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Index—Active List.
Meilhurst, C.F.H. 67,274, 373|MiUer,John Francis Jas.
Medley, Allen George ... 431 41. 4i°
— Krnest James 421 — Leander William 401
Medlycott, John Thos... 282 — Wm. Birkmyre 379
Meek, James 382]—William Taylor 49
Meekiag,BertramC.C.S. 152 MiUes, Hon. Lewis A. ... 15S
Meeres, Arthur Douglas 2o9|Milligan,Geo. Dunbar... 231
— Charles Stuart 171 iMill.'*, Arthur M'Leod 52, 412
Meiklejohn. Mat. F. M. 331'—Bernard Langloy 3S3
William Hope 27, 4041'—Dudley Acland 210
Molloy, Percy 4or|Mooro, Frederick Lewis 431
Molony,Chas.'V'andeleur 294 — Fre(i.ThorntoaTrovor437
— Clement Arthur 174!—George Abraham 383
— Francis Arthur 210J—George Henry J 422
— Trevor C. Wheler 1731— George Kearick ...267, 373
Moiyneux, Edw. Mary j—Geo. D. Maxwell 439
Joseoh 4371 —G;orgo Robert 50, 167
— Geo. Philip B 277, 3731 —Harry Alex 434
Molyueux-MoQtgomerie, |—Heary 42
G. F 230I—Hy. Glanifillo Allou... 242
Mein, Alex. Bowes ...55, 414,—Sdwafd Cyril 61, 253lMolyueux-Seel, Liouis |—Henry Hamilton 362
— Alex. Lechraere... 61, 2og|—Edward William 259J E. W 2781—Herbert Acheson 267, 370
— Frederick Blundell ... 4211—George Arthur 52, 348 Mouck, Cecil Stanley O. 231 — Herbert Tregosse G. 214
— John Edmund 56,413'—James sgsJMonck-Mason, G. G...50,167'—iJeo. H. 0 4C0
Meister, R. H. J 401,—lieo. M. E 457J—Roger H 347!—Hugh Myddlecon 530
Melladew.HeinrichF.L. 37SI— Svdney 357tMonorioff,George Hay... 51—John 395
Melliis, Charles John ... 428 — William Holroyd 172]—William Scott 301 — Joseph Henry 378
Howard 43, 410;Milne. Alexander 530 Money, A^rthur Wigram 173J —Joseph Scott 367
Mellor, Llewellyn S...57, 244*—Benj. Arthur 52, 397
Melv'ill, Chas. Curling.. 309,—Charles 456
— Henry 419J—George Francis 174
— Philip James 42oi — Jaiuos William 440
— Walter Sydney 256J— Richard Louis 58, 256
MeU'iUe, Alan 3o3jMilner, Arthur Edward 386
— Charles Henderson... 383;—Edward 233
— Harry George 4561—Edward Francis 258
— HHury Bruce 456!—George Francis 133
— John Swinton 42; —iJeo. Walter Hebden... 396
Melviu, Alexander 422 Milues, George 185
Mends, Horatio Reg. 48, 304iMilton,Pevcy\Vm.A.A.58,295
431 Milward, Clement H 171
309I—Edwin Oswald 380
" 261, 370
Mennie, John Oliver
Menzies, Anf;us..
— George Feildeu 2841— Frederick D. ...
