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Colonels Retired on Full or Retired Fay or on a Fension.— War Services, 65'>
and Clasp). Served in the Afghan war in 1S7S (Medal). Has also on two other occasions received the thanks ol;
(jovernment for Civil End Political services.
ti ^°}°^^^ *-''• A. Baylay served in the Indian Mutiny campaign (Medal>.
Colonel A. R. Bayly served with the Sth Regt. at the siege and assault of Delhi, including rennlse of sorties ou
tne 14th and iSth July, and the si.\ days' fighting in the citv; afterwards present iu t!ie action of Bolundshur,
anair ot Allyghur, battle of Agra, action of Dilkoosha, and relief of Lucknow under Lord Clyde, affiiir of the 2nd
and action 01 the 6th Dec. at Cawupore, and actinn of Khudaguuj (Medal with two Clasps'.
' Co.oncl G. P. Beamish served with the 63rd Rsgimeut in the Crimea from 12th November 1854, including the
siege and tall of Sebastopol, repulse of various sorties, attacks of the i?th June and Sth September, expedition to.
.",,,' ooifl'iirdaient and capture of Kinbourn (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
29 , °i ""i Bs^'ivan served in the Afghan war iu i878-;9 (mentioued in dcsnatche^. Medal).
Colonel S. Beckett served with the ist Sikh Infantry iu the Oude campaign of i8=;8-59, and was present at the-,ge ct the Gogra, skirmish near Baukussia Fort, and action near the .lerwahPass—dangerously wounded in.
>j iir i"""^"''"" severely m the left arm (mentioned in despatches, Medal). Served in the cauipaign on the
^. vv. * ront er ot India m 1S63 with the EusofV-ie Field Force (twice mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp),
served in the houdan campaign in 1885 as Director of Tr.tusport tVoui India (meuiione I in despatches, CB., .Uedal
with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). i . .
^" Colonel D. Beere served with the 8th Regiment in the Indian -Mutiny campaign in 1857, including the siege-
w ^P, "'"i"!, • ""'^ "'•■'* severely wounded at the assault of the citv (Medal with Clasp).
31 n , '°':<^,' ' • ^- Bellamy served with t'ae Bhootan Kxpeditiou m 1865 (Medal with Clasp I.
ooionel A. Bennett served the Eastern campaign of 1834-55 in the 7th Fusiliers, including the battles of Alma anit
'Pntt"?^?f' ^'^S*^ '^i *^ebastopol, and sortie on 26th October (Medal with three Clasps, 5th Class of the Medjidie, av.i^
7m f , o '"^''^'f''! -I'so in the Indian N.W. frontier war of 1S63 with the Field Force, present at the
ueience o. the bungahs at the Umbeyla Pass and at tlic attack on and storming of the Conical Hill and destiue-
oiun 01 ijalloo on the 15th December, also in the action at Umbevla and destruction of the village at the foot of tha
Lijiiaii 1 ass on loth December which ended in the complete rout of the enemy and the submission of tUehiiltribcf*
°"'li,e^i7th December (.Medal with Cl,asp).
tn ^fv,'"!"*!' ^o' ^^' ^' ''''''f=*''"'"d served with the49th Regiment in the Crimean campaign from 25th December 1854,
and Tuiii h'\l .^1'1"°'"'^™°''''^ ^^^°^ of Sebastjpoi and assault of the Redan on the iSth June (MeJal with Clasp,.
