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Madi-an Slaf Cor}>-i.—War Sen-ice-^. 509
December 1850, and at repulse of the sortie by the Arab (rarrison. Served as Brignde Major of tlie Force at the
siege of Dharoor in January 1851. Also as Brigade Major to the Force in the engagement with the Arabs near
Aurungabad, 22nd September 1853. Commanded one of the attacking Columns on the entrenched village of Jesurint
I'oora. Brigade Major to Brigadier Mayne's Force at engagement with Rohillas at Sailoor zist Sept. 1854 (severely
wounded—sabre cut of left arm and two horses wounded under him). Conmianded at Auruugabad during the
disaffection of the troops at that stjitiou in May 1857. Served with the Hyderaliad Contingent Force under Colonel
Orr at the reduction of Feeplia in Malwa. Comuninded the ist Hyderabad Cavalrj- with the Force despatched to
Mahidpoor. Commanded the right attack in the Cavalry action at Rawal in Nov. 1857. I'resent with the Malwa
Field Force at the battles of Mundepore and Goodariah 21st 22nd 23rd and 24th Nov. 1857. Commanded a Brigade
of Cavalrv at the repulse of the attack made on the rear (Brevet of Major). Sei-%-ed in the action in forcing the Pass
of Dhamonee. Present with the force under Sir Hugh Rose at the action at Mudeni)ore, and commanded the
Squadron of the ist Hyderabad Cavalry sent in pursuit; capture of tlie Fort of Talbhet 12th March 1858; invest¬
ment and siege of Jhansie (wounded). Commanded the Hyderabad Cavalry Contingent at the battles of Koonch
and Golowlee, advance on Calpee, pursuit from Calpee, battle of Morar (horse killed); pursuit of rebels under Tantia
Topee from Gwalior, action at Jowra Allipoor (Medal with Clasp for Central India, and CB.). Commanded a Brigade
of Cavalry for the protection of the line of the Nurbudda during Tantia Topee's passage into the Deccan in
Nov. and Dec. 1858, and Jan. 1859. Commanded a Field Detachment in pursuit of Rohillas in the Hill country
near Gintoor in Nov. 1859.
2' Colonel W. C. R. Macdonald served the Gwalior campaign of 1843-44, and was present as Extra Aide de Camp
to Lord Gough at the battle of Maharajpore (thanked in despatch, Bronze Star). Served in the Turkish Contingent
with rank of Lt.Colonel during the Russian war in 1855-56, and was Commandant of a Regiment of Turkish
Cavalry. Commanded at the Cavalry engagement at Kertch on the 16th Dec. 1S55, where, with 80 Turkish Cavalry,
he twice charged a body of aliout 500 Russian Hussars and Cossacks. In this encounter he received a sword-cut on
the right hand, and a severe spear w-ound in the neck, besides contusions. In allusion to this affair a comphmentary
order was issued (5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
23 Colonel F. Young served in the suppression of the mutiny in Bengal in 1837-59, and received the thanks of the
Lieut.Governor of Bengal for a successful pursuit of a body of sepoy rebels in Beharin June 1858, on which occasion
he with nine of his meu crossed the Poon Poon river in a flooded state and killed with his own hands two of the
sepoy rebels who had remained behind to dispute the passage of the ford, iu a hand-to-hand encounter (Medal).
■'* Colonel F. G. Kempster served with the E.^peditionary Force in China in 1842, and was present at the storming
of Chin-kiang-foo (Medal).
2* Colonel A. Howlett was employed in the suppression of the mutiny in Bengal in 1857-59; served as Commissa¬
riat Officer with field columns under Colonel Fischer and Brigadier Carthew on the Grand Trunk Road, and at
Oawnpore from September 1857 to January 1858; was present at the actions on the 26th 27th and 28th November
1857 with the Gwalior mutineers before Cawnpore, and in the entrenchnients during their subsequent investment
by the rebel force till 6th December following; was with the head (juarters of the regiment at Bunnee bridge when
it formed the rear guard of Sir James Outram's Force during the period of its occupation of the Alumbagh, also
during the capture of Lucknow. Commanded a field detachment in Gurruckpoor district from 13th September till 27th
November 1858, and engaged in affairs with the rebels at Bansee on the 22nd and 23th September, at Chittra, at Poka
Betwah, at Biscohu, and Doomaragunge. Was senior Officer commanding Head Quarters and Right Wing of his
regiment atthe action before Toolsepore, and was wounded on the 28th September and his horse shot under him.
Served as Deputy Assistant Quarter Master General to the field column under Brigadier Paddy in Bundlecund in
March 1859, and engaged iu attack and rout of the rebels under Rumnust Sing by a detachment of 2nd Sikh Cavalry.
Served as Assistant Quarter Master General to the Saugor Field Division from July 1859 to the breaking up of the
division on 31st December lollowing (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
^' Colonel H. D. Innes was employed with the Badamee Field Force in 1841. Was present at the defence of Aden
during the siege of that place by Arab tribes in 1846. At Golcondah iu 1848. Served as Brigade Major with Major
Spottiswood'8 Column in 1859.
