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113 War Services of Retired Lieutenant Colonels.
'"t Lt.Colonel A. J. Macphersou served with th£ 24th Regt. in the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, and was present
at the passage of the Chenab and battles of Sadoolaporo and Chillianwallah—severely wounded (Medal with two
Clasps). Served in the Indian campaign of 1857-58, aud was present with a Detachment of the 24th Regt. at the
defeat of the Jhelum mutineers on 7th July 1857, and succeeded to the command (Brevet of Major) ; served subse¬
quently in command of the 22nd Regiment Punjaub Infantry (Medal).
"' Lt.Colonel Maguire served with the 55th Regt. in China, and was present at the attack and capture of Amoy,
second capture of Chusan, attack and capture of Chinhae, and operations up the Yangtsekiang (Medal). Served
with the 60th Rifles throughout the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the siege anfl storm of the town and
capture of the citadel of Mooltan, battle of Goojerat, pursuit of the Sikh army until its final surrender at Rawul
Pindeo, occupation of Attock and Peshawur, and expulsion of the Affghan force beyond the Khyber Pass (Medal
with two Clasps). Served throughout the campaign of Rohilcund in 1858, including the actions of Bugawalla and
Nugcna, relief of Moradabad, action on the Dojura, assault and capture of Bareilly, attack and bombardment of
Shahjehanpore, defeat of the rebels and relief of the garrison, capture of the fort of Bunnai, pursuit of the enemy
to tlio left bank of the Groomtee, and destruction of the fort of Mahomdee; commanded a wing of the ist Battalion
60th Rifles at the attack and destruction of Shahabad (Brevet of Major); commanded the Battalion in the action of
Bunkagong (Medal), and was three times mentioned in despatches and recommended for an unattached Majority
by Lord Clyde for service in the field, in lieu of which he subsequentl.v obtained the Brevet of Lt.Colonel.
'** Lt.Colonel H. C. E. Malet served with the Grenadier Guards in the Crimea from the 3rd May 1855, including-
the siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
^'^ Lt.Colonel Manners served throughout the Burmese war of 1852-53. and was present with the 51st Light In¬
fantry on board the E.I.C. steam-frigate Ferooz at the attack and destruction of the enemy's batteries and stockades
on the Rangoon river on the nth April 1852 ; on the following day commanded the skirmishers that covered the
disembarkation and advance of the storming party at the capture of the White House Redoubt; at the final assault
and taking of Rangoon he commanded the Escort of the Major General Commanding, and at the storm and capture
of Rangoon. "Was appointed Brigade Major to the ist Madras Brigade in Sept. 1852, and was present at the en¬
gagement on the Heights of Prome (Medal with Clasp for Pegu).
1*^ Lt.Colonel Mansergh served with the 6th Regt. in the Kaflir war from the attack in the Boomah Pass 24th Dec.
1850, to the conclusion of the war in 1853 (Medal). Was placed by Sir Harry Smith in command of the isolated post
of Fort White in the enemy's country on the 28th Dec. 1850 ; caused the post to be stockaded, and with his party of
120 men defended it on the 3rd January 1851 against a force of 1,000 Kaffirs under SandiUy, Auta, and other chiefs,
who were defeated with severe loss, for which service he and his garrison were complimented in General orders.
Was afterwards present at both affairs at the Waterkloof, and commanded the Regiment at the first attack.
i^^t Lt.Colonel W. G. Margesson served with the 56th Regiment in the Crimea from the 25th Aug. 1S55, including
the siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Claso, Knight of the Legion of Honor, and Turkish Medal).
'*' Lt.Colonel Bell-Martin served with the 9th Lancers, either in command of a Troop or Squadron, during the
Indian mutiny in 1857-59, including the battle of Budlekeserai, siege assault and capture of Delhi (horse shot on
14th September). On the Cavalry Staff with General Greathed's Column in the actions of Bolundshuhur and Ally¬
ghur, and battle of Agra. Present at the relief of Lucknow by Lord Clj'de, battle of Cawnpore and pursuit of the
Gwalior Contingent on the 6th December, actions of Scraighat and Khudagunge, caxiture of Meeangunge (as
Brigade Major of Cavalry), action of Kalee Nuddee and occupation of Futtyghur, siege and cnjjture of Lueknow,
the summer campaign in Oude and Rohilcund, and actions at Rhodamow and Allyghur, capture of Bareilly, action
at Shahjehanpore, and pursuit to Mahomdee (four times mentioned in despatches, Medal with three Clasps).
1*" Lt.Colonel Thomas Martin served with the i8th Royal Irish throughout the China expedition (Medal), and was
present at the storming of Amoy, attack and capture of Chapoo, Woosung, Shanghai, and Chin Kiang Foo (where
he commanded the Light Company), and investment of Nankin.
