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"^^7 Corps uvder the Orders of fli'^ Gorennveid of Tndia.
6tll Panjab Infantry. {Desirjnatiun cltangi'.d, ^Aug. 1856. Transferred from Bombay
Fresidcncif in 1849).—Linked u-ith 2nd ISikh Infantry and 2nd Punjab Infantry.
—llejjlnicntal Centre, Dera^ Ismail Khun.
" T!.KAnv. Aye Ready." Head Qiiartera at anwrfrit''S»bad. Deiai^hment at Jandhola. Uniform, Drah. Facingt, Red.
Rank, Names, and Coeps.
>Vn.)or J. E. Mein, Staff Corps 6 July 90
Captain E, W. CunTiffe, Staff Corps 10 Sept.86
CaptainG. R.MacMuUen, Statf Corps ...,ii Sept.87
Ciijir, iin D. ,1. O. Taj'lor, Statf Corns ...j i May 89
Captain J.W. C. Hutchinson, StafTCorps 22 Jan. 90
Captain E. H. Bernard. Staff Corps 22 Oct. 92
Lieut. CCA. Sillery, Staff Corps 10 Mar. 8
Commandant, 2 Mar. 92.
2nd in Command and Wing Commander, 2 Mar. 92.
tt^ing Commander, 2 Mar. 92.—Dep. Insp. Gen. of
Wins Commander, 2 June 92.—At Jandhola.
Wing Officer, 9 July 86.—On special duty, Gilgit.
Wing Officer, 30 Sept. 87.—Furlough.
Wing Officer and Adjutant, 6 Aug. 90.
Mil. Police,
Lieut. W. S. Browne, StaffCorps jo Jan. S6|Wing Officer, 8 Aug. _ _.
Lieut. F. D. Grant, Staff Corps ; 2 July SSJ Wing Officer and Quarter Master, 30 July 90.—Furlough.
Lieut. A. Limond, Staff Corps ! 2 Dec. 89 Wing Officer.
Iju-'ir. L'. C Kenuer, Staff Corps 25 Sept.89 Officiating Wing Officer.
Surgeon Lt.Colonel J. T. B. Bookey ...! In medical charge, 31 Mar. 76.—Sick Furlough.
Surg-pon Captain J. W. Wolfe ', ' (Officiating in medical charge.
Sttablishment of each Regiment of Punjab Infintri/.—8 Companies—Commandant; 2 Wing Commanders ;; Wing
Officers; 1 Medical Officer; SSubadars; 8 Jamadars; 40 Havildars: 40 Naicks ; 16 Drummers; SooSepoji:.
5th. Goorkha (Bifie) Regiment.—Baised in 1858.
"Peiwae Ivotal"—" Chakasia"—" Kabul, 1879"—"Kaxdahab, 1S80"—"AFaHANisriN", 1878-80."
FIRST BA.TTALION.—JZaisetJ 22 3Iay t_?,s?,.—Regimental Centre, Abbottabad.
With Isazai tield Force. Uniform, Dark G-reen. Facings, Black.
Lt.Colonol A. Gaselee, CB. i^iaff'Corps 1 9 Jan. 89 Commandant, 27 Sept. 92. [Frontier Force.
Bt.Mujor A. R. Martin, StaffCorps 1 t Sept.Qi]2nd in Com. and Wing Comdr. 1 April 91.—.\. A. Gen. Paujab
Captain A. A. Barrett, Staff Corps Iio Sept.86 2nd in Command and Wing Commander, i Feb. 92.—Furlough.
Captain A. H. G. Keinball, Sjaff Corps Jii Aug. giiOfficiating 2nd in Command.—From 2 Battalion.
Captain E. de S. Smart, Staff Corps
Captain J. 0. S. Fayrer, Staff Corps ...
Captain J. M. Stewart, Gloucester Regt.
Lieut. I. Philipps, Statf Corps
Uil Lieut. G. H. Boisragon, StaffCorps
Lieut. C H. Davies, Statf Corps
Lieut.-ffon. CG. Bruce, Staff Corps
Lieut. S.D.B.Ketchen, Seaforth Highlds
Lieut. C B. Johnson, Warwick Regt ...
