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Sir J.R.Sm.Tlh, KCB. 6 Di.
GiJs. Commanding a Dlvi^
sion of the Madras Army
'ii Bee.
W J.D'Urban,107F. 27 Dec.
J5H. J. Frencli,801'. 18 Jan.
John ffoUiott Crofton, 95 F.
9 Mar.
J.Grattan.CB. 17P. lOMar.
Hon. James Lindsay, from
Qr.Gdn.^Inspfctor General
of Reserve Forces 12 Mar.
Wm. Sullivan, CB. 68 F.
23 .Mar.
A. A.T. Cunynghame, CB.
36 F. Com. Dublin Dist.
20 Apr.
J. Fordyce, R. Art. 29 Apr.
Fred. Hope 7 May
J. S. Smith 17 June
H. A. O'Neill 6 Aug.
R. Parker, from 1 Life Gds.
24 Aug.
Cha. Trollope, CB. 20 Sept.
Lord Geo. A. F. Paget, Cli.
7 V)T.G6s.Inspector Gene¬
ral of Cavalry 11 Xov.
Brook T&y\or, Commanding
Onde Dlvisi'tnt Bengal
Arnii/ 1.") Nov.
G. T. C. Niipier, Cll. 151)ec.
\i I-:. R. Hili.i. V. 2 Feb.
G. W.Ki'y II Hu>s,irsfi Feb.
!•;. I'oit',.") Lancers Hi I'eb.
F. H. Kobe, r'/f. 14 .Mar.
U.S. Sti helm, R.Eng.3 Apr.
Sir Robert Walpole, A'l.'iJ.
.•)U M;.y
A. J. Lawrence, CB. 1 June
//o«.G.Cadogan,t'iJ.3 June
J. C. Hope Gibsone, S Hus¬
sars 2SJuue
C. P. Aini,lie, Cominaitding
the Troops in the Wind¬
ward and Leeieard Isl€t<
7 July
F. Murray, Commanding at
Cliatham 13 Aug.
A.X. I'l.fc.B rid port, E^f/c/'r^
to the Queen 19 Aug.
D. Russell, C£., Com. S.E.
District 3 Sept.
H. Shirley, CB. 24 Oct.
W.S. Newton,Cummanding
aBrigadeat Mallafif^ov.
E. C. W. M. Milman, from
37 V. Con/niandingat the
Mauritius 9 Nov.
S. Perceval, from Coldst.
Gds. 9 .Nov.
H. Cooper 9 Nov.
c. R, Rumley, Comviandino
in Scotland 9 Nov.
Ririht Hon. SirH.K.Storks,
11 CB. GCMG. Under Se-
cretary of Slate for War,
Controller in Chief 1*2 Nov.
A. Rowland, R. Art. 6 Jan.
//o?e.G.C-W.Forester 29Jan.
E. C. Hodge, CB. 30 Jan.
T. Crorabie 5 Feb.
H. E. Doherty, CB. 8 Feb.
A. H.Ferryman, C'iS.12 Feb.
Fixed Establishment
c. W. R. FiibiT I) .Miir.
T. J.Uall.iwav, from 70 F.
27 Miir.
Sir John G^irvock, KCB.
Com. !V. District 1 Apr.
Wui. Jones, CB. do.
W.B. Goodtellow, E. Eng.
6 Apr.
Sir Wm. Marcus Coghlan,^
KCB. R. Art. 14 Apr.
Hon. A. Hamilton Gordon,
Cii. Hon. Equerrij to the
Qiiccn, Com. a Vivision
of the BoTiihaij A miy 8 J u n e
Corbet Cotton fi Julv
M. rtmith.fromSl F. 9 Sept.
of General Officers.
H Bates
9 Oct.
E. Fromc, R. Eng. 6 Jan.
c. T. il. Wilson 7 Jan.
G. Stannlon 12 Jan.
C. Crutcliley, Comtnandinr/
the Brigade at GiOraltar
31 Jan.
c. W. Hamilton, CB. 3 Feb.
C. R. Scoit, Lieut.Goo. of
Guernsey 21 Feb.
M. K. Allierley 12 Mar.
5i)'Trevor Chuip, KCli.Com-
mandingtlie'l'roops In the
Australian Colonies and
in Sew Zealand 9 April
W. G. Brown 2!> April
\\. jLTvis, fro:n Depot Batt.
\7 Ma\
c. M. W. Smith, Ca. 4 Juh
r. 1>. Flude, R. Art.28 July
J- M. I'erCL'Val, CH. 8 Aug.
II. \V. Stisted, CB. on the
SiafI in Canada 10 Aug.