Colonel H. L. C. Bernard served with the force under Colonel Mackeson in Hazara and the Hussimzaie cam¬
paign 011852-53, aud pre.-^ent atthe affairs ofthe Black Mountain and laking of the fort, feerved as Adjutant of tho-
iia^aia uoorkha Battalion throughout t'le Mahsood Wuzceree campaign of i'6o with the forci under Brigadier-
Uei^l'i '-''/'l'""sr.ain, and was present at the repulse of the attack on the British Camp at Paloseou, stormiiig tho-
iiei nts 01 Burrurah, and lu the subsequent operations leading to the occupation of Haneegorum and burning of
Mo,keen (Medal with Clasp). j- o i- o t,
Or-a*^"'?'"^' ^' ^' 'P''"'^ served in the New Zealand war in 1864-66. including the Waikato campaign and action at
thP t-^i ';',^""°°ed m despatches) in command o!'a Bjtrery; also during the >Vangauai camptigu, aud commandeil
rTn^ o„, V'.'?"'*'° action on the Pate.i river in March 1S65. and in other s.iirmistics on the Wanganui coast, and
present at the attack and defeat of th, natives at Kaitaki (Medal).
i,n,. „,', iT. ^^"f served m tho .SoutheruMahratta campaign of 1844-43, including the =ieges ofthe forts of Mono-
uur and Munsuntosh.
th^f^'?'!"?"' *^' ^-^ ^'=«'kett .served the Eastern campaign of 1834 with the 93rd Highlandors and that of 1835 with
,i„,,.., i^''^!",,""'','""^''^'''°"'"e hattlesof Alma and Balnkbiva. sieae and fall of Sebasiopol (mentioned irt
de^»patches Medal with three Clasps, 5th Classof the Medjidie. and Turkish Medal).
Frnrf- "° 1 "^ "'^'^'"'''"^ "'"' '•'^° 98th Regiment in the Peshawar Expeditionary Force on tho Euzofzie
Wo;„w \"L-f^ ■''"' *>';"'e.v Cotton in April and May 1S58, and at the aifair with the Hiudostauee fanatics on thei-
3«^v Sittana on the 4th May (Medal).
Bnr,!i!^lT®^ ^' i''- ^lair served in the second Burmese war in 1S52-33 including the attack ou aud capture of
Rangoon, and capture cffrorue (Medal ^ ■'•^ - i
,Rfi, ;^ °^"*^ ^' ^''"'' ^'"■^'S'l "1 the Indian Mutiny cim-iiign in 1S58. Served with the Easofzai Field Force in
in rV ^™s prcent in the action at the Umlieyla Pas-.' Served also with the Column against the Gaddoou tribe
ti'ir ?' o o n " T^ burning of Sittina (montioned iu desni,tcnes, Ms.lal with (.Hasp). Served in the Afghan
dp n^rnl/o u ' . ^'?^ Pi'esent at the capture 01 All Musiid and at the affair 2,5 Fiittehabad (ineutioued in
despatches Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp).
ToT,,ii'"°" ■*■' *'■ ^'' '^'o°'"6e''l served during the second Burmese war ; accomoanied the Martaban Column to
on ^7,0? i I^'''^'*.^"''.''' t"e attack and capture of Gongah aud other minor affairs (Medal with clasp for Pegu). Senti
tVar. i „'r/v,''*"r^"5'' ™ command of a detachment of Golcondah Scbundies t, suppress the disturbances in the hill
T,er,r^!! ,1 <> n , 'i'l'o^'"'''' in 1837-58 (received the thanks of the Ma'iras Government). Commai»<led a detach-
, f r 1,0 \r 1 ''"'';^"'i'^'i Sebundies during the disturbances m the Golcondah Zemindary in 1855 (received the thanks,
nnpll fh r''t'* '^o^ei'^iment and approbation of the Commander in Chiefl. Commau'ded the Civil Force sent to
ti7.,,,Va „.-M ,T ?"'''^'^."' ''^'' liunipah country in the Godavery district i8J2-slightly wouuded (received tho
thanks of the Madras Government for the third time).
bnrd^ln!:'^ 1 ■ "■ ^'°"'?i'* served with the Persian Expeditionarv Force in 1836-57 and w-is present at the bom-
wHs m-o „ ^"1" capture of the forts of Mohumra (Mednl with Clasp). Served in ',he Indian Mutiny campaign, aniU
i n ,Vci „„a o ,,/"?"? '""' "^"Ptin'e of K.oiah, and served iu Rajpootana during ail the operatious iu that Proviuccj
in^iHsS and 1859 (.Medal with Clasp).
