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Oversea Contingents.
Cavalry—coil W.
Remount Depot—coiitd.
JiWpott, A. ('. D.
Roaa, C. H.
ehanly, C. N. ..
Coke, E. P.
I.aver, B.C.
Best, C. V. (C.A.V.C.
HoBurtl). U.
BaylisB. H. A.
Shavers, K. ]J. ..
Ilobinson, R. N...
Scott. A.I,.
Fripp, tj. G.
Wilson, M. F. ..
Titiij, K. C, C(IJ)^ (('
. 228ept.l4
) 3Junelo
.. lOJunels
.. Mnlyl.")'
.. 9Julyl5i
.. 9Julyl6
.. ISlulvlS:
.. ai.Tnlylo:
.. 22Julyl5'
Dver, Hon. Lt. F. A. . .2J8ept.l4
'.hown.Hon. Capt.L..\.!L'Sepl.l4
Royal Canadian Hcrse
XI"anet, H. A., D.&O. 22Sept.l4
J^Eaton, D.I.V., p.e.c... ISJan.UI
XLeslie, J. N. 8. .. -
Blkins, W. H. P.
Hoak, H. E., Adit.
Hasarty, W. G. ..
Browno, G. 8.
Irving, \\. A.
Tremaine, A. V...
I.anovty, H. V. ..
lienson, F. M. ..
M.loPherson.H. W.
Hughes, L. M. ..
i-'shop, C. V. ..
Hoodless. J.B. ..
Kyan,J. A.
Cassels, G. T. ..
Stewart, A. K. ..
Williamson, A. D.
A (tjvtant.
Book, Capt. H. K.
. loDec.14
. 24Si'pt.l4
,. lNov.14
. 6Not.l4l
. 9.Tnnel6|
Canadian Artille
Penliale, J. J.
XMltchell.J.H. IF] ,
iJCieelman, J. J.
MacLaren, C.H.
UoddSjW. O. H.
Oood, W. c. ..
McLeod, H. G
Brown, W. J.
Harrison, W. H.
Kathbon, r,. W. ..
(J*U,J w.
>iKlng.W.B.M., !>..'<.(J.
Brnce Payne,.).
Anderson, S. B.
iiCiirseallen, b.ti., K. w. ..
KalBtou, G. H. ..
Mills, J.E.
.Mctiowaii, J. T.
Magee, F. G. ..
iluirman, O. U. L- ,:lo(y<.
Brltton, B. H 228ept.I4
MoNsogbton, A. O. L. 27Sept.l4;
. 22Sept.l4
. 19.Ian.lf
. .22Sept.l4
.SZSept 14
iiLong, C. B 22Sopt.l4
XHanson, E. G. ..228ept..l4
. Constantlne, C. F., (;.,.228ept.l4
Scully, W.G 1.9N0V.M
Vansittart G. K. .. 31)ec.l4
XMarritt, W. F. . 3I>«C.I4
iilrving, L. E. W., /).S.0.3Doc.l4
XSimpson, W 5Dec.l4
.Mack.iv, J. K 15Uec.l4i
Leonard, K. W T.Ian.l.'i
liierdnn. W. R 29,Ian.1fi
.McColl, E. L 15Feh.i5
HtWrlK, A. E
Mills. C. B 26Apr.l.'j
MacDonald.J. .\. ..19Mayls
Xnrton, K. F ITJunel.'i
Mcl'arlaiid,.!. F. .. 7.1ulyl.T,
Goodeve, L. C 21Julyl5]
McKwan,.\.B 23Aug,l,i
Crarar. H. U. d .. .. 3iAu<.10
Arnoldi.F. F 148ept.\r.
MacDongall. K. A. ..3oSerl.l.'>
Stewart..). C ID.Sopt.U!
Alderson.F. J 22Scpt.l4
i4Durkoe,A.A 228ept.l4
Cook. G. H 228ept.l4
XMcKee, W. A 22Sept.l4
astern, P. T V2Sept.l4
Walnwriglit, A. C. S. ..22Sept.l4
Wright. A. 8 228ept.l4
Hall, G. E 22Sept.l4
XWhite, D. A 228ept.l4
XCosgrave, L. V. M. ..228ept.l4
Eakina, J. M. .. . 22Sept.l4
Hanson, C. S 22Sept.l4
Keiffenstein, N. O, ..228ept.l4
Hoodless, J.B 228ept.l4
Pickles, F. W 22Soi't.I4
.•ilockii'ell,C. I'., Ad:i. ..24Sopt. II
Barton, A. E 24'*ept.l4i
Hale, K. C 25Sept.l4
Lockhnrt. W. T 25SBpt.l4l
Brown,,\.M 5Dec.l4i
.rohnson, C. V eDocldi
Stanley,,I. W 9Dec.l4,
Greonlees, F. H. ,. 12Doc.l4i
Taylor, G.V l)Dec.l4
Gnndoy,J 20l)ec.l4
Stern, P. T 21Dcc.l4
Koutier, A.E 29])ec,l4
Harrison, W. .1., Adjt. Xinoc.u.
