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General Officers lletlred under Royal Warrant.—War Services. h^T^
Lhe siege of Sooastopol, and battles of Balaklava and Inkerman—severely wounded (Medal with throe Clasps, Sar-
cliTiian and Turkish Medals, and 5th Class of the Medjidie).
~^ General Gardiner served iu tuj operations at Frjicj.t in Upper Canada iu iSjS. Also in the pursuit of Tantia
Tonee iu Central India in iS^8.
■"'' General Hope served with the 71st Highlanders in the Crimean campaign from 20th Dee. 1854, including
the siege and fall of Sebastopol. and expedition to Kertch (Medal with Clasp, Knight of the Legiou of Houor, sta
Class ol'the Medjidie. and Turkish Medal). Served in Central India under Sir John M'chel in 1858, and was present
utthe actions of Rajghur (in command of a Brigade), Mungrowlee, Sindwaha, and Kurai {CB.,, and mentioned
in despatches). Commanded the 71st in the operations in Eusaf/3'ein 1863 under Sir N. Chamlierlain—wounded on
the 20th Nov. at the recapture of the Crag Piquet (msntionei in despatches, ami thanked by the Commander in
Chief in India. Medal with Claspl.
"» General J. T. Walker served throughout the Punjauli campaign of 1848-49 as Field Engineer and was present
at the siege and surrender of Mooltan, the battle of Goojerat, and the subsequent pursuit of the Sikhs and Atfcrhans
<'Medal with two Clasps). For five years (1849-53) be was employed in making a military survey of the Northern
Trans Indus Frontier, from Peshaw'ur down to Derah Ishmail Khan, during which he served as Field Engineer in
•iuinyof the encounters with the Hill Tribes on the Frontier; at the attacks of Suggow, Pulli, andZormundi, under
'■ 'olonel Bradshaw; in the affair of the Kohat Pass, under Sir Charles Napier; m the actions of Prangzai, Nowa-
dund, Shahtote, and Raneezai. under Sir Colin Campbell; the attack of Boree under Colonel B jileau ; and subse-
<ii\ently, in i36o, in the expedition against the Mabsood Wuzeerces, under Sir Neville Chamberlain (Medal with
i-'lasp). In 1857, during the mutiny of the Bengal Army, he was at first attached to the Staff of Brigadier General
Xeville Chamberlain when that officer was commanding the Paajaub Movable Column, and subsequently accojn-
panied him to Delhi, where he was also employed during the siege as Field Engineer, and was severely wounded
^Brevet of Maior. Medal with Clasp).
61 General J. A. Fuller served in the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the siege ;i.nd surrenderor Mooltan,
and was severely wounded by the explosion of a magazine in the town (Medal with Clasp;.
8^ General F." Peyton served in the 98th Regt. with the expedition to the north of China in 1842, and was pre¬
sent at the operations iu the Yangtsekiang River, the attack and capture of Chin Kiang Foo, and at the landing
before Nankin (Medal). Punjaub campaign of 1848-49 (Medal). Served with the Flank Companies of the 93th
ttegt. at the forcing of the Kohat Pass, in the force under Sir Charles Napier and Sir Colin Campbell in Feb. 1850
(mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp). Commanded four Companies of the 98th Regt inthePeshawur Expe¬
ditionary B'orce on the Euzofzie Frontier under Sir Sydney Cotton in April and May 1858, capture of Pungtar and
cliinglee, and the affair wit-h the Hindostanee fanatics on the Heights of Sittaua on 4th May (mentioned iu
despatches). In the Peshawur Division during the Sepoy mutiny iu 1858.
*" Sir James Hills-Johnes.—For War Services, see Militia Artillery.
*8 Sir Gerald Graham served throughout the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the battles of Alma and
Enkermau, and served in the Trenches throughout the siege of SebastojJol—twice wounded ; led a ladder party to the
assault of the Redan on the i8th June 1855 (Victoria Cross), and was on duty in the Trenches at the final assault ol
Dhe 8th Sept.; was employed in the destruction of the Docks of Sebastopol (Medal with three Clasps, Knight of the
Legion of Honor, 5th Class of the Medjidie, Turkish Medal, and Brevet of Major): was awarded the UK for
■" deter.mined gallantry at the head of a ladder party, at theassaultof the Redan (Sebastopol), on the i8th June
1855. Devoted heroism in sallying out cf the trenches on numerous occasions, and bringing in wounded olficers
and men." Served throughout the campaign of i860 in North China, including the assault of Tangku and tiie
i'aku Ports, and surrender of Pekin—wounded with jingall-ball (CB., Modal with two Clasps, and Brevet of
lit.Colonel). Served throughout the Egyptian war of 1882 in command of the 2nd Brigade, and was present at the
engagements of El Magfar and Tel-el-Mahuta, the two actions at Kassasin, and in the battle of Tei-el-Kebir (twice
mentioned in despatches, received the thanks of both Houses of Parliament, KCB., Medal with Clasp, and Class of
the M-edjidi«, and Khedive's Star). Commanded the expedition to the Soudan in 1884, and was present in the en¬
gagements at El Teb and Tomai (received the thanks of both Houses of Parliament, promoted Lt.General
for disting-iiished service in the field, ist Class of the Medjidie, two Clasps). Again commanded au expedition
it'O the Soudan in 1885 (received the thanks of both Houses of Parliament, OCMQ., and Clasp).
