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Army Fcuj Departme^it.
liieut. Dorsetshire Regiment
Captain AViirwick Regiment..
Captain Royal Fusiliers
Captain Warwick Regiment
A. P. D.
1 Paymasters—continued
I {iciih the lion, rank of Captain).
'Broughton, William Barnard ...'22 May 66 31 Oct. 83'3 Huss!ir.>=.
Harward, Henry Blake 14 Ju'3' 69 12 Nov. 83 Warwickshire Regt. (6 Foot)
I'hiickwell, Edw. liOttus Roche, 9 Aug. 73 16 Nov. 83I5 Lancers
Meredith, Richard'" 9 May 65 ' "'
Maiorh.p.ShropshireLt.Tnf. [ iSmythe, Ingoldsby Wm.Thos j
•' *^ C Somerset'" i
Captain W. Surrey Regiment pinckney, Geoffry Francis
^Beardmore, Charles F. H.'" _ ..
Captain Devonshire Regiment j^gtiey, Spencer Byng 16 Oct. 63
2 May 67
12 Nov. 73
•28 Sept. 77
Major 2 Dragoon Guards Ashburner. Francis James
Captain Imiiskilling FusiliersJTunnard, Henry Stopford ...
Captain W. Siding Regiment iRivett-Cnrnac, Percy T
Captain Dorsetshire Regiment conran, Edward Watson
Captain K. Lancashire Regt...iirwin, .Tohn Frederick'"
Captain York Regiment , Simonet, John Francis
Captain i W. I. Regiment O'Brien, Percy
Captain Gloucestershire Regt. pjikington, John Edward M.
Captain Yorkshire Regiment iHerapath, Edwin Loud
Captain 18 Hussars iGillon, Henry
Captain Gloucester Regiment;Parkinson, Reginald J. B. ...
Captain Border Regiment ^Andrews, Robert AVilliams ...
Captain 12 Lancers Montagu, Philip'"
Captain 20 Hussars Weston, Thomas Barnes
Major h.p. 7 Dragoon Guards Becher, Cecil Leycester'^s
Captain Leicester Regiment... Hyslop, Maxwell Robertson'^<
Major h.p. Leicester Regiment
Major 19 Hussars
Captain Essex Regiment
Lieut. Argyll & S. Highlanders
Captain South YorkshireRegt.
Captain B. Surrey Regiment
Captain W. Kent Regiment...
Captain Royal Scots
Lieut. Bedfordshire Regiment
Captain t West India Regt....
Captain Berkshire Regiment
Cftpt. South Wales Borderers
Capt. Somerset Lt. Infantry.
Capt. 1 West India Regiment
Capt. Cameron Highlanders
Captain Wiltshire Regiment
Captain Scottish Ritles
Capt. 2 West India Regiment
Major N. Staffordshiie Regt.
Captain Inniskilling Fusiliers
Captain Wiltshire Regiment
Captain Scots Fusiliers
Captain E. Lancashire Regt.
Captain Gloucestershire Regt.
Captain NorthumberlandFus.
Captain West Riding Regt....
Captain Wiltshire Regiment
Captain Suffolk Regiment ..
Captain Scottish RiHos
Captain Yorkshire Lt. Inf
Captain Scots Fusiliers
Lieut. Highland Lt. Infantrj'
Lieut. East Yorkshire Regt....
Captain W. Surrey Regiment
Capt. Gloucestershire Regt...
Capt. Y'orkii Lancaster Regt.
Captain Manchester Regiment
Major 3Hussars
Major 2 West India Regt
Capt. York & Lancaster Regt.
Major East Lancashire Regt...
Captain Norfolk Regiment ...
Ca]it. West Surrey Regiment
Captain Hampshire Regt
Captain i West India Regt....
Captain Cheshire Regiment.
laeut. Dublin Fusiliers
Captain Munster Fusiliers ...
Captain 3 Hussars ...
Capt. York & Lancaster Rogt,
Cantain Munster Fusiliers
9 Aijr,
28 Feb. 74;
3 July 73
21 Aug. 69
8 Jan. 68
21 Feb. 70
29 July 76
11 Sept.76
13 Nov. 76
6 Sept.76
29 Nov. 76
6 July 70
12 Nov. 73
23 Apr. 73
17 Sept.66
11 Sept.76
21 July 64
25 Apr. 68
28 Oct. 76
28 Feb. 76
I Aug. 77
30 Dec. 71
21 Sept.75
12 Feb. 76
Brock, Matthew William
Smith, Clement""
Ellis, George Richard
Collings, Godfrey Disney'*".
