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6oS Ll.Colonels and Majors who hace Retired hij Sale of their Loriiiuissions.
Wombwoll, Adolphus Ulick,'^' 12 Lancers 25 Mar. 71
Wood, Robert Hudson, 67 Foot 30 Mar. 72
Wragf^e, All'red Romaine,**' R.'Artillery i Apr. 60
Wyatt, James Henry,^95 CB. Military Train ... i Apr. 70
Young, .James, 15 Dra 11 Nov. 51
Young, William Pym.^s' 65 F 30 July 60
JP Adair, James,'Unatt 12 Dec. 26
Adair, James Wallace Dunlop,'' 5 F 7 Nov. 62
Addington, Mon. Leonard Allen, R. Artillery 31 Dec. 68
Alcock, Thomas St. Leger, 95 F. lion.
Colonel lift Middlesex Militia 2 Feb. 44
Aldridge, John, 21 F., Lt.Col. Sussex Militia ... 6 June 56
Allen, Ralph Shuttleworth, R. Artillery 26 Oct. 58
Allfrey, Goodrich Holmsdale,* 2 Dragoon Gds. 12 Oct. 70
Altham, Wm. Surtees, 83 F 16 Mar. 58
Andrews, James Trevor White, Gold Coast Art. 23 Sept. 62
Annosley, Robert,* 10 F 15 Aug. 68
Arbuthnot, Sir Wm. Wedderbum, Bt. 18 Hus. 17 Nov. 63
Archer, William Henry, 16 Drs 16 May 45
Armstrong, John,' 2 Foot i Apr. 70
Armstrong, Thomas Priaulx St. George,^ 49 F. 4 Aug. 63
Armstrong, William Bruce,'-' 7 Dragoon Gds.... 21 Mar. 68
Armstrong, William Caimes, 15 F 24 Jan. 60
Ashmore, William, 16 F 21 Aug. 49
Astley, Richard Dukiufield,'" 49 Foot 5 Sept.69
Atherley, Francis Henrj% Rifle Brigade 20 July 58
JSaSa Austin, William," 56 F 4 July 45
Aylmer, Charles William, 66 F 21 Apr. 63
Aylmer, George Edward, 40 F 9 Nov. 46
p.s.c. Aytoun, Jame.s,'^ 85 F 25 Apr. 65
39IK Bacon, Anthony," 17 Drs 31 Dec. 25
Bagot, George, 17 F 19 Oct. 49
Bailie, James,i-'87 F 18 Dec. 60
Bailie, William Alexander,i*t 82 Foot 25 Apr. 65
BainViridge, Robert,'5 17 Lancers 20 July 70
Baird, &> David, Sari.i« 98 F 24 Mar. 58
Baker, Thomas Rich. 7 F 31 Aug. 38
Balfour, Francis Walter,'" Rifle Br 6 June 56
Ball, Francis A..'* 53 Foot 25 Mar. 71
Barclay, Edward, Unattached 20 Feb. 59
Baring, Henry Bingham, i Life Gds 18 Nov. 30
Barnard, Christopher John,^t 4 W.IndiaRegt. 14 Sept.66
Barnard, Robert Carj', 41 F 9 Mar. 55
Barry, William Henry,^" 73 F 29 Nov. 64
Barton, Montagu, 85 Foot 9 Apr. 70
Baskerville, Jolin, 14 Hussars i3June68
Bathurst, Benjamin, Royal Artillery 26 Oct. 58
Battiscombe, William Benjamin, 91 Foot i? Nov. 60
Battley, D'Oyley W., 77 F 11 Nov. 51
Bayley, John, 16 Lancers 27 July 70
Bayley, John Arthur,^3 52 F 19 Jan. 58
Beauclork, Lord George Aug.," 6 Dr. Guards . 10 Feb. 54
Beete, John Picton, 21 F 26 June 38
Bell, Charles Harland,'"' Cape M. Rifles 6 June 56
Bell, Robert, 5 Dragoon Guards 11 Nov. 51
Bell, William Morrison, 3 Hussars 18 Oct. 64
Berkeley, Henry W. 2' 3 Dragoon Guards 15 Aug. 68
Bernartl, Thomas, Unattached 7 Sept.55
