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Re-ierre of Opicers.
CO., .Ml,
13 ,Tnly 67 5 May 69 10 Aug. 7;
28 Oct.
Caledon, James] Ale.xander, i'aj-^ of,''^ sold out of i
Guaras; Hon, Major ^ Battalion Inniikillinq Fasiliei'» ) ^
Gregg-Carr, Charles Henrv, sold out of 3 Hussiirs i4Sept.6v 9 Oct. 69 25 Feb. 74
Burkinyoung, Frederick F., sold out of 5 Dragoon Guards ...^3 Aug. 662 ° Oct. 691 8 Apr. 74
Breretdn, Robert, sold out of 46 Foot iS Seut.631 5 ^'aj £6 tS Nov. 74
Abbott, AVilUam Smith Dunbar, retired li.p. from 3 Hussars... | 6 Mar. eg '9 Feb. 70 10 Mar. 75
Pennethorne. Lee I'ercy, with gratuity from Royal Art 25 June 62. 8 Sept. 75
Sevan, Henry, with gratuity trom 95'Foot [27 Sept.611 8 Sept. 65 5 Jan. 76
Fort, Geoi-ge HouDsom, wiih gratuii.y from Derby Rogt 23 Oct. 67,^^ Oct. 71 30 Jan. 76
AVyld, William Henry,''** Capl. 16 Lancers, on rciireu pay ... 14 Sept.67:^9 J'ta. 70114 June 76
Martin, George Mure, sold out of 12 Lancers i23 69!'° Aug. 70 14 June 76
Becher, Chas. Adrian Gough,»'5 by commutation of retired"/i ■„ "Mo,- ,^,1 v= Tulv 76
pay from I Dragoon Guards j ^30 bept.68 =3 Jitai. 70 15 Jaij 70J
Pryce, Athelstauc Robert, with gratuity from iS Hussars t^^ Oct. 67I ^ J,""^ 7"! J ^V'^; ^°
Calvert, Walter Campbell,-^'with gratuity Irom 6 Dr. Guardsj^o Oct.
Ode'l, William, with gratuity from 108 Foot ,3 Jan.
Rasch, Heiir3'Augustus, sold out of 65 Foot 12 Oct.
fi.s.c. Norton. Cecil William, with gratuity from 5 Lancers; * I
MF. for West Ncwingion j ' 9 Apr. .
Mallandaiue, James John, with gratuity from King's li. Riiles ,,„ jfay 66" Sept. 68 14 Mar- 771
Stanley, Albert HamiUon, with gratuity from Durham Lt. Inf,25 Api- 68^7 Oct. 71 23 Apr. 77
Toler. Jame? Ot%vay, Captain, Highland Lt. Inf ou ret. pay ^o July 67:27 Oct. 71 ti Jnue 7710 Aug. 87
Murphy, Michael, C'dpi". East Yorkshire Rcgt., on retired pay s Feb. 68| 7-'^lay 70 15 Aug. 77
Macwhirter, .James M'Killop, with gratuity from 19 Hussars ^ j^iy 69'^'^ .luue?! 15 Aug. 77
Filliter.Clavell b'reeland,5X3 With gratuity from Bedford Regt. ^jj Oct. ,1:28 Oct. 71 21 Sept.77
Reeves, John,^'** Capt. Duke of Cornwall's Lt. Inf. on ret. pay; g Aug. 681 5 Mar. 70 26 Sept.77 26 Jan. 84
Chesham, Charles C. W. ioni, sold out of 16 Lancers ;i/. Co;. (j ° l^oMar 7013001. 77!
Jiucfcg Yeoinanrt/, 2^ A\)V, Sg )l o - ^ • / • :
Lacon, Hen. Edrri. with gratuity from Highland Lt.Iuf. (71 F.In Apr. 68 ^3 June 69 16 Feb. 78
Ives, Edward Harbord,"^!' Capi. Royal Fusiliers, on ret. pay ' j AI-\y 67^5 J'lu. 7' ^3 1^'eb. 7B
Olive, Ernest Llewelyn, with gratuity from S. Stattbrd Regt. oj >elj. 70^8 Oct. 71 28 Feb. 78
Smirke, Alfred,''*^ with gratuity from 15 Hussars 12 June 69
Custance, Henry Arthur Taj'lor, with gratuity from R. Art....]
