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Medical Staff.—War Services. 388
-- Doctor J. A. Marston served in the Egyptian war of 1S82 as Sanitary Officer, and w.ts present at the battle of
Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches, promoted Deputy Surgeon General, Medal with Clasp, 3rd Class of the
'Osmanieh, and Kbedive's Star).
^^ Doctor R. W. Meadows served with the 9th Regiment in the Crimea from Oct. 1S54, including the siege and
fall or Sebastojiol, and assault of the batteries on the iSth June (Medal with Clas]), and Turkish Medal). Served
in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and was present in the engagements at Ahmed Kheyl and Urzoo near Ghuzneo
(Medal wilh Clasp).
'* Mr. R. Hungerford served in the Crimea from nth March 1855 (Medal with Clasps for Sebastopol, and
Turkish Medal). Served with the 53rd Regiment during the Indian campaign of 1857-58, including the action of
Khodagungo and entrj' into Futteligunge, storm and capture of Meangunge, siege and capture of Lucknow, and
affair of Koorsie, and some minor afflurs ( with Clasp).
"' Doctor John TuUoch served \vith the loth Regiment in the Indian campaign of 1857-58, including the sup¬
pression of the mutiny at Benares, capture of Atrovvleea, advance to Lucknow and actions at Chanda, Umoerpore,
Sultaupore, and Douraha, siege and capture of Lucknow, relief of Azimghur, and operations near Jugdespore
(Medal with Clasp).
^' Doctor T. Tarrant served in the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 (Medal with Clasp for Sebastopol, and Turkish
Modal). Served in the Indian campaign of 1857-58, including the battle of Cawnpore, action of ICalee Nuddee, and
affair of Kunkur (Medal). Served in South Africa as Senior Medical Oflicer in Wood's Force from June to Sep¬
tember 1878 ; afterwards in the Zulu war of 1879, in Tearson's Cctamn till March 1B79 ; and then with the Ekowo
relieving force, being present at the engagement at Gingindhlovu (mentioned in despatches). Was after.vards
Principal Medical Ollicer of the ist Division from its formation until its dissolution (Medal with Clasp).
^* Doctor R. Wolseloy served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 with the 20th Regiment, including the battles of
Alma, Balaklava, and Inkermau (wounded), siege and fall of Sebastopol, and assaults of the i8th June and 8th
September (Medal with four Clasps, and Turkish Medal).
™ Mr. G. M. Slaughter served with the 7th Hussars in the Indian campaign from Fob. 1858 to March 1859
and was present at the affair of Mcengunge, siege and capture of Luckuow, affairs of Barree and Sirce, action of
Nawabgunge, occupation of Fyzabad, passage of theGoomtoe at Sultanpore, throughout the Bj'swarra campaign,
including the affiiirs of Kandoo Nuddee, Paleeghat, and Hyderghnr, pursuit of Benhi Madho's Force to the Goomtee ;
also the Trans-Gogra campaign, including the affair near Chiirda and pursuit, taking the Fort of Moojeedia, attack
on Bankee with pursuit to the Raptee, advance into Ncpaul, and affair at Sitkaghat (Medal with Clasp).
^' Doctor W. H. Corbett served in the Crimean campaign from the gth January to the i3fh June 1855, including
the siege of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served in India with the Sist Regiment in the
Eusoofzie Expedition under Sir S. Cotton in 1858 (Medal with Clasp). Served in the mutiny in India in 1857-58, and
was present when the Sist Regiment under Colonel Renny disarmed at Mean Meer one Regiment of Native Cavalry
and three Regiments of Native Inlautry, all disaffected and ripe for mutiny.
^- Mr. R. Webb served in India in 1857-58, and was present at the actions of Banda and Chitrakote (mentioned
in despatch. Medal).
33 Mr. Faught was employed as Sanitai-y Officer at Cape Coast Castle during the Ashanti war in 1874 (Medal).
Served in the Afghan war of 187B-80 (Medal).
3* Mr. AV. H. Muschamp served in the 'Jrimea from the 30th August 1855, including the siege and fall of
Bebastopol, and attack of the 8th September (Modal, with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served in the N.AV. Provinces
in suppressing the mutiny of 1857-58, including the oiicrations at Cawnpore under Wiudham, defeat there of the
Gwalior Contingent, actions of Kalee Nuddee and Khankur, capture of Bareilly, relief of Shahjehanpore, and affairs
of Mahoindee, Shahabad, and Bunkagaon (Medal).
3= Doctor S. A. Lithgow served with the 75th Regiment during the Indian campaign of 1857-59 (in medical
charge from the commencement of the operations against Delhi until the relief of Lucknow), and was present at the
action of Budleekcserai, siege of Delhi and caiJture of the city, pursuit of the enemy and actions of Bolundshuhur,
Agra, Allygliur, Akrabad, and Kanqj, advance into Oude, and affairs of Mara gunge, Alumbagh, and Dilkoosha, and
relief of Lucknow by Lord Clyde, thereafter remained with Outrara's Division at the Alumbagh and was iiresent at
the repulse of the several attacks and at the affiiir of Guilee (Medal with two Clasps).