Gamblin.G. A 31Dcc.l4i
4 anieron. Ij. AV 7,Tan.]5
Begin,,!. V 12.Fan.l6
l.'iley, G 19Jan.l.')j
Kcc. C. 1' 20,l8n.iri
Irwln.A. U. .. ■.. iFcb.lo
MacLean, W. Ij 8Feb.l6
llawlinson, W. Ij. .. ]6Feb,15
Drew, G. L 20F6b.l6
I'hornpson, I!, li. .. 22Fob.l5
Webster,— .. .. 25Feb.l.^
Harty, W ll.Mar.lf.
.Shaw, C. C 2«Mar.l.^
MiiKralh.C. B IMaylr.
<:ameron, H. 11 li.MayU'
Dunlop, H. M 19Mayl5
Bail,,T. r., Adjt lOMavi.'.
Armour,.I. D., Adil. .. l9Mayl5
SItton.C IS.MaylS
Klttermaster, 1). A. .. 20Mayl5
Lancaster. K. 11. .. HOMaylS
.Moselcy, 1-". A S.luneW'
Hauaou, W. (i ..- .. 24JuJlel^
Hunter, A. H l.Tulyir.
Bick, .\. H r.IulyU'
Patterson, .\. \\ .. 'JSJulylS:
Tavloi-, W. H
>i«reene, K. A 2aAug.l6
Blue, W. B 2(iAl«.16'
Hendrle. W. I, a. .. siAug.w
Geary, H. F 15Sept.l5
Bnrgoyne, H, B 22Sept.l4
Piercy, J. G 22Sept.l4
McNaughton, .M. W. A.228ept.l4
Irving, W. A 228ept.l4
Haroourt, E. H 228ept.l4
Hale,E. E 228ept.l4
ThacKray, K. G 22Sopt.l4
Oilliea.A. K k2Sept.l4
Blackstock, G. G. . 22Sept.l4
Ryan, J. A 22Seft.l4
Churchill, C.E 228ept.I4
Hayes, R.St.C 22Sept.l4
Young, J.V 228ept.l4
XCralg, C. 8 228ept.l4
Bovill, K. H 22SeDt 14
Atkinson, J.H 22Sept.l4
Wliitlev, H. T. C. ..228ept.M
Evans, ,T. H. 228cpt.1<
MacDonnell, .1 M. ..22Sept.l4
iiScandrett, .1. H. .,22Sepl 14
Shaw, W. B 22Sept.H
Inches, C. K 22Sept.]«
TIngley, F, H. .. . 22Sopt.l4
McMurtrv, A. !■>. . 228ept.l4
i^Ryerson. A. (■. ..228ept.l4
Jjeach, R. ,1 22Sept.l4
Garland, G. H. B. ..22Sept.l4
Armour, E. B. P. ..22Sept.l4
Storms, I). H 228ept.l4
McTaggart, W. B. ..22Scpt.l4
Godwin, C.R 2iSept.l4
Green, .1. K. M 22Scpt.l4
Lovelace. S. E 2'iaept.l4
Smith, W\ F 22Sept.l4
XSavage, H. M. ..22.Sept.14
MaePherson. J. 8. B. ..22Sept.l4
Duguid, A. F. .. . 228ept.l4
Benson, V. .. ..22Sept.l4
nowsJey C. G 22Sept.U
P.arker, H. 8 228ept.r4
Matthews, H. 8. ..22Sept.l4
Ilarling, H. M. E. ..228opt.I4
Moir, R. H 22-<ept.l4
MoGann. G. I; 22Sept.14
Bell, C. J 22Sept.l4
Kelly, L.St.G 22Sept.l4
Gommell, S. P 22Sept.l4
Steele, 8. C 23Sept.l4
Lavton, 8. T. .. lONev.H
McLelland, W. H. ..23Nov.l4
Goulet, .1. B 26Nfov.l4
Ross, M. W IDeo.U
.Armstrong, ,T. B. .. 3Dec.l4
Bond, F. G 5Dec.l4
Drew,.I. A. .. .. 6Dec.l4
Auld, .1. t! 7Dec.l4
Chambers, H. E. .. SDec.U
Belhunc. H. L 91)60.14
Kllis, A. IT. J 10Dec.l4
Peterson, C. T llDec.l4
llargrcaves, — .. ,. 12l)eo.l4
Atkln.,l.P.H 14Dee.l4
I.e.ither, B. B. .. . 19Dec.l4
McStny.J. I.,Aajl. .. I9Dec.l4
Powell, V. H. de B. .. 19nec.)4
Kerr, A. H 19Dec.l4
.MacUonald, R. K. I;. .. ;iiDa<-.u
Vassie, W 31Dec.l4
Mcr.eocI, N'. P 31Uee.l4
Davklaon, A. U. W. .. iJuu.1.1
Kyau,,l. K>
Wright, W. G uJeri i.'i
■ Steel, 13 IBJaii.i;,
Duwsley, (■. G ■ "
G rier, C. B 22JaD.l>-.
.Touej, T. R 23JaD.lfi
AltKBus, li. J. B. .. MJan.15
Featberstonhaugh.H.L. 1,
Curtis, N

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