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Years' Ser.
275 31st {The Huntingdonshire) Regiment of Foot. [attSuoxofstCt.
" Talaveba " "Albuheea" "Vittokia" " Pyhenbes " "Nivelle" "Nive" "Ohthes" "Peninsula"
" Cabool 1842 " " MoouKEE " " Feeozeshah " "Aliwal" "Sobbaon" "Setastopol" " Taku Fohts."
Colonel.—Bt^J/ Hon. Sir Edward Lugard.i GCB. Ensign, 31 July 28 ; Lt. ■'31 Oct. 31; Capt. 30 Dec. 43 ;
SI.Major, 3 April 46 ; Bt.Lt.Colonel, 7 June 49 ; Colonel, 20 June 54 ; Major, 13 June 55 ; Major General,
20 July 58 ; Lt. General, 12 Jan. 65 ; General, 24 Oct. 72 ; Colonel 31st Foot, i June 62.
43- ■■• Lieutenant Colonel.—c. Robert John Eagar,^ CB.Eng.ii June30 ; Lt. P25 Jan. 33 ; Capt. "'8 Oct. 44; St.Major,
2 Nov. 55 ; Major, 21 Dec. 55 ; St.Lt.Colonel, 15 Feb. 61 ; Lt.Colonel, 30 June 63 ; Colonel, 15 Feb. 66.
Majors.—William Drummond Scrase Dickins,^ Ensign, I'jg Aug. 51; Li. P7 June 54 ; Capi. ''20 Feb. 55 ;
St.Major, 20 July 58 ; Major, ''28 Oct. 59; St.Lt.Colonel, 25 March 69.
Thomas Eaton Swettenham,* Ensign, 9 Sept. 51; Lt. ''18 Feb. 53 ; Capt. ''12 Feb. 58 ; Major, ■'23 March 67.
Samuel Christian'
George Bayley*
George Nicholson Pepper*..
Arthur Jebb«
Jno.TheodoreAustinGardineri"' 23 Oct
John Mich. Bradley Wood''
Richard Langford Leir, In-')
structor, R. M. College )
George Moore Lambert^*
Francis Edward Eceles
Richard Pearson Crozier
James Frederick Bevan
David Dempster Chadwick ...
Henry William Bateman,")
Inst.ofMusketri/22Ang.6S )
Rowley Rich. Conway Hill, \
Adjutant 22 Aug. 68 )
s. Arthur FitzRoy Hart
Robert Wm. Fergusson Phillips
George Humphrys Leathern ...
William Thomas Deverell
Frederick Ward
Cyril Taylor
Hamilton Charles Seville
George Henry Dallas Passy ...
Edward Morant
Henry Butler
William Homan Tui^pin
Arthur Sutherland Reynolds...
5 April 46|''ii Sept.
''24 Aug. 54 15 June
54I 15 June
55: 7 Dec.
58 i'23 Mar.
P 8 Jan.
6 June
22 June
49 15 June 55
S5l''23 Mar. 60
55I 22 April 62
56|''25 April 65
Sub Lieutenants.
Cecil Guthrie HayesNewington
Charles Alex. George Cumine
Peregrine Henry Thomas)
Fellowes i
William Edward Slokes
13 July
24 June
Pae Aug. 59 P 2 Feb.
58'P 9 Nov.
60 P23 Mar.
16 Mar.
'13 April
P 2 Feb.
P14 Jan.
5 Feb.
P 9 April 61
P30 Sept.
P29 Mar.
P23 Mar.
15 Sept.
P 3 Aug.
P23 Dec.
P30 June
P28 Oct.
P16 Mar.
P31 Oct.
2 Jan. 711
23 Dec.
P18 Dec.
23 Mar.
29 July
P24 Mar.
P25 Mar.
I Dec.
P21 Aug.
Pi4Sept. 67
P20 May 68
P14 July
P 4 Feb.
• Sir Edward Lugard served as
a Major of Brigade throughout the
campaign of 1842 in Affghanistan
under General Pollock, and was present in
the actions of Mazeena, Tezeen, and JugduUuck,
P2- Mar 67''^® occupation of Cabool, and the different en-
^ ■ ''gagements leading to it (Medal). He served
P29 May 671 throughout the campaign on the Sutlej;—as
P25 Dec. 67 Deputj-Assistant Adjutant General to Sir Harry
Pii April 68JSmith at the battles of Moodkee (wounded), Fe-
17 Mar.
P23 Dec.
P27 Feb.
P25 Dec.
P25 Jan.
P27 Oct.
28 Oct.
28 Oct.
28 Oct.
30 Dec.
8 May
8 June
II Dec.
rozeshah (wounded), and Sobraon;—as Adjutant
681 General of the whole Force commanded by Sir
69[Harry at the affair of Buddiwal, and the battle of
67|of Aliwal; and he officiated as Adjutant General
71 of Her Majesty's Forces in India, from the battle
71' of Sobraon to the end of the campaign, when he
71 was appointed Assistant Adjutant General to Her
7ijMajesty's Forces in India (Medal and three
71; Clasps). He again officiated as Adjutant General
throughout the Punjaub campaign in 1848-49,
and was present at the passage of the Chenab,
71 and battles of Chillianwallah and Goojerat (Medal
72 with two Clasps). Served as Chief of the Staif on
the Persian expedition in 1857 (Medal with Clasp,
'^ and nominated a ECS.). Was promoted to the
72 rank of Major General '' for his services in the
command of a Division at the capture of Lucknow,
and subsequently in the command of the Azim-
ghur Field Force" (Medal with Clasp).
