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Militia Infantry of Great Britain.
Thomas Paulinus Lawson.. 8 May 67
Robt.TaylorRichard30n,y.s. 8 Apr. 70
Robert Hugf^nson 17 May 73
John Aug. Metcalfe,7).». ... 1 Feb. 73
Richard Bassett Wilson, ^.8. 4 July 74
Surtees Wilkinson 4 July 74
H.C. '}io\j-aeuii.,Capt.retired
pay, 68 F 11 Sept. 75
James Allison 30 May 81
Harry S. C. Smithson 14 Apr. 77
C. M. Campbell-Haslip ...24 June 77
J. Armstone B. Denny, i'.».25 June 77
William H. Scott it Sept. 78
Chas. Henry Thompson ... 3 Sept. 79
Percival W. liewicke 19 Jan. 81
James Edward Dewar i July 81
Claude Arthur Cuthbei't ... i July 81
Francis Swift B. Boyle 1 July 81
Gordon Sutherland Morris i July 81
Alexander George Sutton i July Bi
Adjt.^ Cu^jif.-W.A.Berwick,
Capt. JDurham Light In¬
fantry (106 F.) 17 Aug. 80
Qr. Maat. (with rank of Qr.
Mr. in the Army).—Abra¬
ham King' I Apr. 77
Med. Off: — James Munro,
MD, Surgeon Major 15 Apr. 76
White Facings.
(Formerly the 2nd or North Durham
Head Quarters, Durham.
HosoR.iET Colonel.
Marquis of Londonderry,
KP. late of I Life Ods.;
Lord Lieutenant 12 Mar. 62
James J. Allison, Hon.Col... i July 74
John H. Keough 10 Oct. 74
John Wm. Dickson, late Lt.
71 F.,p.s 9 Mar. 81
TSdw.Leadbitter Smith, p.s. 7 Nov. 65
John Pass, late Lieut. 88 F. 16 Apr. 73
Owen Clark Wallis 4 Sept.75
Henry J. P. Mulcaster 6 Deo. 76
Alfred Reid 7 Nov. 77
Gerald Milnes Gaskell, late
Lt.g^F 23 Jan. 78
Mark Henry Lambert 7 May 79
Thomas Lockhart 17 Aug. 81
Edmund A. W. Cox 23 Oct. 78
John F. Gray 16 Aug. 79
Harold G.,De Pledge 29 Apr. 80
Malcolm Stewart Riach ...17 Nov. 80
Fred. Mclvor Roome 26 Apr. 81
Walter S. Welch 26 Apr. Si
Leonard Shafto Appleby... i July 81
WilloughbySeymourBurto i July Bi
Fred. G. L. Purchas i July 81
Owen Hunt Fisher i July 81
Walter Mackay Staniford...15 Oct. 81
AdJt.Sf Capi.—C.E.P..Jervi8,
Capt. Durham Light Jn-
.fantry (106F.) ...'. 15 Sept. 80
Qr.MasteriKithriink of Qr.
Mr. in the Army).—
White Facings.
Lieutenant Colonel.
Sam. De la Grange Williams 6 Oct. 77
Geo. Johnson Gossling,ij).s.31 Deo. Si
John Wild Thackeray, late
Lt. 41 F. iS Sept.72
Wm. Aug. F. Blakeney, late
Capt. 52 F.; Inst.of Musk.2j Oct. 75
Wm. Fred. Story 20 Nov. 75
S. H. lia,Tdy,late Capt. 74 2<'.i2 Aug. 76
WiUiam J. O. GilesS 14 Mar. 74
George Robert Cruden 20 Nov. 78
Fra. John Outhwaite, p.s. 16 May 68
C. R. P. Vernon 7 Aug. 80
T. D. Smith-Cunninghame 7 Aug. 80
Ernest J. Wilkinson 18 Oct. 79
Fred. A. J. Syers 21 Aug. So
James Lees 21 Aug. 80
Thomas S.G. H. Robertson-
Aikman 21 Aug. 80
Croft C. W. Bennett i July 81
Eustace Smallwood i July 81
Robert James Howard i July 81
Henry A. Trulock-Hankin.. i July Bi
Everard Henry F. Heneage i July 81
Ernest Somervell i July Bi
Hugh Crespigny Eastwood i July Bi
Philip Richard Day i July 81
Wm. Joseph Statter Carr... i July 81
Everleigh Langdon-Down i Jul.y 81
HughFortescueW.Gwatkin i July 81
Adjt. 4- Capt.—G. J. Hamilton,
Maj. Cameronians (26 i^.)i3Mar. 77
Qr. Master(vcith rank of Qr.
Mr. in the Army).—Alex.
Spark I Ai)r. 77
Med. Off.—
Yellow Facings.
The Higliland Light Infantry
3BD Battalion.
{Formerly the 1st Royal Lanark Militia.)
Head Quarters, Hamilton.
HoNOEAET Colonel.
"W. A. L. S. Duke 0/Hamil¬
ton and Brandon, KT. ...23 Mar. 78
Lt.Colonel Cousandant.
Wm.M-Cochrane, Ho.'j.Co!. 26 Aug. 76
Seaforth Highlanders,
3ED Battalion.