Surgeon Major J. A. Nelis, MB
2-^ Oct. 91 Wing Commander, i Feb. 92.
22 Jan. 92 Wing Officer, 10 Oct. 84.—With 2 Battalion.
22 Oct. 92 Wing Officer and Adjutant, 12 Dec. 85.
12 May 33 Wing Officer and Quarter Master. 10 Nov. 86.
7 Feb. 85 Wing Officer, 7 Apr. 87.—On special duty, Gilgit.
29 Aug. 85 W'ing Officer, i Aug 87.—Sick Fm-lougU.
29 Oct. 88 Officiating Wing Officer.
4 May 92 Officiating Wing Officer.
26 Jan. 92iOfficiating Wing Officer.
lln medical charge, 20 Aug. 86.
SECOND BATTALION.—iiaiseiJ 10 Nov. 1SS6.—Regimental Centre, Ahbottabad.
With Isazai Field Force. Uniform, Dark Green. Facing), B'cick.
Lt.Colonel E. Molloy, Statf Corps,
Major G. Hawkes, StaffCorps
Captain E. Vansittart, StaffCorps
Captain A. H. G. Kemball, Staff Corps
Captain J. O. S..Fayrer, Staff Corps ...
Captain A. S. Rooke, StaffCorps
Lieut. C. M. Crawford, StaffCorps
Lieut. W. Hudson, Staff Corps
Lieut. F. W. Evatt, Stall Corps
Lieut. N. E. Ghesney, Staff'Corps
Lieut. F. G. Lucas, Staff Corns
Lieut. F. F. Badcoek, 2JSO. StaffCorps
Lieut. F. W. Lethbridge, Statf Corps ...
Lieut. E. B. G. Boddam, StaffCorps ...
Sui'geon Captain G. Duncan, Ifiy
Surgeon Captain W. Henvej'
7 Jane 87|Commandant, 10 Nov. i-.
19 Feb. 9o!2nd in Command and Wing Commander, i Apr. 91.
10 Sept.88jvving Comdr. 25 July 91.—Disc. Recruiting Officer, Goruckpore.
11 Aug. gi'Wing Commander, 21 M:)y g^..—With i Battalion.
22 Jan, 92 Officiating Wing Commander.—From i Battalion.
19 Feb. 92! Wing Officer, 10"Nov. 86.—Cantonment Ma.astrate, Noivgong.
9 Sept. 82
25 Aug. 83
6 May 85
30 Jan. 86
25 Aug. 86
25 Aug. 86
22 Mar. 88
5 June 89
Wing Officer and Adjutant, 10 Nov. 86.—Furlough.
Wing Officer and Qr. .vir. 27 June 87.—Offg. Political Employ.
Wing Officer, 29 April 89.
Wing Officer, 25 July 91.—Burmah Military Police.
Wing Officer, 21 May 92.
Wing Officer, iS July 92.—Furlough.
Officiating Wing Officer.
Officiating AVing Officer.—From 2 Sikh Infantry.
[n medical charge, 17 Nov. 86.—Furlough.
Officiating in medical charge.
Colonel M. G. Gerard, CB. StaffCorps
I Lt.Colonel H. A. Vincent, StaffCorps
Raised for service ordinarily in Central India, but available on emergency for General Service.
The Two Regiments of Beatson's Horseincorporated with the Central India Horse, 16 April and 8 Sept. i860.
The Regiment of Moade's Horseincorporated with the Central India Horse on 16 Feb. 1861.
** Afghanistan", 1S79-S0"—"Kandahar, 1880."
ist Regiment at Goonah. 2nd Regiment at Agar, W. Malwa. Uniform, Drab. Facings, Maroon.
Major A. Masters, StaffCorps 30 Nov. 90 Commandant, 4 Ooi. 92.—And Political Agent, Western Malwa.
~" ' 2 Mar. 85 2ud in Command and Squadron Commander 14 Mar. 87.—Military
Attache, St. Petersbuig.
9 Nov. 92 2nd in Command and Squadron Commander, 3 Feb. 89.—Pre¬
sident, Council of Regenc.y, Rampore State.
2nd in Command and Squadron Commander, 16 July 91.
