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^34 War Services of Retired Majors.
'"8 Major Lewis served in the 86th Regiment with the Central India Field Force in 1858, and commanded three
Companies during the siege of Chandaree, and was slightly wounded at the storming of the Fort; was present at the
battle of the Betwa, and siege and capture of the town and fortress of Jhansi—twice wounded, last time dangerously
(mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
•"8t Major J.Leyne served with the 59th Regt. at the operations before and capture of Canton in 1847 (Medal with
"^ Major Lindesay served with the 17 th Regt. in the Crimea, from the 6th Sept. 1855, including the siege and fall of
Sebastopol and assault of the Redan; also present at the bombardment and surrender of Kinboum (Medal with
Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
'"'f Major E. Lloj'd served with the 6th Regiment throughout the Kaffir war of 1851-53, including the operations
in the Fish River, Waterklooff, Amatola, Trans-Kei, and other minor expeditions (Medal).
'8» Major Lockyer served in the Kandian war in Ceylon in 1815-16.
"' Majors Lovett and Jeffijiy served in the 98th Regiment with the expedition to the north of China in 1842 (Medal),
and were present at the attack and capture of Ching Kiang Foo, and at the landing before Nankin.
"2 Major Lutman served with the 24th Regiment in the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the passage of
the Chenab and battles of Sadoolapore, Chillianwallah, and Goojerat (Medal with two Clasps).
'*^ Major Lyle served with the 29th Regiment in the Sutlej campaign of 1845-46, including the battles of
Ferozeshah and SoT)raon (Medal and Clasp).
"♦ Major F. 15. M'Crea ser\'ed with the 8th Regiment in Delhi from the i8th Sept. 1857, and was afterwards present
with Greathed's Movable Column in the actions of Bolundshur and AUyghur, affair of Akrabad, battle of Agra,
afifair of Kanouge, advance into Oude, action of Marigimge, Alumbagh, and Dilkoosha, relief of Lucknow under Lord
Clyde, the affair of the 2nd and action of the 6th Dec. at Cawnpore, action of Khudagunge, and occupation of
Futtehghur. Served with a Column in the Agra district in Jime rSsS, watching the Calpee rebels; also with
Brigadier Male's Brigade during the Oude campaign of 1858-59 (Medal with two Clasps).
'85 Major M. M'Creagh served with the 4th Dragoon Guards in the Crimea from Oct. 1854, including the battles of
Balaklava and Tchernaya, siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with two Clasps, Knight of the Legion of Honor,
5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
issf Major C. M'Donuel served with the 4th Dragoon Guards in the Crimean campaign of 1854-55, including the
battles of Balaklava and Inkerman, siege of Sebastopol, night attack on Russian outposts 19th Feb. 1855, and battle
of Tchernaya ( (Medal with three Clasps, and Turkish Mednl).
i*« Major M'Mahon served in the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, and was present at the first siege of Mooltan,
including the attack on the enemy's position in front of the advanced Trenches on 12th Sept. 1848 ; present with the
charging Squadrons of the 14th Light Dragoons at the action of Ramnuggur (very severely wounded), and at the
battles of Chillianwallah and Goojerat; was also present at the smTender of the Sikh Army at Rawul Pindee, and
pursuit of the Affghans to Peshawur (Medal with three Clasps). Served with the Central India Field Force under
Sir Hugh Rose in 1858, and was present at the siege and capture of Rahutghiu-, relief of Saugor, action of Barodia,
at Malthone, siege and capture of Jhansi, battles of Betwa and Koonch (severely wounded), action of Morar,
recapture of Gwalior, and commanded a Flying Column in operations against Buujor Sing (twice mentioned in
despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
'*'' Major MacAndrew served with the 40th Regiment throughout the operations in Candahar in Affghanistan in
1841-42, and has received the Medal inscribed "Candahar, Ghuznee, Cabool, 1842." Served with the 78th High¬
landers in the Persian war in 1857, including the night attack and battle of Kooshab, bombardment of Mohumrah,
and expedition to Ahwaz (Medal vrith Clasp).