Formerly the Siyhland Mijle Militia.)
Head Quarters, Dingwall.
Lt.Colonel Commandant.
G. W. Holmes Ross,D£. JP.
late Lt. g2F.; Son. Col.p.s. 11 Feb. 56
Alex. C. Macleay,j).s 12 Dec. 70
p.s., late Cornet 16 Lancersio Mar. 75
Hugh Law Rose,i DL. JP.
late Lt. Royal Marines, p.s. 5 Apr. 70
Hector Munro, p.s 31 Jan. 71
Joseph Chas. Ross Grove,^
late Capt. ^2 F.,Son.Ma;.21 June 71
C Mackenzie, to^eCopi.78 F.II June 73
Wm. Francis Maitland-
Kirwan, Capt. h.p. 78 2^.16 Oct. 80
William Stirling 17 Nov. 80
James H. Henderson, p.«....3o June Si
Edw.ElwyuDarvaU,/a;fi2.JV. i July Si
George F. H. Dillon 17 Apr. So
George M.Gann Muni'o, j).«.i7 Apr. 80
Henry Robert Baird 17 Apr. 80
Trevor Grant 17 Apr. 80
Arthur Newnham Davis ...17 Apr. 80
Charles I.Wimberley,^.*....i2 June 80
James Stirling i July 81
Thomas St.C.Davidson,/),*, i July Bi
Arthur Herbert Goldfinch., i July 81
Addison Y. Thomson, jj.a... i July 81
Alf. Hamilton M. Edwards i July Bi
Adjt. 4- Capt.—C. J. B.
Stewart, Capt. Seaforfh
Siqhlanders (78 F.) 4 July 77
Qr.Master (with rank of Qr.
Mr. in the ^rmy).—Hugh
Lindsay Macleiman 5 Feb. 19
Jfeci.Q^'.—J.Corbett,4.S!(r^.6 May 69
Y'ellow Facings.
Gordon Highlanders.
3aD Battalion.
(Fo.-merly the Boyal Aberdeenshire
''St.Andrew." Nemo meimpune lacessit.
Head Quarters, Aberdeen.
HoNoRART Colonel.
Field Marshal S.E.S. the
Prince 0/Wales, £&. KT.
KP. acB. GCSl. GCMQ.20 Nov. 72
Lt.Colonel Commandant.
Thomas Innes, JP.Son.Col. s Dec. 70
John Turner, Son. Lt.Col. 23 Dec. 70
Son. Lt.Colonel i Oct. 75
C. Leith Hay, Son. Major 9 July 63
John Alex. Man,' Inst. of
Musketry,p.s.,Son.Major 11 June 70
A. H. T. Earl o/Kiuiore ...16 Aug. 73
Jas. Browne, Capt. h.p. 6s F.
Son. Major 11 Mar. 74
Robert T.'Caldwell, p.» 24 June 74
John Turner 8 Sept.77
James G. F. Russell 15 May 78
Wm. Disney Innes 2 Oct. 78
ArbuthnottPery B. S. Dun-
bar, Capt. ret. pay 92 F...10 Apr. So
John M. Grant, late Lt.g2F.12 Apr. 80
Henry Wm.K.Erskine.I'i.ii Dec.
A. C. S. BrsKine, p.s 26 Peb
Reginald W. Edward 26 Aug.
Alex. D. Campbell 7 Aug.
Michael James Hughes 7 Aug.
Douglas C Abercromby ... 7 Aug.
John Forbes-Mitchell 9 Apr.
Charles Thomas Gordon ... 9 Apr.
W. J. B. Stewart-Menzies 9 Apr.
William James Grant i July
T^-roll Gordon Pirie i July
Alexander Penrose Murray i July
Alex. B. S. Eraser, late Cor¬
net 3 Dragoon Guards i July
Henry S. Lockhart-Ross... i July
Adjt. 4- Capt.—n. H. Oxley,
Capi. Gordon Sighlanders
(92 F.) '. 29 Apr. 80
Qr. Mr. (with rank of Qr. Mr.
in the Army).—Jas. Phyn 1 Apr. 77
Med. Off.— C. M. Macquib-
ban, Surg. My 19 Feb. 76
Yellow Facings.
The Queen's Own Cameron
2ND Battalion.
(Formerly the Sighland Light Infantry
Head Quarters, Inverness.
Lt.Colonel Commandant.
Simon Lord liova,t,Son.Col.10 Dec. 55
Wm. Meyrick Bankes 28 May 73
John Andrew Macdonald...ii Feb. 74
Garden Alex. Duff, DL 24 Feb. 75
James Thomas Shaw 10 Mar. 75
Geo. Ross M'Kessaok 10 July 75
H. L. B. Langford-Brooke,
late Capt. 60 F.Son.Majorii Aug. 75
Alfred D. Mackintosh of
Mackintosh,/tt/e Lt. 71 J?*,2o Feb. 78
Charles James Merry 21 Sept.7S
Horace Wm. Kemble 21 Sept.78
Wm. H. Garforth 27 Sept.79
Wm. G. S. Menzies 27 Sept.79

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