'*' Lt. (Colonel Maude served theEastern campaign of 1854 in command of a Troop of Royal Horse Artillery, in¬
cluding the affairs of Bulganac and M'Kenzie's Farm, the battles of Alma and Balaklava (dangerously wounded
and horse shot), and siege of Sebastopol (Medal with three Clasps, CB., 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
""t Lt.Colonel B. B. Mauleverer served with the 88th Regiment in the Crimea from i2tn July 1855, including the
siege and fall of Sebastopol, and was severely wounded at the attack of the Redan on the 8th September (Medal
with Clasp, Brevet of Major, and Turkish Medal). Served also in the Indian camjjaign of 1S57-58, including the
action at Bliognapore, fall of Calpee, action of Jamoo, and capture of the fort of Birwah—mentioned in despatches
(Medal with Clasp).
1™ Lt.Colonel Hon. J. P. Maxwell sei-ved with the 50th Regt. the Eastern oompaign up to 3rd Nov. 1854, including
the battle of Alma and siege of Sebastopol,—severely injured in the head by a round-shot in the Trenches in Oct.
(Medal with two Clasps, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
191 Lt.Colonel Mayers served with the 86th Regt. during the Indian rebellion of 1857-58, and was present at th»
disarming of I'onr Companies of the 27tli Bombay Native Infantry. Served with the Central India Field Force un¬
der Sir Hugh Rose, and was present at the battle of Koonch and operations before Calpee (Medal with Clasp).
i'2 Lt.Colonel Mein served with the 1st Royals in Canada during the rebellion of 1838-39. Stned the Eastern
campaign of 1854, and up to the 3rd May 1851, including the battles of Alma and Balaklava, and siege of Sebastopol
(Medal with three Clasps, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Served the campaign of i860 in China,
and was present at the taking of Sinho and Tangku. occupation of Tientsin; commanded the 2nd Battalion on the
advance, and was present at the surrender of Pekin (Medal with two Clasps).
'■J^ Lt.Colonel Maynard served with the 88th Regt. at the siege of Sebastopol, the attack on the Quarries 7th June
(severely wounded), and attacks of the Redan on the 18th June and 8th Sept. (Medal with Clasp, Brevet of Major,
Sardinian and Turkish Medals, 5th Classof the Medjidie).
"'t Lt.Colonel Frederick Miller served with the 80th Regiment in the Burmese war of 1852-53 (Medal with Clasp for
Pegu). Served in Turkey and the Crimea in 1S55-56 with the Turkish Contingent in command of the 1st Regiment
of Infantry (Brevet of Major, 4th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Served in India during the mutiny
in 1858-59; present in all the actions in which the 80th Regiment was engaged (twice mentioned in despatches.
Medal). Served also with the 80th Regiment in the Expedition against Bhootan in 1865 (Medal).
15* Lt.Colonel James Miller served with the nth Hussars in the Crimea from 29th July to 19th August 1855 (Medal
with Clasp for Sebastopol, and Turkish Medal).
195 Lt.Colonel Thomas Miller served in the 40th Regt. at the capture of Manora and surrender of Kurrachee, Lower
Scinde, in Feb. 1839. He served with the 10th Regt. in the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the whole of the
siege operations before Mooltan and surrender of the fortress; was Major of Brigade at the repulse of the enemy's
night attack on the British Camp at Muttee Thol on 17th Aug.; commanded the Reserve of the Regt. at the storm¬
ing of the Heights before Mooltan on 27th Dec. 1848 ; was afterwards present at the battle of Goojerat (Medal with
two Clasps).
19« Lt.Colonel Mockler served as Captain in the Anglo-Spanish Legion, and was present at the operations on the
Heights of Arlaban in Alava on the 16th, 17th, and i8th Jan. 1836, in the general actions in front of San Sebastian
on the 5th May (Medal), 1st Oct. 1836, loth, 15th, and 16th March (wounded), storm and capture of Irun, 16th and
17th May 1837 (Medal), besides several skirmishes.
197 LtColonel Mollan served in the Indian campaign of 1857-59, commanded the 75th Regiment with Outram s
Force at Alnmbagh from Dec. 1857 to Feb. 1858, including repulse of attacks on 12th and 16th Jan. and minor affairs.
Served as Brigade Major with the Rifle Brigade at the siege and capture of Lucknow, and actions of Koorsee,
Baree, Simree, Nawabgunge (horse killed by round-shot), and Sultanpore, operations terminating m the passage
of the Goomtee on 28th Aug., action at Dooadpore and capture of the enemy's gnus, surrender of the forts of
Ameethie and Shunkapore (frequently mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, and CB.).
198 Lt Colonel Mollov served in the Peninsula with the Rifle Brigade, and was present at the battles of Roleia,
Vimiera, Salamanca, Vittoria, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive, and Toulouse (War Medal with eight Clasps). He served
also the campaign of 1815, and was severely wounded at Waterloo.
199 Lt.Coloncl the Hon. H. M. Monckton served with the 29th Regiment throughout the Punjaub campaign of
1848-49, and was present at the passage of the Chenab, and battles of Chillianwallah (wounded) and Goojerat, and
pursuit of the Sikhs with the force under Sir Walter Gilbert (Medal with two Clasps). Served with the Army of
the East, attached to the 4th Light Dragoons, and afterwards with the rank of Major in command of the Sultan's

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