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Indian Staff Corps.
Scots Fusiliers
Bedlbrdshirn Regriment,
West Inilia Regiment
Border Regiment
Dake nf Cornwall's Lt. Inf..
K. O. S^ottisti Borderers ...
Leicetter.-ih're Regiment ...
South Wales Borderers
East Kent Regiment
Royal Mari;jet
Welsh Reaiment
.Manchester Regiment
Leicestershire Reginient ...
West India Regiment
Manster Fusiliers
Manchester Regiment
Northamptonshire Rogt. ..
N. Lancashire Regiment ..
Liverpool Regiment Regiment
Scots Fasdiers
N. Lancashire Regiment ...
Warwickshire Regiment ..
6 Dragoon Guaids
6 Iiragoon Guards
I Dragoon Guards
Dublin Fusiliers . ...
K. O. Scottish Borderers ...
Highlaiid Light Infantry ...
Hampshire Regiment
Suffolk Regiment
East Surrey Regiment
West Yoi'kshire Regiment...
Cheshiie Regiment
Liverpool Regiment
Somerset Light Infantry ..
21 Hussars
6 Dr.igoon Guards
East Ijancashire Regt
Gloucestershire R-egiroent..
Durham Light Infantry
Royal Marines
Gloucestershire Regiment..
Worcestershire Regiment ..
Bedfordshire Regiment
West India Regiment
Bedfordshire Regiment
Noi'folk Regiineiit
Oxford Light Infantry
Scots Fusiliers
Devonshire Regiment
York & Lancaster Regiment
East Yorkshire Regiment...
Inniskilling Fusiliers
Cheshire Regiment
West Surrey Regiment
Durham Light Infantry ..
Glouee!^tershire Regiment..
West Surre.y Regiment
West India Regiment
Lanca,shire I'usiliers
King's Ov\-n Scottish Sord.
Dublin Fusiliers
7 Dragoon Guards
Yorkshire Light Infantry...
VV'est Yorkshire Regiment
West India Regiment
3 Dragoon Guards i
South Lancashire Regimenl 1
r Dragoon Guards ;,...[
Lelnster Regiment 1
Worcestershire Regiment...
South Lancashire Regiment
Duke of Cornwall's Lt. Inf.
Duke of Cornwall's Lt. Inf.
Connaught Rangers 1
West Surrey Regiment ■
Northainjitonshire Regt. .,.;
Irish Regiment
Manchester Regiment
Devonshire Regiment
Gloucestershire Regiment..
6 Dragoon Guards
E. Lancashire Regiment ...
Royal Mai'ines
We.-it Kent Regiment
Lcucaiier Regiment
Argyll and Suth. Highrs...
Irish Fusiliers
Irish Fusiliers
East Surrey Ilegitnent
Siff jlk Regiment
Lancashire Fusiliers
Cunningham, Perc.y Henry,^"* Wing Officer i Bombay Inf. ...
Oakes, George Richard, Wing Officer 28 Madras lul'Hiitry
Robinson, Godfrey Wa.lker,''"''Wing Officer 27 Bengal Infantry
Clarke, Arthur C. S., Squadron Officer i3 Bengal Lancers ...
Fraser, Waltei Simon, Offg. Squad. Officer 19 Bengal Lnncers
Stanton, Hubert Lionel,*^' Wing Officer 3 Bengal infantry ...
.idye, Daniel Richard, Wing Officer 6 Inf. Hyd. Cont
Hennessy, John I'atrick C, Dep. Assist. Com. Gen. 2nd Class-
fjCthbridge, Fras. W.,«*2ofTg. Wing Officer 2 Bn. sGoorkhas
Drake-Brockman, David Henry, Wing Officer 6 Beugiil Inf. ...
•■iUen, HugtL Morris, Squadron Officer 5 Punjab Cavalry
Shakespear, Frank, Offg. Scjuadron Officer 4 Bengal Cavalry
Chaplin, Ronald Eustace, Squad. Offii-er 8 Bengal Cavalry...
Stotherd.Edw.Aug.Wood,''*^ Squad. Officer 4 Lan. Hyd. Cont.
Burton, Frederic Nuthall,'** Wing Officer 27 Madras Infantrv
Chichester, Alfred G. de \'.. Wing Officer 28 Bengallnfantrj-
Beddek, Edward Escott, Wing 0flicer2 Madras Infantry
Lester, Claude Dallas,"*^ Wing Officer 17 Bombay Infantry ..
Codrington, Hubert Walter,"=5 Wing Officer Corps of Guides
Holmes, Gilbert Vallentin, Wing Officer 4 Madras Infantry ...
Roome, Reginald Eckford. Squad. Officer 6 Bombay Cav. ..
Smith, George R. de H., Siiuadron O'ticer 2 C. I. Horse
Wikeley, .lames Masson,^ " Squad. Otiicjr 17 Bengal Cavalry
Barton, Thomas Steward, Squad. Officer 3 Bengal Cavalry...
