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Swainson, Edward Aug. S32
Swan, Chas. Tarrant ... 293
^ Francis B.L 16
— Fras. Laidley 275
— Frederick George ... 713
— Graves Chamnev .... 744
— Wm. Travers, JlfB.... 384
Swann, Harington 244
— John Christopher ... 5ii
Swanson, Donald 371
— Donald 699
— Frank Harrison 277
— JohnGeo. Ralph 27
Swanstoii, Chas. Oliver 333
— Nowell 24, 482
— Nowell Sherson 487
— William Oliver 611
Swanton, James H 401
Swayne, Cha. Henry ... 380
— Edward Hopton 252
— Eric John Eagles 428
— Harald George 0 212
— Jas. Dowell 61
Sweeney, Jas. Field 61
Sweeny, Terence H. ... 455
Sweetnian, Michael J... 254
— Michael Jas. Joseph 273
Sweny, George Aug. ... 540
— John Alfred 61, 400
Swete, Charles D.... 56, 416
— John Beaumont 625
— John Crawford 4B7
Swetenham.Edmond 38,114
— Robert Alexnnder 57, 418
Swettenham,Geo.Kilner 333
— T. E 611
— W. K.,MD 720
Swift, Benjamin,3/Z).... 720
Swit'te, Joshua W.... 39, 483
Swinburne, John D. M. 456
•—JohnDennis 714
— Paul 629
— Thomas Robert
Swindle.y, Jno. Edw. ... 6ti
Swiney, Alex. John Hy. 213
— Ernest R. Rainier ... 275
— George 611
— George Clayton 33
— George Waller B 424
— John 21
— John 21, 4;
Swinfen, Fred. Hay 744
Swinhoe, Charles ... 34, 514
— Frederick William ... 599
Swinley, George 36, 178
Swinnerton, liev. Chas. 457
Swinton, Anson 32, 177
■—Arthur 58, 178
— George 618
— George Herbert T. ... 255
— George Sitweli C 317
— John James 77, 169
— Robert Bruce 29^
— Robert Randall 427
Swiny, W. Molj'nenx S
Swire, Henry 348,374
Sykes, Cam 751
— Harold Platt 137
— Herbert Scholfield ... 262
— Joseph 455
— Walter Harry 209
— Seo. William, MA. ... 396
— William Aiiiloy,Z>SO. 456
Sylvester, (feo Holden
Synge, Robert P. M.
F. M 317, 374
— Wm. Makepeace T... 173
Szczepanski,H.C.A. 39,414
Taaffe,Christopher R.... 373
Tabb, Hen. Harpur 625
Tabor, John Minnitt 68, 167
Tabuteau, Ant. Olivier
— Thomas Rooke... 39,
Tagart. Francis Dale...
Tailby, Thos. M. Jones
Tait, John Sprot 540
Talbot, Adelbert Cecil,
CIE 78, 41
— Lord Edm. B 153
— Edw. Lister Kay 564
— Fitzroy Somerset ... 538
— Francis ArthB 287
— George JamesFrancis 17;
— Harry Lynch 398
— Henry Lynch 520
— John 347
— John 7.j8
— Johnstons 297
— Hon. Milo Geo. ... 78, 210
— Hon. ncg.A.J.CJS.36, 133
— Robert 611
— Thomas 539
Tallents, Philip Pra. ... 26
Tancock, Osborne K. ... 175
Tancred, Thos. Angus 175
Tandj', Edward Ord ... 453
— Henry Stratford...56, 516
Tanner, Albert 625
— Charles O. Oliphant 310
— Edward, CJ* 611
— Hen. C. Baskei-v... 29, 514
John Arthur, Z>.TO.... 211
— SirOrielViveash,A'CB.
