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Lieutenant Colonels wlio have lietired by Sale, by Coynmutatlon, Sfc.
London, Robert Alex. 5 W. I. Regt 28 Sept. 73
Lovell, Charles Neville, Royal Artillery 6 Dee. 66
Lowe, Robert Henry Curzou Drury,i^»Gr. Gds. 10 July 66
Lowndes, John Heiu'y, 6 F. Gent, at Arms 6 June 56
Uffi Loyd-Lindsay, Sir Rob. Jas."6 KCB. Scots
Guards, MP.for Berkshire 22 July 59 j
Lushin.a:ton, Franklin,!'" cB. Scots Guards ... 20 June 54 1
Lyon, Fred. Lee Hopkinson,'''* R. Artillery.... 14 July 80
Lys, George Jlowbray,^™ CB. 20 Foot 15 May 55
Lyster, Fred. Torrens.*" at Foot 24 Dec. 70
M'Barnet, Alexander Cockbui-n,^"^ 79 Foot 25 Apr. 63
M'Court, John,2** Military Train 21 Mar. 69
M'Pherson, Philip,^"5 17 Foot 23 Dec. 76
MacBean, Forbes, 92 Footj 15 Dee. 69
Maedonald, Alexander, 68 Foot 20 June 54
MacDonald, Peter.^f 13 Foot 19 Dec. 65
MacFarlane, Francis John,''"* 3 Dragoon Gds. i Oct. 77
MacGregor, Malcolm,*" Unattached 10 May 59
Mackay, Henry Fowler, 76 Foot 20 June 54
Maclean, SirFitzRoy Donald,211 Bt. 13 Hussars 4 Feb. 71
Macpherson, Andrew John,-'3 24 Foot 27 Deo. 68
MacPherson, Duncan, 42 Foot 10 Jan. 37
Macpherson, Lachlan,^'^ 30 Foot 21 Nov. 74
Maguire, John,21* 60 Rifles 5 Aug. 64
Malet, Charles St. Lo, 8 Foot 25 Oct. 42
Manners, Herbert Russell,-'^ Depot Battalion... i Feb.
Mansergh, John Craven,2'" 25 Foot 26 Oct.
Margesson, William George,'^'^ 80 Foot i Apr
Martiu,Thomas,^^'' 4 Foot
. 7°
7 Apr. 65
Martindale, Ben Hay, CB. Royal Engineers ... 6 July 67
Massey, Son. Lionel Edward,' Scots Guards... 18 Dec. 66
Mathias, William,''-i 62 Foot 20 June 54
Maude, Geo. Ashley,22«CS.R.Art.,CrowreEjiiej-ry 23 Feb. 56
Mauleverer, Benjamin Bunbmy,223 88 Foot ... i Jan. 68
Maunsell, Richard, II Foot i Apr. 70
Maunsell, Robert, Depot Battalion 13 Aug. 68
Maynard, Edmund Gilliug,^^? 33 i^oot 26 Apr. 59
Mein, Frederick Robert,*-" CB. 94 Foot 31 Jan. 64
Meredith, Henry Warter,-2' 45 B'oot 7 Mar. 62
Mildmay, Herbert A. St. John,23o Rifle Brigade 24 Nov. 77 '
Miller, Frederick,*^! 63 Foot i Jan. 68
Miller, James,**^ 11 Hussars 8 Mar. 59
Miller, Thomas,*'^ 81 Foot 3 Sept. 50
Milligan, Charles,^^'39 Foot 8 Sept. 77
Moffatt, William Henry,236 ,g Foot 13 Mar. 78
MoUan, William Camp'bell,^^' CB. 96 Foot 20 July 58
Molyneux, Hoft. Caryl Craven, 10 Hussars 26 Mar. 73
Monckton, Hon. Horace Manners,*^' 3 Hussars 12 June 60
Montagu, James Van Hart'nals,*" 10 Foot i Apr. 66
Montresor, Henry Edward,-" Grenadier Gds... 6 Nov. 54
Moray, HenryEdwardHome Drummond-,Scots
Guards 5 Sept. 77
Morley, Wilbraham E. E., R. Marines 20 Dec. 81
Mortimer, Tho. Bythesea, Unatt. Arms 25 Mar. 59
Mosse, William,'^'2 29 Foot - 28 Mar. 74
Mostyn, JfoM. Roger, Scots Guards 26 Dec. 59
Murray, Charles Stewart, 72 Foot 17 Dec. 79
Murray, James Florence, 97 Foot i Apr. 66
Murray, John,*** Grenadier Guards 21 Sept.60
Naylor, James Sadler,2" 8 Hussars 31 Jan. 58
Need, Sir Arthur, i4Hns. Lt. Yeomen of the Guard 14 Jan. 62
Neville, Edward,^" Scots Guards 28 Nov. 56
Newbigging,\Vm.2i6ManchesterRegt.(96Foot) 5 Sept.83