Browne, Alfred Percy, Squadron Officer I C.I. Horse
Watertield, Arthur C. .M..''^^ Squadron Officer 11 Bengal Lan.
Roddy, Henry Hugh,'*' Wing Officer 42 Bensral Infantry ....
Kennion, Roger Lloyd. Squadron Officer 2 C. I. Horse
WaUis, Hugh Ryves,'™ Wing Otiicer 34 Bengal Infantry
Grant, Douglas, Wing Officer 6 Punjab Infantry
Saulei^, Edmund, Wing Ofhcer 8 Bombay Infantry
Thompson, Harry A. H., Wing Officer 2 Bn. i Goorkhas
Tweddoll, Henry, Wing Olticer 4 Bengal Infantry
James, Montague Gilford, Wing Officer 42 Bengal Infantry
.Vlacquoid, Clias. E. E F. K., Squadron Officer i Laii.Hyd.Coui
Kea.ys, Robert William C, Wing Otiicer 28 Madras Infantry
Harward, Aithur J. N., Wing Officer icj Bengal Infantry
Stack, Chns. Spottiswoodc,"" Squad. Officer 3 Bombay Cav...
Caruana, Alfred Joseph,^^'^ Wing Officer 2 Punjab Infantry..
Britten, 'I'liomas Xavier, Wing Officer jo Bombay Infantivv...
Birch, Fred. Win.,Dep. Assist.Com.Gen. 2nd(;iass,MeeanMeei
Tribe, Charles vValter, Wing Officer 38 Bengal Infantry
Lucas, Harold M. A., Dep. Assist. Com. Gen. 2nd Class
V'aughan, Richard Randal, Wing Oilicer 22 Bengal Infantry
Dale, George Arthur, Wiug OIHcer 19 Bengal Infantry
Rainey, Edmund Flower, Wing Officer 12 Madras Infantry ..
Firth, iidward William Ausoii, Wing Officerg .Madras Inf. ..
Vauglian, Robert Edward, Dep. Assi-t. Com. Gen. 2nd Class
Bruc5, Hon. Chas. Granville,™''Wing OtHcer i Bu. 5 Goofkuas
Thomason, Arch. Fawcett, Wing Officer 21 Bengal Infantry...
Grove, Henry Montgomery, Squad. Officer i Bengal Cavalry
Gunniug, Charles Joim, Wing Officer i Mudras Infantry
Camilleri, John Mary,'-'" Wing Officer 13 Bengal Infantry
Coape-Smith. Henry,<!*'* Squadron Otiicer 11 Bengal Lancers
.Vlacmullen, Frederic C. K., Squad. Otiicer 12 Bengal Cav. ...
Williamson, Michael.'™ Wing Officer 2: Bengal Infantry
Dunsford, Francis P. S., WiiigOfficer 2 Bengal Infantry
Bruce, Wm. Alex. M., Wing Officer26 Bombay Infantry
Nisbett, William Gibbon, Wing Officer 32 Madras Infantry ...
Lindsay, Henry A. P., Dep. ."Assist. Com. Gen. 2nd Class
Stone, William Richard. Wing Officer 25 Madra.sInfantry ...
Johnson, Gilbert Ward,""' Squadron Officers Punjr.b Cavalry
GriBith, Wm. W. G., Squidron Officer 2 Bombay L.ancers......
Ifrench-MiiUen, John L. Wm., Squad. Ofiicor 13 Bengal Lancers
Renton, Colin Campbell.''^ Wing Officer 6 Inf. Hyd. Cont. ...
Badcock, Alex. James, Dep. Assist. Com. Gen. 2Dd Class
Bentiuck, Reg. Joseph, Squad. Otticer 4 Lancers Hyd. Cont.
Lane, Henry Arthur, Squ 'droii Officer 2 Lancers Hyd. Cont...
Boome. Edward Herberr.,""^ Nair Brigade
Scharlieb, Wm. Karl, Sqmulron O.hcer s Bengal Cavalry
Bowen, Cha.rles Eustace, Wing Offluer i Madra.s Infantry
Bell. Henry Phillipps. Wing Officer 11 Madras Infantry
Morris, Godfrey Maxwell,'"' \\ ing Officer 22 Madras Inlautry
Barnett, Carew, Wing Ollicer 31 Madras Infantry
Ware, Frank C. W., Squadron Officer 7 Bombay Lancers
Ridgvvay, Richard T. I., Wing Officer 40 Bengal Infantry
Solbe, Chas. E. de Lisle,'"■'> Wing Officer 3 Sikh Infantry
fowell, vvm. Bowen, Wing Officer g Madr.asInfantry .'.
