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4^gc Her Majcsfi/s Local Indian Forces.— War Service-''.
of Bheels in 1857-58, and was present in two engagements—severely wounded, and horse shot. Served in the
Indian mutiny campaign (Brevet Lt.Colonel, Medal).
*' Major General W. P. Hampton served a.gainst insurgent Coles in 1836-37. Tn AfTghanistan, including the cap¬
ture of Khelat in 1839. Gwaliorcampaign of 1843-44, and battle of Maharajpore (Bronze Star). Puujaub campaign of
1848-49, including the passage of the Chenab, actions of Siidoolapore, Ch'illianwallah, and Goojerat, and pursuit of
the Sikhs and Atfghans to Peshawur (Medal with two Clasps). Was present at the forcing of the Kohat Pass in
1850 (Medal with Clasp). Commanded the 31st Bengal Native Infantry (one of the few legiments that was never
disarmed and remained faithful) at Sa.ugor during tiie mutiny of the Nntive Army in 1857, and snbseciaent opera¬
tions against rebels and mutineers in Saugor district and Central India in 1858-59 (Medal wiih Clasp).
«^ Major General H. E. S. Abbott served with the Joudbjwre Field Force in 1839-40, and was present at the sur¬
render of the fort of Joudhpore. Was present with the regiment, the 74th Bengal Native Infantry, at De hi on the
outbreak of the mutiny there on the nth May 1857, and commanded the post at the Cashmere Gate. Sulmeqnently
commanded the 2nd European Bengal Fusiliers in the Delhi district from September to November 1857. Com¬
manded the district of Dehra Doon Irom December 1857 to February 1858, and prevented the threatened entry of
the Nawab of Nujjeebabad. Served with the Saugor Field Force under General Whitlock in command of the
Bundlecund Auxiliaries from April to July 1858, and was present at the action of Jhiujun, the skirmish at Koobrye
in command of the Advanced Guard, battle of Banda in command of the Rear Guard (mentioned in despatches.
Medal with Clasp).
'' Major General D. M. Probyn served on the Trans-Indus Frontier from 1852 to 1857, and was present at the
operations in the Bozdar Hills in March 1857 (Medal wii.h Clasp). Served during the Indian mutiny campaign in
'^57-58, and was present throughout the siege of Delhi, including the action of Nujjufghur and other minor en¬
gagements, and commanded the 2nd Punjaub Cavalry at the assault and capture of Delhi (mentioned in
despatches). Served in the same command with the F^-ing Column under Colonel Greathed, and was
present at the actions of Bolundshur, AUyghur, and Agra (four times mentioned in despatches, and awarded
tUe Victoria Cross "for distinguished gallantry and daring throughout this campaign"). He was also present
at the action of Kanouje, the relief of Lucknow by Lord Cl.\ de (twice mentioned in despatches, and thanked by
the Governor General), battle of Cawnpore and defeat of the Gwalior Contingent, action of Kale Nuddee, storm
and capture of Lucknow (Brevet of Major, Medal with three Clasps, CB., and a year's service). Was permitted to
retain the command of the ist Sikh Inegular Cavalry, wliile on furlough, as a special reward for his services.
Commanded the Regiment throughout the campaign of i86o in China (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of
Lt.Colonel, Medal with two Clasps).
** Major General B. Boyd sei-ved against the Bheels in Malwa in 1836. Sutlej campaign in 1^46. inclnding the
battle of Sobrnon (Medal). Burmese war in 1852-53 (Medal with Clasp for Pegu). Served in Bundleennd in
'5 Major General J. Liptrott ser\-ed throughout the campaign of 1842 in Affghanistan under General Pollock
(Medal). Served also in the Sutlej campaign in 1846, and was present in the action of Aliwal (horse shot, Medal).
'*^ Major General E. P. L.yneh served in Persia with the army under General Bethune, and commanded a Regiment
in the battle of Kiser Chun and defeat of the array of the Princes of Shiraz (Order of the Lion and Sun, and a
letter of thanks from the Shah of Persia). Served on Political Employ in Atrghanistan in 1840-41, and was present
in several atlairs with the insurgent Ghilzies. Was present with tlie force which captm-ed and destrojed the
fort of Sheik Othman in the vicinity of Aden in 1858.
*" Major General R. ,T. Hawthorne served in Siiid in 1845-46. Also with the Division under General Wheeler in
the Punjaub campaign in 1848-49 (Medal).
*' Major General S. ¥. Macniullen served dining the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, and was present at the
battles of Chillia,nwallah and Goojerat (Medal with two Clasps).