— William 377
Ta,pp, Hammond Astley
77) 281
Jas. Hanson Wm 176
Wm. Heathccte 285
W. H 741
Tapsell. Josenh 115
Tardif, Fred."Peter 18
Taiieton, Edw. D 61
— Ernest 552
— James Hearn 546
Tarrant, Thos., 3fZ». ...377
Tarry, Geo. Golbourn
256, 367
Tarte, Bernard R. Kin-
neir 337
— Walter John 45
Taswell, Edward 61S
Tate, AlanE 384
Chas. Wm. Henrv ... 369
— George Scott, Mb.... 3S5
Henry Carr 578
Henry Pennell...367, 401
— HughBoddam 423
Tathani, Arthur G 398
Chas. John Willmer 385
— Oswald Fordham 360
Walter John 6
Tattorsall, John C. de V. 137
Tatum, Henry, CS 718
Taverner, Edm. Ij. ... 6
Tawke, Arthur C... 75, 276
Taylor, Ernest Fredk.... 2i2|Templetown, George F.
— Francis Healel 287J P'itc. GCB .... 134, 57S
Franklin Chambers 625 Tench, Donald]Wm 748
— Fred. Edw. V.
— Fred. F. Wilder ...61, 348
— Frederick Henry 550
— Fred. Norman Innes 372
— George Goodwin 556
— George Kepple 611
— Sev. Geo. Ledwell,
^^ 457
— George Lee Le M. ... 57
— George Philip Du Plat 230
— George William 251
— George William 699
— Harcourt Ernest 293
— Haydou d'A. P 272
— Henry , 369
— Henry Clarence G.... 172
— Henry Duncan 6r i
— Herbert Wodehouse.. i''6
— Hugh Neufville 48S
— James 751
— James Best 38, 483
— James Matthew 558
— Heu. Jo]in^ MA 457
— John Bladen M 355
— John Edmund 369
— Key. John Henry 457
— John Robert, CJ}. ... 719
John Shawe 264
Tenison, William 309
Tennant, Chas. Richd.. 751
— Claude Cambridge... 487
— Henrv Lancelot 175
— Jas. Francis, C/£. ... 585
— John Trenchard 751
— Thomas B. Everest 22, 481
Tennyson, Julius 352
Ternan, Aug. Henry 5, 410
— Alex. Gore B 423
— Henry BrcfTuey 517
— Richard R. B 373
— Trevor Patrick B. ... 309
Terry, Arthur Frederick 558
— Astlej'Fellowes 538
— Astley Herbert 305
— Frederic Stephen 541
— Herbert Durell 556
— Horace Aug 2S7
— Wadhani Sales 555
— William Gordon 173
— William Parker 751
Tetley, Arthur Joshua... 55S
Teiilon, George 744
— Thomas 748
Teversham, R.K.,I>50. 486
Tew, Cyril Blackburne 748
— Leonard G.Clough... 334jTeynham, G.K.R.,Lord 695
— Lewis Williams ...58, i78|ThacIver, Henry Joseph 242
— Markham Le Fer 5371—John 611
— Montagu B. W. ...61, 359 — Robert Christy 385
Syme, P. Macfarlane .
Symes, Glascott Hardy,
383{Tawney, Edw. P. A. ... 172
^ Hen. T., jTfD 725iTayler, John Charles 24, 181
Sym, John Munro ...31, 415'—Robert Frederick 629
~ "' " 706!Taylor, Addington 618
— Alb. FitzWilliam 54, 416
386 — Sir Alex. KCB 599
— Wm. Alexander 544 — Alexander William ... 236
Symonds, Charles W. — Jieo. AlfredChas.i?.!. 506
Herbert 308 — Arthur 625
— D'Arcy 158'—Arthur Henry 538
— Sei.'. George D. B>1... 457 — Arthur Wni. Neuf-
— George Davey 175' villo 234
— Guy Henry 258 — Cecil Salusbury 176
— Thomas J 39S — Chas. William 611
Syraons, Henry George 625 — Chas. Wm. Joseph ... 372
— Herbert Charles...60, 295 — Cyril 77, 275
— Mowbray 174
— Nathaniel R 366
— Neville Cracroft 253
— Oswald A. Aldersey 277
— Pierce Thos. Hen.... 618
— Philip Beauchamp ... 173
— Reynell Hamilton B. !
69, 370
— Sir R. C. Hayes, XCB.