Best, Maudistly Gaussen," 25 F 20 July 58
Best, Thomas Charles Hardinge,^ 72 F 19 Aug. 62
Beswick, Frederick,^'Unattached 9 Feb. 61
Bethune, Robert,^* 92 F 7 Dec. 58
Betts, George.^s 81 Foot 24 Feb. 71
Bird, Henry Charles, 47 F ? 10 Jan. 58
Birtwhistle, John,^^ 7 F 25 Sept. 60
Blackburn, John, 85 F 29 Dec. 46
Blakeney, Robert,^" 48 F 6 Jime 56
Bligh, rVederick Cherburgh,^' 41 F 26 Dec. 56
Bligh, George Waldegrave,^'60 F 24 Apr. 58
Blood, Francis Gamble, 69 F 26 Dec. 65
BJood, John,29 68 Foot 31 Oct. 71
Bluett,William Henry Peter Gordon,™tio Foot 22 Jan. 67
UC Bogle, Andrew Cathcart,* 10 F 25 Apr. 63
Boileau, Charles Lestock, Rifle Brigade 4 Dec. 35
Boissier, John William,*' 37 F 7 Jan. 64
Bonham, Francis,'"t7i Foot i May 67
Bonnor, Thomas, Ceylon Rifles 28 June 38
Borrowes, Sir Erasmus, Bart.*^ Depot Batt.... 25 May 66
Bott, Thomas," 6 Dragoon Guards 20 July 58
Bourchier, James Johnes, 52 F 20 Apr. 60
Bourke, Hon. Edward Roden, 3 Hussars 2 Dec. 68
Bowden, Herbert George,** 22 F 5 Mar. 58
Bower, Henry John,♦'^ 4 Foot 16 May 72
Bowler, John, 80 F 4 Mar. 37
Bowles, Edward,■•7 60 Rifles 11 Jan. 69
Bowness, John, 67 F 9 Nov. 46
Boyle, J/on. Edmimd John, 85 F 5 Apr. 66
Boys, Henry, 75 F 9 Nov. 46
Brabazon, .tames Du Pre,** Unatt 8 .July 59
Brabazon, Hugh, Military Train 20 June 54
Brackenbury, Henry ,^0 Depot Battalion i Apr. 69
Bradford, Wm, Hamilton Kindersley," 108 F. 15 Aug. 69
; Brady, William S. Richardson,^o 36 F. , . i8 June 38
Brannan, James, Unattached
Brett, Sir WUford, XClfe. 76 F
Briggs, George, i Dr.Gds. i^.Coi. Hants Militia
Bringhurst, John Henry, 90 F
Brooks, John Hatfleld,"' 19 Hussars
Browne, Hon. George Aug., 64 F
Browne, George Richard,^^ 69 F
Browne, Lord Richard Howe,'^ 96 P
Browucll, Joseph,^* 5 West India Rcgt
Bruce, William Tyn-ell," 18 F
Uulkeley, Francis Beaumaris,"t 65 Foot
Burke, William, Unatt
Burnand, George Sapte,-* 5 Dragoon Guards
Bumingham, Henry George Chai-les,"58 F....
Burrell, Bryan, 15 Hussars
Burridge, John Osbome, Unattached
Burslem, Rollo Gillespie,^* 13F. Military Knight
of Windsor
Bush, Heniy Stratton,^^ 100 F
Bush, Robert, 96 F
Butler, Walter, Unattached
Cahill, Patrick,™ 56 F. Mil. Knight of Windsor
Caimes, William Henry," 3 F
Calley, Henry, 19 F
Campbell-Renton, Arch. Colin, 42 F
Campbell, E. S. Norman, 90 F
Campbell, Charles Fred. 87 F
Campbell, Fred." Cape Mounted Rifles
Campbell, Henry Wotton,** ^g p. Governor of
Military Brison at Cork
Campsie, George Richard,°" Ce.ylon Rifles
Cannon, OsVjorne BarweU,'*97 Foot
Carey, Charles Le Mesurier,™ 63 F
Carleton, William Henry,"" 21 Foot
Carlisle, Anthony,""! 60 Rifles
Carlyon, Thomas T, Spry, 3 Dragoon Guards.
Carpenter, George William Wallace,"' 32 F. ...