Reid, Philip Savile Grey, with gratuity from Royal En<
Greer, Maogregor, with gratuity from Royal Engineers
Dawson, WiUiitm Henry,jwith gratuity from 6 Dragoons 28 Apr. 70
71 [ f. Sept. 76
6.1 4 Jan. 71 16 Sepi.761
g.jioNov. 09 q Dec. 76:
j,oJ28 Oct. 7iji6Dec. 76,
:6 Feb. 89
7 July 80
5 Jiuio 89
14 Mar. 83
25 Apr. 85
7 July 3.^
16 Got. So
71 2i i' eu. 78
;:23 Oct. 711 2 Mar. 78
x2 Jan. 66,13 Mar. 78
ji3 Apr. 6518 Mar. 78
;i3 Juu3 65'2S Mar. 78
,23 Oct. 711 I May 78
,12 Nov. 70 II May 7S
Spencer-Stanhope, Fred. Walter,with gratuity from Somerset >
Lt.Inf. (13F.) i 9 Jan. 68
Roberts, Gerald John, with gratuity from Black Watch I20 Feb. 67 ^^ *-'°'^- 7i,=5 ilay 78
Welman,Wellesley,with gratuity from Shropshire Lt. Infantryijo July 67! 7 Oct. 71 12 June 78
Macintire, George Atkinson, withgratuitvfrom 2 W. I. Regt...., 6 July 7oi^8 Oct. 71112 June 78
Berwick, William Alex.5t» sold out of Durham Light Infantry 23 Jaii. 69,^^ Oct. 71 29 June 7a
Coleman, Wm. Maitlaud Peagum, with gratuity irom York / _,. , 1 , 1,,^ to n Auo- 7°,
and Lancaster Regt ?. i : 7 July 69 3 a"^- 7o Ji.u„. 70
Charringtou, Harry Julian, by commutation of retired pay /', . ■ „ c Afnr m
from Yorkshire Regiment... .. . j |i3 Apr. 68 5 ^lar. 70
Cameron, Alan, with gratuity from Argyll and Sutherland M , , L, tjnv ':n
Highlanders (91 Foot) ° S' ^ July 68,^3 J^°^-7°
Hill, Percy Graham,"" with gratuity from Rifle Brigade |i8 July 661 ^ ^^^- 7'
Weutworth-Fitzwilliam, Ji^oB.Wm. Chas. with gratuity from) i .,. oR npt ^t
Royal Horse Guards i =9 Jan. 70;=" "='• 7'
Pidcock-Hen/.ell.Hy. Henzell Fraser, with gratuity from 19 F.'24 Mar. 69!'^ ^^y 7o
Allen, Wm. Cocks, Captain, Lancashire Fus.(2o F.) J14 Qot. 6s! 5 Nov. 70
Kerr, William Henry, Captain. Cheshire Regt. on vet. pay \x,^ Sept.6ei'5 Apr
Moore, Stephen Bly'th, with gratuity from Royal Scots '27 Apr. 70,'^ Oct.
Swiny, Wm. M. Shapland, Capt. Black Watch, on retired pay j 8 Aug. 63'-^ Oct.
Gould, Geoi-ge fngelheim, with gratuity from R. Engineers ... 17 Apr,
Croker, Edw. Win. Duulo, with gratuity from Argyll and/'
