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War Services of Eoyal Engineers {late Bengal Engineers). 228e
and thanked by the Government of India). Served throughout the campaign of 1863 against the Boneyrs and other
Affghan tribes, including the storm and recapture of the Craig Piquet and Umbeyla, and destruction of Mulkah
(mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp). Served in the Abyssinian campaign as Director of the Trigono¬
metrical Survey, and was mentioned in despatches as having "by the most strenuous exertions (together with his
Assistants Liou'ts. Diimmuler and Holdich), and at a cost of great fatigue and privations, succeeded in surveying
nearly 6,000 square miles, and carried their work from the coast to Magdala " (Medal).
'" Colonel B. Lovett served in the Afghan war in 1878-79, and was oresent at the attack and capture of Ali Musjid
(Brevet of Lt,Colonel, Medal with Clasp).
<^* Major Hcaviside served as Assistant Field Engineer in the Bhootan campaign of 1864-65 (Medal with Clasp).
Served in the Afghan war in 1S78-79 as Survey Officer at Candahar, and subsequently in charge of the survey
operations with the Thnll Chotiali Field Force (Brevet of Major, Medal).
^^ Major Clarke served in the Abyssinian campaign in the Water Supply Department from Senafe to Addigerut
and performed excellent service (mentioned in despatches. Medal).
w Major Cunningham served as Assistant Field Engineer in the Bhootan Field Force in 1875-76 (Medal with Clasp).
<^s Major Alves served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and was present in the engagement at Charasiah on the
2sth April 1880 (mentioned in despatches. Medal).
'» Major J. A. Armstrong served with the Hazara Field Force as Assistant Field Engineer throughout the opera-
tions of 1868; had charge of the Field Telegraph and was mentioned in General Wilde's despatch for having rapidly
constructed and worked the Telegraph Line (Medal with Clasp).
"° Major Cotton served in the Bhootan campaign in 1864-65 as Assistant Field Engineer (Medal with Clasp).
War Services of Boyal Engineers {late Madras Engineers).
> Sir Arthur Thomas Cotton served throughout the Burmese war of 1824-26 under Sir Archibald Campbell, and
was present at the capture of Rangoon, reconnoitring in gunboats and jungle fighting near Kemundine, attack ot
stockades and Pagoda of Syriam, capture of Mergui and Tavoy, defence of the Lines at Rangoon and attack of the
left flank of the Burmese Entrenchments, attack of the Stockade of Kokein, siege and capture of Donabew, attack of
Shan Stockades and of stockades on the left bank of the Irrawaddy near Prome, capture of Melloon and jung'e
fight at Paghammew which terminated the war (Medal with Clasp).
^ Major General Mullirs served in the second Burmese war as Senior Encrinoer Officer, and commanding the
Detachment of Sappers and Miners with the force under Brigadier General Gheape, employed against the Chief Myah
Toon in the vicinity of Donabew, in February and March 1853 (Medal).
!<' Colonel Rogers served in the second Burmese war (Medal).
" Colonel Stewart commanded the Madras.Sappers throughout the Chinese campaign of i860, and was present
at the action of Sinho, capture of Tangchow and of the Taku Forts, action of Palichau, and subsequent operations
ending in the surrender of Pekin (Medal with two Clasps, and Brevet of Major).