"8 Major Edward Mackay served with tlie 49th Regiment in the Crimean campaign in 1854-55, including the battlea
of Alma and Inkerman, siege of Sebastopol, and sortie of 26th October 1854 (Medal with three Clasps, and Turkish
"*' Major Magenis served with the 90th Light Infantry in the Crimea, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol;
commanded a party of the Regiment at the taking of the Rifle Pits on the 19th April 1855, and was of the storming
party at the assault of the Redan on the 8th Sept. (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp, 5th Class of the
Medjidie. and Turkish Medal). Sei-ved also during the Indian campaign of 1857-58, present with Havelock's Column
at the actions of the 21st and 23rd September, relief and subsequent defence of Lucknow, defence of the Alumbagh
mnder Outram, and fall of Luckuow (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
'89t Major C. H. Malan served in the 7th Fusiliers in the Crimea from the 12th June 1855, including the siege and
fall of Sebastopol, and was severely wounded in four places at the assault of the Redan on the 18th June (Medal
with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
•5" Major R. G. Manley served with the 6th Dragoons the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the battles of
Balaklava, Inkerman, and Tchernaya, siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with three Clasps, Brevet of Major, and
Turkish Medal).
•9' Major J. S. Manly served with the 27th Regiment at the capture of Port Natal on 26th June 1842. Served also
throughout the Kaffir war of 1846-47 (Medal).
1'^ Major Marriott served with the 82nd Regiment in the Crimea from the 2nd Sept. 1854, including the siege and
fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Also served in the N.W. Provinces in suppression of
the Indian mutiny in 1857-5S, and was present in the operations at Cawnpore under General Windham, defeat there
of the Gwalior Contingent, actions of Kale Nuddee and Khankur, siege of the Jail, and subsequent operations at
Bhahjehanpore (Brevet of Major, and Medal).
"3 Major A. L. Marsh served in the Eastern campaign of 1854 with the 55th Regiment, including the battles of
Ahna and Inkerman, (succeeded to the command of the Regiment), and siege of Sebastopol (Brevet of Major, Medal
with three Clasps, and Turkish Medal).
"* Major Robert Marsh served with the 24th Regiment in the Peninsula from Aug. 1812 to the end of that war in
1814, and was present at the battles of Vittoria, the Pyrenees, Kivelle (wounded), and Orthes (War Medal with four
Clasps). Served also in the Nej)aul campaign of 1815-16, and the Mahratta canipaign of 1817-18.
"' Major Matson joined the force in New Zealand under Colonel Despard in August 1845, and served as Acting
Deput.y Quarter Master General, and was jiresent at the assault and capture of Kawiti's Pah, at Ruapekapeka on the
nth Jan. 1846 (Brevet of Major, and Medal).
1" Major J. S. Menzies served with the 74th Highlanders in the Indian mutiny campaign in 1858, and was present
at the storm and capture of Copaul (Medal).
158 Major Mercer served in the 89th Regiment in the Crimea from the 15th Deo. 1854 to the 7th July 1855, including
the siege of Sebastopol and attack of the i8th June. Was severely contused in the head on the night of the 13th
April when in command of a working party in the Trenches (Medal with Clasp, Brevet of Major, and Turkish Medal).
"' Major Miller served with the 12th Regiment during the New Zealand war of 1860-61, and was wounded (Brevet
of Major, and Modal).
i^'tMajor J. P. O. Mitford served with the i8th Royal Irish and on the Staff throughout the first China war in
1848-42 (Medal), and was present at the storming and capture of the heights above Canton, the occupation of
Chusiin, and investment of Nankin.
^"o Major Molony served with the 83rd Regiment in suppressing the Indian mutiny, and was present at the affair
of Sanganeer, and defeat of the Gwalior rebels at Kotaria on 14th Aug. 1858 (Medal).
2°' Major Morant served with the 12th Lancers in the campaign of 1858-59 with the Sangorand Nerbudda Field
Force, and was present at the affiiirs of Geegnnge, Kobrai, battle of Banda, relief of Kirwee, action on the Heights of
Punwarree, and at several minor affaira, (Medal with Clasp). •
202 Major Mundy was nominated to the 4th Class of the Medjidie for service with the Osmanli Horse Artillery as
Lt.Colonel second in command.
'"^ Major Munnings was on board the ship JSasfern Monarch when burnt at Spithead on 3rd June 1859, and men¬
tioned in Lt.ColonelAllen's despatch, and received a letter from Captain Morris, bearing testimony to hia coolness
and judgment on this trying occasion.
'"* Major G. G. G. Mnnro served with the 87th Fusiliers during the Indian mutiny in 1857-58 (Modal).
*" Major P. K. Murphy served with the 27th Regiment on the North-West Frontier during the Indian mutiny n
1857-59 (Medal).

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