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5 6 Wai' Services of the Colonels.
Column detached to watch and report on the movements of the enemy between Jhansi and Calpee, commanded the
Field Force detached to capture Fort Loharee and headed the stormers in the assault (several contusions), served as
lit.Colonel in the action of Koonch, in all the affairs in front of Caljpee, and at the battle of Gallowlie, present at
the capture of Calpee and commanded all the Cavalry sent in pur.suit, detached in command of a Flying Column
Bent to reinforce Lt.Colonel Robertson's Flying Column in the pursuit to Gwalior, present at capture of Morar Can¬
tonments (Brevet of Lt.Colonel, CB., and Medal with Clasp for Central India). Repeatedlj' mentioned in des¬
patches:—by Lord Gough, as having at liamnuggur "nobly upheld the honour and character of the service "; by
Brigadier Stuart after Mundesore,—" Of Captain Gall himself, I must in justice add that a more able, zealous, hard¬
working Officer I have never met with, or one more worthy of distinction " ; by Sir Hugh Rose's report of operations
against Jhansi,—" The next day Brigadier Stuart and myself occupied the city by a combined movement assisted by
Major GaU, who spiritedly scaled the bastion at the Onaee Gate from his FljTng Camp, and capturing a gun that was
there, threw it down the ramparts; I beg to recommend for good and gallant service Major Gall, &c." ; again by Sir
Hugh Rose,—"I sent Major Gall to jmnish the treacherous garrison of Loharee » * • i beg to bring to His
Excellency's notice that this is not the first occasion in which Major Gall has done good service, his daring combined
with great intelligence and indefatigalile zeal have induced me to employ lum frecjuently in reconnaisances and
duties especially belonging to Light Cavalry. On all these occasions Major Gall has shown how important are the
duties of this ai-m and how thoroughly he understands them." Relative to the battle of Koonch, Brigadier Stuart
reports that " his best thanks are due to Major Gall commanding Left Wing 14th Light Dragoons." Again by Sir
Hugh Rose on the battle of Calpee,—"Once clear of the ravines, I directed Lt.Colonel Gall to pursue the enemy
with Horse ArtiUery and Cavalry; I beg to mention him specially, his Column took the whole of the guns with
which their main bo<ly had retreated from Calpee and six capiirisoneil ele])hants. The rebels broken completely by
Lt.Colontl (Jail's Column fled in the utmost disorder." With reference to the Fort of Loharee,—" The Governor
General of India desires to exi)ress his entire apjjroval of the gallant conduct of the officers and men engaged under
Major Gall in this affair, and his cordial appreciation of the merits of Major Gall himself, both in the present affair
and on all occasions in which he has been employed." Appointed Aide do Camp to the Queen, 8th June 1870.
2*8 Colonel Darby served with 200 volunteers from the 13th Regiment attached to the Scinde Camel Corps, during
Sir Charles Nai>ior's campaign of 1845 against the mountain and desert tribes on the right bank of the Indus. Served
with the S6th Regiment in India throughout the rebeUion of 1857-58, in the campaign in Central India under Sir
Hugh Rose, was present at the siege and storm of Chundaree (led the storming Column), battle of the Betwa, siege
and storm of Jhansi—led the breach storming party and was severely wounded (mentioned in despatches. Medal
with Clasp, and Brevet of Major).
^♦' Colonel Glover served the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the first siege, storming of the entrenched
positions on 9th .and 12th Sept., action of Soorjkoond, capture of the suburbs, storm of the city, and surrender of the
fortress, surrender of the Fort and garrison of Chenioto, and battle of Goojerat (Medal with two Clasps). Served at
Agra during the Indian mutiny and was present at the battle fought there on the 5th July 1S57 (Medal).
^^0 Colonel G. S. Young served the Sutlej camjiaign of 1845-46 with the 80th Regt., including the battles of
Moodkee, Forozeshah, and Sobraon—wounded (Medal and two Clasps). Served in the Indian campaign in 1858-59;
commanded the Head Quarter Wing of the Soth Regt. with a column in Oude; at the captm-e of the Fort of Simree,
at Beera and Doondeakeira (Brevet of Major, Modal).
2^' Colonel Wombwell served mth the 46th Regt. at the siege of Sebastopol in 1854-55 (Medal with Clasp, Brevet
of M.ajor, 5th Class of the Meiljidie, and Turkish Medal).
"^ Colonel Taswell sensed in the Crimean campaign from September to November 1S54, including the siege of
Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
253 Colonel Jlorant served with the 68th Light Infitntry the Eastern campaign to the Sth Nov. 1854, including
the battles of Alma and Inkennan, and siege of Sebastopol (fracture of right arm in the Trenches). Served as Aide
de Camp to Brigadier General Shirley from loth Sept. 1855 (Medal with three Clasps, and Turkish Medal). Served
in the New Zealand war in 1864-66 ; commanded the 68th from Sth Jan. to 16th March 1864 ; commanded the Drury
Military District from Sth April 1S64 to 13th Jan. 1S65 ; v.-as in command of four Companies of the 68th during the
operations on the West Coast in 1865 and 1866, including the action at Kakamarea, and commanded a Column of 200
men in a skirmish near Whareroa; commanded a field force at Mataitawa nenr New Plymouth in Jan. 1866, which
co-operated in the dense forest inland of Mount Egmont in support of Major General Chute's field force (lledal).