15 ... Paymaster.—Frank William Dundee, 23 Mar. 58; Hon. Captain, 23 Mar. 63. I FacingsJiuS.—Agents, Messrs.
14 ... Quarter Master.—Henry Wilkinson,'" 30 Dec. 59 ; £«si^», 30 Dec. 59. | Price and Boustead.
Surgeon.—Thomas John Tucker,'* A.S. 18 July 55 ; Surgeon, 17 Nov. 69.
Assistant Surgeon.—Thomas Babington, 31 Mar. 64.
Eeturned from China, ii^ Ifov. 1863. Embarked for Malta, \2 June iZ^-j.
' Colonel Eagar served the campaign of 1842 in Aifghanistan with the 31st Regiment, including the actions of
Mazeena, Tezeen, and Jugdulluck, the occupation of Cabool, and the different engagements leading to it (Medal).
Served in the Crimea from nth June 1855, as Brigade Major of 2nd Brigade ist Division from 19th August 1855 to
17th January 1856, and was present at the siege and fall of Sebastopol and attacks on the 18th June and 8th Sep¬
tember (Medal with Clasp, Bi-evet of Major, Knight of the Legion of Honor, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish
Medal). Served throughout the campaign in the north of China in i860, and was present at the action of Sinho
and storming of Tangku (Medal with Clasp for the Taku Forts, and Brevet of Lt.Colonel). Commanded the 31st
Regiment in the operations against the Taeping rebels in 1862, including the recapture of Khading.
' Lt.ColonelDickins served with the 20th Regiment in the Crimea from the 26th January 1855, including the siege and
fall of Sebastopol; was also prescutatthecaptureofKinbourn (Medal with Clasp, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish
Medal). Served in the Indian campaign of 1857-58, and was presentatthe actions of Chanda, Umeerpore, and Sultan-
pore, siege and capture of Lucknow, subsequent operations in Oude, and affair of Meangunge (Brevet of Major,
Medal with Clasp).
■* Major Swettenham served with the 31st Regiment in the Crimea from 22nd May 1855, and was present at the
siege and fall of Scbastopol, and attacks of the Redan on the i8th June and 8th September (Medal with Clasp, and
Turkish Medal). Also served throughout the campaign in the north of China in i860, including the action of Sinho
and storming of Tangku (Medal with Clasp for the Taku Forts).
^ Major Christian served the campaign of i860 in North China with the 31st Regiment, including the fall of the
Taku Forts (Medal with Clasp). Also served against the Tacping rcl)els in the vicinity of Shanghai in 1862.
* Captain Bayley served with the 31st Regiment in the Crimea from 22nd May 1855, including the siege and fall
of Sebastopol and attacks of the i8th June and 8th September (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served
during the operations against the Taepings in the vicinity of Shanghai in April and May 1S62, resulting in the
taking of the stockade of Nanhsiang, capture by escalade of the walled cities of Kadin, Tsinpoo, and Tsolin, the
fortified town of Najow, and the affair at Nanhsiang.
8 Captain Pepper served with the 31st Regiment in the Crimea from 22nd May 1855, including the siege and fall
of Sebastopol and attacks of the i8th June and 8th Sept. (Medal with Clasp, and Tui-kish Medal). Present at the
repulse of the Taejiiug rebels from Shanghai on 24th Aug. 1862.
>< Captain Jebb served with the 31st Regiment throughout the campaign in the north of China in 1S60, including
the action of Sinho and storming of Tangku (Medal with Clasp for the Taku Forts).
"• Captain Gardiner served with the 31st Regiment throughout the operations in the north of China in i86o, and
was present at the storming of Tangku (Medal with Clasp for the Taku Forts). Served with the Commissariat during
the operations against the Taopings in the vicinity of Shanghai in April and May 1862, resulting in the taking of the
stockade of Nanhsiang, capture by escalade of the walled cities of Kadin, Tsinpoo, and Tsolin, the fortified town of
Najow, and the affair at Nanhsiang and relief of Kading.
'1 Captain Wood served in the 31st Regiment throughout the campaign of i860 in North China, including the
action of Sinho and storming of Tangku (Medal with Clasp for the Taku Forts). Served also during the operations
against the Taepings in the vicinity of Shanghai in April and May 1862, resulting in the taking of the stockade at
Nanhsiang, capture by escalade of the walled cities of Kadin, Tsinpoo, Tsolin, and fortified town of Najow, the affair
at Nanhsiang, and relief of Kadin.
1* Captain Lambert served with the 31st Regiment during the operations against the Taepings in the vicinity of
Shanghai in April and May 1862, including the capture of the stockade at Nanhsiang, the walled city of Kadin, affair
at Nanhsiang, and relief of Kadin. [Eor continuation of Notes, see end of^gth Foot.

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