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TistBatl., Aldershot.
|_2nd Batt., Cork.
243 7th Regiment of Foot (Eoyal Fusiliers).
The White Rose within the Garter, and the White Horse. " Maktin-ique " "Talavkka" "Alduheea"
"Badajoz" "Salamakca" "Vittoeia" "Pybeneks" "Ortiies" " TotLousE " " Peninsl-i.a "
"Alma" "Inkehmak" " SF,v.i6ioroL,"
Colonel.—c. Sir Richard Airey,' GCB. Siisirin, 15 Mar. 21; Lt.'^ Dec. 23; Cn}^K ''22 Oct. 25; Major,
•"g May 34 ; Lt.Colonel, ^lo Feb. 38 ; Colonel, 11 Nov. 51 ; Mujur General, i-.- Dec. 54 ; Lf.General, 240ct. 62 ;
General, 9 April 71 ; Colonel 7th Foot, i May 68.
51; I'l- ''24
''20 Mar.
Feb. 54;
Capf. 23 Mar. 55 ;
P;! Jane 64; i^
Lieutenant Colonels.—2 Joshua Harry Cooper,^ Emlgn, i'i6 Sept
Major, ^11 April 62 ; Lf .Colonel, ^21 June 64 ; Colonel, 21 June 69.
1 George Henry Waller,'' Enirii/n, 10 Aug. 54 ; IJ. 22 Dec. 54 ; Cajif.
Colonel, ''?8 Oct. 71.
Majors.—I George Flowei- Herbert,* Ennt/n, ^is Oct. 50; i<. I'lo Dec. 52 ; Capt. 9 Sept. 53 ; MiT/o)-. ''14 Oct. 63
2 Alfred Goodlail Daubeny,* Ensign, ''23 Nov. 52 ; Lt. ''8 Sept. 54 ; Capt. 30Nov. 35; Major,'V2i June 69.
1 Adrian Bennett," Enmi/n, 5 Nov. 54 ; Lt. 9 Mar. 55; Capt. i May 58 ; Major, ''28 Oct. 71.
2 ITC Hugh Stewart Oochrane,' Eruign, 13 April 49; i«. I'ls Oct. 52; Cajj<. 24 Aug. 58; lit. Major, 19 Jan. 64
Major, •'28 Oct. 71.
13 April
27 July
13 Jime
" 3 Aug.
16 Oct.
^16 Aug.
23 Oct.
•■26 Jan.
''20 April
58 I'll Feb.
4 Mar.
20 Mar.
^'24 June
25 Feb.
12 Nov.
_ "18 July
53' 30 April
59''' 2 Dec.
60I f'29 May
59 17 Nov.
3 Aug. 60 '' 1 Dec. 63
61,''12 April 64
'*2i June
19 July
2 Heathcote Phimjner'■• j 15 Dec. 54
I Henry Kerr'" I 26 Jan. 55
1 William Henry Suiinan ''23 Jan. 56
2 Robert Watson Sparks | 16 Mar. 35
2 Francis Burton Owen (.'ole". I 24 April 53
2 William Buttorworth Colvin j 17 Nov. 57
1 Thomas Bin-ton Vaudeleur...:''2i Sept. 33
2 Fitzmaurice Beaiichamp'=^ ...i 16 Oct. 35
2 Arthur John Harrison P10 Mar. 57
I Robert Fowler Butler lo Feb.
1 Frederick Charles Keyser ... 28 May
2 William Jame.s Voules 24 Jan.
2 Hen.Wadham^ockeFaddon" 6 Aug.
I George Augustus Swen,y''-* ... 7 Sept.
1 Francis Hilibert 12 Dec.
2 Henry Wolliiston Rochfort ... ''25 Jan.
1 Thomas Myles Sandys 9 Juno
2 William Wiieaton Chard 30 Dec.
I Henry Ferdinand Oakes ''26 May
1 George Brooke Meares'" ■■ 3 June
2 Robert Henry Maude, Ail- \
jnfant \ A}iril 70 )
2 William Dni.v, InHructor of)
Mnttketry 27 Sept. 65 >
2 Henry jiurfcnu Winter
I William Kdward Roberts,)
Inxt. of Mnnk. 3 July 72... >
1 Geoffry Barton, Adjutaul )
23 Jan. 69 )
2 Thomas Gruube'" ^ 2 Dec. 6
2 George Stanley Orred ''29 July 6
2 Thos. John Ra.\Tnond Mallock 17 July 63|''2i Aug
I George Bligh SteiJhcns i" i Dec. 63ii'i6Mar.