Newdigate, Francis William, Coldst. Guards... 4 Sept. 54
Nicoll, Samuel John Luke, 30 Foot 4 Aug. 46
^.».C.Nolan, John Philip,2*8 Royal Artillery... i Oct. 81
Nugent, Sir George Edmund, JJi.Gren.Guards 9 Jan. 38
Nugent, James, 36 Foot 2 Aug. 60
O'Beirne, Francis,*" 2 Dr.Gds. MP. for Leitrim i July 81
O'Brien, William Creagh.^^o 73 Foot i Apr. 66
O'Connor, Valentine,**'47 Foot 15 Oct. 81
O'Dounell, John Vize, 27 Foot i Apr. 70
Onslow, Arthur Edward, Scots Guards 10 Dec. 47
Ord, Augustus AVilliam, 20 Foot 27 Mar. 72
Orme, William Knox,*'^ 10 Foot 24 June 59
Otway, Walter Philip, Coldstream Guards 4 June 78
Palmer, Edmund,*s5 Royal Artilleiy 23 Mar. 69
Palmer, John, 34 Foot 28 Nov. 54
Patterson, Charles Doyle, 10 Foot, Exon Yeo¬
men of the Guard 30 Apr. 61
Paul, William Henry, Depot Battalion i Oct. 77
Pauli, Newton Jones, 60 Rifles i July 81
Pears, Henry, 25 Foot 21 Aug. 69
Pearson, Charles, 9 Foot 11 Nov. 51
Pearson, Richard Lyons Otway,*WGren. Gds.;
Assistant Commissioner of Metropolitan Police 27 Deo. 64
Peebles, Thomas, II Foot 25 Jan. 69
Peel, Cecil Lennox, Scots Guards 22 Nov. 64
Peel, Edmund yates,*=8 Unattached 12 Dec. 54
Percy, George Algernon, Grenadier Guards... 28 May 80
Peyton, John,*™ 7 Dragoon Guards 28 June 71
Pigott, Arthur, Staff Officer of Pensioners ... 6 July 60
Pigott, John Pelling, Staff 0. of Pensioners... 7 Sept. 67
Pitcaim. Andrew,*"! Depot Battalion 18 Dec. 64
Pitt, HoH. Horace, R. Horse Guards 2 Sept.53
Platt, Charles Rowley,*"* 6 Foot ig Nov. 70
PookUngion, Geo. Henry, 18 F. Gent, at Arm« 22 July 71
Portal, Robert,*" 5 Lancers 12 Mar. 61
Powell, KenryClaringbold,S.O. of Pensioners 17 July 59
Pretyman, William,*"* 60 Foot 26 Dec. 56
Prevost, Charles,*"" 2 West India Regt 23 Mar. 67
Puget, Grenville William,*"'' 34 Foot i Mar. 76
Puget, Johu,*"8 8 Hussars 5 Apr. 71
Radcliffe, Emilius C. Delmd,*"^ 88 Foot 4 June 7°
Ramsay, Balcarres Dalrymple W. Unattached 28 Jan. 7°
Pi,amsd'on, Wm. John Freschville, Coldst. Gds. i Sept. 75
Randolph, John Weech, 57 Foot u Nov. 51
Ready, Charles,*'! 71 Foot 9 Mar. 55
Reeve, Ellis Philip Fox, Coldstream Guards... 30 Mar. 70
Reeve, John,*'^ Grenadier Guards 20 June 54
Rice, Cecil,*'* 72 Foot i Apr. 70
Rich, Charles David,*'" 9 Lancers 28 Aug. 71
Richardson, Fred. 30 Foot... 20 June 5+
Rickman, Albert Divett,*'* Rifle Brigade i July 81
Roberts, F. Thomas, Grenadier Guards 31 Dec. 14
Robertson, Rob. Jameson Eustace,*"''60 Rifles 5 Jnly 73
Robinson, John,*'"* 44 Foot 28 Oct. 64
Robinson, Richard Harcourt, 60 Rifles 5 Deo. 71
Rocke, Richard,*"'72 Foot igAug.Ca
Romer, Robert William,*™ 59 Foot 18 July 65
Romilly, Frederick, Scots Guards 22 Jan. 47
Rooke, Willoughby Sandilands, Scots Guards 5 Jan. 66
Rose, John Rose Holden-,*"* 17Lancers i7Sept.57
Rosohill, Geo. John, Lord, Scots Guards 26 Mar. 73
Ross, Robert Hill,*83 2 Foot i July 81
Rothe, Lorenzo, 93 Foot 21 Feb. 52
Rous, William John,*** Scots Guards 8 Jan, 64
Rowley, Sir Charles, Bart. 9 Lancers 31 Aug. 30
Russell, Andrew Hamilton,**" 58 Foot 6 June 56
Russell, Lord Chas. Jas. Pox, 60 Foot 9 Nov. 46
