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Royal Engineers (late Bengal Engineers).
^>»' Majobs.
Browne, James, Executive Engineer, ,st Grade, ^'^-^^''^ii "pT„t Tri^on^^^^^^ ^oonr,
Carter, Thomas Tupper," Deputy Supermtendent, 2nd G™de, Great Tr.gonomcbical ^^^^^y °i ^ Division, Ganges Canal
XI ;»™ riioviooAVillinTTi Tno-ehv. Executive Enemeer, ist Grade, D.l.worKS, in.iv. riuvinwco, ^iv 1
HaiTis'on, Charles William Ingleby, Executive Engineer^
I Canal Division, N.W. Provinces, Saharunpore..
,'As^8iSiint Secretary to the Government of India,
12 Junes?
,12 June 57
'11 Dec. 57
II Dec. 57
II Dec. 57
II June 58
11 June 58
II June 58
II June 58
II June 58
11 June 58
in the Public Works Depsirtmcnt, Simla .... ;•■„■;, Vi_Wor'ks''and'As'sistant'to''theinsVect^^ General of Military)
Crichton, Henry M'Veagh, Executive Engmeer, ist Grade, Department Public vvorits, auu A.»i» c- ^
Works, Simla ;•■■••■ uv;vv.'^V, ■■■;■'; ^oA'.^i^ta'N'nrVhemiienea^ State Railways, Darjeeling
Trevor, Eduard Andrew; Examiner, 3rd Class, ist Grade, of Pnbhc Works Accounts ™ ^^^^^^^
Pierson, William Henry," Executive Engineer, 2nd Grade Department Public Woi^^^^
Strahan, George, Deputy Supt. 2nd Grade, Topographical Survey of India-^^L^^^^^ Leave, Europe
Goldie. Barrc< John, Executive Engineer, 3rd Grade, D.P.Works, Ferozepore^Dmsion Mmtarj w o . ..^^ ^^ ^^ ^^_ ^ Topographical Party, ^
Ridden, Robert Vansittart, Deputy Superintendent, 2nd Grade, i Oct. 67, lopograpnicai i=uivcy o ^
Bundleciiud Survey,Dehra Doou . ... ....^ Jm :'•■:;A',;;MVipnT'su'rvev'oTlnto of No. 4. Pendulum and Magnetic)
Heaviside, William James, Deputy Superintendent, 3rd Grade, Great Trigonometrical survey ui mua, b j.
Party, Culeutta ,--,.V-^;;;; V, ■■■^'r'Ti-^o.inPpr in Chieffor'Pr'ovincial Light Railways, and ei-^^
Shepherd, William, Executive Engineer, ist Grade, D.P.W., N.W. Provinces; Engineer in (..uiei lur r uy e j
Secretary to Government of N.W. Provinces, Allahabad. Furlough ■••■: ■■-•■■■•-■::t wprovinces Nort^^^^ Division, Ganges Canal, Eoorkee
- " ■ -■ , Executive Engineer,2nd Grade, Department Public VVoiK8^>.". riuviiit^jo,
27 Aug. 58
27 Aug. 58
'27 Aug. 58
27 Aug. 58
37 Aug. 58
27 Aug. 58
27 Aug. 58
27 Aug. 58
27 Aug. 58
27 Aug. 58
27 Aug. 58
oDcc. 58
10 Dec. 58
10 Dec. 58
10 June 59
10 June 59
9 Dec. 59
ITffl; Duniias, James,'' Executive Engineer, 2nd Grade, D.P.Works, Calcutta „> T„ji„ t p„ve Eurone
Trotter, Heiirv, Deputy Superintendent, 3rd Grade, Great Trigonoraetricnl Survey of India. Leave, i!,urope.,
Ganges Canal, N.W.Provinces, Aligarh.,
Cotton, Francis Frederick, Executive Engineer, 2nd Grade, Department PubUc Works MUitary^^^^^^^^
Broadfoot, William," Executive Engineer 2nd Grade, Department Public Works, Jlrrigatio_nBrancn,_iuiioauo,^j.a ^^^^
'Eastern Jumna Canal Division, Lahore..
Marshall, George Frederick Leycester, Executive Engineer, 2nd Grade, D.P.W 'w^rV«'"pMiaub" Assistant to Chief Engineer and Assistant Secretary )
Armstrong, John Arthur,™ Executive Engineer, ist Grade, Dejiartment Public Works, 1 unjauu, Ateisianu uu s j
to Government, Lahore
10 Nov. 69
I Jan. 70
I July 70
1 July 70
14 Dec. 70
4 Dec. 70
14 Dec. 70
2 Jan. 71
2 Jan. 71
14 Jan. 71
14 Jan. 71
14 Jan. 71
4 Jan. 71
14 Jan. 71
20 Jan. 71
24 Mar. 71
18 July 71
18 July 71
3 Aug. 72
3 Aug. 72
3 Aug. 72
3 Aug. 72
3 Aug. 72
3 Aug. 72
3 Aug. 72
20 Aug. 72
24 Aug. 73
24 Aug. 73
24 Aug. 73
1 Apr. 74
I Apr. 74
9 Dec. 59
9 Dec. 59
8 June 60
8 June 60
8 June 60
8 June 60
8 June 60
8 June 60
8 June 60
8 June 60
8 June 60
8 June 60
8 June 60
8 June 60
8 June6o|23 July 74
5 Nov. 70
7 Oct. 76
I Oct. 77
1 Oct. 77
I Oct. 77
I Oct. 77
I June 7d
30 Nov. 78

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