Appointed Aide do Camp to the Queen, 12th November 1870.
'■■* Colonel R. Parke served in the China expedition of 1857-58, and was at the blockade of the Canton river, and
Major of the 1st Battalion at the landing before and storming of the city (Brevet of Mnjor). Accompanied the expe¬
dition to the north of China, and in command of the ist Battalion at the attack on the forts at the Peiho on 25th
June 1859, and brought the Brigade out of action (mentioned in despatches, and Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with
»5= Colonel Hilibert served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 with the 7th Fusiliers, and was present at the battles
of Alma (wounded) and Inkerman, and siege of Sebastopol, including sortie on 26th Oct. 1S54, assaults of the
Redan on the 18th June nnd Sth Sept.—severely wounded (Medal with three Clasps, Brevet of Major, Knight of the
Legion of Honor. Sardinian and Turkish Medals, and 5th tJIass of the Medjidie).
''''^ Colonel Feilden commanded the 1st Battalion Rifle Brigade on the Red River expedition of 1870 [CMG.).
25" Colonel Marten served with the Royal Fusiliers at the siege of Sebastopol from 17th June 1855, including
the assaults of the Redan on the 18th Juine and 8th Sejit., on which last occasion he succeeded to the command of
the Regiment, led it across the Ditch of that work, and subsequently brought it out of action—mentioned iu
despatches (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served in the Indian N.W. Frontier war of 1S63 with the
Eusafzyo Field Force, present at the defence of the Sungahs at the Umbeyla Pass, and commanded the Right Wing
7th Fusiliers at the attack on and storming of the Conical Hill and destruction of Lalloo on 15th December, and
also in the nction at Umbeyla and destruction of the village at the foot of the Bonair Pass on the lOth December,
which ended in the complete rout of the enemy and the submission of the hill tribes on the 17th December (Medal
with Clasp).
2=8 Colonel Wm. Campbellserved with the 71st Light Infantry in the Crimea from the 20th Deo. 1854 to the Sth July
1855, and from the 20th Oct. to loth Nov. 1855; present in theTrenches at the siege and fall of Sebastopol, and en
the expedition to Kerteh (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
259 Colonel Lyons served iu the 20th Regiment in the Indian campaign of 1857-58, and commanded the selected
marksmen of the Regiment in the actions of Chanda, Umeerporo, Sultanpore, and Fort of DhowTaha, whence he
assisted iu bringing away two guns under a heavy tire; was present at the siege and capture of Lucknow, the
subsequent operations in Oude and nffiiir of Molian, and commanded four Companies at Morar ilow and Beerah,
Fort of Simroe, and action of Buxar Ghat; served as Briarade Major to the 2nd Brigade Oude Force, and w-as
pre-ient at the capture of Fort Oohmrea (three times mentioned in despatches, iledal with Clnsii, and Brevet of Major).
2«" Colonel Hardy served at the siege of Mooltan in 1S4S-49 (Mednl with Clasp). Also served in the Indian
mutinj' campaign in 1S57-5S, including the actions of Nusserabad (wounded) and Awah (charger killed), and siege
of Kotah as .A.ssistant Adjutant General of Division under Major General Roberts (mentioned in despatches. Brevet
of Major, and Medal with Clasp).
261 Colonel R. Anderson served in the Crimea witlt the 56th Regiment from the 25th Aug. 1855, including the
siege and fall of Sobastopol (Medal with Clasp, Knight of the Legion of Honor, and Turkish Medal). Served also
with the Boraba V Column in North Canara against the Dessai rebels in February 1858 (Medal).
2«2 Colonel A.'j. H. Elliot served five years in India, the last two on Lord Hardinge's staff, prior to entering the
Royal Army, and was present with his regiment, the Sth Bengal Cavalry, at the battle of Punniar (Bronze Star) ;
also in the Sutlei camp.aign. including the battle of Ferozeshah (Medal). Served in the Crimean campaign from
Oct. 1854 to istApriliS^sas AidodeCampto General Scarlett, including the battle of Balaklava (severely woimded),
and siege of Scbastopo'l (Medal with two Clasps, Brevet of Major, Knight of the Legion of Honor, and Turkish
2«3 Colonel Nason served with the 49th Regiment in the Crimea from the iSth May 1855, including the siege and
fall of Sebastopol, the assault on the Quarries (mentioned in despatches, and Brevet of Major), and of the Redan
on the iSth .Tune and Sth September (Medal with Clasp, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
2" Colonel H.arman served in the 34th Regt. in the Crimea, from 9th Dec. 1854 to nth July 1855, including the
siege of Sebastopol, captvire of the Riae Pits on 19th Aprd, and commanded the Grenadiers of the 34th Regt. at the

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