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760 War Services of Lieutenant Colonels Retired by Sale, ^e.
the Hindoostanee fanatics on the Heights of Sittana on the 4th May (Medal with Clasp). Served also as Adjutant
and Quarter Master of the 18th Puujaub Infantry in Oude, and as Brigade Quarter Master at the final subjection of
the rebels along the Nepaul Terai (Medal).
'i' Lt.Colonel Garrett served in the 46th Regt. and on the Staff in the Crimea from the Sth Nov. 1854, including
the siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, Brevet of Major, Sardinian and Turkish Medals, and 5th Class of
the Medjidie).
"8 Lt.Colonel Gascoigne served with the Grenadier Guards in the Crimean campaign from 29th Aug. 1855, including
the siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
"' Lt.Colonel B. T. Gilpin served with the 62nd Regiment in the Crimea in 1854-55, including the siege and fall of
SebastODol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
'" Colonel G. G. Gordon.—For War Services, see Militia (Royal Scots).
12* Sir William Gordon (17th Lancers) served in the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the battle of Balaklava
(wounded and horse shot) and siege of Sebastopol (Medal with two Clasps, Knight of the Legion of Honor, sth
Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Served in the campaign of Central India, and command ed a Squadron
in the affairs of Rajghur, Mongrowlee, Sindwaho, Kharee, and Zerapore (twice mentioned in despatches for gallant
conduct at Rajghur and Mongrowlee, Brevet of Major, and Medal).
1^ Lt.Colonel F. W. Gore served with the 6th Regt. in the Kaffir wars of 1846-47 and of 1851-53 (Medal). Served
with the Buffs at the siege of Sebastopol from ist to i6th May 1855, after which as Aide de Camp to Major General
Michel with the Turkish Contingent (Medal with Clasp, Turkish Medal, and 4th Class of the Medjidie).
1^* Lt.Colonel J. P. Gore served with the 2nd Battalion Royals in Canada during the rebellion in 1837-38, including
the storm and capture of St. Charles and St. Eustache, and ulterior operations on the Richelieu and adjacent country.
Was with the Right Wing on board the Fremier when that transport was wrecked, in Nov. 1843, in tlie Gulf of St.
Lawrence. Landed with the Battalion in the Crimea on the 22nd April 1S55, and was at the siege and fall of
Sebastopol, and wounded in the Trenches on the 6th July (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
Served throughout the campaign of i86o in North China, and was present at the storm and capture of Sinho and
Tangku, occupation of Tientsin, and surrender of Pekin (Medal and Clasps).
125 Lt.Colonel F. R. C. Grant served with the 9th Lancers in the Indian mutiny campaign, including the battle of
Budlekeserai, throughout the siege and assault of Delhi (horses shot on the 19th June and 14th Sept. 1857), actions
of Bolundshuhur, AUyghur, Agra, and Kanoge, capture of Meeangunge, relief of Lucknow by Lord Clj-de (Medal
with two Clasps). Served throughout the campaign of i860 in North China as Aide de Camp to Sir Hope Grant,
including the capture of Pekin (Medal with Clasps, and Brevet of Major).
128 Lt.Colonel T. E. Green served with the 82nd Regiment in Bengal during the Indian Mutiny in 1857-58 (Medal),
and with the Military Train in New Zealand from 1864 to 1867 (Medal).
"9 Lt.Colonel D. C. Greene served with the 43rd Light Infantry in the Kaffir war of 1851-53 (Medal). Nominated
to the 4th Class of the Medjidie for service with the Turkish Contingent.
"1 Lt.Colonel A. C. Grev'ille served as Aide de Camp to Sir Harry Smith and to Sir George Cathcart in the Kaffir
war of 1851-53 (Medal), and was present at the battle of Berea. Served again as Aide de Camp to Sir George Cath¬
cart in the Eastern campaign of 1854, including the battles of Alma, Balaklava, andluUerman (where Sir George was
killed), and siege of Sebastopol (Medal with four Clasps, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
"2 Lt.Colonel Grey served as an Ensign in the 24th Bengal Native Infantry during the campaign on the Sutlej in
1846, and was present at the battle of Ferozeshah (Medal). Served with the 63rd Regt. in the Crimea from 6th Sept.
T855, including siege and fall of Sebastopol, and bombardment and capture of Kinbourn (Medal with Clasp, and
Turkish Medal).
"3 Lt.Colonel Grove served with the goih Light Infantry throughout the Kaffir war of 1846-47 (Medal). Also in tha
Crimea from the 22nd Aug. 1855 including the siege and fall of Sebastopol, and was severely wounded at the assault of
the Redan on the Sth Sept. (Medal with Clasp, Brevetof Lt.Colonel, Knightof the Legion of Honor, and Turkish Medal).
