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Colonel.—John Yorke.i CB. Cornel, I'll Dec. 32 ; J.t. ""s Dec
•■4 Feb. 53 ; Colonel, 28 Nov. 54 ; Major General, 17 June
Lieutenant Colonel.—Charles Vanbrugh Jenkins,^ Cornet,
I July 57; Lt.Colonel, i Jan. 62; Colonel, i Jan. 67.
Majors.—Henry Cadogan Craigie,^ Cornet, 20 Aug. 48 ; Lt.
Robert Baring, Cornet, 25 July 51 : Lt. 20 Sept. 54 ; Capt.
19th Regiment of Hussars. i6r
:. 34 ; Ca[it. ^n Dec. 41 ; iSoJor, '"4 Sept. 49 ; Lt.Colonel,
66; Colonel 19th Hnssare, 6 May 72.
24 Jan. 39; Lt. j Jan. 44; Capt. 31 Jan. 52; Afo/oc^
1 Sept. 51; Capt. 23 Nov. 56; Major, 23 April 63.
9 Jan. 58 ; Major, i April 69.
Rich. Talbot Plantagenet S tapleton*
Charles Manners Sutton Fairb: other
Kendall Josiah William Coghill*
Charles Hay Fairlie'
Abel Henry Chapman'
Arthur George Webster '
Jolin Biddulph.ii^wie de Camp to the Viceroy of)
India i
Edwin Wilson Gresham Williams
William Sheppey Greene'*
Henry Hall
Percy Harry Stanley Barrow,jl<J/i(<o?it 28 June 71
James M'Killop Macsvhirter
Clement Smith
Henry Edmonds Kynaston
Frederic Melkington Stow
Charles Edward Warde
Alexander Mitchell Ta.vlor
pjiigene Dieudonn*^ Feraldi
William Frederic Hamilton Yatmau
Ralph Cromwell Gregg
Henry Murray Ashley Warde
20 Nov.
20 Oct.
26 Feb.
4 Dec.
20 Sept.
20 Dec.
20 Jan.
8 June
17 Sept. 55
12 Sept. 56
I Oct. 55
23 Nov. 56
9 Jan. 57
56 10 Mar. 57
58j 18 May 58
60' 13 Nov
■'29 Oct. 61 'u Mar. 68
8 Jan. 681 16 Mar. 70
8 July 68' 14 Sept. 70
7 July 691 28 June 71
!5 Apr. 68 i'22 June 70
9 April 70, 28 Oct. 71
3 Jan. 65I 28 Oct. 71
P 2 Jan. 69 28 Oct. 71
30 July
30 Julv
26 Feb.
8 Jan.
1 April
23 July
I Nov. 71
3 Aug. 72
30 Dec.
30 Dec.
30 Dec.
9 Mar.
21 Aug.
PayMrtifer.—Henry Octavius CuiTie.i* 12 Aug. 62; Enn. 4 Feb. 53; Lt. 6 June 57 ; Hon.Major, i; Aug. 72.
Siding Master.—George Couch,'^ 27 May 62.
Quarter Master.—William Lan-j-dale,!" 6 March 63.
" ■ ■ '- ■ , ,- ^,,. . « .^ ., Surgeon, 1 Dec. 65.
Surgeon.—Benjamin Burland,'" MB. A.S. i Dec. 58 ;
Asifistant Surgeon.—Edmund Vjtllance,'' 30 Sept. 64.
Veterinary Surgeon.—James Kettle, 11 Jan. 67.
Meturnedfrom India, 23 March 1870.
Blue.—Agents, Jlessrs. Cox and Co.
' Ma.)or General Yorke commanded the Royal Dragoons in the Eastern campaign of 1834, inclnding the siege of
Sebastopol, and was severely wounded at the battle of Balaklava, his horse also was sevei'ely wounded with gi'apc-
shot in supporting the J^ight Cavalry charge prior to his own leg being shattered by a rifle-ball (.Medal with two
Clasps, CB., Sardinian and Turkish Medals, and 4th Class of the Medjidie). He commaniied the Regt. during a
violent gale in the Black Sea between Varnaand the Crimea, and this great disaster resulted in the loss of 250 horses
of the Regiment, including the greater part of the officers' chargers and those of detachments of other Regiments
under his command.
