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295 51st {The 2nd Yorkshire West lUdlmj), The King's Own Light Infantry Eegimeni.
Iturs' her.
Full \UMi
Pay. Phv
'MiNDEjf" "Corunna" "Fl'extes d'Onoe" "Salamanca" "Vittokia" "PrEHNEEs'-
"Nivelle" "Obtues" "Peninsula" "Wateeloo" "Pegu."
Colonel.—JJ3531I Sir William Henry Elliott,! KCB. KII. Jitmic/n, ^6 Dec. 09; Lf. ''13 Aug. 12; Ccq,t. P9 Nov. 20;
'"' '^ ' ' ' " ^ n ^ , , ,. ^^^ Major General, zg Jan. 57; Li.General,
FBengal. Depot,
L with 50th F.
il/«yo)', •'12 July 31; i^Co/o)ie;,''27 June 38; Colonel, 11 Nov.
27 July 63 ; Gemral, 25 Oct. 71; Colonel 51st Foot, i June 62.
Lieutenant Colonel.—Samuel Alexander Madden,^ Ensign, ^y July 43 ;
''11 Aug. 63 ; Lf.Colonel, ''24 July 69.
Majors.—*. Charles Acton,^ Jinsiyn, ''12 Dec. 51; Lt. 6 June 54; Capt. ^8 Jan. 56; Major ''30 June 65
Malcolm Charles Farrington, Ensign, 10 June 53; Lt. P3 Nov. 54; Capt. 23 June 58 ; Major, 23 Dec. 71.
LI. 4 July 45 ; Cajd. 6 June 54; Major
Eustace Beaumont Burnaby ..
Charles Kyrle Chatfleld
Wm. Price Llewellyn Lewes, i
Adj. 1st Adm. Jlatt. Pern- ■
hrolie Jiijle Volunteers )
John Frederick Trydell^
John Vcsey Nugent
14 July
2 Nov.
23 Mar.
' 9 Nov.
Robert Charles GrEeme !'' i April 62
■■17 Nov. 57
' 5 Sept. 56 i** 4 Aug.
15 June 58 [ 13 Oct.
■"is Nov. 59 ''21 Aug. 67
4 Aug.
[8 May
24 Sept.
10 Nov. 65
''21 Aug. 67i''29Jan. 70
Arthur Singleton Wynne
William Clements ...
Artliur Shaen Carter
George Frederick AVhite 30 June
Robert Norman Franks i*" 3 Oct.
Lieutenants. I
George Henry Denshire, Ad- "1
jiitont I July 71 3'
Bracklcy Herbert Barrington |
Kennett, Inst. of Musketry Y
6 Feb. 72 J
Edward Cumberlege
James Bower Dunn ii'i3 June
Thomas Johnson Seppings...'...j''22 July
George Frederick Campbell ... 11 Jan.
William Kdmondes Harness ...;'' 4 Sept.
Caleb Collins ''29 Jan.
Charles Coghlan Smyth^ ' 5 Nov.
James O'Brien Drury 1 27 May
Frederick Mogg '' 3 June
Richard Edward M'Gillicuddy!'' 9 April 70
23 June
" 4 Aug.
■"is May
"21 Aug.
23 Mar.
"27 May
''29 May
■■29 May
52 i 23 July
63''29 May
67 j 1*22 Mar.
67|P22 April
58: 23 Dec.
62 6 Mar.
6g! I July
66ii'2S Oct.
24 July 6g'
''18 Dec. 67
Edward Lockhart Burnett.
Richard Marsh Dunn
John Guyse Sparke
William Boxwell
6 July
fi^ July
3 Sept.
P15 Feb.
' Lt.Colonel Madden served with the 51st Ligiit
Infantry throughout the Burmese war of 1852-53,
P22 Mar. 71 was on board the E.I.C. steam-sloop Sesostris
1*22 April 71 during the naval action and destruction of the
Pio June 71 enemy's stockades on the Rangoon river; sei"ved
''25 Mar. 7T;dui-ing the succeeding three days' operations in
Jan. 67 the vicinity (including the storming of the White
P 18 Nov. 68 House Redoubt), and at the storm and capture of
23 Aug. 67 Rangoon; also at the assault and capture of
I April 70 Bassein 19th May, and reinilse of the night attack
3 Aug. 70 on Prome 8th Dec. 1852 (Medal with Clasp for
71 Pegu).
28 Oct.
28 Oct.
28 Oct.
28 Oct.
3 Aug.
19 Oct.
19 Oct.
Sub Lieutenants.
