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17th Bengal Cavalry {late Rolarts' Horse).
Head Quarters at Sealkote. Uniform, Blue. Faciiigg, Red. Lace, Gold.
Rank, Names, and Corps.
Colonel C. J. Robarts, Staff Corps
Lt.Colonel B. W. Ryall, Staff Corps
Major T. J.Watson, Staff Corps
Captain G. H. W. Hog<;an. Staff Corps.
Captain E. G. Nowiiliain, Gen. I/ist, Inf.
Captain T. B. il. Glascock, Staff Corps,
Lieut. B. H. S. Gower, Staff Corps
Lieut. E. W. Chalmers, Staff Corps
Burgeon H. Potter, MD
20 Apr.
14 Jan.
20 Feb.
4 Apr.
29 Jan.
11 Aug.
7 Api-.
15 Feb.
■3 July
Commandant, 24 Nov. 58.—Furlough.
Officiating Commandant, 31 Jan. 72.
2nd in Command and Squadron Officer, 22 Mar. 65.
2nd Squadron Officer, 22 Mar. 65.—Furlough to Europe.
3rd Htiuadron Officer, 22 Mar. 65.—Officiating Adjutant.
Adjutant, 22 Mar. 65.—Officiating 2nd Scjuadron Officer.
ist Squadron Subaltern, 12 May 71.
2nd Squadron Subaltern, 12 May 71.
In medical charge, 17 Oct. 68.
18th Bengal Cavalry {late 2ml Maliratta Horse.—Baised 26 Ang. 1858).
Head Quarters at Allahabad. Uniform, Red. Facini/s, Blue. Zace, Gold
Colonel F. H. Smith, Staff Corps | 2 April 72,Commandant, 4 Sept. 58.
Major D. W. Wise, Stiiff Corps |i4 April 69 2nd in Com. and Sq. Officer, 22 Mar. 65.—Sick Furl, to Europe.
Captain H. C. Marsh, Staff Corps 120 Feb. 70 2nd Squadron Otlicer, 17 May 66.—Furlough to Europe.
Captain R. Wlioeler, Staff Corps 8 Dec. 67i3rd Squadron Officer, 15 Feb. 6g.—Offg. 2nd in Command.
Captain T. R. Davidson, Staff Corps ;i5 July 68;Adjutant, 17 May 66.
Captain J. B. B. Dickson, Gen. List, Cav.'2o Jan. 72;ist Squadron Subaltern, 15 Feb. 69.—Offg. 2nd Squad. Officer.
Lieut. E. S. Neave, Staff Corps 4 Mar.68|2nd Squadron Subaltern, 5 March 69.—Sick Furlough to Europe.
Surgeon G. K. Poole, MD i 14 Mar. 67 In medical charge, 8 Mar. 69.
19th Bengal Cavalry (Lancers—late Fane's Horse.—Baised 14 Jan. i860).
" Taku Forts "—" Pekin."
Head Quarters at Lucknow. Uniform, Dark Blue. Facings, Red, Zace, Gold.
Lt.Col. W. Fane, Ci?. Madras Staff Corps 17 May 69; Commandant, 14 Jan. 60.
Lt.Colonel H. Melvill, late 2 Cavalry I14 Dec. 7i'2nd in Com. and Squadron Officer, 3 Nov. 65.
Captain J. Upperton, Staff Corps 110 June 66'2nd Squadron Officer, 12 May 64.
Captain W. Loch, Gen. List, Inf. 18 >Tuly 71 3rd Squadron Officer, 10 June 72.—Officiating Adjutant.
Captain W. W. Biscoe, Gen. List, Cav....j 4 Fel). 72'Adjntant, 3 July 67.—Furlough to Europe.
Lieut. G. M. Abbott, Staff Corps ' 4 Oct. 66 1st Squadron Subaltern, 10 June 72.—Offg. 3rd Squad. Officer.
Lieut. E. Bruce, 39 Foot 28 Oct. 71 2nd Squadron Subaltern, 25 June 72.
