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68o Lieid.Colonels Retired on Full or lietired Pay or on a Fension—War Services.
Canton river, the landing before, storm and capture of the city; accompanied the expedition to the North and
was at the attack on the forts at the Peiho on 25th June 1859; served also the campaign of j86o, including the
action of Sinho, taking cf Tongku, storm and capture of the North Taku Fort, and subsequent operations (iledal
witti three Clasps).
*" Lt.Colonel H. B. Forbes served at the siege of Mooltan in 1848-49 (Medal with Clasp).
8' Lt.Colonel H. V. Forbes served with the expeditions to the Baltic in 1854 and 1855 (iledal).
*2 Lt.Colonel J. F. Forbes was present at the suppression of the mutinj' at Aurungabad in June 1837, and sub¬
sequent relief of Mhow ; at the siege and capture of tlie fort of Dhar; in the actions in front of Mundesorc, battle
and subsequent capture of Gurraria (wounded), at the siege and storm of the fortresses of Ghandareo (wounded)
and Jhansi, battle of the Botwa, action at Koonch, the dififerent actions on the banks of the Jumua from the 15th
to 23rd May 1858, ending in the capture of Calpee ; the action of Mornr, actions at and near Kotah-ke-Serai,
and capture of Gwalior; and served in the operations against Maun Sing in the Padrone jungles (Medal with
'^ Lt.Colonel A. J. Ford served with the 35th Eegt. in Shahabad from July to Nov. 1858, and was present at the
affairs of Rampora-Perrara and Jumaon (Medal).
'^ Lt.Colonel C. W. Fothergill served with the expedition up the Gambia, including the storm and capture of the
strongly stockaded town of Saba on 21st February, and bombardment and destruction of the town of Porto Novo
near Lagos on 23th April 1861.
'^ Lt.Colonel Fynmore, previousl.y to entering the Royal Marines, served several years as Midshipman in the
Navy, and was at the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. Also at Buenos Ayres in 1807. In i8og-io he served in the Great
Belt in command of a gun-boat employed in the protection of our convoys, and was engaged with the ei\emy's gun and
row-boats. On the night of the ist of Aug. 1810 cut out three merchant vessels under a heavy tire of tiekl-pieces and
musketry. Six weeks detached from H.M.S. J'uM^yHarJ the same year, to intercept the communication between the
Port of Rostock and Wismar; assisted at the capture of a convoy of five sail, and drove on shore and destroyed an
armed row-boat. In 1816 he served at Algiers ; and in 1821, 22, and 23, in the West Indies, and was engaged with
piratical vessels on the coast of Cuba, five of which were captured (War Medal with two Clasps for Trafalgar and
8^ Lt.Colonel R. B. Gardner commanded the Royal Marines in the New Zealand war in 1863-64, including the
assault on the Gate Pah (mentioned in despatches for gallantry), and action of Te Ranga (Brevet of Major, and
'" Lt.Colonel M. G. Garsia served as an Assistant Engineer with a combined Naval and Military Force against the
Mahomedan Tribes on the Gambia, Western Africa, in Februai-y i8tii, and was present at the destruction of
several strongly stockaded towns; in the action at Saba he had a horse shot under him, and was afterwards
severely wounded (mentioned in despatches).
" Lt.Colonel Gibson served in the Indian campaign of 1858 in Rohilcund (Medal).
35 Lt.Colonel Gillespie served at the siege of Delhi from gth July until its capture on 20th Sept. 1857 (Medal with
Clasp). Commanded Heavy Battery with'Columns under Colonels Seaton and Gerard in 1837-58.
s'' Lt.Colonel H. M. Gilby served with a Detachment of the 8Bth Regiment in the operations at Cawnpore under
General Wiadham, and was severely wounded at the attack against the Gwalior Contingent on 26th Nov. 1857 (Medal).
^' Lt.Colonel H. H. Godwin-Austen served in the Burmese war in 1853 as Aide do Gamp to General Godwin
(Medal with Clasp for Pegu). Served on special duty with the loft Column of the Bhootan field force as Surveyor,
and was present at the storm and capture of the fort of Dalimkot and the stockade of Chamoorchi in December
1864 (Clasp).
"" Lt.Colonel L. A. M. Gra-me was present at the quelling of an insurrection in the lower yart of the Bassein river
in Jan. 1854 (Medal with Clasp for Pegu). Served in suppression of the Ij dian mutiny in Bengal in 1857-58, and
present with Havolock's Column in the actions of Mungarwar and Alumbagn, defence of the Alumbagh from astli
Sept. to Nov. 1857, roUef of Lucknovv by Lord Clyde, occupation of the Alumbagh under Outram, capture of Luck-
now, and campaign of 1858 in Oude (Medal with two Glasjis, and a year's service for Lucknow). Served in the
Abyssinian campaign in 1868 in command of a Division of the Transport Train (mentioned in despatches for the
" extent and value of his assistance," Brevet of Major, and Medal).
