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General Officers Hetuxd on Full or Eelircd Fay or on a Fens'ton.—IVar Services. 657
Adjutant and Quarter Master General of the western lines of commanication. Served in a similar capacity in the
Transvaal daring the operations against Sekukuni in 1879 (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Egyptian war of
C882 as Assistant Adjutant and Quarter Master General at Head Quarters in charge of Telegraph Lines, and was
present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches, CH., Medal with Clasp, 3rd Class of theMedjidie,
and Khedive's Star); also served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Clasp).
8"! Major General W. H. D. R. Welmau commanded the 99th Regiment throughout the Zulu war of 1879, and
was present iu the engagement at Invezane and during the investment of Ekowe {CB., Medal with Clasp).
s''^ Major Genera! W. li. H. West served at the blockade in the Baltic in 1854; was present during the opera¬
tions against thr Aland Islands, including the capture of an earthen batterj' on the 8th August, and in the action
with the forts of Bjmarsund on the 15th August. In 3855 he accompanied the Baltic expedition; was in action
with steamers and a battery on 21st June, and at the bombardment of Sweaborg (Medal). Served also with the
expedition to the Baltic until the declaration of peace in 1856.
»"' Major General R. Wheeler served as Interpreter to the 7th Hussars during the Indian Mutiny campaign of
£858-59, including the advance into Nepaul, attack and capture of the enemy's position and guns at Sitkaghat
<Medal). Served with the 20th Native Infantry throughout tlie Umbeyla campaign of 1863 (Medal with Clasp).
Served in the Afghan war in 1S79-80, and took part with the Zaimusht Expedition including the assault of Zawa
""s Major General F. T. AVhinyates served throughoitt the Eastern campaign of 1834-55, including the battles of
Balaclava, Inkerman, and Tchernaya, siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with three Clasps, 5th Class of the
Medjidie, and Tarkish Medal).
™ii Maior General H. E. Whish served as a volunteer at the siege of Mooltan (Medal with Clasp).
»"" Major General H. G. White served at the siege of Sebastopol from 21st Nov. 1854 to loth Aug. 1853, including
*he attack of the Redan on the 18th June (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served from i6thNov. 1858
to the i6th March 1859 with the Berar Field Force, which took the held for the purpose of preventing the
rebel cfciefs Tantia Topee and Feroze Shah from penetrating into the Deccan. Served with the Beohuanaland
Exneditiorv under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-65.
*"5 Major General W. R. White served with the 50th Regiment in New Zealand from 13th Nov. 1863 to 2nd Oct.
j866; led the storming partj- at the assault and capture of Rangiawhia (mentioned in despatches), present at the
repulse of the enemy's attack on the Camp at Nukumaru, appointed Aide de Camp to Brigadier General Waddy
36Lh Jan. 1S65 and served on the Staff'to 7th April 1866 (Medal, and Brevet of Major). Served in the Nile Expedition
in 1884-85 in command of the 2nd Battalion of the Essex Regiment (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
*i" Major! J. Wilkinson served with a Detachment consisting of 200 of the istli Regiment and Ceylon
Rifles, under (.Captain Lillie, in defeating the ixisurgeiita at Matole on the 29th July 1848 during the rebellion iu the
Candian Provii.'jes iu Ceylon.
s" Major General G. A. Wil'iams served wi'h the 4th Sikh Infantry in Burmali in 1832-54; was present at the
pursuit and destruction of the enemy's troops under Moung Shooy Mouug, and commanded at the storming of the
â– entrenched village of Yeh (Medal with Clasp for Pegu). Cimimaiided three Companies of the 4th Sikh Infantry at
the engagement in June 18^7 near Loouiana with the Jallundur mutineers, and was dangerously wounded (thanked
by Government, Medal, aiicl Brevet of Major). Served in the Bhootan campaign in 1865 in command of the 43rd
Native Inlantry, and was present at the capture of Dewangiri (Clasp). Served in the Afghan war in 1879-80
*" Major General H. E. T. Williams served in the Burmese war from January 1852 (Modal with Clasp for Pegu).
Served also in the Indian Mutinj- campaign in 1838-55 as Adjutant of the 3rd Madras European Regiment at the
'Ijattle of Banda, and as Acting" Assistant Adjutant General to the Saugor Field Division in the action of Pun-
â– warree—mentioned in despatch (Medal with Clasp for Central India).