Cassidy, Francis P."^ 34 F
Cassidy, Frederick Young,'^t 31 Foot
Cay, Eustace,"^ 70 F
Chadwick, Robert, 14 Hussars
Chapman, Frederick Barclay, 14 Hussars
Charlewood, John, 62 F
Charter, Ellis James, 11 F
Clapcott, Charles,"3t 32 F
Clarke, .lames George,"* 46 F
Clifl'ord, Richard Coriuick,"*! 7 Foot
Close, George Champagne," 45 Foot
Clowes, George Gooch,"='t8 Hussars,3fa/or Jf"or-
cestershire Yeomanry
Cochran, James,"* 41 F
Cockbum, Thomas Hugh,"' 43 F
y Cockbum, Wm. Horace,™ 95 F
Cocks, Octavius Yorke."" 4 F
Colborne, Hon. John.™ 11 Foot
Coney, Walter John,"*' i Dragoons
Cooke, Edward Bowen, 83 F
Cooper, Godfrey, Military Train
Corbett, William, 52 F
Coupe, Robert,**^ 15 Foot
Cowell, James D.** 6 Dragoons
Creagh, James Henry, 27 F
Croker, Edward,'* 96 F
Croker, WilUam, 27 P
Crombie, Alexander,"^ 72 F
Crosse, Joshua Grant,*''88 P
Cuffc, Sir Chas. Fred. Wheeler,'" Bart. 66 P. ...
U2r Cuninghame. Sir William James Mont¬
gomery, Bart.^' Rifle Brigade
Currie, George Alfred, 75 F
Curzon, Hon. William Henry,™ 17 Lancers
Cusack, John," 8 Fo-t
D'Arcy, Oliver Barker, Cape Momited Rifles...
Dartnell, John George,^^ 27 P
Da vies, Augustus,^-* 74 Foot
Davies, Joseph, 83 F
Day, John Godfrey,'^! 28 Foot
Dennis, John FitzThomas,5* 95 F
De Winton, Charles Lorenzo, 76 F
s. Dickens, Robert Vaughan.'^ n Foot
Dickson, Alexander George,™ 13 Hussars
Drage, Frederick,'*! Depot Battalion
iJrew, Browning,'* 75 P. .
5151 Drewe, Edward Ward, 88 F
Dnckett, Sir George Floyd, Bart. 3 W.I.R
Duff, James.'' 23 F
Dunbar, Penrose John,'"" 3 F
Dundas, Thomas,"" 12 F
Dyne, Musgrave James Bradley, 9 Lancers ,,,
Dyson, Edward, 3 Dragoon Guards
Bdlmann, Joseph Ernst, 1 Dragoon Guards ...
p.s.c. Ellis, Cha. David Cuninghame,'? 60 Rifles
BUison, Richard George, 47 F. Gent, at Arms...
Elmsall, Wm. de Cardonnel,'"' i Dragoons
Elton, Isaac, 45 F
Brroll, Wm, Harry, Earl 0/,"" Rifle Brigade,..
Erskine, Hon. David, 21 F
11 Jan. 58
28 June 64
3 June 53
22 Deo. 48
20 July 58
I Dec. 37
4 June 58
29 May 63
15 Sept. 64
9 Dec. S3
6 July 67
21 July 30
25 Mar. 69
27 May 62
I Apr. 68
20 Apr. 66
8 Nov. 50
7 Nov. 56
9 Nov. 46
9 Nov. 56
27 Apr. 70
23 July 61
7 Aug. 46
12 Dec. 54
9 Nov. 46
26 Oct. 58
26 Oct. 58
26 Dec. 56
26 Oct. 58
28 Oct. 63
6 June 56
24 Oct. 70
5 J"ly 72
27 June 54
13 May 59
20 July 58
19 June 72
21 Mar. 65
15 May 67
29 Nov. 64
II Nov. 51
8 Mar. 59
26 Sept. 58
12 May 66
I Apr. 70
15 Aug. 68
7 Dec. 58
23 Nov. 41
20 July 58
28 June 38
25 May 6»
10 May 72
8 May 67
7 Mar. 62
15 June 58
15 Oct. 58
I Apr. 70
26 July 58
10 Jul.v 63
8 July 56
27 Mar. 68
5 Mar. 61
26 Dec. 56
26 Apr. 59
14 Aug. 67
20 June 54
19 July 64
I Apr. 70
30 Sept. 56
19 Jan. 64
31 Mar. 66
20 June 54
19 Jan. 70
29 Dec. 54
24 May 59
I Apr. 70
3 July 60
1 Apr. 70
24 Mar. 58
9 June 37
11 Nov. 51
20 July 58
20 May 64
31 Jan. 64
10 May 61
8 Apr. 5?
22 July 68
23 Oct. 60
21 Nov. 62
12 Dec. 54
9 Nov. 46
12 Dec. 5S
2 Apr. 54

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