— Henry M. R. - -- .-
— Chas. G. Colvin ...59, 240I—Maurice George ...63, 334
— Edm. Chas. Kyrle 311,374! —Qc.-If r. Robert 370
— Elliot Alex. ..". 26, 408:— Vet. Ca;)«. Robert 393
— Ernest Douglas 438;^ Robert Reginald H.... 382
— Ernie William Kyrle 297! — Robert Thornton 174
— Evel.yn Campoell...43, 3331— St.LegerMontgomery 175
— George Alfred 61, 415'^ Stephen George 297
— George Edward ... 53, 413—Thomas 54, 397
ifoM. Gerard Noel 130 — Thomas Charles 506
— Gordon Lorn Camp¬
bell 40, 323
— Herbert Cecil 63, 400
— Robert Cotton 295
— Rowland F. K 33, 234
Money-Simons, J. J...45, 411
— William 32, 282
— William Francis... 42, 369
— William Henry 178
Moores, Charles Fred... 347
— Clarence Mann 271
— Samuel Guise 385
Moorhead, Arthur Hy. 457
308 — Harry Dacres 273 Monkhouse, W.Percival 177 ;
— Steuart .. 243J—Thomas Walter 288 Monks, Charles 530' —James ".. 454
— William Maxwell ... 3i4|Milward-Jones, R. A. ... 139 Monreal, Louis i86|Moorhou3e, Harry C. ... 177
Mercer, Chas. Arch...46, 4i2JMinchin, Alfred Beckett 233 Monro, Chas.Carmichael 236|Mooi-som, Chas. John ... 6
■ David 400!—Charles Fred 427
• Harvey Frederic 169 — Fred. Falkiner 170
■ Herbert 138
— Wm. Hugh Welch 431
— Wm.Lindsay 259
Meredith, Edw. Spencer 210
— John Alfred 395
Merewether, Hy. Arthur 422
— Herbert Duncan 428
■ John W. Beresford ... 434
Merrick, Geo. Charleton 177
Merriman, Reg. Gordon 173
Merritt, Georse 386
Hugh Dillon M 417
— William Cyril 360, 373
Minniece, James 384
Minogue. John O'Brien 253
Minter, John Surtees ... 169
Mistri, Kavasji H 530
Mitchell, Alex. Ian 138
— Arthur James 261
— Charles Andrew P. ... 381
— Geo. Warder 421
— Henry 382
— Charles Gordon 322 — Hem-y Manvers... 22, 165
— George Nowlan 273!Moran, James 453
— John Duncan 214'—Jas. Joseph 503
— Seymour C. Hale...52, 3i8,Morant, Hubert H. S.... 315
Montagu, Arthur Henry 431! More, Lancelot P. 385
— Edward 2501—Paxton St. Clair 457
— Horace Wm 204iMore-Molyneiix,G. H. 28, 413
Montagu-Douglas-Scott, iMoren, James Alex 174
Lord G. W 152IMorgan,iAlex.B 250
414I—Anthony Hickman ... 387
172:—Cecil Buckley 360
415I—Claude Kyd 386
4131 — iZeu. Emmanual_ M.... 396
Montanaro, Alfred ...58,
— Arthur Forbes
Monteith, Arthur M. 65,
— Edw. V. Peshai; ...33,
Mesham, Capel H 3341—Henry Wilmot 67, 136—John 63, 415!—Francis G. C. Mansel 207
Messiter, Chas. Bayard. 272;—John Wilson 368 — RobertlWilliam F. 68, 366!^ Frederick Cyril... 46, i66a
Metcalte, Charles Theo. ;—Lionel Arthur 3S3|Montgomerie,DuncauH. 214;—Frederick James 384
_Evel.yn 65, 356J— Robt. Wm. Hamilton 271 iMontgomery, Alex. J. 32, 1671— Harrison R. Lewin 40,165
— Fenwiok Henry 173
— Herbert Charles 252
— Sydney Fortescue ... 176
Methuen, Paul S.,Lord.. 6
Me.yer.Chas.HardwickL. 5
— Wilfrid James 291
Mitchell-Innes, Cecil 346
— James 6S, 317
Mitford, Bertram R 275
Mitter, Robert King- ... 506
— .tamos Leopold 2i3|Moberl.y,Cuthbert vonB. 133
ileynell, Godlrey 297!—Frederick James 439
Me.yrick, Fred.Charltou 137
— Harold Lothian 214
— St. John 321
Meyricke, EdwardGelly 178
— Robert Evel.yn 214
Michel, Henry James ... 380
Michell, Jas. Wm. A. 22, 407
— St. John Fancourt 42, 413
Michie, George 214
Micklem, Henry A 214
Middlomass, J.Crawford
66, 209
Middleton, Chas. de C
— Herbert J. J
Guy 438
— Herbert John R 380
— Hugh Stephenson ...362
— vvilliam Henry ... 45, 281
Mocatta, Daniel E 427
Mockler, Edward ... 24, 404a
— Gerald Francis 287
— Guy Henry G 434
— Percy Rice 242
Moflfat, Archibald S. W. 273
— Eustace Jno. Garrard 258
Moffet, Grenville E 382
— Middleton 31
— Oswald R 17
— W. Crawford 144
Midwinter.Edw.Colpoys 214
— .Eel). H. N 532
Midwood, Harrison 317
Mignon, Jepson George 236
Milbanke, John P 132
Milburne, C. E. A 310
Mildmay, Alex. Richd. 305
— C. B. St. John 172
— Herbert Ale.x.St. John
Mildred, Spencer 214
Miles, Charles Napier 66,133
— HerbertScottGould...
