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444/ 22nd (Punjah) Bengal Infantry (late nth Funjah Infantry).—
Raised I Aug. 1857.—Linked with igth and 24th Regiments.—Regimental Centre, Mooltan.
" ChIN"A, 1860-62"—"ArGHAIflSTAN, 1879-80."
Head Quarters at Tort Sandeman. Uniform, Eed. Facingt, Blue.
Rank, Najies, and Cohps.
Lt.Colonel R. Gordon, Stall' Corps ..
Major J. Lamb, Staff Corps
■Captain R. H. Battray, Staff Corps..
Captain B. T. Gastreli, Stall'Corps ..
Captain L. N. Herbert, Statf Corps ..
Lieut. G. A. Fowler, Staif Corps
Lieut. R. R. Vaughan, Staff Corps ..
Ijieut, W. A. Fraser, Staff Corjw
Lieut. T, G. Blois-Johnson, Staff Corps
Lieut, G. J. Da-vis, Staff Corps
2nd Lieut. E. W. Costello, Staff Corijs...!
Surgeon Captain H. B. Luard I
Surgeon Captain G. H. Frost
8 Jan. 941 Commandant, 12 Jul.y 92.
2 Dec. 94'2ndiu Command and Wing Commander, 14 ^Tov. 92.
. I30 Jan. 89! Wing Commander, 14 Nov. 92.—Furlough.
I .Tan. 89 Officiating Wing Commander.
. 9 Sept.931 Wing Officer, 10 Aug. 86.—Furlough.
. 7 Feb. S5i Wing Officer and Adjutant, 23 Oct. 86.
.|i7 Oct. 88iWing Officer, 20 Ma.y 92.—Oft'g. Cant. Jlagistrato, Jh.ansi.
.120 Apr, 89 'vV^ing Officer, 21 Aug. 91.—Officiating District Recruiting Officer,
I Punjabi JIahomedan District.
19 Mar. 90 Wiug Officer, 8 July 92,—Officiating Quarter ilaster.
[15 Feb. 92|Officiating Wing Officer.
19 Nov. 92iOfficiating Wing Officer.
31 ilar. 90 In medical charge, 26 Sept. 93.—Oifg. Agency Surgeon, Gilgit.
28 July 91'Officiating in medical charge.
23rd. {Punjab) Bengal Infantry {Floneers-
Raised in 1857.—Linked vjitli 2,2nd and 34^/1 Regivicn'.s
" Takc Foeis"—"Pekin "—"Abyssinia"—" Peiwar Koial"—"Chakasia
1880"—"Afghanistan, 1875-80."
Head Quarters at Jhelum. Uniform, Drah. Facings, Chocolate
late T-c^tli Punjab Infantnj').
■Regimental Centre, Mccan Meer.
"Kabul, 1879"—"Kandahar,
Lt.Colonel S. 'V. Gordon, Staff Corps...; 9 Aug. 90'Commandant, 23 June 93, [Govt. of India,'\Til. Dcpt.
p.s.c. Major A. E. Jones. Staff Corps ...2d Feb. 94 .•'.nd in Command and WingCommander,23 Junegs.—.\ssist.Sec.
Major W. H. Jameson, Staff Corps '13 June 94 2nd in Command and "Wing Commander, :3 Nov. 93.
Captain N. A. K. Burne, Staff Corps ... 11 Sept.87 Wing Commander, i8Nov.'93.—With 30 Madras Infantry.
Captain A, F. Hogge, Staff Corps In May 89 Wing Coaimander, 14 Nov. 03.—From 34 Bonsral Int'urtry.
'Captain R. T. Crowther, Staff Corps ...I14 Jan. 91 Wing Officer, 26 .May 84.—District Recruiting Officer. .
•Captain F. Duncan, Staff Corps ^22 Oci. g2 Wiug Officer, 23 June 86.—Oa special duty, Gilgit.
-Lieut. R. C. Lye, Stall Corps
'Lieut. A. Wallace Dunlop, Staff Corps..,
Lieut. N. J. H. Powell, Staff Corps
TLieut. H. F. A, Pearson, Staff Corps ...
Lieut. J. Randall, Staff Corps
Lieut. C. E. Lees, Staff Corps
Lieut. G. H. F. Kelly, Staff Corps
Lieut. A. G. Kemball, Staff Corps
7 Feb. 85Wing Officer and Quarter Master, 27 Aug. 89.
30 Jan. So Wing Officer, 9 Apr. 90.
24 Jan. 83 Wing OtBcer, 4 Dec. 9:.
6 Nov. 89 Wing Officer and Adjutant, 21 Ma.y 92.
I Jan. 90 Wing Officer, 7 Oct. 92.
27 Aug. 90 Officiating Wiug Officer.—From 34 Bengal Infantry.
12 Jan. 92 Officiating Wing Officer.
8 Oct. 92 Officiating Wing Officer.
Surgeon Captain W. B. Lane 129 Sept.SS In medical charge, 13 May 93,
24 th (Pwiya?)) Bengallnfantry (late i6th Punjab Infantnj).—
Raised ^Jane 1S57.—Linked icith igth and 22nd R:giinents.—Rrgimcntal Centre, Mooltan.