325. 580
— Robert Alex 539
Robert Eyre S 425
Robert Francis 503
— St. John LuisH.duP. 175
— St.JohnStewardson... 629
— Jf(?i>. Samuel B., MA. 457
— Thomas 618
— William 751
William 743
Thackeray, Charles 625
— B. Talbot, CB 30, 218
— Fred. Rennell 171
— George Gilbert J. ... 554
— Martin 282
— Thomas M. Gerard ... 271
Tha.ckwell, C. G. R 42s
— Edwin 555
— Euw. Loftus R....243, 374
— Joseph B 581
— Osbert Montague R. 212
-Wm.deWiltonR.,Ci<. 537
— William Henry 281
— William Poison 555
Thatcher, Harold Wm. 693
— ,Iohn Prod. Ohas 51S
— Torin 611
— William 625!Thellusson, Alex. Dalton 748
— William,IfD 378—Arthur ,Tolm Bethell 751
William H. F 771'-Arthur W. Wm. Aug. 269
William Richard 713 TheUvall.Eubule Daysh. 625
— William Rowland ... 172!—JohnBulkelej', C-B. ... 611
William AVestern 540!-William Walter 712
— AVilliam Wilkinson ... 402 Theobald, Arthur 550
.William VV^Uoaghby 424 — Charles Percy 625
Tavlour, XoriJ JohnH.... 6ii(- Cotton Edwin 625
Teale, Edward J. J 276'- Frederick;Cambridge =93
Tcbbitt, Wm. A 3iijThesiger, Hon. C. W 7
Teck. H.H. tht Duke of, jThiele, Chas. W., MB... 383
GCB 24i—Herman, 3/jS 385
Teed, Thomas 67, 516 Thistlethwayte, A. R. W. 542
Teesdale, SiT Christoph. |—Arthur H 229
C.CB.KCM&. 1, 10,164;—Evelyn William 305
Teevan, George James.. 751 — Thomas George 172
— Rourke 699.Thomas, Arthur C. H.... 291
— Thomas 720, — Arthur Havilland275, 367
Telfer, Cha. Edw. D. ... 273I—Ascanius W. N. 162
— George Home 713'—Berkeley Hardinge... 273
— James Drummond ... 693 — Cecil Strangward ... 401
John W. Goddard ... 552 — Charles Frederick ... 451
Tempest, Arth. Cecil ... 751 — David Brodie 264
— Samuel William 288 — E. C us
Thos. Rich. Plumbe 744'—Edgar Hastings ...36, 483
Temple,Chas.P.,Z>S0.55, 293 — Edward Algernon D. 273
— Edward 36, 414!-Evan Aubrey 546
— Grenville Edwyu 289'— Francis Henry 452
— Henry M 4211—F. Herbert Sullivan 48S
— John 170!—Francis Wm 8,397
John Alexander...55, 416.—Fred. Louis Charles 275
— Richard Carnac 420!—Fred. Wm 309
VeredoLone 161I—GeorgeEdward 611
William, JlfU 377'—George TrevorHarley 384
Templeman, Alfred 6111—George Tucker.^ 505
— Jelinger Henry 629 — DomviUe Mascio 49, 2711'Templer, Charles B. ... 426] - A'ir Godfrey V. S*. ... 171
— John T. M., MD 377 — Douglas James Orr 519!— Frederick Napier 398 — Henry Deering 555
— Thomas Cornelius ... 214 — Duncan Norton- 6is}—Henry 425!—Hy. E. Pateshall 59,Jaj4
— WiUiam Penn ... 39, 267 — Edward 395 — James Lethbridge B. 551 -Henry John 748
Syms, Edwin Albert ... 401 — Edward H. Clough... 550I—JohnGeo. E 317
Synge, Fra. Robt. M.... 284 — Edward Richard 230'—John Pope 246
— George Charles 748 — Edward Tliornton ... 264 Temnleton, James 246
— MilUugton Henrj- ... 744 — Ernest Edmund 423 — Robert, JIX* 720
— Henry Roliert Dacres 517
— Hubert St. George ... 279
— James Byers 504
— Jno. W., CB 533.583

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