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7iS Md
Hamp shire.
Head Quarters, Winchester. [No. 122.]
7'fie Marquin 0/Winchester,
Ijord hieuieiiaiit, late
lit.Col. JO Hussars 7 June 43
George Brigrrs.i jp. late
Major I JDr"Gds 17 Feb. 70
Jlon. Oliver Geo. Lamhart,
late Lt. 12 I'^ I June 72
Geo. Francis Birch, p.s. JP.30 June 75
Hup:h Montoheu Hammers-
ley, p. s. JP 20 May 61
Sir Nelson Rycroft, Bart.,
late Lt. 85 J'' JP 16 Oct. 68
John May 13 June 70
AVin, Shalden Smith,/). ».... i June 72
Geo. Lennox Swale,ii,». ...10 May 73
Harvey Spiller^ 21 Jan. 74
G. H. Verney, late Lt. 74 F. 4 May 74
Robert Alex. Johnston, p.s. 9 Deo. 74
William Chas. Drummond,
Capt. h.p. 95 F 15 May 75
G. H. G. Hamond-Grseme,
P-* 23 Oct. 75
George C. N. Bryan, p.s. ...17 Aug. 72
Geo. Du Bois Bassett 6 Sept. 73
Charles Henry Coke,/).8... 12 Nov. 73
Sub Lteittenants.
Alfred J. Bovvyer-Smith ... 9 Sept. 74
Henry F. B. Archer 10 Feb. 75
Christian Combe 3 Mar. 75
Arthur Miller 23 June 75
Henry Robert Linzeo 7 July 75
J'Ae £arZ 0/Wiltshire 31 July 75
AdJt.drCapt.—p.s.c. G. ,M. Car-
dew, Capt. 6y F. I Apr. 74
Qr. Mauler.— J). Jack¬
son, A. p. 90 F. 24 Oct. 66
<S«»-,9.—Fred. J. Butler, 3/Z). 12 Mar. 61
Asttiitt. Siirg. — Leonard A.
Lawrence 20 Apr. 61
Black Facings.
Head Quarters, Hereford. [No. no.]
HoKOBAHY Colonel.
W. B. B. H. Lord Bateman,
Lord Lieutenant 19 May 64
Lt.Colonel Coiimandant.
John Berington, DL 10 Apr. 66
Thomas Griffith Peyton, JP.II Apr. 66
RichardSnej-dCox,Z)X. JP.^g Sept. 68
^ Captains.
E. F. Webb, BL. Uon Maj. 19 Dee. 62
Thos. Millard Bennett i May 66
Henry Wood Willett 29 Sept. 68
Wm. Christopher Sejanour 29 Mar. 73
George Ashe Goldwycr 30 Apr. 73
Hugh Powell AVilliams, p.s. 4 July 74
Edward Podmore Clark, late
Lt. 62 P., I. of Musk.,p.8. 4 July 74
Thos. Wm. James Downes 31 July 75
1 Charles Goldsworthj',/).s. 15 May 71
Henry B. K. Davies 31 May 73
Sub Lieutenants.
Hon.. Wm. Spencer Bate-
man-Hanbury 28 ,Tan. 74
Edw. S, Luca-s 24 June 74
Horace H. D. WolCT. 1 July 74
Reg. W. H. Jfacdonald qo Mar. 75
Chas. Edm. Dashwood 28 Apr. 75
Lord Rodney 3 ^Iny 75
Edwyn F. S. Stanhope 16 Out'. 75
late Capt. 23 F iS Apr. 6S
Surgeon.—J. Morris 17 July 64
Assist.Sttrg.—Rd.Thomason 2 Jan. ^^
Gosling Green Facings.
dia Ivfanirij of Emjland and
Head Quarters, Hertford. [No. 30.]
The Marquis of Salisbury... 11 June 68
Lt. Colonel.
Bryan V. Douglas Vernon,
lafeLt. 60 F. 26 Apr. 73
Robert Bruce Fellows, p.s. 26 Apr. 73
Ernest Ibbetson 28 Feb. 74
Wm. Fraser C. Britton,p.». 11 July 67
Arthur H. Longman, p.s. ...16 Feb. 69
Vincent Baile.y, 2).s 29 Mar. 70
SirJohnG.S.Sebright,2J<./).s. 4 Mar. 71
Joseph Grout Williams 16 June 71
Hy. H.Culme Seymour,/).s. 26 Apr. 73
Wm. H. Larken, Capt. h.p.
47 F 27 June 74
Benj, Charles Hutchinson.. 3 May 75
George Frederic Allcard ... i May 71
James Bleiikinsop, p. s 16 Aug. 71
Arthur Lydekker 13 Mar. 75
Henry B. G. Craufiird, late
Lt. M. Art 9 Oct. 75
Sub Lieutenants.
Beaufort C. D. Lane 16 Sept. 74
Geo. E. le F. Davys ....25 Nov. 74
Hon. G. V. de v. Capel 10 Feb. 75
Cecil E. Walker 10 Feb. 75
Lewis Flower 23 June 75
Adjt. .;- Capt.—K. H. St.
Leger, Bt.Major 71 F. ...22 Nov. 75
Surgeon.—L. F. Osbaldeston 17 Apr. 68
Buff Facings.
(Fijtes.) [No. 2.]
Head Quarters, Huntmgdon.
The Earl 0/Sandwich, Lord
Lieut., and late ofGr. Gds. 4 Aug. 53
JP. late Capt. Gr. Gds.