Amedroz, Louis Edmund ....
Newington, Cecil G. H
Arnold, Fred. A. Montagu"*
Broadley, Hamilton William
Lightfoot, John Stanley 29 Nov. 76
Thwaites. Henry James ,12 Aug. 7
Paunce, Granville De la M."'" ...129 Nov. 76
.Moore, George Kenrick'^' ' 5 Sept.7
Smith, Charles Herbert lioXov. 69
.Murray, Wm. Arthur Joyce 128 Oct. 71
Chapman, Frederick Sto'vin'"^...' 2 May 68
VlacMullen, Francis Richard ...:is Aug. 77
Low, Peter ,27 Mar. 73
Minchiu, Wdliam Cyril 112 May 76
Paterson, Gerald James |23 Aug.64
Gibbings, Henry Cornwall C.'5=i2i Feb. 75
Clarke, Charles Edw. Lane
Duckett, William Morton'^
.\Iorrice, John Geo. Selby
Trotman, William Mends Forte
Money, Chas. Gilbert Colvin ...
Trench, Stewart John
Hobbs, Herbert Thos. de C
Leslie, Alex. Maurice'"*
Sheehan,Patrick E. Campbell'^
Hunt, Villiers Edward
Crozier, Burrard Rawson
Midwood, Harrison""'
Nettleship, Arthur John""
idams, Arthur John
Coghlan, James Dutf'"'
Lowrj', James'"'-'
Utermarck, Reginald John G.'"*
Pockham, Thos. Hopwood
Dale, Charles Lawford
Nug(?e, Andrew Richards
Stoyte, John'"
Eyre, Hastings Augustus
Rusbridger, Stewart Holcombe
Gompertz, Alfred C. Maxwell
Marshall, J. Willoughby Astley
Gardner, Alex. G. Hamilton ..
Swire, Henry
Bryan, George Chas. Newton ..
Smith, A. A. W. B. Bright
Ditmas, Leonard Philip
10 Sept.75
24 Sept.71
3 Feb. 74
13 June 68
29 May 72
8 Dec. 75
11 Feb. 75
30 Nov. 76
5 June 76
30 Nov. 76
12 Dec. 68
II Sept.76
8 Dec. 77
-!o Nov. 75
23 Sept.71
8 Dec. 77
24 June 76
17 Nov. 60
II Feb. 76
28 Oct. 77
29 Sept.65
29 Sept. 77
20 Nov. 75
30 Jan. 78
30 Nov. 77
26 July 76
I May 78
29 Nov. 76
30 Nov. 78
28 Oct. 77
18 Dec. 66
29 Nov. 76
25 May 78
25 May 78
21 Sept.74
28 Nov. S3 Bedfordshire Regt. (16 Foot).
II Feb. 84 King's Royal Rifles {60 Foot).
20 Feb. 84 NorthamptonshireRegt.fsSF).
1 Apr. 84 Highland Light Inf. (71 F.).
5 Apr. 84 Norfolk Regt. (lo Fojt).
10 Apr. 84 2 Dragoons.
26 Apr. 84 N. Lancashire Regt. (3i F.).
29 Apr. 84
30 Apr. 84 Connnught Rangers (88 F.).
1 May 84 East Lancashire Regt. (59F.).
16 May 84 Gibraltar.
20 May 84 2 West India Regiment.
23 May 84 W. Yorkshire Regt. (14 F.).
24 May 84 Welsh Regiment (69 F.).
26 May 84 13 Hussars.
30 May 84 King's Own Scot. Bor<lerers.
5 June 84 Border Regiment (35 Foot).
11 June 84 Cavalry Depot, Canterbury.
15 July 84 20 Hussars.
18 July 84 Dublin.
31 Julj' 84 Leicestershire Regiment.
9 Aug. 84 Argyll Highlanders (93Foot).
11 Aug. 84 Seai'orth Highlanders (72F.).
12 Aug. 84 Middlesex Regiment 77 F.).
13 Aug. 84 Argyll Highlander.-, (gi Foot).
18 Aug. 84 Yorkshire Lt. Inf. (105 F.).
21 Aug. 84 Dukeof Cornwall'sLt.I.UfiF.).
2 Sept.84 Bedfordshire Regt. (16 Foot).
2 Sept.84 Royal Scots (i Foot).
4 Sept. 84 5 Dragoon Guards.
6 Sept. 84
Berkshire Regiment (66 F.).
Inniskilling Fusiliers {27 F.).
Somerset Lt. Infantry (13 F.).
Rifle Brigade.
E. Surrey Regiment [70 F.).
Lancaster Regiment (4 Foot).
