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William Terry.^tie de Camp
to the Gocernot of New
South IVales 9 Jan. 84
Richar.i Cecil Leigh, Aide
de Camp to the Gooernor
of New South Wales 17 Apr. 85
Edward Wm. Wallinffton... 4 July 85
Charles Kdward Terry 5 Aug. 85
late IJ. 49 F., Hon. Major 8 May 71
Qr. Master \ivith rank of Qr.
Mr. in the Arm^).—Nar-
boroiigh Roxley 26 June 83
Med. Of.—
White FaciuRa.
4Tn Battalioit.
{Formerly the Oxfordshire Militia.)
Head Quarters, Oxford.
*' Mediterranean."
Lt.Colonel Commandant.
Son.Alg.S. Arth. Annesley,
late Lt. 16 Lancers, p.s.
Hon. Colonel 22 May 72
■Charles Rivers Bulkeley,
Hon. Lt.Colonel 9 May 74
Arthur Bott Cook 16 Dec. 85
Harold Arthur Dillon, late
Lieut. Rifle Br., y.s. Hon.
Major 18 May 74
Frank Willan 23 June 75
Warner J. L. Heriot 26 May 77
George J. E. Dashwood, late
Lt. and Capt. Scots Gds. ...31 May 80
Hichard M. Pulteney, late
C<i2)t.s2 F. 10 May 82
Chas. H. B. Williams 26 Jan. 84
John Wm. Davis 25 Mar. 85
Henry F. D. Thompson ...20 Jan. 77
Jlon. J. C. Boscawen 19 July 79
Hugh C. Fortescue 19 July 79
Thomas T. C. Warner 3c May 81
Walter T. Coleman, Inst. of
Musketry i July 81
John Williams i July 81
Arthur Sydney E. Annesley 3 May 84
Hercules A. Temple Robin-
sou 25 Feb. 85
John H. Upton-Cottrell-
Dormer 14 Mar. 85
Herbert Merton Jessel 30 Mar. 85
Julian Dallas T. T^mdale-
Biscoe ?8 May 85
Geo. Chas. Wentworth Fitz
William 28 Nov. 85
Adjt. ^ Capt.—Henry Atkin¬
son Adair,' late Ca2>t. 52
F. Hon. Major 15 May 85
Qr.Master {with rank of Qr.
Mr. in the Army).—John
Griffiths 26 Mar. 84
Med. Off. —
White Facings.
The Essex EegimeLt.
3RD Battalion.
( Formerly the Fssex Ri/les.)
Head Quarters, Warley.
HoNOBAEY Colonel.
Lt.Colonel Commandant.
Edgar John Disney,X)i.JP.
late Capt. -j F.; Hon.Col. 1 May 82
Wm. James Newton,' late
Capt. 3 F.,Hon.Ll.Coloneli2 Sept.79
Francis Edward Brace, late
Lt. -^ F.,p.s 26 May 82
Militia Infantry.
Joseph Edward Savill, late
Lt. 34 F., Hon. Major 14 Nov.
Tysseu Sowley Holroyd,^
late Capt. 23 F., Hon.Mai. 10 Mar.
Geo. B. C.Lyons, j).« i June
Robert Burrowes Jjeslie,
Capt. ret. pay Essex Hegt. 5 .Tuly
Charles Caddell 16 Mar.
Henry C. Masterman 24 Mar.
John Charles Ambrose, late
Lt. 13 Foot 22 Aug.
Arthur Sidney Vesey,* Cap¬
tain ret. pay Norfolk Sefft.26 Mar.
Arthur J. Galsworthy 1 July
Arthur S. FilzGeraUi i July
John Herbert Greeuhalgh 15 July
Russell Loscombe Stable ... 9 Feb.
Edward S. FitzGerald 30 Apr.
Wm.CoesveltM. Kortright 12 July
Wm. Herbert Williamson 20 Sept.
Villiers St. Clair Morton ...28 Feb.
Edric WalcottVredenburg 10 Mar.
Daelman Francis Gade 22 Aug.
Ad/t. if-Capt.—p.s.c. Edward
Nash, Major Essex Ser/t,
{56 F.) .'...12 Nov.
Qr. Master {with rank of Qr. the Army).—Samuel
Cousins,^ J/on. Captain... 3 July
White Facings.
4TH Battalion.
{Formerly the West Essex Militia)
Head Quarters, Warley.
Lt.Colonel Commandant.