Son.Lt. Colonel 17 Aug. 52
Fred. James Roojter,! late
Lieut. 38 F. ; 9 Feb. 63
John E. D. Shafto 20 May 71
Philip Edward Tillard 18 Dec. 71
Arthur Wellington Marshall 30 Apr. 73
Algernon Tillard,/. of M....^^¥e:\>. 71
Arthur Thornhill 20 May 71
Fiseo«)i^ Mandeville 18 Dec. 71
Fred. Robert Beart 30 Apr. 73
Sub Lieutenant.
Cecil S.Paget i Apr. 74
Adjt.Jr Capt.-
SurgeoH.—John Oldman 15 Fob. 64
Black Pacings.
East Kent.
Head Quarters, Canterbury. [No. 49 ]
The Motto '' In I'icta'' under a AVhite
Horse. " Mediferranean.**
HoNORART Colonel.
Chas. Wm. Powlett Bing-
ham, CP. Colonel, Brigade
Depot ! 26 Apr. 73
Lt.Colonel Coum.vndant.
Richard D.Pennefather.Di.
JP. Hon. Colonel 26 Ajjr. 73
Henry Thomas HowelP 3 Mar. 70
John"Edward Beales 26 Apr. 73
James Robt. Monypenny,
Jlon. Major, p.s 28 Mar. 65
G50. Fra. C. Simmons, Hon.
Major, p.s 5 May 65
Phineas Bury, late Capt. 15
Hussars 23 ^la.y 66
Edw. Charles Hughes 15 Mar. 69
Rentone Geo. Felix Poynter,
lateC'tipt. 87 i''. 5 Apr. fy
James Hem-y Morrell 20 Apr. 6g
Geo.liufehellSickleroore,^.».22 Mar. 70
Algernon Tathi^m,^?. s. Insf.
of Musketry 3 May 72
Walter L. Wilkinson, p.s. ..'.26 Apr. 73
William Fred. l*o\vell Moore 21 Apr. 75
Charles Carter Petley 7 Apr. 70
Alfred North Daniel, p. ti....2.6 Oct. 70
Arthur Robert Derini,^ 5 Nov 70
HerhertCharlesPervottjj.^.io Dec^ 70
Arthur Blundell, p. .■* 31 Jan.* 71
Lodovick Edw. Bligh 12 June 72
Edw. B. Walker 14 May 73
Percj"-Edw. 8ankey 14 Mar. 74
Stephen W. Marten 29 Apr. 74
Sub Lieutenants.
Richard Dn.mer Wynyard..3o June 75
Horace John Nevill 7 July 75
Adjt. d- af^-/.—PJiihp Henry
Knight,*^ late Capt. 23 -Z''. 3c Oct. 66
Surg.—Win. Knylet Curtis 27 Nov. 57
Assist.Surg.—Wm. T. Pater 23 Dec. 57
Kentish Grey Facings.
West Kent.
[Light Infantrj.) [No. 37.]
Head Quarters, Mnidstone.
Honorary Colonel.
Viscount Torrington, late Lt.
7 F. 22 May 69
R. T. G. G. Monypenny. DL.
JP., late Lieut. 86 F. ;
lion. Colonel 22 May 69
Morgan D. Treherne, ^). s. 24 Sept. 73
CuthbertLarkingya^i! Co?'rtef
15 Kussars, p.s 30 Sept. 74
Edgar Edwin Larking, p.9. 16 Aug. 6g
Thomas Durell Blake, p. s.. 28 June 71
Francis Richard Spry, p. s. o Apr. 72
Murray Robertson,/:/.«. ... 7 May 73
Henry John Conant, ^.s. ... 7 May 73
John Crofc Moore,^ lateCapt.
Rijle Urigade 13 June 74
Everard Thomas Luck, p.s. 15 Aug. 74
John Dancan Cameron, late
Lieut. S,. Artillery 5 Jan. 71
Alex. H. A. Smith 22 July 74
Charles Wm. White, p.s. ...10 Oct. 74
Alex. G. J. Stewart 23 July73
Edw. A. C. Hosmcr, p.s 14 Mar. 74
Sub Lieutenants.
Henry Streatfeild i July 74
Albert T. Heddy 4 July 74
LordJ. E. S. Douglas 17 Feb. 75
John James Parland 3 Apr. 75
E. D. Thornburgh-Cropper2o May 75
Edwin Christy 17 July 75
Adjt. 4' Ca2^t.~Cecil Webb
Cragg, Capt. Rijle Br 22 Jan. 72
Qr.Master. — Hen]"y Pratt,
late ofiy F. 23 Aug. 56
Siirg.—Rich. John Peckham 6 Sept. 54
Assist. Surgeon.—
Kentish Grey Facings.
1st Eoyal Lancashire.
{The Did-e of Lancaster's Own.)
Head Quarters, Lancaster. [No. 4
** Mediterranean.**
Honorary Colonel.
Son. Fred. Arthur Stanley,
late Lt. 4- Capt. Gr. Gds. 16 May
T. Sheppard,-* late Capt. 4.F. 6 Aug.
George B. H. Mnrton, JF. 16 Sept.
Bryan Tliornhill, late Capt,
2 Dr. Gds 23 Oct.
Bdm.G.StanleyHornby,J'-P.i7 July
Thos. B;jTnandTrappes, J'P.19 Nov.

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