*'2 Major General S. H. Williams accompanied the small force from Quilon to Cochin in Jan. 1857 to aid the Civil
•*'* Major General J. Williamson served with the 23rd Fusiliers in the Crimea from the loth August to the i8th
Sept. 1855, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol and assault of the Redan on the 8th September—severely
wounded (Medal with Clasp, and Tarkish Medal). Served also in the Indian campaign of 1S57-58, including the
relief of Luckuow by Lord Clyde, defeat of the Gwalior Contingent at Cawnpore, siege and capture of Lucknow, and
operations across the Goomtee under Outram, and in the Trausgogra operations (Medal with two Clasps).
*'^ Major General J. E. L. Willows served in the Burmese war iu 1852-53 (Medal with Clasp for Pega).
"^ Major General C. H. Wilson served in Ungool Boad and Goomsoor in 1848.
"'" Major General S. W. F. M. Wilson served with the 55th Regiment iu the Crimea, subsequent to the fall of
fiebastopol, from the 25th Octoljer 1855 to the end of the Russian war. Also on the Bhootan Expedition, including
ihe recapture of Devvaiigiri in 1865 (Medal with Clasp).
'^^ Major General William Winson served with the Khelat-i-Ghilzie Regiment on the Peshawur Frontier in
1S35-56 and during the mutiny 1111857 (Medal). With the same Regiment in Eusofzaie under'Sir Sydney Cotton
in April and May 1858. Commanded the i8th Bengal Native Infantry during the operations in Bhootan in 1865,
iind was present ai the recapture of the Bala Pass (Medal with two Clasps).
'"^ Major General George Wolfe served with the 2nd Queen's Royals in the campa,ign of i860 in China, including
the capture of the Taku Forts and the surrender of Pckin (Medal with two Clasps).
*-' Major General G. S. Woodcock served in the Sutlej campaign in 1846, including the battle 01 Sobraon (Medal),
"'\ Major General R. R. Woodhouse served in the Persian war in 1856-57 (Medal).
*"' Major General C. L. Woodrutt'e served in the Afghan war in 1878-79, and was present at the attack and cap¬
ture of All Musjid, in the engagement at Futtehabad (mentioned iu despatches), and in the engagement at Chara-
•siab on the 6th October 1879 (Brevet of Lt. Colonel, Medal with two Clasps).
*^' Major General Wormald ser\'ed the campaign in Affghanistan from Oct. 1B38 to Jan. 1840, including the storm
and capture of Ghuzneo (Medal), and occupation of Cabul.
"^ Major General G. F. Worsley served m the Persian Expedition of 1856-57 (Medal with Clasp).
*-' Major General H. Y. Wortham served in the Crimean campaign from July 1855, including the siege and fall of
Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served in India with the Okamundel Field Force in 1859, and
was iiresent at the attack on the Fort of Beyt, siege and Fall of Dwarka. Served with the expedition to China in
j86o, and was iiresent at Sinho, Tangku, and capture of Taku Forts (Medal with Clasp).
"SI Major General E. A. Wj-kle served with the R.M. Battalion at the occupation of Kertch and Yeni Kale; was
before Sebastopol until its fall; also at the surrender of Kinbourn (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
''' Major General W. A. f. Wyllie served with the expedition to China in i86o, and was present at Sinho, Tangku,
capture of Taka Forts, actions near Tangchow, and surrender of Pokin (Medal with two Clasps).
»3i Major General R. Young served at the siege of Mooltan (.Medal).
"^ Major General J. V/. Younghusband served in the Att'ghan campaign of 1S42, and was present at the second
attack on Hykulzye, and at Candahar under General Nott. Served in the Sind campaign of 1843, and was present
at the battle of Hyderabad (Medal); also in the hill campaign under Sir Charles Napier in 1845. Commanded a detach¬
ment of Upper Sind Police in the attack and defeat of the Mundranees in 1847 ; commanded a separate column, com¬
posed of 6th Punjaub Police Battalion, detachments 2nd Punjaub Cavalry, and Mounted Police in the expeditiou
against the Omerzye Wuzeeries in 1852 ; commanded 2nd and 6th Punjaub Police Battalions in the expeditiou
against the Sheoranies in 1853; commanded 6th Police Battalion in the expedition against the Kusseranies in 1853
(Medal with Clasp).

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