I'. Jl. N. Guy, CB. Lt.Coi).
of Jersey 9 Sept.
F.Seymour, CB. Groom in
Waiting to theQitec-nlUSev.
C. Steuart, CD. .'i Oct.
J. L.Dennis,from5JF.2«Oct.
c-.U.R.Sackville, Lord West,
CB. 29 Oct.
F. P. Haines,C'w7«.« Division
ofiJie Madras Army 25 Nov.
H.O.Teesdale, R.Art. 15 Dec.
A. A. Siiuttleworth, R. Art.
18 Dec.
J. A. Lambert, from Gr.Gds.
27 Dec.
W.OGrady Ualy, CB. from
3S F. Coot, a Division of
the Bengal Army 12 Jan.
C. S. Reid, R. Art. 24 Jan.
H. P. Raymond 6 Feb.
John M'Coy,R. Art. 9 Feb.
VKt Lord H. H. M. Percv,
10 Fei).
SV.C.E. Napier, Vice Presi¬
dent of the Council oj
MilitaryEducfiiion'd Mar.
C. H. Ellice, C'B. 23 Mar,
R. C. Moore, CB. R. An.
29 Mar.
II. R. Junes, CB, :JApr.
Sir T. M. Biddulph, KCB.
Keeper of Her Majesty's
Privy Purse, and Re¬
ceiver General tf the
Ducky of Cornwall 31 May
G. V.i\\U<\iv,Cli R.Art.uJune
C. Hagart, CB. i8 July
*'.E. B.iker, R. Eng. 2 Aug.
T. M. Steele, CB. 17 Aug.
J. Creagh 28 Aug.
E. Last 5 Sept.
J. St. George, CB. R. Art.
Director of Ordnance
20 Sept.
c. J.P.Sparks,CB.26 Sept.
H.B.Turncr.R.Eng. 21 Dec.
Robert Lewis 12 Jan.
T, WiUiiims, CB. 14 Jan.
R. Wilbrahara 2fl Jan.
C. v.. Wilkinson, R. Eng.
8 Feb.
E. C. Warde, Ci?.R. Art.
27 Feb.
Wm. Irwin 3 Mar.
F. Adams, CB, Command¬
ing a Division of the
Bombay Army 4 Jlar.
c. J. R. liruiiker, Com. the
Forces in CJdna 10 ^Mar.
H. 1). Griffith, CB. 31 Mar.
J. W.Ormsby, 1{. Ax{. LI.
Goo.^'i'omnnimlan' R.M.
Aendeuiy 6 Apr.
W.T.Kenwick, RE. 10 Ajir.
J. W, Smiili, CB. 20 Apr.
L. S. O'Connor, Cl'. Com¬
manding in .lamaica
24 Apr.
C. Lucis, 11. An. -it) Apr.
c. F. D. (Jejrge, CB. 0 .May
A. J. 'I'ayior, R.Art. 12 May
J. W.Cii);.'gan,l{.Art. 1 jjune
J. Yorke, CB. 17 June
J. Abbott, R. Art. 19 June
H. D. O'Halioran 25 June
Sir J. W. Gordon, KCII.
R.Eng. 3 Ai
J. H Uascaigne, Cli. R.
Mar. 23 Aug.
V& C.Dickson, CB. R.Ait.
24 Aug.
J. H. E. Dalrymple 28 Oct.
G. C. Langley, R. Mar.
10 Nov.
J. O. Travers, R. Mar. CB
10 Nov.
W. R. Maxwell, do. do.
D. Rainier, Commanding a
Division of the Bengal
Army 6 laii.
F.Turner, CB. U.Art. 18 Jan.
H. H. Graham, CB. '20 Jan.
H. Renny, Commanding a
Brigadeat Aldershot'IVtii.
G.Campbell, CB. Command¬
ing Cork District 4 Feb.
H. Marriott, R. .Marines
13 Feb.
Sir H. M. Durand, CB.
KCS[.Vi. Eni;. 1 Mar.
E. Lawlord, R. Eng. do.
C. W. Tremenheere, CB.
R. Eng. 1 Mar.
J. J \.Viaitil,CB.ontlie Stiif
in Canada 8 Mar.
VRSirllenyy Tombs,KCB.
R. Art. 11 Mar.
H. W. Irevclyan, CB. R.
Art. 25 Mar.
J. Brind, CB. do. 1 June
J. Armstrong, CB. 6 July
Sir U.E.Wood, KCB.
R Alt. o July
R. R. Kinleside, R. Art.
14 July
E. A. Holdich, CB. 3 Sept.
Sir F. E. Chapman, KCU.
