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Umballa, '
2nd. Dragoon Guards {Queen s Bays).
The Koyal C^'pher within the Garter. " Lucknow."
Colonel.—Sir Charles Pyndar Beauchamp AValker,' KCJB. Unsign, ""aj Feb. 36; Lt. 21 June 35: Ciipl.
^22 Dec. 46 ; Major, 8 Dec. 54 ; Lieutenant Colonel, ''9 Nov. 55; Colonel, 9 Nov. 60; Major General. 6 .Mar. 6S
lAeut. General, 1 Oct. 77 ; General, 7 Oct. 84 ; Colonel 2nd Dragoon Guards, 22 Dec. 81.
Lieutenant Colonels.—William Hanning Lee, Commandimj the Hegimeit, 21 July 82 ; Cornet, i'2i Nov. 65 ; JJ.
''21 Oct. 67 ; Capf. ^5 Nov. 70 ; Major, i Dec. 80 ; Zf.Colonel, i July 81; Colonel, 1 Jnl.y 85.
Charles Albert Leslie Attila French, Cornet, I'ls June 60; if. •'23 June 65; Capt. ''13 Jan. 6g ; Major,
I Jul.y 81: Lf.Colonel, 21 July 82.
James Frederick Stuart Mcntcth.,
jOct. 64 ''16 Mar.
: Dec. 69
10 A^iril 78
22 Jan.
21 June
13 Antf.
19 Feb.
P30 Nov.
30 Dec.
30 Dec.
''21 Aug.
2 Dec.
28 Oct.
9 Aug.
12 Aug.
II Sept.
13 Jul.y
28 Apr.
Francis Jas.Ashburaer.P"(/masto'27Jra5'ooH!i p q April 70
Foster Cunliffe Lister Kay
Arthur Lewis George Gould-..
WiUiam Rose Wyliter ''2 Feb.
Joseph Alexander Lambert, AJJiitanf
Derhi/nhire Yeomanry Cavalry
Nicholas Sadlior P2
Henry Clerk
Frederick Gordon-Mackenzie, Acljittanf >
Jlanipttkire Yeomanry Cavalry S
.John Cecil de Veel Tattersall
Cuthbert Pilkington Dawson, Ordnance )
Store Department ■ )
Richard Alexander Scott
George Berthon Preston
Capon Henry Preston, .4d7'u<a«< 2 July 79 ...
Robert Fieunes Hibbert
George Prescott Douglas
James Edward Dewar
George O'Connor
William Kirk
Warden Flood ' 13 Aug.
John Christian Appold Anstice I
George Valentine Whitla '
William llorsley Persse
Edward Ernest Hugh Riley
William Wilfred Cordeau.K
Charles Kcndal Bushe'
Edward Robertson Gordon
Maurice FitzGerald
Paymaster.—Thomas Aked, 30 Jan. 79; Ens.
Major, 30 .Tan. 84.
Riding Master.~iiei\ry Andrew Hughes, 23 July 79.
Quarter Masfer.--William Carter, 7 Jan. 82.
Scarlet—Facings Buff.—.4.9'c»/«, Messrs. Cox and Co
Fmbarked for India, 22 Noc. 1885.
29 Jan.
19 Jan.
7 June
2 July
8 Jan.
1 Dec. 80!
2 Feb. 81 j
II Oct. 81
21 July
3 Dec.
12 Juno
I Jan.
I July 81
21 July 82
10 July 84
22 .Tul.T S3
24,Tuly S5
2 July
1 July
I July
1 July
29 July 82
9 Sept. 82
2 Aug. 82
I Dec. 80
25 Aug. 83
6 May 85
6 May 85
10 Oct. 85
10 Mar. 8}
23 Aug. 84
25 Nov.
23 Nov.
Apr. 64 ; Lt. •'4 Apr. 65 ; Cai^t. ''30 March 67 ; Uonorar/
1 Sir Charles Walker served the Eastern campaign of 1851 as Aide de Camp to the Earl of Lucan, including the
battles of Alma, Balaclava, and Inkerman, and siege of Sebastopol; was also at the cavalry afl'air the day ))rovioua
to Alma; at the surprise of the Russian rear-guard at M'Kenzie's Farm; and served as a volunteer oti board
H.M.S. iic//e/-o;iAo« at the bombardment of Sebastopol on the 17th October (Medal with four Clasps, 5th Class ot
the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Served in the field in India in 1859, first in command of a Field Force at
Secrora in Oude, near which place he defeated tha rebels on 27th April, and afterwards in command of the Column
which accompanied Sir Hope Grant to the Nepaul Frontier, including the action of the Jerwah Pass (MedaT.
Served in China throughout the campaign of i860 as Assistant Qr. Master General of Cavalrj-, and was present at
the actions of the 12th August, i8th and 21st September, and in the advance on Pekin {CB., Medal with Clasps)'.
Served in the campaign of 1866 in Bohemia and Moravia as British Military Commissioner at the Head Quarters
of the Second Prussian Arm j' under H.R.lf. the Crown Prince, and was present at the battles of Nachod and
Koniggratz (Medal). The 2nd Class of the Red Eagle with Swords offered to him b.y the King of Prussia he was
prevented from accepting l>-j existing regulations, but having received permission to accept and wear the i8rt6
Medal it was forwarded to him directly bj- the King of Prussia, accompanied by an autograph letter from His
Majesty. Served throughout the Franco-German war in 1870-71, as British Military Commissioner atthpllead
Quarters of the 3rd Germar Army under H.R.H. the Crown Prince of Prussia, and was present at the battles of
Weissembnrg, Worth, and Sedan, and throughout the investment of Paris, and received the permission of ller
Majesty to accept ancl wear the Iron Cross, and the Medal granted at the termination of the campaign.
2 Major A. L. G. Gould served in the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal with Clasp).
3 Captain Sadlier served with the King's Dragoon Guards in the Zulu war of 1879, in the squadron under M.ijor
Marter, including the cavalry affair at Erzungayan (Medal with Clasp).
5 Lieut. Bushe served in tlie Nile E.ipedition in 1884 85 with the ist Battalion of the Gordon Highlanders anil
with the River Column under Major General Earlj (Medal with Clasp).

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