"Kandahar, 1880"—"Afghanistan, 1878-80."
Head Quarters at Delhi, Uniform, Sed, Facings, White.
.Commandant. [Gen. at Head Qrs.
7 Dec. 91 2nd in Com. and Wing Commander, ^ May 87.—Assist. Qr. Mr.
II Jan. 93 2nd in Command and WingCommandei, 4 Nov. 90.
" ' "■ Wing Commander, 4 Nov.90.—D.A.A.Gen.,PunjabField Force.
Wing Comdr. 4 Nov. go.—Dist. Recruiting Officer, Peshawur.
Wing Commander, 24 Jan. 94.
Wing Officer, S Nov. 86,
Wing Officerand Quarter Master.iS Sept. Sg.-Specialduty,Gilgit.
WingOfficor, 3iMayBg.—Dep. Assist. Com. Gen., 2ndClass.
Wing Officer, i Apr. 90.
Officer, 21 Aug. qi.-With Hong
Colonel G, P. Young, Staff Corps
Captain J. G. Hamsay, Staff Corps
Captain G. P. Raulien, Staff Corps
Captain H. F. Holland, Staff Corps
Captain A. L, Liudesay, Staff Corps
Lieut. J. M. Baird, Staff'Corps
Lieut. F. W. Hallowes, Staff' Corps
Lieut. S. H. Clinio, Staff Corps
Lieut. P. G. Anderson, Staff Corps
/iieut. A. Roberts, Staff Corps
ir Feb. 86
13 Aug. 90
23 Apr. 92
10 Mar. 94
6 Feb. B4
25 Aug. 86
n July S8
24 Feb. 90
■ Kong Regiment.
6 Jan. 90'Wing Officer, 19 Dec. 90.
Lieut. C. M'il. Davis, Sussex Regiment;i8 Feb. 91 Wing Officer, 19 Dec. 93.—Burmah ililitary Police.
Lieut, A, K. liawlins. Staff Corps hs Dec, giiWing Officer, 16 March g4,
Lieut, H. W, F, Cooke, Staff Gorpsi 122 June 92;Wing Officer, 8 Aug. 94.
Lieut. H. A, 'Vallings, Staff Corps ig ilar, 90 Officiating Wing Officer.
Lietit. F. A. Maxwell, Sussex Regt 24 Nov. 93 Officiating Wing Officer.
Lieut. A, Skeen, K.O, Scottish Bords..
Surgeon Captain H. P. Whitohurch
-Surgeon Lieut. A, S. Harriss
30 Dec. 9;
31 Mar. 88
29 Jau. 94
Officiating Wing Officer.
In medical charge, 11 ilay 92.-
Officiating in medical charge.
-Temporary duty, Cilgit.
(late I'jth Punjab Infantry).—
25tli (Punjab) Bengal Infantry
Raised in iS^J.—LJnkcd with 2']lh, 2W1 and ^V'd Regiments.—Regimental Centre, Raivul Pindee.
"Ahmed Khel"—" Kandahar, 18S0"—"Afshanistan, 1878-80.'
Head Quarters at Sealkote, Uniform, Bed. Facings, White.
Colonel E. W. Smyth, Gen. List, Inf. ..,
Major G. H. B. Coats, Staff Corps
Captain A. E, P. Burn, Staff Corps
p.s.c. Captain W. E. Bunbury, S. C
Captain W. B. MuUins, Staff'Corps
Captain A. Hamilton, Staff Corps
Captain A. A. B. Campbell, Staff Corps
Lieut. R. L. Tottenham, Staff Corps
Lieut. G. P. Campbell, Staff Corps
Lieut. B. B. il. Gurdon, Staff Corps ...
Lieut. J. Gaisf'ord, Staff'Corps
Lieut. C. B. Winter, Staff Corps
Lieut. A. B.Minchi-i ,Bedford Regt. ...
Surgeon Captain Younan, ilf.B. ...
28 Dec, 93 Commandant, 13 Oct. 89.
28 Oct, 91
21 Sept. 85
30 Jan.
nd in Command and Wing Commander, i Feb. gi.
Wing Comdr., i Feb. gi.—Assist. Judge Adv. Gen., Rangoon.
Wing Comdr., 28 Sept. g3.—Offg. D.A..\. Gen. Nerbudda District.
14 Jan. gijOfficiating Wing Commander.—From 33 Bengal Infantry.
II Aug. gt
10 Ma,y 93
9 May 83
30 Jan. 86
25 Aug. 86
g ilay go
30 ilar. 92
28 June 93
1 Oct. 85
Wing Officer, 20'Dec. 84.—District Recruiting Officer.
Wing Officer, 5 Nov.85.—D..A..A.Gen. for ilusketry, Abbottabad.
Wing Officer and Quarter ilaster, 10 July 87.
Wing Officer, 14 July 88.
Wing Officer, 30 Nov. 93.—Officiating Political Assistant, Gilgit.
Wing Officer and Adjutant, 16 Apr. 92.—'^"'" mi^„ n^,,,^,.
Wing Officer, 30 Nov. 93.-Furlough,
Wing Officer, 20 Apr. 94.
In medical charge, 8 March Sg.
-Offg. Wing Comdr.

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