thl^Ni?e°w ^i?' ^' ^'""'•ell served in the Eastern campaign in 1855-56 after the fall of Seba-stopol. Served with
at'Tv,r,i;„i„ , .'?" '", 1884-85 as Inspecting Officer of the Lines of Communication and afterwardi as Commandant
« rol 1 4 HI"^ '" despatches, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
of Pnn o^^f Ta'i , ?'' *.<'?"^ed in the Punjaub campaign of 1S48 49, including the siege aud capture of Mooltan, and battle
o'^^oq eiat (iiedal with two Clasps).
carnnnicrf''' f^'-j"^ served on the coast of Syria in 1840 (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medai). Served the Eastern
nrtanhnj ,„ rv, r'*"?.^'.,^' ^^^ Royal Marines, including the battle of Balaclava and siege of Seb.astopol, and wiw
Kni,,i,f r;° J'°'=,^'S"' Division of the Army in the Trenches, and at the battle of Inkerman (Medal with thi-ee Clasps,
«? V, 't u%'°^ °' "o"or, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish .Medal).
Tirelonf i? ,!, T". , ?n, commanded the A Troop of Royal Engineers in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was
ofthP vwii.r , of le,'.-el-Kebir (mentioued in despatches. Brevet of Lt.Co'onei," M.dal with Clasp, 3rd Class
lir I capdie, and Kbedive's Star). r . i, i
ilencv i'iT,',''v '^°'^'?,^™ ^^'■^** severely wouuded at the affair of Chinhut, and served during the defence of the Resi-
on thn"; fh 4 \ , ™ 3otQ June to loth ..fov. 1837. He was wouuded on the 15th August, and severely wounded
"h i\.^r.7,ii';?'\'tr V7"^^ mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp, a year s service, and B.-evet of Major).
« r ,1a ■ , i \ Brereton served in the China war in i86u (Medal).
2nd We«f ir,, ■■ V •°"' served against the King of Quiab, Western Africv, and comrauided a detachment of tho-
UiH- ,86 « Kegimeut at Songo when attacked by the e-aemy in great forc3, aud whom he repulsed ou 2i6t
ISpenuTr,.-!. ifi^ .. •*-*''''^^'" "''^'' '° '873-74. including the action of Essaman (Breve: of Major, Medal>
^n- I ;,1 decorations for Gallantry, p. 786.J
ihi' 'r«}?J,\ ^\^'^^'^"^^ served with the China expeditionary force in 1S60-61; also in various operations againsti
FrorTtiB, r -^r "^ "i,^'^® vicirdty of Shnnghai in 1862 (Mfdal). Served in the campaigu on the North-West
187,",, rr'iL„i '\I" ,^'- deluding the cajitnre of Umbeyla (Medal with Clasp); and m the Looshai Expedition in
*i Color ii I'i!, '?c':v<^<' '" tfie Afghan war in 1879-So on the Line of Communication in the Khvber (Medal),
tonol n,„i ,.a^, " Briggs served with the 9th Regiment in the Crimea from Nov. 1854, inclu-liagthe siege of Sebas-
RprvmnrTfvf T .f-° Cemetery and suburbs under General Eyre (Modal with Cla^-.u, aud Turkish Medal).
Alnmi ,,?i,7 I Tfl campaign of 1857-33, including the relief ol'Lucknow by Lord CIvde, occupation of the
l^i'I I !., i";! r , ™ "''^'^ ""c several engagements there, fall of Lucknow, relief of Aziinghur, capture o-f
in \v.rtV> i?!^- - ^"'J^c'iuent operations (Medal with t.vo Clasps, and a year's service). .Served with the exoertition
twoCla p^r "^ "'"* present a the capture ofthe Taku Forts and the surrender of Pekin (Medal wish

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