*'> General C. J. Merriman served with the Persian Expeditionary Force in 1856-57, and was present at the storm¬
ing of Reshire, capture of Bushire, and battle of Khooshab (Medal with Clasp).
'-"' General II. R. Browne served with the 9th Regt. m the Crimea from 27th Nov. 1854, including the siege
-■iind fall of Sebastopol, and assaults of the i8th June and 8th Sept. Served as Aide de Camp and subsequently ai
.Major of Brigade to Major General Ridley, ist Division, daring the latter part of the campaign (Medal witli Clasp,
Brevet of Major, Knight of the Legion of Honor, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Proceeded with
Sir Hope Grant's expedition from India in 1860-61 to China. Proceeded in Command of Forces sent to Japan for
,i/,rotoction of Treaty Ports in 1864. and received the thanks of Her Majesty's Ministers for services in that couutr.y
-ind also the approbation of the General Officer iu command of the Forces in China. Served iu the Afghan war iii
1879-80 with the Koorum Division, including the Zaimusht Expedition (Medal).
'•" Lieut.Genei'al A. M. Macdonald served the Eastern campaign 011854 as Aide de Camp to General Pennefather, in¬
cluding the battlesof the Alma (severely wounded) and Inkerman (severel.y wounded), andsiegeof Sebastopol (Medal
with three Clasps, Brevet of Major, 4th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
'^ General P. G. Pipon served in the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the affairs of Bulganao and M'Kenzie's
Farm, the Battles of Alma and Balaklava, siege and fall of iSebastojiol (Medal with three Clasps, Brevet of Major,
Sardinian and Turkish Medals, and 5th Class of the Medjidie).
'■'■' Lieut.General F. A. Willis was present with Gen. Havelock's Field Force in the actions of Oonao and Busee-
rut Gunge on 29th Jul.y 1837 ; commanded the 84th Regiment in the actions of Buzeerut Gunge on the 5tli Aug.,
Boorbeake Chowkee on 12th Aug., at Bithoor on the i6th Aug., at Mungawar on 21st Sept., at Alumbagii ou 23rd
Sept., and relief of Lucknow on 25th Sept. (wounded in le t knee and right thigu); commanded the right Column
4it the storming of the Hirn Khannah ou 16th Nov., and was thanked in division orders by General Havelock.
Was with General Outram's Force at the Alumbagh from 26tli Nov. 1857 to 9th March 1858—commanded the 84th
up to 24th Jan.; present at the fall of Lucknow ; accompanied General Lugard's Force, and present at the relief
^f Azimghur ; proceeded with Brigadier Douglas's column in pursuit of the rebel chief Koer Sing, and present in.
the actions of 17th and 20th April (mentioned in despatches, CB., and Brevets of Major and Lt.Colonel, Medal
with two Clasps, and grant of a year's service for Lucknow).
»^ Lieut.General E.N.Newdegate served with the 2nd Battalion Rifle Brigade the Eastern campaign of 1854 and up to
July 1855, including the battles of Alma and lukerman (wounded),and siege of Sebastopol (Medal with three Clasps,
'ireVet of Major, Knight of the Legion of Honor, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Served in tbe
J^ulu war of 1879 in command of the 2nd Division, and was present in the engagement at Ulundi (Medal with
Clasp and CB).
'■"> Lieut.General G. Le M. Tupper served in the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the battles of Balaklava
and Inkerman (wounded), the siege and fall of Sebastopol, and repulse of the sortie ou the 26th October 1854
(Medal with three Clasns, Brevet of Major, Sjrdiuian and Turkish Medals, and 5th Class of the Medjidie).
3" Sir John M'Leod'served with the 4;nd Highlanders throughout the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including
bJic battles of Alma and Balaklava, expedition to Kortch and Yenikale, siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with
three Clasp.s, Knight of the Legion of Honor, and Turkish Medal). Served also the campaign of 1857-58 against
the mutineers in India, including the actions at Cawnpore (6th Dec. 1857), Seraighat (mentioned in despatches),
Khodagunj, and Shumsabad, siege and fall of Lucknow and assault of the Martiniere, Banks'Bungalow, and
Begum's Kottee (mentioned in despatch), attack ou the Fort of Rooyah, action at AUygunge, and capture of
Bareilly (Medal with Clasp, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, and CB.). Embarked for the Gold Coast in command of the
.42nd Highlanders, and served throughout the second phase of the Ashauti war, iu 1874. Commanded the Kegi-
iiient until ordered up to the front from Mansu to the north side of the Adansi Hills to take command of the
Advanced Guard of the Army, now composed of ihe former Advanced Guard—viz.. Lord Gifford's Scouts and
Russell's Regiment—together with Head Quarters of Wood's Regiment, Head Quarters 2nd West India Regiment,
■and Rait's ArtUlery. Commanded the force at the capture and destruction of Adubiassie, and capture of Borbo-
irassie ; commanded the Left Attack at the battle of Amoaful; commanded the Advanced Guard at the capture
and destruction of Bccquah, the Advanced Guard engagement of Jarbinbah, and the skirmishes and ambuscade

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