'* Sir H. N. D. Prendergast served with the Madras Sappers and Miners in Persia in 1857, and was present
at the bombardment of Mohumrah (Medal with Clasp). Served as Assistant Field Engineer with the Malwa Field
Force in 1857, and with the Central India Field Force under Sir Hugh Rose in 1858, took part in the sieges of Dhar,
Ratghur, Goratote, and Jhansi, was present at nearly all the battles and minor affairs of the above forces till the
capture of Calpee (Brevet of Major, Victoria Cross, and Medal with Clasp) : received the UC under the following
circumstances:—"For conspicuous bravery on the 21st November 1857, at Mundisore, in saving the life of Lieu
tenant G. Dew, 14th Light Dragoons, at the risk of his own, by attempting to cut down a Volaitoe, who covered him
(Lieutenant Dew) with his piece, from only a few paces to tlie rear. Lieutenant Prendergast was wounded in this
affair by the discharge of the piece, and would probably have been cut down had not the rebel been killed by Major
Orr. He also distinguished himself by his gallantry in the actions at Ratgurh and Betvva, when he was severely
wounded. Major General Sir tlugh Rose, in forwarding his recommendation to this Officer, states:—' Lieutenant
Preudergast, Madras Engineers, was specially mentioned by Brigadier, now Sir Charles Stuart, for the gallant act
at Mundisore, when he was severely wounded. Secondly, he was ' specially mentioned' by mo when acting volun¬
tarily as my Aide de Camp in the action before besieging Ratgurh, on the Beena river, for gallant conduct. Hia
horse was killed on that occasion. Thirdly, at the action of ' The Betwa,' he again voluntarily acted as my Aide de
Camp, and distinguished himself l)y his bravery in the charge which I made with Captain Need's Troop, Her Majesty's
14th Light Dragoons, against the left of the so-called Peishwa's army, under Tantia Topee. He was severely wounded
on that occasion.' " Commanded the Detachment of three Companies of Madras Sappers and Minors in Abyssinia,
was Field Engineer during the advance, and was present at the action before Magdala (mentioned in despatches
as having "rendered singularly valuable and important services," Brevet of Lt.Colonel, and Medal).
*^ Colonel Lindsay served in tho Indian mutiny campaign in 1858, and "was present at the affairs of Jheegun '
and Kubrai, battle of Banda, relief of Kirweo, and in the Reserve during tho storm of the Heights of Punwarre (Meda'
with Clasp). Served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and took part in the march to Candahar with tho force under
Major General Phayre (mentioned in despatches. Medal).
'•^ Colonel Burton served in the Indian mutiny campaign of 1857-58, and was present at the relief of Luoknow by
Lord Clyde (horse shot), at the occupation of tho Alumbagh by Outram's Force, and at the siege and capture ot
Lucknow (Medal with two Clasps, and one year's extra service).
1* Lt.Colonel Traill served throughout the Chinese campaign of i860, was present at the action of Sinho, capture
of Tangku, and engaged with the storming party at the fall of the Taku Forts; afterwards had charge of the demoli¬
tion of the forts on the south side of the Peiho (Medal with Clasp).
" Lt.Colonel Filgate served as Assistant Field Engineer throughout the Chinese campaign of i860, and was present
at the action of Siuho, captures of Tangku and tho Taku Forts, and surrender of Pekin (Medal with two Clasps).
"" Lt.Colonel Pennycuick served in the Abyssinian campaign in command of H Company Madras Sappers (Medal).
^^ Major A. F. Hamilton commanded the Madras Sappers and Miners in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was
present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
War Services of Royal Engineers (late Bombay Engineers),
' General GoodfoUow served in the expedition against Kolapore in 1827.
' General Turner served in the expedition against Kolapore in 1827.
5 Sir Michael Kennoity served in the Afghan war of 1878-80 as Controller General of Transport and Supply, and
was present in the operations round Cabul in December 1879 (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp).
' Lieut.General Walker served throughout the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49 as Field Engineer and was present at
the siege and surrender of Mooltan, the battle of Goojerat, and tho subsequent pursuit of the Silvhs and Affghau.^
(Medal with two Clasps). For five years (1849-53) he was employed in making a military survey of the Northern
Trans Indus Frontier, from Peshawur down to Derail Ishmail Khan, daring which he served as Field Engineer in
many of the encounters with the Hill Tribes on the Frontier ; attheattacks of Suggow, PuUi, andZormundi, under
Colonel Bradshaw ; in the affiiir of the Kohat Pass, under Sir Charles Napier; in the actions of Prangzai, Nowa-
dund, Shahkote, and Raneezai, under Sir Colin Campbell; the attack of Boree under Colonel Boilcau; and subse¬
quently, in i860, in the expedition against the Mahsood Wuzeerees, under Sir Neville Chamberlain (Medal with
Clasp). In 1857, daring the mutiny of the Bengal Army, he was at first attached to tho Staff of Brigadier General
Neville Chamberlain when that officer was commanding the Punjaub Movable Column, and subsequently accom¬
panied him to Delhi, where he was also employed during tho siege as Field Engineer, and was severely wounded
(Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).

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