R. Eng. Gov. and Com. in
Chief of Bermuda 7 Sept.
Sir Charles W. D. Staveley,
KCB. 25 Sept.
A. Huyshe, R. Art. Insp.of
Artillery in Benyal'SlOvt.
R.N.Phillips 8 Dec.
J. W. Fitzmayer, CTI. R, Art.
29 Dec.
Sir &\{red H. Horsford.AX'i?.
Commanding a Brigade at
Aldershot 1 Jan.
W. D. P. Patton 1 Jan.
W. H. Askwith, R.Art. do.
\V. E. D.Broughton.R.Eng.
1 Jan.
G.3.Carey,CB.Coinmandi}iy a
Brigade at Aldershot 21 J an.
c..\.rlhiir Borton, CB. Com-
mandiun a Brigade at the
Cnrrafjli 31 Jan.
D. E. Ulackirdy 21 Feb.
I. K.Wliistler, K. Art. G Mar.
J. S. Brownrigg, CB. Com¬
manding the Brigade at
Dover 13 Mar.
J. L. A. Simmons, CB. 11.
Eng. 17 Mar.
W. M. S. M'Murdo, CB.
Commanding a Brigade at
the Carragh 27 Mar.
Wm. Wunro, CB. 29 Mm-.
A. C. Erringtou 9 Apr.
c. C.A.i:dwards, C.B.Inspec¬
tor Gen. of Itecrniling
19 Mar.
S. T. Christie, CB.
C. J. Dalton,R. Art.
W. M. Wuod
H. Smyth, CB.
Lord Mark Kerr,
31 Apr.
23 Apr.
1 Miiy
9 May
12 July
F. M. Eardley Wilmot, R.
Art. 2 Aug.
H. W. Whitfeild, from 2 W.
I. Regt. l;<Aug.
John Wilkie 25 Aug.
H. P. de Bathe, from S. F.
Gds. 29 Aug.
Sir VV. T. Denison, R. Eng.
7 Nov.
R. W'addy, CB. 10 Nov.
J. H. Franckhn, CB. R.Art.
10 Xov.
T. H. Tidy do.
E. Havthorne 23 Nov.
T. Brooke 28 Nov.
H, D. While, CB. Cont-
mandin/; Cavalry Brigade
at Aldershot i Dec.
to the Fixed Establishment.
Major General Sir Charles \V. D. Staveley, KCB. 2.5 Sept. 07.
^J William Crokat 21 Dec. 62 | fSi Ariliur Gore 9 Oct. (13
Peter Edwards 9 Oct. 63 | j) David Goodsman 9 Oct. 63
GENERAL OFFICERS on the HALF.PAY of their former Regimental Commission
^TSAB.Lord Hotham, Unatt. 12 Jan.
William Cliamberlayne,do. 14 Jan. 66
IPThos.P.Thompson, Unatt. 12 July 68
Robert Martin Leake, Unatt,21 Dec.G2
^SaClWro. Cartwright.Unati. 9 Oct.63
jDSaiG. Whiclicote, Unatt. 31 Jan.64
aa James Arthur Butler, Unatf. do.
T&i^X C. R. Bowers, Unatt. 10 Mar. 66
i) M. Williams, KH. Unatt
iiL!G.T.K.£ar/ o/Albeniarle, Unait.
31 Mar. C6
Fra. Mnrq. of Convngham, A'P.
GCH., Unatt. ' 20 Apr. 66
ID J. H. Bainbrigge, Unatt. 20 Apr. 01
i) W. A. Le Mcsurier, Uiiatl.l Maj61
tJOa J, K. Ross, KH. Lnatl. do.
Eardley Wilmot, Unatt. ilo.
)9 L. A. During, Unatt. 17 June 61
#3211 T. C. Smith, do. 2 ucc. 62
31 Mar. 661 W. Chambrg, do.
g. 65
Hun. A. C. Leggc, Unatt. 28 Aug. C5
M. Dalyell, Unatt. 28 Aug. 65
c. H.S.Stephens, KH. Unatt. 5 Sept. 65
James M'Queen, do. do.
Charles Smith, do. do,
i3i£i E, Gibson, do, do.
F. P. Dunne, Unatt. 20 Sept. Co
R. J. P. Vassall, Unatt. 26 Sept. 65
R. Chetwode, h.p. 3 Dr.Gds. 24 Oct. 65
J. P. Wcslroi>p, Unatt. 24 Oct. 65
E.C.Fletcher, li.p. 3Dr.Gds.l2 Jan.66
9 J. Scargill, Unatt. 12 Jan. 6S
S. Tryon, Unatt, 14 Jan, 66

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