Surgeon G. A. Watson ! 4 Aug. 67'In medical charge, 30 Jan. 67.
Corps of Bengal Sappers and Miners.
The head quarters of ihe Corps of Engineers estahlii^hed at the head quarters of the Sappers and Miners by G. G. O.
No. 1004 of 10 October 1854.
'* Delhi"—"Lucknow" {Relief and. Capture). 5th Company,'* Cabool, 1842." 6th Company, "FEEOzEsnuHrR."
5th and 6th Companies, " Pl'njab "—" Mooltan "—" Goojerat."
Head Quarters at Roorkee, Uniform, Scarlet. Facings, Dark Blue. Lace, Yellow.
5th Company, Eoorkee.
6th Company-, Roorkee.
7th Company, Roorkee,
ist Company, Eoorkee.
2nd Company, Roorkee.
3rd Company, Roorkee.
4th Company, Peshawur.
Lt.Colonel F. R. Maunsell, R. Engineers 14 June 69 Commandiint, 22 Aug. 63.—Furlough to Europe
8th Company, Cherat,
9th Company (Poutooneers),RawulPindee.
loth Company (Pontooneers), Roorkee.
Captain W. T. Stuart, Staff Corps,")
Assist. Fng. isf Grade, D.P. Works... S
Lieut. W.J.H. Logan-Homo, R.Engineers
Lieut. B. Blood, Royal Engineers
Lieut. W. Nortli, Royal Engineers
Lieut. A. O. Green, Royal Engineers ...
Lieut. W. E. L. Morgan, R. Engineers..
Lieut. C. H. Bagot, Royal Engineers ...
Surgeon A. Eteson
Lieut. J. E. Hroadbent, R. Engineers ...
Lieut. J. H. Thurburn, Royal Engineers
Lieut. L. F. Brown, Royal Engineers ...'
Lieut. W. W. Darby, Royal Engineers ..!
Lieut. G. W. Bartram, Royal Engineers
Lieut. J. C. MacGregor, Engineers
Lieut. H. Dove, Royal Engineers
Lieut. G. R.R. Savage, Royal Engineers I
Lieut. M. Martin, Royal Engineers |
Conductor John CanncU
2nd in Command and Adjutant,
2 Oct. 72 Interpreter and Quarter Master, 1 Oct. 65.—Furlough to Europe.
15 Jan.
19 Dec.
9 Feb.
15 Jan.
17 July
8 Jan.
20 May
17 July
ID July
8 Jan.
8 Jan.
15 July
15 July
13 Jan.
7 July
7 July
18 Mai-.
Superintendent of Instruction, 25 Aug. 71. [Commandant.
Superintendent of Park and Field Train, 18 Sept. 71.—Officiating
Doing Duty Officer, n Aug. 70.—Offg. 2nd in Com. and Adjutant.
Doing Duty Officer, i Mar. 70.—Officiating Interpreter and
Quarter Master.
Doing Duty Otlicer, 28 June 72.—And Commanding 5th Company.
Commanding 4th Company.
In medical charge, 8 April 68.
Attached.—Secretary to the Torpedo and Defence Committee,
Attached.—Commanding 3rd Company.
Attached.—Commanding ist and 6th Companies.
Attached.—Commanding 7th and 9th Companies.
Atta,ched.—Commanding 8th Company.
Instructor in Army-Signalling and Toiegrajihy.
Attached to Engineer Park.
Establishment.—10 Companies—Commandant; 2nd in Command and Adjutant; Intei-preter and Quartermaster;
Superintendent of Instruction; Superintendent of Park and Field Tr.ain ; 4 Doing Duty Officers; i Medieal
Officer; I Sergeant Major; i Quarter Master Sergeant; 25 Sergeants; 24 First Corporals ; 24 Second Corporals;
2 Native Doctors ; 10 Subailars; 10 Jemadars ; 40 Havildars; So Naicks; and 1000 Privates, making a total of
1140 Natives of all ranks.

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