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War Services of the Keserve of Officers. 57 ^
'*" Lt.CoIonel T. Wood served during the operations against the Taiping rebels in Chini in 1862-63 (Chinese
Order of tbe Dragon, and and Class ot the Order of the Precious Star).
'5* Lt.CoIonel E. Harvey ooraraindod the Sappers an I Miners with the Laft Column of the Lushai E.'cpeli-
tionary Force under Brigadier General Bourchier in 1871-72, and was mentioned in despatches as having baen
"indefatigable in pioneering and driving roads through almost impenetrable forests and along rocky monntiin
sides " (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Jowaki Afreedee Expedition in 1S77-78, and was present at the capture
of Jumraoo (mentioned in despatches. Clasp). Served in the Afghan war of 1879-80, first m charge of the roid
from the Indus at Khushilghur to the British frontier at Thull, and afterwards as Eield Engineer with the Khyber
Line Force under Lieut.General Bright (Brevet of Major, Medal).
"f Lt.CoIonel P. Galloway s;rved in the Afghan war of 1873-80 (Brevet of Major, Medal).
''" Lt.CoIonel C. Cunningham served in the Abyssinian campaign as Acting Quarter Masteron detached duty at
Antalo, superintending works in that division with Madras Sappers (Medal).
'"' Lt.Colonel T. S. St. Clair served as Brigade Major under Major (reneral Colbornein the Perak Expedition
in 1876 (Medal with Clasp). Served with the ist Battalion Berkshire Regiment throughout the Egyptian war of
1882, and WHS pre!-ent at the surrender of Kafr Dowar (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
''^ Lt.CoIonel W. S. Mills served with the 91st Highlanders in the Zulu war of 1875, and was present in the
action of Gingindhlovu and relief of Ekowe (Medal with Clasp).
^l' Lt.CoIonel F. F. Gibbons served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 (Medal).
'"* Lt.Colonel S. C. Pratt served throughout the Bhootanese campaign of 1S64-65, with the Left Brigade Dooar
Field Force, and was present at the capture of Dalimkote, engagements at Chumurchi and Nagoo, and recapiure
•of the Bala Pass (Medal with Clasp).
'l'_ Lt.Colonel J. M. Maltby served in the Ashanti war in 7873-74 (Medal).
^1° Lt.Colonel the Hon. W. F. Elliot served with the Mounted Infantry in the Zulu warof 1879 (Medal with Clasp).
'' Lt.Colonel H. D. Harrison served in the Zulu war in 1879, and was present in the engagement at Inyezane
and Bkowe during its investment (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp).
''" Lt.Colonel E. R. Bromhead served with the 2nd Battalion York and Lancaster Regiment throughout the
Kg.yptian war of 1882, and wva present in the engagements at El Mngfar and Tel-el-Mahuta, in the two actions
at Kassasin, and at the battleof Tel-el-Keb;r(Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of the Osmanieh, and Khedive's Star).
_ ''' Lt.Colonel Edward Gunter served with the 59th Regiment iu the Afghan war of 1879-80 with the force under
Sir Donald Stewart, and was present in the engagement at Ahmed Kheyl and the subsequent operations in the
Xogar Valley (Medal and Clasp).
'"'' Lt.Colonel H. J. Harvey served with the 25th King's Own Borderers in the Afghan war in 1878-79 with the
Pethawiir Valley Field Force, including the Bazar Valley Expedition under Lieut. General Maude (Medal).
'•*' Lt.Colonel W. Tilden served with the and Battalion 60th Rifles in the Marri Expedition mider Brigadier
■General MacGregor in October 1880.
'*^ Lt.Colonel M. B. W. Taylor embarked for the Gold Coast with the 2nd Battalion Rifle Brigade, and served
throughout the second phase of the Ashanti war in 1874, including the battle of Amoaful, advanced guard
skirmishes, and ambuscade affairs between Adwabin and the river Ordah, battle ,of Ordahsu and capture of Coo-
massie (Medal with Clasp). Served with the Burmese Expedition iu i386-83 (mentioned in despatches, Medal
ivith Clasp).
'-'^ Lt-Colonel T. A. A. Barstow served as Orderly Officer to Brigadier General Cobbe and Colonel Drew from the
commencement of the Afghan war in 1878 till August 1879 with the Koorum Field Force, including the Khost
Bxpedition, part of the time as Superintendent of Army Signalling ; was present at the attack and capture of the
Peiwar Kotal and in the engagement at Mattoon (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp).
'=* Lt.Colonel W. T. Anderson served as Superintendent of Volunteers in the Transvaal during the operations
against Sekukuni in 1878, and with the 80th Regiment on the Swazi border in 1879, and during the invasion of Zulu-
land and the engagement at Ulundi (Medal with Clasp).
