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Madras Slaff Coqjs.—War Sei-vices. 511
I '■<' Colonel Barnett Ford served with the Madras Sappers and Miners throughout the Burmese war of 1S52-53,
and also as an Assistant Field Engineer to the Army of Ava during the greater part of the war. Commanded two
^ Companies of Sappers and Miners at the capture of Martalian (thanked by the Government of India) ; present at
' the destruction of the river stockades, the taking of the White House Piijuet, storm of the Great I'agodli, cajiture o-f
Rangoon, nth and 15th April (slightly wounded) ; commanded a detachment of Sappers in the stcjrm of the Fort
and capture of Bassein (thanked by the Government of India), and present in various minor affairs (Medal with
Clasp for Pegu).
«i t'olonel P. GiUilan served with the 35th Madras Xative Infantry at the operations in the vicinity and capture
of Rangoon in April 1852 ; was Paymaster of the Madras Division Army of Ava till the end of the war (Medal with
! Clasp for Pegu).
62 Colonel \V. Murray served in the campaign in Central India in 1857-58 under Sir Hugh Rose, and was present
|at Peepliah, Radwul, Muudisore, Goorarew, Mudunpurc, .Jal, Behal, .Ihansie, Kotiah, Koonea, Goolowlee, anil
j'Calpee, Bilawah, Gw.ilior, and wounded by a musket-shot in the leg, bayonet-wound in the cheek and back (Medal
,; with Cliisp, and Brevet of Major).
r '^ Colonel Elphiustone served in the Southern Mahratta Country in 1844-45, and was present at PunuUa, Raugna,
Seevapore, Munohur and Munsuntosh. Served with the Turkish Contingent in the Engineer Corps at Kertch in the
Crimea in 1855 and 1836, served also in Bengal at Cawnpore in the Commissariat Department during the mutiny of
51858-59 (Medal).
0' Colonel H. Abdy served in the Southern Mahr.atta Country in 1844-45. and was present at Samanghur, Budder-
ghur, Ramghur, Manohur and Munsuntosh. Received a slight sword-cut on the foot at Samanghur. "
^' Colonel W. D. Stanley served at Ungool in 1847 and 1848.
"^ Colonel E. A. B. Travers served with the E.Kpaditionary Force in China in 1842, and was present at the capture
of Woosung and Shaughie, and was wounded slightly at the escalade and capture of Chin-kiaiig-foo (Medal).
Served in the second Bui-mese war in 1852 53 as Aide de Camp to Major General Steel, anil was pre.seTit at the relief
of Pegu (mentioned in General Godwin's despatch), at the affairs of KuUe and Mootsagamoo, accompanie:! tup
Martaban Expeditionary Force to Tonghoo, was jireseat at Gongahud minor affairs—mentioned in despatch (Medal
with Clasp for Pegu).
w Colonel A. Prich ird was with his company on field service at Sungkherr.i 'in the district of Hoossungabad in
November 1858 guarding the Sungkherra ford of the Nerbudda river to prevent the crossing of the rebel followers
of Tantia Topee.
«8 Colonel A. C. McMastir was employed in the rebellion in Golcondah and Darcondah in the Golcondah Zemin-
dary m 1847, and in Bengal with the Saugor Field Division, from relief of Kirwee to close of campaign.
® Colonel .J. P. Watts was employed in the suppression of the mutiny in India in 1857-59.
"" Colonel J. Orr was employed in the suppression of the mutiny in India in 1857-59 (Medal).
"' Colonel R. Ranken served with the 35th Madras Xative Infantry throughout the second liurmese war and
was present at the operations in the vicinity and capture of Rangoon in April, aii<l capture of Prome in Oct' 1852
(Medal with Clasp for Pegu). Sensed in Central India in 1859 with the Saugor Field Division (Medal)
'2 Colonel E. P. Waterman was present at Indore on the ist July 1857 when Holkar's rcNOlted troops attacked
the Residency. Was afterwards employed in keeping open the communication between Khandeish (Boiubav
Presidency) and Malwa, from December 1857 to August 1858 (Medal).
" Colonel E. A. Saunders served under the orders of the Commissioner of Xagpore on various occasions atrainst
the rebels in Central India in 1858-59.
"• Colonel B. T. Boddam was Assistant Adjutant General of the Nagpore Field Force during the insurrection and
mutiny of 1857.
"Colonel i\ L. Magniac served in the Southern Mahratta Country in 1844-45, and was present at Saraanghur,
Budderghur, Ramglmr, Munohur, and Muusuntosh; and with part of the Contuigent at Indoro during the mutiny
of Holkar's troops m 1857. b j
■« Colonel H. D. Taylor served in the Burmese war in 1852-53, and was present at the reUef of Pegu in December
1852, and at the second investment of Pegu l)y the Burmese in January 1854 (Medal with Clasp for Pcu) Served
m the suppression of the mutiny m Bengal in 1857-58 ; present at the relief of Lucknow in 1857. at the actions of
Secunderabaugli, Sha)- Nujee Terra, and Alurabagh, anil at the capture of Lucknow with the Lucknow Flying
Column from May to July 1858 Brevet of Major, Medal with two Clasjis). With the expedition to China in i860 •
present at the capture ol the iaku Forts, at the engagements of Chan-chia-wan and Palee-chou, and at the advance
on_Pekin (Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with two Clasps).
