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16 War Services of the General Officers.
to Lieut. General Sir Fen ?rick'Williams till that officer's retirement from the command in British North America in
June 1865.
31 Lt.General Warre, while employed on the Staff in Canada in 1845-46, examined and reported upon the river
communications (2.300 miles) between Montreal and Red River Settlement, with a viewto the transport of troops ; also
in surveying and reporting upon the various settlements in the Oregon Territorj' and on various Islands on the
coast of the I'aciflc. Served in the Crimean campaign from March 1855, including the siege and fall of Sebasto¬
pol; after Colonel Shadforth was killed he commanded the 57th Regt., and was present at the assaults of the
Redan on the i8th June and 8th Sept.; also at the bombardment and surrender of Kinbourn (Medal with Clasp, CS.,
5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Commanded the 57th on the line of posts on the Taptee River in co¬
operation with the Central India Field Force in 1858. Also in the war of 1861 in New Zealand, and at the assault ou
the rebel Maori positions on the Kaitikara River on the 4th June 1863. Afterwards, as Colonel on the Staff, com¬
manded the Troops in the province of Taranaki—under martial law—during the whole of the operations on the West
Coast in 1863 66, was present and in command of the Troopa in the action at Poutoko 2nd Oct. i86q, at the
assaults and capture of the rebel Maori strongholds at Ahuahu and Kaitak^ in March 1864, and Mataitawa and To
Arei in Oct. 1864, also the occupation of Opunaki and subsequent operations at Warea and Te Puru, and in com¬
mand of the Field Force which was ordered to meet the troops from the South, opened the coast line of 150 miles from
Taranaki to Wanganiii. Wiis specially mentioned in Sir Duncan Cameron's despatches for his conduct during the
war, and received the pension for distinguished conduct for his services in New Zealand (Medal).
'- Lt.Gcneral Goodwyn served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 with the 41st Regiment, including the battles
of Alma and Inkerman, siege and fall of Sebastopol, repulse of the sortie on 26th October, affair on the iSth June
(wounded), and assault of the Redan on 8th September (Medal with three Clasps, Knight of the Legion of Honor,
5th Class of the Med.jidie, and Turkish Medal).
^■* Lt.General Heyland served with the 95th Regt. in the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the battle of
Alma (severelj'wounded—arm amputated), siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with two Clasps, Brevet of Lt.Colonel,
CB., Sardinian and Turkish Medals, 4th Class of the Medjidie).
" Lt.General G. V. Ma.^well served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 with the 88th Regiment, including the
battles of Alma and Inkerman, siege and fa-U of Sebastopol, attack of the Quarries on the 7th June (mentioned in
despatches) ; commanded the 88th at the attacks of the Redan on the iSth June and 8th September—severely
wounded (Medal with three Clasps, CB., Brevet of Lt. Colonel, Knight of the Legion of Honor, Sardinian and Turkish
Medals, and 4th Class of the Medjidie). Served also in suppression of the Indian mutiny in 1857-58, including
opei-ations at Cav\Tipore on 3rd 5th and 6th December 1857, affair at Bhognapore, siege of Lucknow in March 1858,
and siege of Calpee (Medal with Clasp for Central India).
3'' Sir Edward Selby Smyth served as Brigade Major to the Forces in the Southern Concan and Sawant Warree
country during the campaign of 1844 and 45, and was present at the attack and capture of several strong stockades as
well as in the operations before the mountain furts of Monohur, and at their final assault; also at the forcing of the
Kirwattee Pass, and subsequent occupation of the country below the Ghats. Served also in the Kaffir war of 1851-52
(Medal), and mentioned in General orders for conduct in command of a Column in action in the Fish River Bush
(Brevet of Major); with the expedition north of the Orange River in 1852-53, afterwards as Deputy Assistant
Quarter Master General of the 2nd Division ; and subsequently as D. Adj. General and D. Q. M. General to the forces
in South Africa from January 1854 to July i860. While commanding the troops in Mauritius, he was twice sworn
in and acted as Governor in 1870 and 1871.
S6 Lt.Gcnoral Jeffreys served with the 88th Regt. the Eastern campaign of 1854, and was present at the battles
of Alma and Inkcrinuu (wounded—at the latter he commanded the Regt.) and the siege of Sebastopol (Medal with
three Clasps, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
3' The Hon. Sir Francis Colborne served in Canada in suppression of the rebellion in 1838-39 and was
present in the action of St. Eustache. Served throughout the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, ^s Assistant Quarter Master
General to the 3rd Division, including the battles of Alma, Balaklava, and Inkorman, siege and fall of Sebastopol
(Meilal with four Clasps, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, CB,, Knight of the Legion of Honor, 5th Class of the Medjidie, Sar¬
dinian and Turkish Medals).