2 Colonel Jenkins served in the ist Bengal Light Cavalry the campaign of 1842 in Affghanistan under General
Pollock, and was present at the forcing of the Khyber Pass, relief of Jellalabad, and all the actions leading to the
reoccupation of Cabul, including the Cavalry Charge in the Tezcen Valley (Modal). Gwalior campaign of 1843-44,
including the battle of Jlahara.ipore (Bronze Star). Sutle.i campaign in 1846, including the battle of Aliwal (Medal).
Pun.iaub campaign of 1848-49, including the battles of Chillianwallah and Goo.jerat (Medal with two Clasps).
" Ma.ior Craigie ser\'ed in the 3rd Bengal Light Cavalry in the Punjaub campaign in 1S49, and was present at the
battle of Goojerat (Medal with Clasp). As Captain raised and commanded a Regiment of Irregular Horse under
the orders of the Lt.Governor of the N.W. Provinces from May 1857 to .Ian. 1858, diu-ing the Indian mutiny (Medal).
* Captain Stapleton served with the Rajpootana Field Force in 1857-58, and was present at the siege and capture;
of Kotah. Sei-ved as second in command of the Bengal Yeomanry Cavalry in pursuit of rebels on the Nepaul
frontier (Modal with Clasp for Central India).
= Captain Coghill served as Adjutant of the 2nd European Bengal Fusiliers throughout the Indian campaign of
1857-58, and was present at the battle of Budleokeserai, storming the Heights in front of Delhi, throughout tho
siege of Delhi, including the actions in front, storming of the breach Cashmere Bastion, and final capture of the
city. Served in General Showers' Force in the taking of the Forts of Rewan-ie, Juijhur, Rauaude, Funticknugnr, and
BiiUumbghur. Also present at the capture of the Heights of Snnah (Medal with Clasji).
" Captain Fairlie served in the Rohilcund district with the Column under Colonel Jones (Medal).
8 Captain Chapman served in the Indian mutiny camjiaign in 1857-58, includijig the siege and capture of Dhar,
Mundesore, Chandaree, Jhansi, and Calpee, and actions of Betwa and Koonch (Medal with Clasp).
' Captain Webster served with Lind's Mooltanee Horse during the Indian mutiny campaign in 1S57-58, and was
nresent at Kakraole, operations before and capture of Bareill.y, Shahjchanpore, and capture of Mohuniee (Medal)
Received a letter of thanks from Government for services with Meerut Light Horse in 1857.
11 Captain Biddulph served in the Indian mutiny cam])aign in 1858-59, and was present at the action of Doundea-
kera, taking of the Forts of Chanda and ilanioedca, and actiun on the banks of tho Raptee (Medal).
" Lieut, Greene served with the 68th Light Infantry in the New Zealand war in 1864-66, an(} was present at the
attack on Gate Pah (Medal).
" Major Currie was present during the mutiny at Allahabad on 6th June 1857, and subsequently served in the Fcrt
of Allahabad (Medal).
, " Riding Master Couch sers-ed in the Crimea from April 1855, and has the Crimean Medal with C!asp for Sebas¬
topol, and Turkish Medal.
'8 Qr.Master Langdale served in the 3rd Light Dragoons in tho AfTghanistan campaign of 1842 under General
Pollock, and was present at the forcing of the Khyber Pass, storming the Heights of JugduUuck, and action in the
Tezeen Valley (Medal). Sutlej campaign in 1845-46, including the affair of Buddiwal, action of Alivval (wounded),
and tattle of Sobraon (Medal and Clasp). Was present with the Artillery guns at Meenit on the evening of tho
mutin.y on loth May 1857 ; performed Subaltern's duty in the 6th Dragoon Guards with Major Sayer's Column in
- 'ippressing the mutiny in the district (Medal).
'i' Surgeon Burland and Assist. Surgeon Vallance.—For Professional and War Services see " Medical Department."
E +

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