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.242 6th {The Boijal ist Wanolclfsldre) Regt. of Foot. ['ud^""'
The Antelope. The Rose and Crown. "Roleia" " Vimiera " " Cokunsa" " Vittokia
! j8
, 7
! i«
-John ffoUiott Crofton,' Entlgn, 18 Dec. 24; Lt. ^29 Aug.
" ' ' ' ' " - . - Major General, 9 Mar. 6
6 ; Capt. ''17 July 35
Sealkote, Bengal.
, Curragh.
' " Pvkekees"
Major, P15 April
Lietdenant General, 21 Aug. 70;
Hall Colonel.-
l*fly. 42; Lt.Colonel, j Xn^^. 46 ; Co/owe/, 20 June 54;
Colonel 6th Foot, 5 Sept. 69.
... Lieutenant Colonels.—1 ». Charles O. Creagh-Osborue," CB. Sujierbifendent of Garriton Insh-vctorr, Bengal ■
Ensign, 18 June 41 ; Lt. >•=, Aug. 42 ; Capt. i Mar. 54; Bt.Major, II May 60; Major, 29 Feb. 63 ; Lf.Colonel',
I April 66 ; Colonel, 3 Aug. 71.
"/„'2 John Henry Ford Elkington,^ Ensign, 28 Aug. 46 ; Lt. ''30 Mar. 49 ; Capt. 2 Oct. 54 ; Bt.Major 6 June 56 •
j Bt.Lt.Colonel, 7 Dec. 58 ; Major, 15 Feb. 61 ; Colonel, 7 Jan. 67 ; Lt.Colonel, ''27 Nov. 67. '
3 jMajors.—I ThomaH I^ynilen liell,* Ensign, ^i-j May 50 ; Lt. ''17 Feb. 54 ; Cupt. 30 Nov. 55 ; Major, ^ Oct. C2.
I '2 Henry Broomo Feildcn,^ Ensign, ''21 Sept. 52 ; Lt. 6 June 54 ; Capt. ''31 Aug. 55 ; Major, ^8 June 67
Kdwarrt Lloyd," Ensign, ''12 Nov. 47; Lt. •'26 Dec. 51; Capt. 20 Oct. 57; Major, 23 Sept. 70.
James NicholHS Coltliurst," Ensign, 14 Oct. 51; Lt. Pii May 55 ; Capt. 17 Nov. 63 ; Major 28 June 71
2 ». Wilsone Black'
2 William Grove Annesley'" ...
2 Lewis Blyth Hole'"
1 Alfred Austin
2 David Garrick Protheroe
I William Charles Wolseley ...
1 Dawson Kelly Evaus'^
2 Spencer Field
1 James George Cockburn," \
Station Staff Q^cer,Mtirree)
2 Charle.s Whj-te
I Herbert Burrows Adcock'* ...
I Dougla.s Hastings'^
I Albert Henry Harrison'*
I George William Morland'* ...
I Chas. William Henry Wilson'^
1 Patrick Albert Howley'
2 Frederick Hclyar"
1 James FitzGerald'"
2 James Thomas Nugent
2 Alexander Courtenay Hall...
2 Henrv Kitchener, Adjutant \
50 Oct. 57 '. i
1 Jacob Biggs Hopkins
2 William Grant
1 Gust. Whcntley Berry Col-)
lis," Adjutant 25 Mar. 71 i
2 Arthur Morton
1 Frederick Baird'*
2 Robert Graeme
2 AdolphusRandolphAug.Collis
George Shari)e Griuible
2 James Ruddle Gibbs, Inst. \
of Mnsketrg 30 Aug. 70 ... }
I Gerald d'Gourcy Morton,™'
Aide de Camp to the Lient.
Governor of the Punjaicb...
1 Robert Btrn,ti'or(1,^* Interpreter
I Ang\istus\Vm.Whitworth,i* \
lust, of Music. 25 Mar. 71 )
1 Frederick Leigh Grundy
2 James Lewis
1 Richard Meredith"*
2 Henry Decring Thomas
I Aug. Joseph O'Malley Quin'*
I Henrv Weniyss Magee
1 Frank Lcmgbourne
2 Neville Frederick Mansergh
I Gerald HvdcCharleaStracey"'
1 Edward Arthur Ball'"'
2 Arthur MuUaniffe O'Beirne...
2 Richard John Doyne
2 Deuman Croft Murray
1 Edward Henry Corse Scott .
2 Augustus Green
I Charles Wemyss Muir, Aide
de Camp to Lt. Gov.ofN. W.
Provinces of India..
1 Willoughby E. Gordon Forbes
I Henry Blake Harward
1 Charles Boileau Down
2 St. George John Rathborne...
II Aug.
''23 Jan.
3 Dec.
Pii June
10 April
'lo April 55
15 Jan. 56
2 Feb. 55
■"15 April 56
8 July
2 Mar.
20 Mar.
13 Dec.
15 Dec.
29 Dec.
27 Feb.
' 8 Jan.