Samuel B. Ruggle.s Brise,
CB., DL. JF. late of
I Dr. Gds.; Hon. Coloneli^ Mar. 82
Brooke Plemyng Gyll 15 Mar, 82
Fred. Smart Walker, p.».... 6 June 85
Alfred Tiifnell Robson, lute
Lt.g2 F.; Inst. of Musketry^
Hon. Major 28 Aug. 75
Fred. Carn Rasch, DL. late
Lt. 6 Dr. Gds 27 June 77
Edw. Charles Bond 6 Oct. 80
Geo. P.Townsend 27 July 81
Evelyn John Fanshawe ...19 Nov. 81
Richard Beale Colvin" 14 Mar. 83
James Hiscutt Grossman...!i May 85
Edw. Aug. Murray Tufncll 6 June 83
Algernon A. Learmonth... i July 81
John Sehvin Calverley ...11 Feb. 82
Cecil Hodgson Oolvin* 7 Feb. 83
Lionel Chas. Goatling Tuf-
nell 24 Nov. 83
Charles F. D, Sperling 15 Dec. 83
Harry Ernest White 27 Feb. 84
Augustus Spry H()rwood...ii Apr. 84
Francis Evelyn C. Bald ... 7 Mar. 85
Rich. Geo. ArmiaeMarriott2i Mar. 85
Egerton John Glyn 21 May 85
Adjt.iCapt.—p.s.c. Thomas
Prickett,lf(//or EssexRegt.
(s(>F.) ; I July 83
Qr.Master {with rank of Qr.
Mr. in the Army).—Henry
Hill Bray, late i Bn. Irish
Fusilirrs, Hon. Captain ... i Apr. 82
Medical Officer—
White Facings.
The Sherwood Foresters
(Derbyshire Regiment).
3HD Battalion.
{Formerly the ChatsicorlhRi/tesMilitia.)
Head Quarters, Derhy.
HoNORAEY Colonel,
S. C. Marq. of Hartington,
MP.DL 6 May 71
Lt.Colonel Commandant.
Lord Edw. Cavendish, MP.
JP, late of RijleBrigade... 9 Apr, 81
Albert Frer. Hurt,'p.». JP.
late of Royal Navy, Hon.
Lt.Colonel 29 Oct. 79
Joseph Hall Moore 11 May 81
Albert C. Hubbersty, JP.
Hon. Major 22 Feb. 72
Wm. de B. Jessopp, p.s. ... 1 Feb. 79
Hon. P. C. J. Poley, p.t. ... 5 May 79
Reginald Allgood Hall, late
Captain 53 F 26 Nov. 79
Wm. G. Turbutt,j).». JP....\i Apr. 80
Arthur G. Barnes 21 Dec. 81
Hon. G. T. C. A. Hastings... 3 May 82
Ernest L. S. Anne, Captain
ret. pay, Border Regt 7 Mar. S^
Edward Ranulph Leacroft i July Si
Lord Henry ('. Beiitinck ... i July 81
Edm. Anthony J. Maynardi? Aug. 81
George H. Taylor-White-
head 30 Jan. 84
Arthur Basil Markham 24 May 84
Lennox Bertram Lee 24 Dec. 84
Sir Robert Gresley, Bart....!■/ Jan. 85
Hugh de Crespigny Hunts¬
man 31 Jan. 85
Edw. Rowley Wilson Barker23 Feb. 85
Kenelm .lames Mills 21 Nov. 85
Adjf.^Capt.—W. B. Coney,
Captain i Battalion 17 Aug. 85
Qr. Master {with rank of Qr.
Mr. in the Army).—Wm.
Lynch, late Qr.Mr.gsf■■■■30 July 79
Med. Off.—W. A. Walker,
Surgeon 24 Apr. 71
White Facings.
4TH Battalion.
{Formerly the Nottingham, or Rojal
Sherwood Foresters.)
Head Quarters, Newark.
HoNOEABT Colonel.
Arthur S. H. Lowe, JP.;
Hon. Colonel 23 Mar. 71
John Thos. Fountain,p.*.... 5 May 75
Alf. Edw. L. Lowe,p.». Dec. 80
Harvey Charles Tryon, late
Lt. 4S F.Hon.Ma/or 7 Sept. 71
Arthur SteUe Crisp, late Lt.
6 F. p.s.; ILon. Major ... 7 Sept. 71
George Redmond Prior ... 30 Aug. 73
Hamilton John Wallace, late
Lt. 16 Lancers, Hon.Major -24 Feb. 75
Geo. E. Mackarness 26 Aug. 76
Arthur M. Outram, p.s. Inst.
of Musketry 9 June 77
John W. Kcyworth, late
Capt. 48 F. 27 May 78
Wm. Bradish,iu.» 21 May 79
John A. Winstanley 4 Feb. 80
George A. E. Wilkinson ... 3 May 84
Arthur W. H. Good 13 May 85
Edward BurdonBailej- i July 81
(ieorge Anthony Wcldou... 9 Jaii. 84
John Cheape Stewart 7 Ian. 83
Adjf. 4- Cu;)<.—N. L. Pearse,
Capt. Derbyshire Regt 10 Nov.
Qr. Master (with rank of Qr.
Mr. in the Army).—John
Birch I Apr. 78
3fei;.Ojf.—Thomas Fred.
Greenwood, Surg. Major z Mar. 73
White Facings,

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