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24 War Services of the General Officers.
pulse of the enemy's attack on the Alumbagh, siege and capture of Lucknow (Brevet of Lt.Colonel). Commanded the
7th Hussars at tiie afifairs of Bairee and ,Sirsee, action of Nawabgunge, occupation of Jfyzabad, passage of the
G;iomtee at feultanjjore, throughout the Byswarra campaign, including the affairs of Pan'doo Nuddee, Paleeghat,
Hy(lerghur, and pursuit of Benhi Madho's i''orce to the Goomtee ; also the Trans-Gogra campaign, including the
affair near Chiirda and pursuit, taking the Fort of Meejoedia, attack on Bankee with pursuit to the Raptee, advance
into Nepaul and aifair of Sitkaghat (several times mentioned in despatches, CB., Medal witd Clasp).
1 j8 J5j,. Frederick FitzWy gram served in the Ci-imea with the 6th Dragoons, was present at the battle of Tchemaya
»nd fall of Sebastojiol (Medal with Clas]), and Turkish Medal).
159 Major General Guise served with the 90th Ijight Infantry in the Crimea, from 5th to 24th Dee. 1854, including the
siege of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Alscj in the Indian campaign, including the siege and
capture of Lucknow, where he led the attack uiion the Secundcrbagh (mentioned in despatches, Victoria Cross,
Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp, and a year's service).
"'■" Major General J. W. Cii.\-served in the 13th Light Infantry the campaigns of 1840, 41, and 42 in Affghanistan,and jti-esent at the assault and capture of the to^ni and fort of Tootumdurrah, storm of Jhoolghur, night attack of
Baboo Koosh Ghur, attack onKhardun-ah, storming the Khoord Cabool Pass, affiiir of Tezeen, forcing the Jugdulluck
Pass, reduction of tiie Fortof Mair.ooKhail, heroic defence of .lellaiabad and sorties on the i4thNov. (mentionedin
despatch) and ist Dec. 1841, and nth Mar. 24111 Mar. and ist Ai)r. 1842 ; the general action with and defeat of the be¬
sieging force under Akbar Khan before .Telhilabad on the 7th Ajiril (mentioned in despatches for "gallant conduct
throughout the day," and as Iieing " the first of tlieparty which captured thein to seize two of the enemy's cannon") ;
the stonning of the .Tugdulluck heights, general action at Tezecn, and recapture of t'abool, for whichhehas a Medal,
as also anotiier for .IcUalabad. Served in the Crimea from 30th June 1855, and was at the battle of the Tchernaya,
niege and fall of Seliastopol (Medal with Clasp, 5th Class of the Medjiilie, and Turkish Medal). Served in the In-
<han cauijiaign, and commanded the Left Wing of the 13th Light Infantry from Aug. 1857 to Oct. 1858, and was ac¬
tively einjiloyed in the Azimghur and GoiTuckpore districts and southern borders of Oiide, present in eightengage-
luents, m three of which he commanded the whole force, in three others he commanded a separate Column, and in
the remaining two he acted as principal Staff Officer to the force (rejieatedly mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lt.
Colonel, CS., and Medal).
'^1 Major Genera'. Chajjinau served with the 48th Kogt. in the Crimea subsequent to the fall of Sebastopol from
February until the 30th May 1S56. Commanded the 2iid Battalion iSth Roj-al Irish in the New Zealand war of
1863-6S, and was engaged in Waikato and Wanganui (Medal).
"^ Major General G. W. A. Higginson served throughout the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, as Adjutant 3rd Bat¬
talion (Grenadier Guards, including the battles of Alma. Balaklava, and Inkerman (horse killed), siege and fall of ■
Sebastopol; after which he served as Brigade Major of the Guards until the conclusion of the war (Medal with
four Clasps. Brevets of Major and Lt.Colonel, Knight of the Legion of Honor, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and
Tui;kish Medal).
^^ Major General R. Hume served the Eastern campaign of 1854, and up to the 13th Jan. 1855, and from the 29th
May to the 30th Sept. 1855, with the 55th Begt., including the battles of Alma and Inkernian (severely wounded),
siege and fall of Sebastopol, repulse ot the sortie of 26th October, and assaults of the Redan on the 18th June and
8th Sept.—severely wounded, and mentioned in desoatches (Medal with three Clasps, Brevet of Major, Knight of
the Legion of Honor, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Commanded the 55th Regiment in the Bhoo-
fan expedition, including the attack and recapture of Dewangiri in 1B65 (Medal with (Uasp).
1^' Major General A. Browne served the Eastern campaign of 1854 with the 44th Regiment, including the battle of
Alma and siege of Sebastopol. and was severely wounded in the Trenches on the 20th October by a shell, occasioning
amputation of right arm and part of left hand (Medal with two Clasps, Brevets of Major and Lt.Colonel, Knight
of the Legion of Honor, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Served also the campaign of i860 in the
north of China, and was present at the action of Sinho, taking of Tangku, and the assault and capture of the inner
Taliu Fort, where he succeeded to the command of the 44th Regiment—mentioned in despatches (Medal with Clasp,
and CB.).