'" Colonel W. Vine served with a squadron of his Regiment in May and June 1S42, with Lt Colonel Watson's
Field Detachment in the Saugor district, and in the carripaign in the Nerbudda Ten-itories till 26th January 1843,
was pre.«ent at the affair at Simeeriah in Bundlecund ; served also in the Saugor and Nerbudda Territories during
the mutiny in Bengal from November 1857 to February 1858 and was present at the affair at Kooahgaum ; served
with Brigadier Rowcroft's Field Force in Gonickpore and Onde districts from May to December 1S58 and present
at the action at Amora on the 9th June ; commanded the Outpost at Hurriah, and repulsed a very large number of
rebels 20th August 1858; present at the action at Debeeriah, and thanked on three occasions hy Brigadier Row-
croft ; present at the battle of Toolseiiore 23rd December 1858, was also present at the reduction of Bmidlecund
under 13rigadier Wheeler (Medal).
" IJrigaUier General W. G. Owen was engaged in quelling disturbances in the Hill tracts of the Golcondah
^~ Colonel S. B. Faddy served in the Sutlej campaign in 1846 and was present at the action of Aliwal (Medal).
Served also throughout the Pnnjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the ati'air at Ramnuggur, and actions of
Sadoolapore, Chillianwallah. and Goojerat (mentioned in despatches, Medal with two Clasps).
'^ Colonel R. A. Doria served with the expedition to China in 1842-43 (Medal). Served on several expeditions
against the Rohillas insurgents in the Deccan. Commanded the Hmgolee Field Force in the expedition against
Mybad Khan in the Oodgheer district. Commanded a detachment of the 28th Madras Native Infantry and Police
Force at Hoshungabad against Bybod Singh and the rebels on the Mahadeo Hills, and the capture and burning of
the town of Rykerra in the Saugor and Nerbudda Territories.
'♦ Colonel T. A. Carey served during the Indian mutiny campaigns (Brevets of Major and Lt.Colonel, Medal with
'' Colonel G. Caulfeild served in the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the actions of Chillianwallah and
Goojerat (Medal with two Clasps).
°* Colonel D. S. Dodgson served throughout the Jhoudpore Campaign of 1839. Throughout the campaign of
1842 in AfFghanistan under General Pollock, and was engaged in the actions of the 19th 23rd and 24th January at
the mouth of the Kh.yber Pass, forcing the Khj-ber Pass on the 5th April, relief of Jellalabad, and subsequent
operations in AfTghanistan (Medal). Sutlej campaign in 1846, including the affair of Buddiwal and action of Aliwal
(Medal). Was Brigade Major at ISenares when the Native Troops there mutinied on the 4th June 1857, and was
wounded by one of the mutineers on parade. Afterwards served as Assistant Adjutant General with Havelock's
Force aud was present at the actions of Mungarwar and Alumbagh, and relief of Lucknow—wounded (Brevet of
Major); throughout subsequent defence of the Bailie Guard, Residency of Lucknow, until relieved by Lord
Clyde's Force, and engaged in repelhng of all attacks, and in sorties, including the bringing in of the rear guard
and heavy guns, attack on and capture of the Him Khana and King's Stables (Brevet of Lt.Colonel); subsequent
occupation of the Alumbagh from November 1857 'o March 1858, and enga.ged in repelling eight attacks thereon,
and capture of the enemy's guns and camp at Ghylee. Served at the final capture of Lucknow (frequently men¬
tioned in despatches, thanked by the Governor General, the Commander in Chief, by Sir James Outram, and
Colonel R. Napier for hia services during the several operations at Lucknow, Medal with two Clasps, a year's
service, CB., and his name recorded as deserving of honourable mention).
"■ Colonel E. C. Beale served in the Persian campaign in 1857, and was present at the bombardment and capture
of the forts of Mohumrah, and pursuit of the Persian army (Medal with Clasp).
* Colonel W. H. Freese served with the expeditionary force in China in 1840-42, and was present at the storming
of the forts and intrenchments at Chuenpec, capture of the Bogue Forts, and operations against Canton (Medal).
Served on the Staff of the Sangor Field Division under General Whitlock during the mutiny in the campaign in
Bundlecund from ist March 1858 to 31st December 1859 (Medal with Clasp for Central India).
"5 Colonel J. W. Schneider commanded the Contingent, Infantry and Irregular Cavalry, of the Rajah of Sattara
in the campaign in the Fouthern Maratha Country in 1844-45, including the storm and capture of the forts of
Punalla and Pownghnr. Commanded the Kolapore Infantry at the suppression of the mutin.y in the la te 27th Bombay
Native Infantry in July and August 1857; also at the recapture of Kolapore in December 1857 (Medal). Served
with the Ab.vssinian Expeditionary Force in 1868 with the rank of Brigadier General; commanded the ist Brigade
of the ist Division which led during the advance on Magdala, and was engaged at the battle of Arogee, and in the
assault on Magdala ('CB., and Medal).
100 Brigadier General J. S. Gell served with the force under Colonel Pennycuick which captured and destroyed
the forts of Sheik Meheda and Sheik Othman in the vicinity of Aden m 1841.

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