23 April
28 Feb.
'•21 May
3 Aug. 55
23 Mar.
9 Feb. 55
"15 Feb. 53
I" 7 June 54
" 8 Sept. 54
25 Jan. 56
■■29 April 56
15 Feb. 58
4 Feb.
26 Feb.
5 Mar.
•■i; Feb.
8 Ajuil 42
"29 Oct. 58
''11 .Tan. 59
15 Nov. 59
''29 Nov. 59
''23 June 63
■^ 8 Feb. 61
16 April 58
'■igMar. 61
'' 9 Jan.
15 Feb.
29 Sept.
'■30 Api-il
■■28 Jan.
''19 Dec.
''29 May
56''^22 May
sSjP 3 May
58 ji" 9 Mar.
571 3 July
15 Mar.
8 June
13 July
6 May 58
■■31 July 58
24 April 58
"29 Oct.
''23 Aug
58 P 4 Sept. 60
■ " Oct. '
''14 Sept. 67
''27 Nov.
"14 Oct.
''17 Mar.
19 .lau.
" "May
23 Mar. 65
' Lieut.General Crofton was appointed Persian
Interju'eter to the force under Brigadier General
Ijtchtteld in August 1832, and served with it
throughout the arduous operations in Pai-kur, and
I Dec.
59;P3i Mar.
62;!)gainst the tribes in the N.W. Desert, which
, I ended in the talking of Balmeer. He was also em-
Pig Dec. 62;'' 8 June 67
9 Jan.
25 June
P12 June
' 3 May
' 3 June
9 May
' 2 ,Tnne
3 June
24 Nov.
P27 July
4 Dec.
Pio Nov.
P14 Sept.
7 Nov.
P30 Sept.
3 Jan.
■'29 May
ploj-ed at the defence of Aden ngainst the Arabs
62!in 1840-41; and commanded the expedition sent
63'to the Red river, Prince Rupert's Land, ym Hud-
''30 Mar. 60,'' 2 June 65 son's Bay, in 1846, under instructions for the de-
27 April 60 I" I Dec. esifenceof the British settlements in the event of
P21 Sept. 60 P 9 Mar. 661 war with America for the Oregon territory. For
P28 Jan. 62; 29 May 67 this service he received the thanks of the Duke of
Wellington and the Colonial Secretary.
^ Colonel Osbome served with a party of
Volunteers attached to the Scinde Camel Corps
''i3July 67 during Sir Charles Napier's campaign of 1845
.against the mountain and desert tribes on the right
58 2 Aug. 65-bank of the Indus. Served on the Head Quarters
^ p 0 t ^ iStaffof the Azimghur FieldForce during the cam-
03, 14 sept. 67jpaignofi858intheN.W.ProvincesofIndia,andwas
64 ■' 9 Nov. 67iPresent at the action of 6th Aju-il before Azimghur
64|''3o Sept. 68jand in the intrenchment of that ]ilace from 6th to
65j''17 Mar. 69 14th April, when be.sieged by Koer Sing's Force.
65!P29 May Cg'Alsf) at the ii,ss.ault of .Tugdesjxtre, action at Je-
65' 12 June 69lowraiith and 29th May, Metahi 24th May, and
63I I .Tuly 67'skirinishes in the Jngdespore Jungles (mentionetl
66|''28 May 70 in despatches. Medal, and Brevet of Ma.jor). Com-
71 manded ist Battalion 6th Regiment during the
71 Hazara campaign of 1868, including the expedi-
71 tion against the Black Mountain tribes on the
Punjaub Frontier (mentioned in despatches, Me¬
dal with Clasp, and CB.).
7 July 69
■"lo Nov.
Pio Nov.
■■14 July
i'2o Oct.
: Dec.
'27 Oct.
28 Oct.
28 Oct.
28 Oct.
28 Oct.
28 Oct.
28 Oct.
28 Oct.
28 Oct. 71
28 Oct.
28 Oct.
28 Oct.
28 Oct.
28 Oct.
Pagma»ters.—2 John O'Connor," 3 Nov. 57; Q.M. 11 Mar. 53 ; Hon. Major, 11 Mar. 68.
I William Wastell,^-'' 21 Dec. 60 ; Ensign, 30 Nov. 55 ; Lt. 26 Jan. 58 ; Hon.Maj
Quarter Masters.—i George Beedle,'* 10 .Tuly 66.
' 2 James Darker,^* 3 Dec. 55.
Surgeons.—2 Francis John Shortt,"' A.S. 6 Aug. 55 ; Surgeon, 29 Dec. 69.
I Eugene Francis O'Lenry, A.S. 9 Feb. 56 ; Surgeon, 30 Aug. 71
, 21 Dee. 70.
Asat. Surgeons.—i Jerome William Morgan, i Apr. 67.
2 Henry Skey Muir, MD. 31 Mar. 64.
I Richard Exham, i April 71.
Facings Blue.—Agents, Messrs. Cox and Co.-
st Bait, embarked for India, 7 Dec. 1867. Depot,
Kith 2nd Batt.
2nd Batt. returned from Jamaica, 3 May 1867.
Irish Agents, Sir E' Borough, Bt., and Co.

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