••i" Major General F. Pej-ton served in the gSth Regt. with the ex])edition to tlie north of China in 1842, and was pre¬
sent at t;he operations in the Yangtsekiang River, the attack and capture of Chin Kiang Foo, and at the landing
before Nankin (Medal). Punjaub campaign of 1848-49 (Medal). Served with the Flank Companies otJ,he 98th
K«gt. at the forcing of the Kohat Pass, in the force under Sir Charles Napier and Sir ('olin Campbell in Feb. 1850
(mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp). Commanded four Companies of the 98th Regt, in the Peshawur Expe¬
ditionary Poi-ce on the Euzofzie Frontier under Sir Sydney Cotton in April and May 1858, capture of Pungtar and
Chinglee, and the affair with the Hindostanee fanatics' on the Heights of Sittana on 4th May (mentioned in
despatches). In the I'eshavi-ur Division during the Sepoy mutiny in 1858.
">* Major General O'Brien serveil in the 77th Regiment during the Crimean campaign of 1854 and up to the 26th Mar.
1855, including tlie afiiiirs of Bulganac and M'Kenzie's Farm^ battle of Alma, taking of Balaklava, Viattle of Inker-
man, and siege of Sebastopol (Brevet of Major, Medal with three fjlasps, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish
Medal). Served during the Indian mutiny in 1857-58 with the 87th Fusiliers, with the force under Sir Sydney
Cotton (Medal). Commanded the Military Train during the operations in New Zealand from November 1863 to
October 1867 (Medal).
1'" Major General C. Adams served in the campaign in the Crimea in 1854-55, including the battles of the Alma and
Inkermain (wounded), siege and fall of Sebastopol, sortie on 26th Oct., and assaults of the Redan on i8th June and
8th, September (Medal with three Clasps, Brevets of Major and Lt.Colonel, Knight of the Legion of Honor, 5th
Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
I'o Major (roieral Rich landed in the Crimea in 1855, served in the Trenches at the siege of Sebastopol, and was
present at it.s fall (Medal with Clasp, Brevet of Major, and Turkish Medal). Served during the campaign of 1858 in
Central India under Sir Hugh Rose, including the action at Koonch, and commanded the 71st Lt. Inf. at the actions
of Muttraand Despoora (mentioned in despatches), general action of Gowlowlee, capture of Calpee, action of Morar
(mentioned), .and capture of Gwalior (Medal with Clasp, and Brevet of Lt.Colonel). Commanded a Field Force of all
arms in the Jimgles of Central India from Nov. 1858 to May 1859 in pursuit of Tantia Topee, the Rao Sahib, Fe?-oze
Shah, and other rebel loaders, and on the 5th April surprised and totally routed the rebels at Nainwas—thanked by
the Governor General in Council.
•71 Major (Teneral Thomas sei'vod with the 40th Eegt. throughout the operations in Candahar and Affghanistan in
1841-42 iMedal inscribed "Candahar, Ghuznee, Caliul "). Also in the action of Maharajpore 29th Dec. 1843—severely
wounded (Bronze Star). Commanded Detachments of the i2tli and 40th Regiments at the capture of a stockade oc¬
cupied by insurgents atthe Ballarat Gold Fiehls in Australia on the 3rd Dec. 1854. for which he received the rank of
Maior. Served with the 67th Regiment throughout the campaign of i860 in North China, and was wounded while in
command of a Wing emplo.ved as part of theVovering and storming party at the capture of the North Taku Fort
(mentioned in despatches, CB.. Medal with two Clasps). Commanded the 67th Regiment at the second capture of
Kading from the Taeping rebels in 1862.
1'- Major (TCneral Williy served with the 4th Regt. in the Crimean campaign from 22nd Aug. 1855, including the
fiege anil fall of Sebastoiwl (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Commanded a wing of the 4th Regiment in
Guzerat and Sind during the Indian mutiny. Served throughout the Aliyssinian campaign as a Brigadier General,
and was present at the action of Arogee, led his Brigade to the assault of Magdala, and was Commandanttif that
fortress from the time of its capture to that of its destruction (mentioned in despatches, CB., and Medal)
•'3 Major General Greer served in the New Zealand war in 1864-66; commanded the 68th Light Infantry at the
attack on the Gate Pah (mentioned in despatches), and commanded the Tauranga Field Force at the engagement of
Te Ranga (mentioned, CB., and Medal).
''* Major General Bird served in the Ceylon Rifles during the Kandian rebellion of 1848. Commanded a Detachment
of 131 m'en of the Gold Coast Corps in dei'ence of Christiansborg Castle, on the Gold Coast, during the bombardment
of that and the adjacent towns of Labody and Tacia by H.M.S. Scourge, in Sept. and Oct. 1854—wounded
(Brevet of Major). Administered the Government of the Gold Coast during the successful expedition against the
Grobboes, 50 miles in the interior, in Sept. Oct. and Nov. 1858 (Brevet of Lt.Colonel). Commanded the expedition
against the Dounnuah rebels in June and J uly 1S59, whifh resulted in the capture of all the rebel chiefs.
"^ Major General Robert Carey served with the 40th Regt. throughout the operations in (^'andahar and Affghan¬
istan in 1841-42 (Modal). Served in the Crimea with the Turkish Contingent as Assistant Quarter Master General to

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