3" Lt.General the Hon. St. George Foley served in the Eastern campaign in 1854-56, as Assistant Commissioner
at the Head Quarters of the French Army, and was present at the battles of Alma, Balaklava, Inkennan, and
Tchernaya, the siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with four Clasps, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, CB., Officer of the Legion
of Honor, 4th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Served as Military Secretary to the expeditionary force-
in China from March 1857 to Feb. i860; was present at the capture of Canton in Dec. 1S57 (Brevet of Coiunel), andl
other affairs in the neighbourhood. Served throughout the campaign as British Commissioner at the Head Quar¬
ters of the French Army in China from Feb. i860 to Mai'ch 1S61, and was present at the storming and capture of
the Taku Forts, the actions of the i8th and 21st September—in the latter commanded 200 French Mounted Artil¬
lerymen, 50 Chasseurs d'Afrique, and a squadron of Fane's Horse—horse shot (mentioned in French despatches,
and made Commander of the Legion of Honor), and subsequent advance on Pekin (good service pension. Medal
with three Clasps).
^' Lt.General Elmh'rst served with the gth Regt. the campaign of 1842 in Affghanistan, including the forcing
of the Khyber Pass, capture of Mamokail, affair of Piquets in the Tezeen Valley (mentioned in despatches as having
distinguished himself in a charge on the enemy); forcing the Tezeen and Hoftkuttul Passes, and capture of Istalifl |
—nioiitioned in despatches as having captured a gun, and turned it with effect against the enemy (Medal). Also
served in the Crimea from 8th June 1855, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol and assault of the Cemetery on-
18th June (Medal with Clasp, Knight of the Legion of Honor, Turkish Medal, and 5th Class of the Medjidie).
•"> Lt.Genoral Taylor served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 (save the interval between gth Feb. and 15th
.funo 1855) with the 79fh Highlanders, including the battles of Alma and Balaklava, and full siege of Sebastopol
(Medal with three Clasps, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Commanded the 79th Highlanders from
Feb. to i6th Nov. 185S in the Indian campaign, including the siege and capture of Lucknow, and commanded a
Brigade in Oude from Nov. 1858 to Jan. 1859 (mentioned in despatches, CB., Brevet of Colonel, Medal with Clasp).
■" Lt.General Hon. A. E. Hardinge served as Aide de Camp to Lord Hardinge throughout the campaign on the
Sntlej in 1845-46, and was present in the battles of Moodkee, Ferozeshah (horse shot), and Sobraon (Medal and two
(Jlasps). Served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, first as D.A.Q.M. General to the 1st Division, and at Head
Quarters, and from the spring of 1855 as Assist. Qr. Master General at Head Quarters, including the battles of
Alma, Balaklava, and Inkerman, and siege of Sebastopol (Brevet of Major, Medal with four Clasps, CB., Knight of
the Legion of Honor, Turkish Medal, and 5th Class of the Medjidie ; promoted to 2nd Class of the Medjidie in 1876).
*' Lt General Somerset served with the Rifle Brigade in the Kaffir war of 1852-53 (Medal). Also the Easterncam-
paign of 1854-55, including the battles of Alma, Balaklava, and Inkerman, siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with
four Clasps, Knight of the Legion of Honor, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
" Lt.Genoral A. C. Goodenough served at the siege of Sobastopol in 1854-55, and commanded the 34th Regiment
at the assault of the Redan on the 8th September (Medal with Clasp, Brevet of Lt.Colouel, Knight of the Legion
of Honor, 5th Class of the Medjidie. and Turkish Medal).
"Sir Patrick Leonard MacDougall was employed on particular service in the Crimea, acting on the Quarter Master
General's Staff to the Kertch expedition (Medal with Clasp for Sebastopol, and Tm-kish Medal). Major General
MacDougall is the author of the following important and valuable military works, "Modem Warfare as influenced
by ;Modcrn Artillery," " The Theory of War," and " The Campaigns of Hannibal."
'« Lt.General Ma'cdonell served with the Rifle Brigade in the Kaffir war of 1846-47 (Modal). Also throughott
the Eastern campaign of 1854 as Aide de Camp to Sir George Brown, and present at the affair of Bulganac, capture
of Balaklava,, and battles of Alma and Inkerman; commanded the 2nd Battalion from May 1855 to the fall ofSebas-
topol. inclnding the defence of the Quarries on 7th June, and assaults of the Redan on the 18th Juno and 8th Sept.
(Medal with three Clasps, Brevets of Ma»or and Lt.Colonel, CB., Knight of the Legion of Honor, Sardinian and
Turkish :Medals, and 5th Class of the Medjidie). Commanded the 3rd Battalion during the Indian mutiny, includ¬
ing the skirmish at Secundra, siege and capture of Lucknow, and subsequent operations (Brevet of Colonel, Medal
with Cla.sji).
■"6 Lt.Gencral Raines served throughout the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, ineluding the battles of Alma
(where he carried the Queen's Color as a Captain), Inkerman, and Tchemaya, and repulse of the sortie of the 26th
October 1854; served as an Assistant Engineer throughout the siege and fall of Sebastopol (severely woandedin

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