— Philip John 431
— Samuel Barrett ...21, 406
Miley.JamesAloysius 43, 410
MiUais, HugoWm. Reid 281
Millar, William Henry... 429
Miller, Alan Stewart 175
— Alfred Douglas 144
— Denis Menezos 156
— Welby Francis 66, 416
294jMoffitt, Fred. Wm 288]Moody, Geo. Robt. B. 297,368
419 —Thomas B^ 33oj—HampdenLewis C. ... 294
— Archibald Armar 177]— Honr.y 68, 292
— Arthur Hill Sandys4i, 362I—Hill Godfrey 367
— iieo. Ferguson J 4.5o[—James Camnbell 384
— Charles Arnulph S.... 424I —John Wm. Akerman 395
— Hugh Maude de F. ... 176;— John Wm. Moore 333, 36S
— JamesA.Lawrence 46,412'— Reginald Hallward... 401
— Richard Hugh 400 — Wm. John F. 36, 258, 373
— Robert Arthur ... 44, i66alMorgau-Payler, Egerton
— Robert Aruudel Kerr 171! Payler 63,234
— Thomas Robert A. G. 422!Moriar'ty,Mat.Denis 453
— Paymaster William ... 372!—Redmond G.S.Lone... 258
— Lieut. William 220'Morice, Cuthbert C. D. 212
— William Edward i6|Mori3on, F. do Lamare
Montresor, Edw.H. H.63,415! 43, 234
— Ernest Henry 279lMorland, Algernon 250
— Louis Basset 178!—Charles B 283
Montressor,^ Reginald }—Henry Courtney ...52, 151
Tucker^ 4381—Thos. Lethbridge N. 305
Morley, Clervaux... 2S, 165
— Francis Britton 360
Moggridge, John AntiU 234J—Henry de C 263
Moir, Alan James G. ... 234 — Rich. S. H 30, 237
— Chas. Fred. Wm 29 Mookerjee, Preo Nath.... 304
David Macbeth 436|Moon, Arnold Wm 360 Morphew, Edward M...
James 383!—Wilfred Graham 3i8|Morphy, Henry John ..
— James Philip 2i4!Moor, Hatherley George 176'Morrell, Hugh St. J. ...
— John Drew 382|Moorat, Wilfred M. C... 34S.\Iorres, Elliot Hody ...
Moir-Byres, Patrick 144 Moore, Alexander 437JMorrice, Cuthbert H,
George Wheeler 271
Robert Wilton 139
Kev. Samuel 507
Moron.y, Burdett Edw.... 211
" ' " " " 38s
iloiesworth, A. Ludovio 171
— St. Aubyn 29,
— Edward Hogarth...63,
— Hon. George Bagot..
— Herbert Crofton S. ..
— Herbert Ellicombe ..
— Hickman C 170
— Percy Bra.ybrooke ... 213
— Richard Pigot 173
— Robert Everard 382
— William 506
Moline. Frank H 275
.\Ioller, Bernhard D. 51, 160
Mollo.v, Edward 40, 409
— Gerald Macleay 329
— Alexander G. M.
— Alex. M'Donnell... 58, 333
Arthur Guy W 432
— Arthur Thomas 514
— Arthur Trevelyan ... 212
BarringtonShakespr. 294
Charles 293
— Charles Alfred 19, 403
— Charles Hesketh G.... 437
— Charles Malcolm 530
— Jiev. Clement Glover 460
— Cyril Henry 309
— Edw. Crozier S. ...43, 206
— Edw. Du Pr^ Herford
— Frank IJeanmont H..
5, »6o|— Herbert 175
— Lewis Edward 242
Morrieson, Henry W. 66, 169
Morris, Arth. Edward... 382
— Arthur Henry 238
— Augustus Williams... 29
— Charles Heury 68, 417
— Charles Jas. Ussher 174
— Donald Ogilvy 438
- Edmund Merritt 249
— Edward Coxwell..36, 291
— Frank George Grier 278
— Frederick 5S, 265
— George Henry 337
— George Mortimer 43S

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