Robt.Fraucis Gartside-Tipping
Basil Edward Spragge
Roderick William MacLeod
Paymnsier.—Edward Roberts,^ 2 Dec. 68.
Quarter Master.—AVilliam Sibbald,^ 14 Se])t. 55.
Surgeon.—Leonard Kidd,!" MB. A.S. 26 May 54; Surgeon, 13
Assistant Surgeons.—James Davis Gunning, i Oct. 67.
Edward Hearue Joj-nt, MD. i April 71.
Facings Blue.—Agent, A. Laurie, Esq.—Irish Agents, Messrs. Cane and Sons.-
Feb. 66.
-Embarkedfor India, 15 Ocfvher 1872
* Sir WiUiam Henry EUiott embarked with the 51st Regiment for Lisbon, 26th Jan. 1811, and was present at the
battle of Fuentes d'Onor, covering thesiegeofCiudadRodrigo, second siege ofBadajoz,affairnearValMoresco,battle
of Salamanca, cajiture of Madrid and the Retire, covering the siege of Burgos, retreat into Portugal, during
which operation he served as Aide de Camp to Colonel Mitchell, commanding ist Brigade 7th Division, and re¬
ceived a contusion on the shoulder from a musket-ball when conveying orders to an Officer who was skirmishing in
advance. In June 1813 he was appointed Acting Aide de Camp to Major General Inglis, and was present at the
battles of the PjTcnees, 30th and 31st July—received a flesh wound from a musket-ball, and had a horse killed;
action at Lesaca, battle of Nivelle, attack of the Ileights of St. P(5, and battles of Orthcs. Appointed Major of Bri¬
gade to the I St Brigade 7th Division, served as such until the end of that war, and has the War Medal with five Clasps.
Served also the campaign of 1815, including the battle of AVaterloo, storming of Cambray, where he had charge
of the scaling ladders, and cajntulation of Paris. Served in command of the Madras Brigade throughout the Bni'-
mese war of 1S52-53 ; was on board the steam-frigate Ferooz during the naval action and destruction of the
enemy's stockades on the Rangoon river, and was second in command during the succeeding three days' operations
and assault of the Great Shoe Dragon Pagoda, and was present at the night attack of the Burmese at Prome (Medal
with Clasp for Pegu, and was twice thanked by the Governor General). On 2otli Nov. 1853, be put down a plot and
general rising of a large body of natives and others from Ava, having for its object the sudden seizure of the
Great Rangoon Pagoda, the station, and the city, and the murdering of all the British subjects therein.
3 Major Acton served with the 51st Light Infantry in Burmah from Feb. 1S53 to the end of the war, and was pre¬
sent with Cajitain Irby's Detachment of four Companies with Brigadier General Cheape's Force during the whole of
the successful o]>erations in the Monabew district, ending in the assault and capture, on the 19th March 1853, of the
stronghold of the Burmese chief Dyattoon (Medal with Clasp for Pegu).
* Captain Trydell served in India during the mutiny with the 43rd Light Infantry, and was present at the sur¬
render of Kirwee (Medal).
7 Lieut. Smyth served in the Transport Department on the Red River Expedition from Canada of 1870.
* I'a.vmaster Roberts served as a Captain in the 4th Regiment throughout the Abyssinian campaign, and was dan¬
gerously wounded—gun-shot wound of left elbow-joint—at Arogee, in which action he commanded two Companies of
the 4th King's Own, being the Baggage Guai'd (mentioned in despatches. Medal).
' Quarter Master Sibbald served with the 89th Regiment in the Crimea from 15th Dec. 1854, including the siege
and fall of Sebastopol, and attacks of the 18th June and Sth September (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal, also
the Medal for distinguished conduct in the field, with an annuity of;if2o). Served during the suppression of the
Indian mutiny from 1857 to 1859, including the operations connected witli the pursuit of Tantia Topee and Rao
Sahib with a field force commanded by Colonel W. Boyle, Sgth Regiment.
1" Surgeon Kidd.—For War Services see " Medical Department."

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