[4 July 89 2nd in Com. and Squad. Comdr. i Apr. 92—Polit. Assist. Goonah.
13 Nov. 89 Squadron Commander, 14 March 87. —British Agent at Gilgit-
I July 87 Squadron Commander, iS Sept. 85.—Mil. Sec. to Kashmir Govt.
II May 89 Stiuadron Commander, 21 Oct. 36.
30 Jan. 89 Squad. Comdi'. 14 Mar. 87.—Insp. Officer, Imperial Def. Cav. C I.
II Aug. 91 Squadron Commander, 17 Apr. 88.—Staff College, Sandhurst.
22 Jan. 92 Squadron Commander, 17 July 89.—Aide de Camp toGov. Gen.
II Aug. 91 Squadron Commander, 17 July 89.—Staff Officer, C. I. Horse.
13 Aug. 90 Squadron Commander, 11 Apr. 91.—Russia, on duty.
22 Jan. 92 Squadron Commander, 26 Oct. 91.—Furlough.
I Sept.87 Squadron Officer, 25 Feb. 90.
I Feb. 92 Squadron Officer, 17 July 89.
10 May 82 Squadron Officer and Adjutant, 14 March S7.
1 Major G. E. Money, StaffCorps
2 ]i.s.c. Lt.Colonel \. G. A. Durand, S-C
1 Bt.Lt.Uol.N. F. F. Chamberlain, S.C.
2 Captain E. E. Robertson. Statf Corps
1 Captain J. B. Edwards, Staff Corps...
I Captain W. A. Watson, StatF Corps...
I Captain L. Herbert, Statl' Corps
1 Captain F. C. Grant, Staff Corps
2 Captain C P. Csnnpbcll, StaffCorps
2 Captain A. B. Mayne, StaffCorps
2 Captf. u C. J. B. H. Dressner, Staff C.
1 CaptainC.V.F.Townshend,Staff Corps
I Lieut. E. C B. Cotgrave, Staff Corps
2 Lieut. Hon. H. D. Napier, Staff Corps 23 Aug. 84 Squadron Officer, 17 Apr. 83,
2 Lieut. A.D.G. Bannerman, Staff Corps
1 Lieut. W. D. Daunt, StaffCorps
1 Lieut.A. P. Bi'owue, StaffCorps
2 Lieut. K. L. Kenuion, StaffCorps
I Lieut. G. R. de H. Smith, Staff Corps
I Lieut. H. A. Lash, Staff Corps
1 Lieut. D. H. Cameron, R. Artillery ...
2 Lieut. J. C. D. Pinney, Staff Corps ...
2 2nd Lt. S. A. Cooke, i Dragoon Gds.
1 2ndLt.E.T.Car\vithen,K.O.Scot.Bord
2 Surg. Lt.Col. R. Caldecott, Bom. Est,
I Surg.Maj. C. G.W.Lowdell, Bom. Est.
1 Surg.Capt.T.W. Sliaw,lf5. Bom.Est.
2 Surg. Ca])t. C. M. Moore, Bom. Est.
29 Aug. 85 Squadron Officer and .^.djutant, 11 March 90.
25 Aug. 86 Squadron Officer, ii March 90.—Furlough.
10 Ma.y 33 Squadron Officer, 11 March 90.
9 June 83 Squadron Officer, 26 Oct. 91.
21 Nov. 88 Officiating Squadron Officer.
19 Mar. go Officiating Squadron Officer.
23 Jul.y 90 Officiating Stpiadron Officer.
25 Sept.90 Officiating S(iuadron Officer.
I Mar. 90 Officiating Squadron Officer.
4 June 90 Officiating Squadron Olttcer.
In medical charge, 13 Nov. 88.—Furlough.
In medical charge, 20 Sept.
Offlciatingin medical charge, and Goonah Political Agency.
Officiating in Medical Charge.
Jistabliihment of each Regiment.—4 S(iuadron Commanders ; 4 Squadron Officers; i Medical Ofllcor ; 4 Risaldara ;
4Biaaidars; i Wordie Major; 8Jamadar3; 8 Kote Dafedars; 56Dafedar3; 8 Trumpeters; 536 Sowars.

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