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Horse Guards. J
Coast Brigade of Artillery.
1 '^
• •<
! 9
7 .Tune 78
28 Oct. 80
17 Doc. 81
10 June 82
t6 Sept. 82
16 Nov. 82
13 Mar. 83J
T 2 Ma.y 84 j
26 Apr. 85 j
19 Sept.85!
TO Jan. 86i
Majors. I
• Jumes Ritchie, SftiffOffic-er ! i Apr. 72
Michael Tracy .' 10 Mar. 75
I Robert Samuel Sutherland' '10 Mar. 75
I Thomas Mills Richey< (Qr.Maefer 1 Apr. 76)
.Bolden Dtindtut Poi-tei-Jiehl, Adjutant i Cumberland\
I ArtUlerii Volnnteerx J
I William i)uvall !'.!'"...
Joseph M'Caffery ] ]
Henry Maples ..'!.!.!!!!!*..!.!!!!!!
Joseph Porter !!..!!".!.'"]!...'!
Frederick Gunning Pownall ..........'!."...'!!!'!!"!^!
Alexunder John LiiuUaij, Adjutant Ti/nemoufh\
Ar/illery Volunteer) J
John Ewnrt, Adjntunt i Banff Ai-iilie'n/rolitnieers
Frederick Peter Tardif '. ^7 Apr. 78 15 .rulv
, tfpo/y/e .%r,-n«/ M.irali, Adj. 1 LaiiarkAliire Ai-t.Voh... 26 Sane ji.zo AuiV.
Edu-aid Fountain '. ly Apr. 79^20 Aug.
LlliL'TENA.Vr.'j. j
Edward lii.xoii' 24 irar. «"'
Edward Aldridge* :i4 Apr.
Witjiiim Abbott IVatUnx, Adjutant ilnoernef'sArt. )
t olanteen, with rank of Captain j
James Logic
George Webster !!....!.!!!!"!"..!!!".'.!!
Alexander Richard Penfoid .............'.'...!!...'.' 17 ."
Edward Dawson ......'."...■..
Henrij WaUam Albert Colling.^'^'Adjiit'auT'sLan.^'
cathire Artillery Volunteers, with rank of Captain S
Eichurd ISailei/, Adjutant i 0,-ki,pij Artillery )
25 Aug. 77
23 Aug. 77
25 Aug. 77
24 Nov. 77
24 Nov. 77
24 Nov. 77
24 Nov. 77
24 Nov. 77
17 Apr. 78, [5 July 8b;
26 Apr. 85
I Apr. 87
I Apr 87
31 Dec. 81
9 Sept. 82
9 Sept. 82
4 Oct. 82
12 May 8j
20 June 83;
ey, ^ajutant 1 Urkuei/ Artillery 1 y , „,' '" uaptain (Jollins serve:!
viith rank of Captain S\ ' •' ^.Jowaki Afreodee E.'cpedition
Henry liowman'i 77!!!.'!7.r.7"...! 2 July 84'(Mcdal with Clasp).
\\alter 0.sborne !i8 Mar. 85 Afghan war of 1878-79,
. Arthur Bruce Chamber!in
. iWilliarn Phillips
. lEdward Turner '.
. liiohard Price, Adjutant i 'i{enfreKandDumiarton\
\ Artillery I olunteers, with rank of Captain j
. ,Henry Orchard ' ._
.William Pickup \ 7 Ap
• William Henry Popp]estou'e.'.!77 .'""."."".'.'.' 14 Apr
.Robert James M'Cracken... . '
jJohu Henry China .'..
jGeorge Arthur Cecil Digby winiraold
iJohn RussoU
Captain Collins served with tho
Served in ther
and was present
7 Nov. 85
7 Nov. 85
8 May
TO June85 at the attack and capture of Ali Musjid
19 Sept.85 (Medal with Clasp).
19 Sept.85J " Lieut. Bowman served in the
Egyptian war of 1S82. and was present
at the battio of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned
in despatches, Modal with Clasp, and
Khedive's Star).