Sutton, Fras. G. Hill,'"'' Wing Officer 10 Madras Infantry
Leslie, Clement S. D.,""' Wiug Officer 2 Bombay Infantry
Rowcroff, Ernest Cave, Wing Officer 35 Bengal Infantry
Baile^', Wm. Aug., Cantonment Magistrate, Ciiwnpore
Howell,Ernest A.R..Dep. Assi-st.Com.Gen. 2nd (J^ass ; Assist, 't
Commt. Olliijer, Waz-.ristan Delimitation Escort j
Turner, Henry Hamilton Fyers, Squad. Otiicer 2 Ben. Lancers
.Vlurray, Edw. R. Blakiston,01Ig. Wing Officer 29 Madrasinf
How, Arthur Pemberton, Wiin,'- Officer i Madras Infantry ...
Dickson, John Herbert, Wing Officer 5 Bombay Infantry
.inder^on, Allan Meyrick.'""* WingOlticcr 2. Madras Infantry
M'Crta, Alfred Coryton,""'-' Winy Othoer 37 Bengal Infantry'
Harvest, Herbert de Vere, Wing OtHcer 9 Maanis Infantry...
While, Ion Grove, Squadiou OiKcer 16 Bengal Cavalry
Fraser, Walter Audrcv, Wing Officer 22 Bengal Inliinfr.y
.\"ewnham, Walter Kuwcett, Squadron Oilicer 4 Bombay Cav.
13 Apr.
4 May
:4 Sept
20 July
:3 Mar.
5 Feb.
4 Sept.
5 Fell.
2S Sept.
I Feb.
14 Sept
9 NvV.
16 Nov.
5 Feb.
4 Sept.
16 Nov.
:4 Sept
:4 Sept.
JO Mar.
5 Feb.
14 Sejit.
16 Nov.
S Feb.
5 Feb.
5 Feb.
5 Feb.
5 Feb.
5 Feb.
■o Mar
■ 5 Feb.
14 Sept
5 Feb.
5 Feb.
[4 Sept
II Feb.
14 Sept.
5 Oct.
;i Feb.
6 July
14 Sept.
II Feb.
1 Sept
II Feb.
5 Feb.
s Feb.
5 Feb.
4 Ma.y
5 i eb.
4 i^Iay
16 Nov.
5 Feb.
5 Feb.
14 Jan.
5 Feb.
:i Feb.
4 May
16 Nov.
14 Sept
16 Nov.
5 l^'eb.
i5 .Xov
:4 Sept
16 Nov.
14 Sept
5 Feb.
5 Feb.
5 I'^eb.
i4 Sept,
16 Nov.
5 feb.
lb Nov.
4 May
14 Sept,
16 Nov.
16 Nov
14 Sept
16 Nov.
14 Sept
16 Nov.
25 July
5 Feb.
31 Dec.
87 29 i"'eb.
87I29 Feb.
.87 29 Feb.
87 2 Mar.
87 3 Mar.
'■' 9 Mar.
ID Mar.
07 22 Mar.
87 22 ^lar.
78 24 Mar.
.87 25 Mar.
87 30 Mar.
- '31 Mar.
I Ayir.
I Apr.
1 Apr.
2 Apr.
7 Apr.
9 Apr.
0/ 20 Apr.
87 21 Apr.
"- 4 May
8 May
ID May
21 May
.. Ma.y
9 June
2g June
2 July
.87 ' j *' '*'.y
87 31 July
°- 2 Aug
17 All^
731 Aug.
'i Sept. 8
3 Sept.R
5 Sept.
■ I Sept.
>i Sept.
28 Sept.
[4 Oct.
7 Oct.
7 Oct.
7 Oct.
:7 Oct.
0/ '/ -."'"•
87 17 Oct.
87 ./ v.^...
87129 Oct.
30 Oct.
I Nov,
8 Nov,
21 Nov.

II Feb.
14 Sept
I Feb.
II Fob.
II fi'eb.
4 May
19 Jan.
14 Seiit
2S Sejit.
16 Nov.
14 Seiir
87 21 Nov
83 4 Dec.
87 7 Doc.
87 II Dec.
.87 23 Dec.
87 4 Jan.
87 lb Jan.
87 21 Jan.
87 28 Jan.
29 .fan.
30 .Ian.
4 Feb.
5 Feb.
6 Fob.
9 Feb.
II Feb.
(■7 26 Feb.
87'26 Feb.
K7I27 Feb.
.87127 Feb.
87!28 l''eb.
87:28 Feb.
87! 3 Mar.
871 3 Mar.
87'10 Mar.
87^17 Mar.
88122 Mar.
87'23 Mar.
87,24 Mar.
88 30 Mar.
87! 1 Apr.
88l I Apr.
831 T Ai r.
88! 2 Apr.
87: 4 Apr.
87'10 Apr.
8710 Apr.
.87'ID Apr.
87^20 Apr.
.87'3o Apr.
8 ,

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