3^ Colonel A. K. Gore served at Ungool in 1847 and 1848.
'3 Colonel C. M. Shakespear served during the second Burmese war in 1852-53, and was present during the
operations before and attack on Rangoon on the nth 12th 13th and 14th April 1852, assault and capture of Basseiu
19th May 1852 (Medal with Clasp lor Pegu).
'* Colonel S. Mainwarmg served with tlie Expeditionary Force iu China in 1842, and was present at the storming
and capture of Chin-kiang-foo and investment of Nankin (Medal).
■'5 Colonel J. B. Mayne served in the Turkish Contingent during the war with Russia (4th Class of the Medjidie).
Was with the Kurnool Movable Column, and engaged in Central India in suppression of the mutiny under Major
General Whitlock, and present at the affairs of Sheejrmg, Kobrai, battle of Banda, and storming of the Heights of
Punwarree (Medal with Clasp).
>' Colonel J. N. H. Maclean joined Sir Hugh Rose's Field Force on the 25th of February 1858 in command of 300
men of the Goond Levy raised by himseUat Baitool and accompained the field force to Jhansi, and was present at
the attack and storming of the small fort of Bursolea, engaged at the forcing of the pass of Mudnapore, and again
at the battle of the Betwa, storming and capture of the town and fort of Jhansi (mentioned in Sir H. Rose's
despatch, and received the thanks of Her Majesty, Medal and Clasp for Central India}.
^' Colonel E. J. Lawder served as an Acting Deputy Quarter Master General of the Army with the Saugor Field
Division during the whole time it was in the field in 1858-59, was present at the attack on Jheeghur, affair of
Kubrai, battle of Banda, relief of Kirwee 25th December, when Division Head Quarters with the Horse Artillery and
Cavalry marched 84 miles in 37 hours, and storming of the heights of Punwarree (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
^' Colonel G. R. Phillips served in the Southern ilahratta Country in 1845-46.
■"' Colonel E. P. Burton was employed with a field force against rebels in the Tondimau Rajah's country from
2nd to 31st July 1854.
" Colonel R. WooUey was employed in the districts of Nursingpore, Jubbulpore, and Saugor in suppressing the
rebellion in October, November, and December 1857.
" Colonel R. D. Ardagh commanded an armed party in April 1852 which was sent up to protect the British
frontier on the Salween river from the inroads of the Burmese; was also present as a Volunteer at the defence of
Martaban in May 1852.
** Colonel J. London served in the Southern Mahratta Country in 1844-45, and was present at Samanghur,
Budderghur, PunuUa, Raugna, Seevapore, Munohur, and Munsuntosh, and operations at the Rain ghaut.
" Colonel E. W. Boudier served in the Kurnool campaign in 1839. Served in the Turkish Contingent during the
Bussian war in 1855-56, and commanded a Regiment of Turkish Infantry till the war was over (Brevet of Major,
4th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
« Colonel M. T. Ffrench served with the field force in Kumool in 1839, and was present at the affair at Zorapore,
was emploj'ed in 1857-59 'i Bengal, and present at the affair at Suhar, Shahabad 2i8t August and 20th September
1858, Noorpoor Shahabad 15th and 22nd September 1S58 (Medal).
** Colonel A. F. Place served with the field force in Kurnool in 1839, and was present at the affair at Zorapore,
was employed in 1857-59 ii Bengal. Served with the Shahabad Field Force under Brigadier Douglas; commanded
a party of one subadar and 25 sepoys, and by stratagem surprised the rebel post of Mairodora and captured 26
Vjoats 7th August 1858 ; present at the taking of Suhar on the left bank of the Soane and destruction of the rebels'
boat on the 21st August 1858, again at the destruction of that town on the 20th September, at the taking of Noor¬
poor, Surragah, and Turcole on the 15th and 22nd September when those towns and several boats were destroyed
" Colonel W. S. Simpson served with the troops in the Northern Concan in pursuit of the Freebooter Ragogee-
Bangria from January to June 1845. Commanded a detachment against the Shans and Kareens of the Younzareen
district, Martaban Province in 1857.
so Colonel J. M. Macgregor served with Lt.Colonel Watson's Field Force in the Saugor and Nerbudda Ter¬
ritories from 4th Oct. 1842 to 26th April 1843; was present at the affair at Heerapoor on the Nerbudda and Simee-
riah in Bundlecund. Was actively employed with his Regiment in the Saugor and Nerbudda Territories durinu- tlrj
mutiny in Bengal in 1857-58 ; commanded a squadron on the nth December 1857, and surprised and captured t.'jo
rebel Bugwan Sing ; commanded a squadron at the taking of the forts of Dehayan, Tirol, and Deolee. I'ormcJ

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