Sir Robert ^apier jPi^.ent at the pt.^es of Chandeyree,
^hnlisi Calnee Gwalior and Poorie; actions of Koonch and Goolowlee (Medal with Clasp). 0 q o„^ qa
7^MaiorplnhtonTrved in Chink during 1858-fo the expeditions to the North m 1858 and i860 ;
duri^gihe cXpaign 0?the latter year com^an?led is a LieJitenant the ^th.Cn^'SrforSiX^'Skrvawang
the silge and capture of the Taku Forts (Aug. 21st and 22nd) and engaged at the affairs of Smho, Changkyawang,
Gogra campaign, including the action ot JJounaeraKera, att.iciv on ■'■"''',,". Sprvprl durintr the China war of
p^&nrwrp;te^tSl acSoTrfr^e^ar^^^^ Magdfla-wounde/in the right
Lm^and shoulder (mentioned in despatched Brevet of LtXoloneland^J^^^^^^^ Rangariri,
affairs at Burgudiah Fort Mudjidea and Bankec^^^^^^^ Was attached to the Quarter
was present at the affairs of Smho and Tangkua,!^^^^ and present at the affairs of Senho and
7^ Major Courtney served ^'tl'.">« «,?,P/^ "'^"^^ f^^^^^ TccompL^d the Naval forcesSnder Sir Michael Sey-
Sheksing with the Kwantung rebels on the 8th an^ 1859. Accompa^^^^^^ j.^^^^ ^^ .^^ ^^^tl,. gerved through-
mour to the Peiho river m May 1858, and ffs ei agea in ine ue ^^j ^ j. f ^oy^i Engineers and Madras
rp'p'eTaTdTar/refe'nt'atre'^acS ol iSi^iX^:;:^le"^r.,.'^re of the^Taku Lrts (mentioned in
despatches) and surrender °f. P^''™ (^edal ^;j;^^,^^^ andThe Crimea from June 1854 as a volunteer, and for such
76 Major Newsome served with the Army m iurkey and ^°^ V'™^^ ; , ^ Encineer, he received his Commission
fnThfc^s; t^sSUWcrimrarMSl ;i^^^^^^^^^

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