'" Lt.Colonel W. C. Lloyd served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star);
also served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force i.i i88;-86, and was present in the engagement at Giniss.
'■''' Lt.Colonel A. M. Maude served with the 90th Light'infantry in the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the
•engagements at Zungin Nek, Kambula (as Staff Officer to Sir Evelyn Wood—mentioned in despatches), and Ulundi
<Medal with Clasp).
"*' Lt.Colonel T. A. Le Mesurier served in the KaSr war in 1878, and in the Zulu war in 1879 (Medil with Clasp).
Also served iu the Boer war of 1881 in charge of the Commissariat and Transport, and took part in the defence of
"' Lt.Colonel F. H. Armstrong served in the New Zealand war in 1864-66 (Medal). Served in the Egyptian
war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Also served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Clasp).
^'^^ Lt.Colonel G. L. Morley served in the campaign on the North West Frontier of India in 1S63 with the 74th
Foot (Medal -syitb Clasp).
''^" Lt.Colonel C. J. Wyndham served in the Boer war of 1S81 with the Natal Field Force.
■'•'' Lt.Colonel \V. P. Lawlor served with the 59th Regiment iu the Afghan war of 1878-80, and was present in
the engagements at Ahmed Kheyl and Urzoo near Ghuznee (Medal with Clasp).
''-'^ Lt.Colonel F. H. Beck served with the 15th Hussars in the Afghan war in 1880 (Medal). Served in the Boer
'^^ Lt.Colonel J. R. Sharp served in the Zulu war of 1879 (Medal with Clasp).
''* Lt.Colonel F. E. Carleton served with the 25th King's Own Borderers iu the Afghan war in 1879-80 with the
Jthyber Line Force under Lieut.General Bright (Medal).
'-^ Lt.Colonel J. P. Curran served in the Intelligence Department during the Kafir war of 1877-78, and with
the 88th Regiment throughout the Zulu war of 1879 (Medal with Clasp).
'^5 Lt.Colonel E. Tufnell served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the ist Battalion of the Royal Irish
Kegiment (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
"^ Lt.Colonel H. V. Smyth served in the Afghan war of 1878-80. first in the Koorum Valley, and afterwards in
Oough's force in command of a Hazara Battery. Subsequently served with the Royal Horse Artillery in the ex-
jjediiions into the Wuzeer and Hissarik valleys (Medal). Served with the Zhob V^alley Expedition in 1884 as
JTovost Marshal. Served in the Soudan campaign in 1885, and was present m the engagement at Hasheen
<Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
"» Lt.Colonel S. Acklom served with the 88th Regiment throughout the Kaffir war of 1877-78, including the
affair at Draaibosch (Medal with Claso). Served iu the Afghan war in 1880 with the Field Commissariat (Medal).
^'''' Lt.Colonel H. R. Treeve served throughout the Oude campaign in 18=8, including the actions of Pusgaonand
fiissoolpore, attack and capture of Fort Mittowlie, and the action of Bishwa (Medal). Served throughout the
campaign of i860 in China, including the action of Siuho, taking of Tangku, and surrender of Pekin (.Medal with
two Clasps).
21" Lt.Colonel A. Cope embarked for the Gold Coast with the 2nd Battalion Rifle Brigade, and served through¬
out the second phase of the Ashanti war in :874, including the liattle of Amoaful (Medal with Clasp).
2" Colonel C. K. Prideaux-Brune.—For War Services, see Militia (West Yorkshire Regiment).
^"•■' Lt.CJolonel J. O. C. MoUcr served during the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the ist Battalion Yorkshire
Regiment on the Lines of Communication up the Nile. Served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-86
•tluring the operations on the Upper Nile, and was present in the engagement at Giniss I Medal, and Khedive's Star-).
^^ Lt.Colonel C. E. Dixon served in the Egyptian warof 1602, and was in'esent at the a;tion ofKassa-in on the
■gth September and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Also served in the Nile
Jilxpedition in 1884-85 with the ist Battalion of the Royal Irish Regiment (Clasp).
**_' Lt. Colonel J. P. Soote served in New Zealand during General Chute's campaign of t866 (Medal).
"^ Lt.Colonel VV. H. Evans served in the operations against Sekukuni in the Transvaal in 1878; also throughout
the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the engagements at Zungin Nek, Kambula Hill, and Ulundi (Medal with
Clasp). Served with the Burmese Expedition in 1885-86 with the 2nd Battalion Somersetshire Light Infantry
(Medal with Clasp).
^'' Lt.Colonel A. S. Hext served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and was present in the operations in the Lugh-
tnan Valley, with the expedition against the Khugianis, and iu tha engagement at Ali Boghan (Medal).

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