Sutherland Highlanders J j 8 July 68
Irvine, Alex. James, with gratuity from Welsh Regt. (69 F.)...i i July 69
Crosbie, Patrick, withgratuity from West Yorkshire Regt ^,- Aug. 67
Godfrey, Geo. Avery, Capt. Seaforth Highlanders,on ret. pay 126 Sept.67
Easthaiu, John Alderson, Capt. Humpshire Regt. on \iS July'65
28 Oct.
28 Oct.
28 Oct.
22 July 71
13 Feb. 67
'2 SeDt.68l=8 Oct. 71
Wetherall, Henry Aug., withgratuity from Coldstream Gds
Connellan, James Hercules F. H.^'^^ with gratuity from) \ 1 j«-,,j. ,j
Hampshire Regt jl 2 Jan. 69 •'
Johnson, Henry J.=«.(yit,h gratuity from 80 Foot 8 July 63 ^^ Oct. 71
Fallowfleld, Hugu Gordon,™* with gratuity from Argyll and \' „ ^ ,
1 gratuity 1... „j ,
Sutherland Highlanders C91 Foot) j 23 Oct. 67
Roupell, Geo. Chas. K. Pigott,"^ Capt. B.York Regt. on ret.;pay' 24 July 69
Mackay, Arthur Leith Hay,-'-'" Capt. K.O.Scot. Bord. on s Jan. 63
Flood, Benj. Thos. Bradley, with gratuity from S. Lane. Regl.
Kenworthy-Browne, Gerald Elliott, with gratuity from 1
Lancashire Fusiliers |
Johnson, Edward Armstrong, with gratuity from R. Art | 8 Jan. 68
Butler, Chas. Jas. John,with gratuity from Bedford Regt.(i6F.) '..,.'.[ 13 Apr. 72
Douglas-Homo, i/on. Cospatrick, with gratuity from Rifle > ' ''" !,anpt -77
Brigade ; JXa>)- 3 Battalion Roijal Scots ( '= June 69 -"= ^^'- 7i
Spicer, John Edmund Philip, with gratuity from i Life Guardsli2 ,Tune6Q -^^ Oct. 711
"--'-' ' "' " "'•' ■"- -' ■' '■ T. ,r_ , „. . ^ _ ^28 Oct. 711
1 17 Aug. 70
2 Aug. 70J
8 Oct. 71
21 Aug. 78
31 Aug. 78
I Sept. 78
25 Sept. 78
I Oct. 78
5 Oct. 73
13 Nov. 73
30 Nov. 78
5 Dec. 78
31 Dec. 78
I Jan. 79
29 Jan. 79
5 Feb. 79
9 Feb. 79
20 Feb. 79
1 Mar. 79
2 Mar. 79
13 Mar. 79
15 Mar. 79
7 May 79
30 Mar. 87
25 Sept. 87
16 Aug. 83
Bushbrookc, Wm. Henry,'"■""'with gratuity from E. York. Regt. 25 July 69
Peunefather, Charles Edward, sold out of 4 Hussars 114 July 6^
Drought, John Thomas Acton, Capt, Lane. Regt. ... , Sept.67
Mansel, Robert Henry, Captain, Dublin Fusiliers, on retired | ! 77 v. ap
pay; 5 Bn. Dublin Fus. ; Brig. Major Secern Brrg. Inf. Vole, j ,'5 Feb. 68
Ward, Victor Napier, with gratuity from Rifle Brigade Iij Sept.69 28 Oct. 71
Cockburu, Wm. George Forbes, C(y)<. 18 Foot, on retired pay ... i Feb. 68 28 Oct. 71
Maher, Valentine Herbert,"'" Capt. Connaught Rangers, > . ,
on retired pay i 3 Apr. 67
Lousada. Reg. Robert,**^ with gratuitj- from W. Kent Regt 3 Feb. 69
Boyle, Charles John,""-* with gratuity from Oxford Light Inf. j
Hon. Major ^ Bn. Oxford lAght Infantrji (Oxford, Militia) ... •, ^ Sept.68
Schreiber, Frederic Ernest Lowther, by commutation of > , ,
retired pay from Irish Regiment j ! 9 J»'y ^^
Gray, Jas. Chas. Charnock, with gratuity from i W. I. Regt.
28 May 70
28 Oct. 71
28 Oct. 71I24 May 79
7 July 6gl27 Oct. 7i|28May 79
24 Mar. egj^S Oct. yijzi June79
1 July 79
2 July 79
9 July 79
9 Jily 79
9 July 79
o Aug. 79
7 Aug. 79
9 Aug. 79
14 Aug. 79
20 Aug. 79
27 Aug. 79
9' Sept. 79
13 Sept. 79
II Oct. 79
19 Oct. 79
14 Jan. 71
4 Feb. 71
19 Feb. 70
28 Oct. 71
28 Feb. 74
6 May
19 Mar. 8
22 Nov. 84
10 June 82

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