1"^ Lt.Colonel G. C. Gregory served throughout the Indian mutinies of 1857-39, and was present with the Meerut
Volunteer Horse during Aug. Sept. and Oct. 1857 in several minor affairs in the Meerut District. Present with
the ist Beloochces in Brigadier Wetherell's Force at the assault and capture of Ranipore-Kussia in Oude, in Lord
Clyde's Field Force in the Oude campaign in 1S58-59, including the occupation of Forts Amethee aud Shnnker-
pore, aflairs of Buxar Ghat, Forts Bujidia aud Mujidia, and the Raptee (Medal). Served with the 3rd Goorkhas m
the Bhootan campaign 1864-66 (wounded, Medal with Clasp). Served throughout the Afghan war of 1877-80 with
the force under Sir Donald Stewart, aud was present in the engagements at Ahmed Kheyl and Oorzoo near
Ghuznee (Medal with Clasp).
'™ Lt.Colonel Grindlay served the Punjaub campaign of 1S43-46, including the battles of GhillianwaDah (severely
wounded) and Goojerat (Medal with two Clasps). Served as Assistant Quarter Master General to Brigadier General
Nicholson's Movable Column at the defeat of the Sealkote mutineers on the banks of the Ravee, on the 12th and i6th
July 1857 (Brevet of ilajor), and was afterwards present at the siege and capture of Delhi (Medal with Clasp).
"" Lt.Colonel A. Grubb served throughout the Waikato and Tauranga campaigns during the New Zealand wars
of 1863-64, including the action of Gate Pah, and commanded the Artillery at the action of Te Eanga (mentioned
in despatches. Modal).
1™ Lt.Colonel ^V. Gully served throughout the suppression of the Indian mutiny, including the siege and capture
of Delhi, relief of Lucknow by Lord Clyde, defence of the Alumbagh under Outram, siege and capture of Lucknow,
capture of Galpec (Modal with three Clasps).
'"5 Lt.Colonel W. Handyside served throughout the Eastern campaign of 1834-55, and was present with the Royal
Artillery at the battles of Alma aud Balaklava, capture of Kertch and Yenikalc, siege and fall of Sebastopol. Was
Brigade Adjutant to the Land Transport Corps from July to Dec. 1855, aud Brigade Major from ist January to 30th
September 1856 (Medal with three Clasps, and Turkish Medal).
"» Lt.Colonel J. B. Hardy served in the Persian campaign of 1856-57 and was present on the mortar-raft through¬
out the bombardment and capture of ilohumra (Medal ^vith Clasp). Detached to Herat on a I'olitical Mission by Sir
James Outram during the Indian rebellion of 1837-58. Subsequently served with a Flying Column on the line of the
Taptee river in pursuit of Tautia Topee in Nov. and Dec. 1858. Served in the interior of Arabia in 1865-66 against
the Foodlee Arabs, and present at the skirmishes of Beer Said. Jowalla. and Ahmoodca, and at the destruction of
the Forts of Al Khor.
"1 Lt.Colonel R. T. Hare served throughout the suppression of the Indian mutiny, including the battle of
Budleekescrai (wounded), siege and capture of Delhi (mentioned in des])atches with especial approbation and thanks
for zeal and coolness in situations of great danger), actions of Bolundshur and Agra, relief of Lucknow by Lord
Clyde, defeat ofthe Gwalior Contingent at Cawnpore (mentioned in despatch), siege of Calpee—mentioned (Medal
with two Clasps).
"^ Lt.Colonel J. W. Haynes served throughout theAshanti war of 1873-74, including the engagements of the
27th October (slightly wounded) and 3rd November near Duuquah (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
"* Lt.Colonel J. Healey served in the 83rd Hegiinent in the Indian Campaign, and was present at the reduction
of the Fort of Arrah in Jan. 1858, at the siege of Kotah and its capture by assault, defeat of the Gwalior rebels at
Kotaria, surprise on and attack ofthe rebels at Seckur (Medal).
"5 Lt.Colonel G. E. Herne served the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the siege of Mooltan, attack of the
suburbs, storm of the city, and surrender of the fortress, also at the battle of Goojerat, surrender of the Sikh army
at Rawul Pindee, and pursuit of the Affghans to the Khyber i'ass (Medal with two Clasps).
"8 Lt.Colonel J. Hesketh served the Eastern campaign of 1854-53 in the Royal Artillery, including the affairs of
Bulganac and M'Kcnzie's Farm, battles ot Alma and Inkerman, sortie of 26th October, siege and fall of Sebastopol
(Medal with three CUisps, and Turkish Modal).
"'■' Lt. Colonel H. Hewett served with the R.M. Battalion in the operations against and surrender of the forts of
Bomarsund in Aug. 1854 (Medal). In 1855 ho served in charge of a mortar in the flotilla employed against Sebas¬
topol during the siege, and also at the bombardment and surrender of Kinbourn (Medal with Clasp, Knight of the
Legion of Honor, and Turkish Medal). Three times mentioned in despatches.

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