3" Mr. A. M. Tippetts served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 with the 7th Fusiliers, including the affair of
Bulganac, battles of Alma and Inkcrman, and siege of Sebastopol (Medal with three Clasps, and Turkish Medal).
3S Mr. C. G. Irwin served the Eastern caraiiaign of 1854 up to t'le 22nd September, and again from 15th July
1855, including the battle of Alma, siege and fall of Sobastopol (Medal with two Clasps, and Turkish Medal).
*' Mr. A. G. Elkington served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the battles of Balaklava and Inkerman
(wounded), siege and fall of Sebastopol, and sortie on the 26th October (Medal with three Clasps, 5th Class of the
Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
" Mr. G. L. Hinde served in the Crimea from the 30th July 1855, inc'uding the siege and fall of Sebastopol
(Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served in the Hoer war of 1S81.
" Mr. E. G. M'Dowell served with the 44th Regiment the campaign of i860 in North China, including the action
of Siidio, storm and capture of the Taku Forts (Medal with Clnsi)). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal,
3rd Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star;; also served in the »3oudan Expedition muter Sir Gerald Graham in
18B4 as Principal Medical Oflioer, and was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai (twice mentioned
in despatches, CB., and two Clasps).
■" Mr. S. Puller served with the gth Lancers in the suppression of the Indian mutiny in 1S58-59, and was
present at the capture of ilocangunge, siege and capture of Lucknow, the summer campaign in Oude and
Rohilcuud \vith actions at Rhodamow and Allygunge, capture of Baroilly, action near Shahjehanpore and pursuit to
Mahomdee, passage of the Gogra at Fyzabad (Medal with Clasp).
*=■ Mr. T, N. Hoysted served with the 59th Regiment at the operations before and capture of Canton on 2Sth
and 29th Dec. 1857 (Medal with Clasp). Served with the 54th Regiment in the Indian mutiny campaign at the last
advance into Oude under Lord Clyde in 1858, including the capture of Fort Ameetie (Medal). Served in the Afghan
war in 1878-79, and was present at the capture of the Ptiwar Kotal (Medal with Clasp).
■■^ Mr. E. H. Roberts served with the 72nd Highlanders in the Crimea from 13th June 1855, including the
expedition of Kertch, siege and fall of Sebastopol, and attacks of the i8th Juno and 8th September (Medal with
Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served with the 79th Highlanders in the Indian campaign of 1857-58, including the
siege and capture of Lucknow, attack on the Fort of Rooyah, action of Allygunge, and capture of Bareilly (Medal
with Clasp).
" Mr. W. ColUs served with the 98th Regiment in the Peshawur Expeditionary Force on the Euzofzie Frontier
under Sir Sydney Cotton in April and May 1858, and at the affair with the Hindostanee fanatics on the Heights
cf Sittana on the 4th May (Medal with Clas])). Served during the operations in the Malay States under Brigadier
General Ross, as Principal Medical OlRcer from 24 Nov. 1875 to 31 January 1876 (Medal).
■** Doctor B. C. Kerr served in the Kafir war in 1879 80, and was present during the operations against Seku-
kuni including the storming of the stronshold (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp).
*'■' Mr. A. F. Bradshaw served with the 2nd Battalion Rifle Brigade through the whole of its service in the
suppression of the Indian mutiny, including the capture of Lucknow and numerous affairs during the Oude cam¬
paign (Medal with Clasj)),
^" Mr. R. Lewer served in the Royal Navy during the operations in the Baltic and was present at the bombard¬
ment of Sweaborg (Medal). Served in the Afghan war of 187S-80 in medical charge of the gth Lancers and as
Sanitary Officer to the Cabul Field Force, and wsis present in the operations around Cabul in December 1879
including the investment of Shcrpore; accompanied Bu- Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar, and was
present at the battle of Candahar (mentioned in despatches. Medal with two Clasps, and Bronze Decoration).
'' Doctor James Landale served in the Indian Mutiny campaign in 1858-59 in medical charge of the head
quarters of the g2nd Foot, including the actions at Rahutghur, Mongrowlee, Sindvvaho. Kurai, and Haroda (Medal).
'^ Mr. W. Ashton served in the Indian campaign of 1858-59, and was present with the 79th Highlanders at
ihe storm and capture of Rampore Cassie, and passage of the Gogra at Fyzabad, present with the 53rd Regiment
at the action of Toolsepore, and minor affairs (Medal).
" Mr. R. W. Clifton served with the expedition to China in i860, and was present at the action of Sinho, and
capture of the Taku Forts (Medal with Clasp).

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