Oxford Light Infantry (52 F.).
Somerset Light Inf. (13 F.).
Berkshire Regiment (49 F.).
Devonshire Regiment.
Rifle Brigade.
Gordon Highlanders (92 F.).
Northumberland Fus. (5 F.;.
W. Riding Regt. (76 Foot).
Lcinster Regiment (109 F.).
Scottish Ritles (90 Foot).
Leiiisicr Regiment (100 Foot).
Scots Fusiliers.
W. Yorkshire Regt. (14 F.).
Wiltshire Regiment (62 F.).
Gloucester Regiment (28 F.).
York & Lane. Regt. (84 Foot).
Lancaster Begiment (4 Foot).
York & Lane. Reg;. (64 Foot).
29 June 78
15 Sept.84
3 Oct. 84
13 Oct.
16 Oct.
16 Oct.
17 Oct.
20 Oct.
20 Oct.
22 Oct.
8 Nov.
II Nov
18 Nov. 84
26 Nov. 84
17 Jan. 85
19 Jan. 85
2fi Jan. 85
26 Jan. 85
20 Feb. 85
23 Feb. 85
24 Feb. 8s
2 Mar. 85
9 Mar.
9 Mar. 85
21 Mar.
26 Mar.
26 Mar. 85
I Apr. 85
18 Apr. 85
28 Apr. 85
I May 85
5 May 85
13 May 85
22 May 85
I June 85
5 June 8
6 .Tune 8
4 July 85
15 .Tuly 8
17 July 8
29 Aug. 85
7 Sept. 85
9 Sept.8s
26 Sept.Ss
28 Sept.8s
17 Nov. 85
28 Nov,
79 May 80
I June 86
28 June 86
.iLiptrott, John's*
Captain Irish Rifles. | Graves, Robert Stannus
Captain E. Yorkshire Regt... I Cunningham, Patrick Joseph.
Captain Durham Lt.InfantrylMaunsell, John Drought
Capt.DukeofCorn-waH'sLt.Iii.]Garden, Henry Westenra'""..,.
Captain Sussex Regiment ...JDuberly, George iio Sept.76
Ma.jor 2 West India Regiment,'Foster, Sj'dney Francis i 9 Aug. 73
Major Gordon Highlanders ...| Cavenagh, Orfeur James'"' .. i'27Nov.67
Captain S. Wales Borderers I Worlledge, Alfred Cranworth'"
Captain Somerset Lt. Inf. ...JHillas, Robert Wm. Goodwin'"^
Lieut.Lancashire Fusiliers...'Feilden, Herbert Ramsay
Lieut. S.Wales Borderers ...Burnett, Joi<e;)h John'"
Major Manchester Regiment Gronow, William Lettsom'" ...
Captain Berkshire Regiment Gordon, Charles Evans'""
CaptaiE Suffolk Regiment ...Lindop, Alfred Henry'^'
Captain Cheshire Regiment... Stubbs, Arthur Gco. Bushby""
Lieut. Highland Lt. Infantry Synge, Robt. Follett M. F. M.'"
Captain E. Lancashire Regt. Ha^-nes, Carleton'" (lii May 78
Uniform, Blue. Facingu, Yellow Velvet.
Agents for Fuyment of Officert of Army Fay Department at Some Stations—'^IcssTS. Cox & Co.
4 Sept. 78' 30 June
25 Sept. 78 ' '
9 July 79
14 Aug. 67
13 June 75
2 Feb. 78
10 Sept. 75
15 Aug. 77
5 Ji'b'
9 July 86
29 July 86
16 Aug. 86
I Sept. 86
12 Oct. 86
9 Nov. 86
24 Dec. £6
West Kent Regiment (97 F.).
Hampshire Regiment (37 F.).
Derbj-shire Regt. (45 I'oot).
SuflTolk Regiment (12 Foot).
Dublin Fusiliers (103 F.).
Munster Fusiliers (101 Foot).
10 Hussars.
South Stafford Regt. (80F.).
Munster Fusiliers (104 Foot).
Worcester Regt. (36 Foot).
RiHe Brigade.
Worcester Begt. (29 Foot).
Warwick Regiment (6 Foot).
Dorset Regiment (54 Foot).
I Dragoons.
South Wales Borderers ^24 F.).
Liverpool Regiment (3 Foot).
Lancashire Fusiliers (20 Foot).
Devon Regiment (11 Foot).
Manchester Regt. (6j Foot).
7 Dragoon Guards.
Cheshire Regiment (22 F.).
Northumberland Fusiliers,

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