"" Xt.Colonel C. Hight was employed in the hill tracts of Orissa in 1847, 1849 and again in 1851
•« Lt.Colonel F. W. A. Rolison served in the Southern Mahratta Country in 1844-45, and was present at Samanirhnr
Budderghur, Punallaghur, Raugna, Seevapoor, Munohur, and Munsuntosh present at bamanghui,
^ Lt.Colonel W. S. S. Mulcaster served m the Saugor and Nerbudda Territories during the suppression of the
mutiny m Bengal; present at the affair near Sehora and at Koo,agaum; served with Brigadier Rowcroft's Field
iorce m the Goruckpore district m Bengal from May to December, and present at the action at Amorah c^in
manded the cavalry at^the action at Hurriah, and thanked liy Colonel Byng, and ftivourablv mentioned by Brighter
Rowcroft m their despatches; commanded the cavalry at the afliiir at Banse? and favourably met, tioi od by Br Sd M
Rowcroft m his despatch, and thanied by Brigadier Fischer in his despatch; present at Bri.'adier RowSs
Centraflndfa) ™ "' '^ reduction of Bundlecund under Brigadier Wheler (Medal with Clasp fo?
distrfcUn'iT57-5^8 ^' ■^°°'^'"^'' "^"^ actively employed during the mutiny against the insurgents in the Sumbulpore
" Lt.Colonel C. W. Dun served with Brigadier Watson's Force in the Saugor and Nerbudda Territories from ist
Singaporean i^i';"iV54"' """ '™"' "* "''"'"-" '° '* November 1843. Was present during the^Mnese noTs at
^!^^ZoS:^{^J^^^^SS:l^ ^'^"'•""^^^■^ ''-^'■'^^ Doomeragunge,at Poka-B.twah?Sil'oh^u^.^'l';j.t
*' Lt.Colonel F. Applegath was employed on
Nerbudda Territories anil Raepore district from 17th J uly 1857 to 30th April 1858 • nrocppilpil .vith Z'.^^^^T""' 'T"
Cavalry on piquet to the Wardah. was engaged at BalakotZ Slelmanalmi'and Rarnk^^'2Tl?i I'^A'^ """"^ Irregular
'Lt Colonel F Applegath was employed on field service with the Kamptee Movable Column in the Sau^or and
Xerbudda Territories and Raepore district from 17th July 1857 to 30th April 1858- proceeileil with i fmo ^^ .
'•avalry on piquet to the Wardah. was engaged at BLakotc^ Slelma^almd.'and Srnk'TiSTMedan ^ '"""^ Irregular
-,. tMedir^th aa^™or^"eru) " '"' '""" """"'" "'"' """ ™' ''"'^'"' "' '""^ "'""''' °'' ^'''''''"^ ^th April
" Lt.Colonel R. M. Macdouald served at Ungool in 1847 and 18
«o Lt.Colonel W. H Cuming served in the Burmese war of 1852-53 as As.sistant Field En<rineer (Medal with rin«,,
for Pegu). Served m the Crimea with the Turkish Continireiit in 1855-56 (TurkiX MedHl nJ^,d tw-i ^ .^''
I Meiljidie) Served with the Saugor Field Division in queUing the ISdiaif inutmrofi85f-lf;udwa's present at he
nffi ir of Kubraie batt'e of Banda, attack on Jounpore, suirender of Kirwee, acLinof'lWatUeSSmenUv
India). ' "^ ^ "'"' '" ^""''"'^ °^ ^ ""''"' ^^■■'^ "'«' '"^^'- '-^''^^l^ >" '859 (Medal with ClasrforSn?;
j "' Lt.Colone! P. L. Holmes served with the field force against Gulburc-ah in tR.<r Alan ,ii,v;r,„ h,„ ^ ■
I Bengal from 30th Seiitembcr 1857 to 2gth Decemlier 1859 (Medal) '^''""^''^'"^ ™ "^-t"- ^'^^ 'l»"°f? t^e campaign m
Lt.ColonelV.J. Shortland served with the CCoi
^^^::'i^:^^^^S:^^^]^:^?:^'^-'^'-^ alsopr^Ltat minor ^^^^S^XZ^^^^^^^:^
>■■' Lt.Colonel R. R. R.ckctts was employed in Chinna Kimedy in February and March i8ra in supnressincr Af»,.ini,
j sacrifice, and succeeded in rescumg 52 persons. Served in Goomsoor in 1857 suppressing Meriah
ifor'pe'g,^) "^ ^- """'"" '"'* employed in Goomsoor in 1846. Also in the Burmese war in ,853 (Medal with Cl.asp
! SI Lt.C'olonel P. S. Cunningham served in the Southern Mahratta campai<m in iSaa-a- ind »-,^ ,.,.„o„ * ^ .,
i taking of the heights in front of and occupation of Buddcrghur. "-'""l^'^S" '" ■«44 4:,, and was present at the

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