"I Lt.Colonel Grylls served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the affairs of Bulganac and M'Kenzie's
Farm, the battles of Alma, Balaklava, and Inkerman, capture of Balaklava, and siege of Sebastopol (Medal with
four Clasps, and Turkish Medal). Served in the Indian campaign of 1S5S-59, including the capture of Rampore
Kussie, the passage of the Gogra, and minor affairs on the Nepaul Frontier (Medal).
I's Lt.Colonel F. Hall served with the 88th Regiment in the Crimea from 3rd July 1855, including the siege and fall
of Sebastopol, and attack of the Redan on the 8th September (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served also
in suppression of the Indian mutin3' in 1857-58, including the operations at Cawnpore from 3rd to 6th December
1857, relief of Sundeelah, and capture of Birwah Fort—mentioned in despatches (Medal).
i*" Lt.Colonel Hallowes served with the 87th Fusiliers in the Indian Mutiny campaign in 1S58, including the cap¬
ture of Lucknow and battle of Nawabgunge (Medal with Clasp).
1" Lt.Colonel Hardy served with the 58th Regt. in New Zealand, and was present at the attack and repulse of th»
hostile natives on the settlement and stockades of Wanganui, 19th May, and action of the 19th July 1847 (Medal).
1*5 Lt.Colonel James Hare served in the 60th Rifles in the campaign of 1857 against themutineers inlndia from 7th-
June, including the battle of Budle ke Serai and taking the heights before Delhi, the subsequent siege operations,
assault and capture of the city, with the final attack on and occupation of the palace (Medal with Clasp). He
served also the Oude campaign in 1S58, including the actions of Pusgaon and Rissoolpore, attack and capture
of Fort Mittowlie, and action of Biswah.
i« Lt.Colonel the Honorable C. R. Hay served with the Scots Fusilier Guards in the Crimea from 2nd May 1855^
including the siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
150 Lt.Colonel Haygarth served with the Scots Fusilier Guards in the Eastern campaign of 1854 until severely-
wounded at the battle of Alma—shot through shoulder and thigh (Medal with Clasp, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and
Turkish Medal).
151 Lt.Colonel Heneage served with the Coldstream Guards in the Crimean campaign from i8th Oct. 1854, includiag
the battles of Balaklava and Inkerman, siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with three Clasps, 5th Class of the Med¬
jidie, and Turkish Medal).
»5* Lt.Colonel Hibbert served in the 50th Regt. the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the battles of Alma,
Inkerman, siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with three Clasps, Brevetof Major, Sardinian and Turkish Medals,
:i5id sth Class of the Medjidie).
n-' Lt.Colonel Hickieserved with the 7th Fusiliers in the Crimea from the 17th June 1855, including the siege and
fall of Sebastopol, and assaults of the Redan on the i8th June and 8th September—severely wounded {Medal with
Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
156 Lt.Colonel Hillier acted as Aide de Camp to Brigadier Cureton in the action of Maharajpore, 29th Dec. 1843.
(Bronze Star); and served as Aide de Camp to the Governor General, with the Army of the Sutlej in 1845-46, and
was severely wounded in the action at Moodkee (Medal).
15' Lt.Colonel J. Howley served in the Crimea with the 4th Regiment from the 8th Nov. 1854, including the siege
and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, Sardinian and Turkish Medals).
i5« Lt.Colonel IIou. C. J. Hubbard served with the 2nd Battalion Grenadier Guards in the Egyptian war of iSSi
(Medal, and Khedive's Star).
18" Colonel J. Hudson served with the 97th Regiment in the Indian campaign of 1857-58, and was present in
the actions of Chanda, Umeerpore, and Sultanpore, and at the siege and capture of Lucknow (Medal with Clasp).
1^1 Lt.Colonel W. W. W. Humbley served with the 9th Lancers in the Sutlej campaign in 1846, including the battle
of Sobraon (Medal).
"3 Lt.Colonel T. B. Hutton served with the 21st Fusiliers in the Crimea from the 6th Aug. 1855, including the siege
and fall of Sebastopol, and expedition to Kimbourn (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served with the 6ist
Regiment at the siege assault and capture of Delhi in 1857, including repulse of sorties on 4th i8th and 23rd July,
and ist August—wounded (Medal with Clasp).
165 Lt.Colonel R. B. Ingram served in Bengal in suppressing the mutiny in 1857-58, and commanded a detach¬
ment of the 97th Regt. in the escort of a large convoy of stores and ammunition from Benares into the Azimghiu-
entrenchment on the 9th April 1858 (Medal).
"^ Lt.Colouel L. H. L. Irby served with the 90th Light Infantry in the Crimea from 5th Dec. 1854 to 20th March
J855, including the siege of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served also in India from 12th Aug.

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