I William Joseph Squire I"" 3 Dec. 63i''i2june
1 Francis Wingfield Douglass I"" 4 Dec. 63;''i6 0ct.
2 Robert Barlow Manning iPi7July 63 •'22 Feb.
I Gardiner Frederic Guyon ...j''31 Jan. 63 16 May
1 Charles Hyde Sheffleld 1 9 Aug. 64 P23 Sept.
1 John Robert Beckett l''i6Jan. 66 16 Dec.
2 Wald.yveWelliugtonSt.Georgc:>'i4 Jan. 65 ''29 Dec.
2 lOustace Robertson B. Stuartlr g June 65 ''27 April
William Conolly j''3i Jan. 63 7 Feb.
2 John Henry (.'ourtney Clarke,''21 Aug. 66 ''27 Oct.
2 Norman Pochin |i'3oMar. 67 28 Oct.
2 Berkenhead Glegg ■'12 June 67 28 Oct.
2 Percy St. Maur !i'i6Scpt. 68 28 Oct.
I Fred. St. Leger Tottenham...;i'29 May 69 28 Oct.
1 John Thomas Macan Kirwan ''23 June 69 28 Oct.
2 Cha. Wyndham H. Rickford.. I'lS Aug. 69 28 Oct.
I Archibald Kdward Crichton ''21 Aug. 69 28 Oct.
I Charles Lysaght Mortimer ...P 1 Sept. 69 28 Oct.
1 F.dward Alfred Most>'n |>'ioNov. 69 28 Oct.
2 Hobt. Preston Birkett Rodick p 9 Feb. 70 28 Oct.
1 William Be Peer Power
2 William Henry Stopford)
Heron-'Maxwell S
1 Richard Lock Appleyard
2 Trevor John Foster
I Robert Frasmns Saunders..
Pat/masten.—2 William Handasyde Buchanan
Quarter Masters.
62 ''28
63! 3
Sept. 59
April 62
April 61
Jul3- 62
Ma.v 63
Nov. 62
June 64
Jan. 63
Mar. 67
Dec. 67;
April 68:
June 67
June 69
Sept. 68!
Apr. 70 j
Feb. 71 j
June 671
Oct. 711
Oct. 71
July 72!
13 Oct.
"ii Feb.
■"ri Mar.
>> 3 Oct.
P 2 Dec.
P29 July
17 Jniy
•■20 June
I 4 Sept.
62 i'i4 Feb. 65
^ Colonel Cooper served the Kasteru campaign
of 1854-33 with the 7th Fusiliei-s, including th&
sortie of 26th Oct., battle of Inkcrinan, and
siege of Sebastopol; appoijited Aide de Camp
to (jolouel Yea, and also present at the at¬
tack on the Quarries 7th June (wounded 8th
June), and assault of the Redan on i8th June
(Medal with two Clasps, 3th Chiss of the Medji-
die, and Turkish Medal).
■* Major Herbert served with the 31st Regt. in
the Crimea from 22nd May 1B55, including the
siege and fall of Sebastopol, and attacks of the
i8th June and 8th September, and was wounded
during the bombardment of the 17th June while
employed as an Assistant l^lngineer in throw¬
ing up an cntren.ehment in the 8-gun Battery,
right attack (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish
-- Surgeon Ma.jor Carey and Doctor Rudd.—
For War Services see "Medical Department."
sra T.iitcT.
19 June 72
3 Aug. 721
14 Aug. 72
ir Sept. 72;
21 Sept. 72
, 19 Nov. 58 ; lion.Captain, 19 Nov. 63.
2 Timothy Metcalf,*' 23 Oct. 37 ; Ensign, 7 Dec. 33.
1 William Ames, 19 Oct. 72.
Surqeons.—2 Thomas Carey,^^ A.S. 24 Jan. 51 ; Surgeon, 26 Jan. 38 ; Snrgeon Major, 31 Jan. 72.
J Thomas Rudd,^- MD.. AS. i Aug. 37 ; Surgeon, 18 Nov. 71.
Assistant Snrgeons.—2 David Mackie, 3/75. i Oct. 62. ' I Facings Blue. Agents. Mepsrs. Co.x and Co.
I Charles Alfred Atkins. 30 Sept. 63. | Irish Agents, Sir K. Borough, Bt. and Co.
Ill Battalion returned from India, 27 Dec. 70. 2nd Batt. returned from Canada, Anrust 1867.
Sir Richard Aire.v served tliroughocit the Eastern campaign cf 1834-35—first in command of a Brigade, and
altorwardd from the disembarkation in the Crimea as Quarter Master General, and was ]>--esent at the battles of
the .'Lima, Balaklava. and Inkernian, and siege of Sebastopol (Medal with four ('lasps, KCB.. Commander of the
L» »'.3n of Honor, Commander of ist Class oi" the Military Order of Savoy, 2ud Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish

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