'^ Lieut. Laird served in the Egyptian
war in 1882, and was present in the action
i4Aug. 86[at Kassasin on the 9th September —
14 Aug. 86 severely wounded (mentioned in des-
„ , , 8 Sept.86'patuhes, Medal, and Khedive's StarV
Robert Montgomery Lairdi2 20 July 87!
Major Sutherland served throughout the Crimean campaign ot 1854-55, and was present at the affairs of Bul-
p.^°^<=,^";\*l,'^enzie's Farm, battles of KXnv.i and Inkerman, capture of Ualnklava. siege and fall of Sebastopol
UVieaal with three Clasps, and Turkish Medal). Served the campaign of 1860 in China, including the storminfr
the t^k^ '' Tk 1 1 ■'!f" ^"'''■*' (^^<"'^^ ""'th Clasp). Also in the operations against the Tacping rebels, including
* Captain Richey served in the second phase of the Ashanti war in 1874 (Modal)
■Kf.'i^' . tJ'"' served in the Eastern campaign in 1854-55, and
M Kenzie s Farm, at the battles of the Alma, Balak.ava,
Sebastopol (Medal with four Clasps, and Turkish Medal).
„.:fi'ni ■ "if?,*^ served in the Eastern campaign in 1854-56, and was present at the siege of Sebastopol (Medal
with Clasp, and iurkish Medal). Served in the Indian Mutiny campaign in 1858 (Medal).
was i5resent at the affairs at Bulganac and
Inkerman, and Tchern.aja., and at the siege of
Royal Malta Fencible Artillery.
The Ro.yal Cypher and a Maltese Cross. " Egypt, i8i
Li.CoLONELS.—'Augustinus Paulus Michael Ale.xius Aloysius Portclli,' C'J/G., i
Commanding the Regiment, t6 Apr. 84.
'Frederick Gatt, 10 Nov. 85.
Joseph Speranza, 10 Nov. 85. ; 'John Rutter, 10 Nov. 8=
Paolo Bernard, to Nov. 85. ! 'Edmund Rizzo, to Nov
Nov. 82 {Colonel, 18 Nov. 36)
•Alfred Sant-Fournier, 25 March 84.
•Richard Casaloni, i Apr. 84; Snperintendeut
of Police, Malta.
•Antonio Gatt {Adjutant 15 May 84), 16 Apr. 84
•Alfred Cavarra,-'' 15 Kay 84.
•Alexander Mattel,' 15 Nov. 84.
•Charles Trapani,^ 10 Nov. 85.
*Alfred Trapani,^ 10 Nov. 85.
Alfred Vella.s 16 May 83.
WilUain Savona, 14 Ja-n. 8 = .
George Dailas Knriquez, 14 Jan. 83
Edward Savona, 20 Oct. 85.
•Achilles F. P. M. J. A. F. X. Samut, i Sept. 80,
Ordnance Store Department.
•Achilles Baron Carbonaro, i Dec. 80.
*Rinaldo Briffa, 29 June 81.
Adjutant.—* Cajif a in Antonio Gatt, 15 May 84.
Quarter jT/rw/er.—'Carmolo Grech, 5'Marcii 84.
Medical Officer.—Surgeon Major •Lorenzo Manche-, ilfZ). 27 Feb. 75.
Blue—Facings Scarlet.
War Services.
3 PalSof.1 ^"'■'""' served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Brevet of Lt.OoIonel, CMG.,, and Khedive's Star).
J Captam Cavaira served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star)
oaptam Mattel served m the Egyptian war of 1882 (.Medal, and Khedive's Star),
and Khedive's Stw)*'^'^^'^''^'^ '" "^^ Egyptian war of 1882 with the Commissariat and Transport Stiff (Medal,
« Captain A Trap mi served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and K'lodive's Star).
Star j "^""^ °'^'^ ""^'*'"'''^'" "*'"'^^^ ^^ T.aasport Offi :jr (\fcdal wi'Ji Clasp, and Khedive'a

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