Russell, Hickman Rose,*** 57 Foot 7 Feb. 74
Ruttledge, Thomas Ormsby,*'" 32 Foot 12 Nov. 62
Rynd, M'Kay,*'! 62 Foot 29 Apr. 64
Sampson, William Henry, Rifle Brigade ao June 58
Saunders, Henry Fred.,*'* 3 West India R«gt. 15 Feb. 61
Scott, Hopton Bassett,*'* 9 Foot 9 Apr. 68
Sealy, Francis, h.p isFeb. 59
Sewell, Algernon Robinson, 15 Foot i Apr. 66
Seymour, Leopold Richard, Grenadier Guards 30 Nov. 70
Shakespear, John Davenport,*'" Royal Art. ... 24 Aug. 61
Sharp, John Edward,*'? i Foot i Apr. 70
Shelley, Charles, Scots Guards 6 Feb. 66
Sherlock, Wright, 18 Foot i July 81
Shortt, William Aldersey,*'* 57 Foot 7 Feb. 74
Siree, Charles Moore B.*»! 3 Foot..-. 8 July 74
Small, Robert, 23 Foot 11 Nov. 51
Smith, Gerard, Scots Guards, MF.forWycombe,
Groom in Waiting to the Queen 24 Sept.70
Smith, Thos. Hardwick,*"* 2 West India Begt. 16 Nov. 60
Smyth, George J. FitzRoy, Coldst. Guards 25 Mar. 71
Somerville, Thomas Henry,*"* 3 Foot 17 Sept. 58
Spicer, AVilliam Fred., 78 Foot 4 June 11
Stanley, Charles Edward Henry, Gren. Grds. 3 Feb. 72
Steevens, Nathaniel,*"" Unattached 14 Jan. 66
Stephens, John Francis,*"* 39 Foot i July 81
Stephens, Nassau Wm. Irwin H., R. Marines... 16 Feb. 82
Stevenson, Henry Holford,*"'Unattached 25 Mar. 69
Stevenson, Thomas, 30 Foot 11 Nov. 51
Steward, Edwin Ashley Tucker,*"* 21 Foot i Jan. 68
Stewart, Duncan,*"'92 Foot 6 Oct. 72
Stisted, Thomas Heathcote,*!" 7 Hussars 4 Juno 70
jy.s.c. Stonoy, Francis Sadleir,*'*R. Artillery... ig Jan. 8r
p.s.c. Story j Philip Conway,*'* S. Lancashire
Regiment (40 F.) i June 83
Stracey, Edward John,*!* Scots Guards 24 May 50
Strachan, Henry Augustus,*!* ^g Foot 2 Nov. 55
Strong, Owen H. 10 Foot 24 Nov. 77
Stuart, Jas. Fred. Dudley Crichton, Gren. Gds. 19 June 55
Stuart-Wortley, Arch. Henry P.,*" Unatt 16 Feb. 62
Stucley, William Lewis, Grenadier Guards ... 11 Aug. 63
SwaiHeld, Charles James Orton,*!* Depot Batt. i Apr. 70
Synge, George Charles,*" 52 Foot 27 Dec. 68
Talbot, John, West Riding Regt. (76 Foot) 26 Sept. 83
Taylor, Alexander,**" Unattached 23 Aug. 61
Tench, Donald William,*** h.p 29 Mar. 68
Terry, Frederic Stephen,**! 25 Foot 3 June 84
Teulon, Thomas, 35 Foot 20 Apr. 70
Tew, Cyril Blackbume,*** 15 Foot 1 July 81
Thellusson, Alexander Dalton,*** 72 Foot 20 Jnly 38
Thomas, Henry John,*** Royal Artillery 23 Feb. 56
Thompson, Daniel, 67 Foot i Oct. 77
Thompson, John Wycliffe,**'' 7 Dragoon Gds... ji Apr. 62
Thornton, Harry Godfrey, Gren. Guards 22 Sept.75
Thursby, Richard Ilasel, Coldstream Guards.. 2 Sept. 68
Thynne, Alfred Walter, Grenadier Guards 16 Qot. 66
Thynne, Lord William, Grenadier Guards 31 Aug. 38
Tipping, Alfred,**'Grenadier Guards 11 Jan. 58
Tottenham, Charles George,**' Scots Guards;
7 Brigade iV. Irish Division lioyal Artillery
( Wicklov:^ Artillery Militia) 15 June 60
e. Touzel, Thomas Percival, 27 Foot.., 12 Oct. 57
Tremayne, Arthur,*** 13 Hussars 21 Feb. 60
Tritton, Frederick Biscoe, Depot BattaUon 12 May 69
Trotter, Robert Knox, 28 Foot u Nov. 51

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